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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4258897 No.4258897 [Reply] [Original]

okey doke, figured I might ask the techies and science peeps here sumthin, since I dunno which board to go to ask for it. Working on something that involves this very problem.

Let's say someone want to distribute an viral agent that was to be spread across the world. The only means to do this was to use what technology and methods we have at our disposal right this very minute, maybe even use an engine slightly more advanced than what we have, a magnetic resonance type of energy source. Tell me this, /g/, what method would you use that would efficiently deliver this agent? and what materials would one need to do this? This is for a game I am running and seeing as I am dumb to this sorta thing, I thought to ask.

>> No.4258909


>> No.4258932

>magnetic resonance type of energy source
The fuck?

How you could distribute the viral agent completely depends on the nature of the virus. For example, is it compatible with airborne dispersion? If yes, then the best way to be commandeer the entire world's fleet of airliners, military transports, bombers, etc., outfit them with tanks to carry the agent, and use them to drop / spray the agent across the entire surface of the planet. It would probably take months to organize the retrofitting of all of these planes, even if you refocused the entire world economy on this single goal. Also, each plane would probably have to go on a large number of sorties: we don't have *that* many planes.

If one asshole wants to do it, then it's not really practical, no. If it can spread by itself then all you need to do is discreetly plant it in a dozen locations across the other. Otherwise it would be impossible.

>> No.4258979

That's how it was explained to me, lol. I know it is very possible with the tech available to us right now, if a bit on the higher end of our capability.

Second, the game is set 20yrs. in the future after a virus hit the planet, "original" I know but I liked the idea. Anything available then is available now, if in a state of disrepair, so any planes can be commandeered and redesigned for this purpose. Maybe...An idea has come up so I am going to have to ask someone about their base, lol. What about other ideas?

>> No.4258986
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I want to believe

>> No.4258994

"Magnetic resonance" is a meaningless term. "Nuclear magnetic resonance" is a very weak effect, whereby if you place atoms in a very strong magnetic field, you can get them to recieve and/or emit radio waves at very specific frequencies. We use this effect for MRI imaging, and the radio signals you get back from the atoms is very weak indeed...

I'm guessing "magnetic resonance" in the context of your game is nothing more than technobabble somebody came up with to "explain" their power sources...