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4256306 No.4256306 [Reply] [Original]

Time travel.

Is it possible?

>> No.4256368

If you were to reverse time, wouldn't you age younger and then not even remember that you went back?

And how do you control the time to stop it from reversing?

>> No.4256377

The old theory was "move faster than light", which actually made more sense than it sounds because of how relativity works, however now that we see some particles moving faster than light(still too early to say this is 100% true though), who the fuck knows. Maybe every one of those particles is just from the future

>> No.4256472

What if you time travel into bedrock that built up over time?

>> No.4256488


The more likely problem is, say you go back five years and the planet happens to be all the way on the other side of the sun at that time. You'll have successfully traveled back into time, and found yourself floating in the vacuum of space.

>> No.4256493

Well to what? The "future"? I guess so, you would just have to slow your self down compared to the earth. Now to the past you can't for one simple reason; there is nothing to go back to. It's not like the universe has some sort of save point. The past just simply dose not exist any more. I guess with that you can't "travail" into the future ether because I doesn't exist yet. The only thing that exist is now and it is always happening and will keep happening till the end of..."time" then nothing will happen and it will keep not happening.

>> No.4256502


>> No.4256547
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>> No.4256598


no because spacetime

>> No.4256612

you'd not be on the vacuum just because the planet is on the other side of the orbit
most likely you'll be in the vacuum, hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the solar system, because you know, it moves, the galaxy moves, the supercumulus w/e we are in moves

>> No.4256613

There are no absolute reference points in space - ever heard of relativity? ...

Also, travelling back in time is just stupid - you end up running into issues with causality, etc.

>> No.4256811

Forward in time? Yes. You're doing it right now as a matter of fact (though if you want to travel through time at anything significantly faster than realtime you'll want to find a mode of transportation that travels at relativistic speeds.

Backwards in time? Not within our current understanding of the Universe.

>> No.4256817

I thought the current understanding was "possible, but absolutely unfeasible on a human level".

>> No.4256823
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I'm already traveling through time at the rate of one second per second.

impressive, I know.

>> No.4256832

>Go back 5 years
>Earth is 5 rotations around the sun from where you started
>You're where you started bro.
blah blah the sun moves relative to this, relative to that

>It's all relative, bro.

>> No.4256831

go to usa look at the time
then go to australia look at the time
do you see any difference?

>> No.4256848

fuck you, I have parkinsons. With respect to you I can only manage 0.9999999 seconds per second.

>> No.4256849
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>> No.4256855

Forwards: Yes you just need to travel really fucking fast
Backwards: Shit outta luck

>> No.4257144



>> No.4257168

If it was possible to travel back in time, then people would travel back in time.

If people travelled back in time, we would see people who have travelled back in time

We have never seen people who have travelled back in time
People have not travelled back in time
People can't travel back in time

(Argument is not totally sound, but it certainly points towards time travel being impossible)

>> No.4257177


You can travel back in time but not in your universe. Multiverses exists, which means when you do travel back in time you travel to another universe in another timeline. You can alter the past in ways you see fit, you could even kill your grandfather in that universe and have you in that universe not exist.

But the further you travel back in time, the weirder it gets.

>> No.4257179

probably, there isn't any person who could explain you if it's possible or not.

>> No.4257185


I thought I explained myself quite well 12 years ago.

>> No.4257186

Yes but worthless.

So have you gotten the ibm 5100 yet?

>> No.4257190

All we know is, the future is inevitable. Time is an arrow. I'm Prof. Brian Cox.

>> No.4257196

has it even been proved that multiverses exist?

>> No.4257204


Time is more like a flowing river. You have ripple and sometimes whirlpools, some rivers may lead to branches of other rivers.




Not yet in this time. Wait for news in 2015.

>> No.4257208

LOL no. It would be very difficult, if not impossible, to prove anyways.

>> No.4257214

So why do you want to save your future anyway?
Wouldn't you actually be saving an alternate future to your own?

>> No.4257269

Time travel to the future: possible
>Travel at a relativistic speed for a while

Time travel to the past: not possible under current physics, but theories have been suggested.
>One that I like is that there are a huge (finite, because they have to have physical laws that don't cause them to collapse) number of cosmi like our own, and you can 'travel in time' by going to a cosmos identical to ours except where a lepton is missing, or something, hence causing it to be in a different timeframe.
>Sounds bogus but it's all I've got

>> No.4257275


Let me explain this in layman's terms.

I used to think that it was impossible to return back to my own timeline/universe but another John from the future found out that you could perhaps return back to your own timeline/universe.

It has to do with events that I changed in the past, if I can replicate those changes to the ones that are the same in my own timeline then I can get back to home. These have to do with dates and times that are purely related to me only.

I had...changed something in the universe that I should not have... I believe that it changed the fate of this planet entirely.

I see that Y2K didn't happen. Also your food here makes me nervous and I don't trust myself on eating it.

>> No.4257276
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>> No.4257307

So you plan to stop an alternate version of yourself from the past from doing anything in the past and then travel to the future with that version with the ibm 5100?

>> No.4257319

Y2K did happen though.

Huge amounts of money was wasted on making sure that it didn't fuck too much shit up.

>> No.4257321

Fuck off hippy GMO's are the future and aren't dangerous.

>> No.4257357


It's a bit difficult to describe this but... Imagine you have two mirrors facing one another and you're in between both of them. Within those mirrors are another universe another timeline so to speak. (This may sound weird here) Every time I go through one of those mirrors I go back/forward in or through time and my machine tells me what timeline I'm in when I arrive in that universe/time.

I don't know how it works but ask a pilot of a plane what engine their plane was built with and how it's built. That's the position I'm in.

If I can change what I did in the past from last to first then I can get back to my own timeline. You wouldn't even know that I would've changed this timelines past because you have no memory of that occurring.

Because Y2K happened in my timeline, doesn't mean that it has to happen your timeline. There's an infinite number of changes in an infinite number of universes.

Also it's impossible to take technological stuff from a different timeline to another, I can't explain the reasons why but you just can't. Plus I already know where to get an IBM 5100.

>> No.4257362

Things such as the argument that "we have seen no time travellers from the future, therefore time travel to the past cannot exist" don't necessarily make sense, I'm sure some people have claimed to be from the future, only to be dismissed as insane
And theres probably some way nature has of keeping things in check. Take for example, someone wants to travel into the past to kill Hitler. They try and kill him, but will always fail, due to him being alive in the present. Or if there was an assassination attempt documented in 1942, if you travel back in time to kill Hitler, you might inadvertantly end up being the failed assassin

>> No.4257375

The Universe is not limited to our planet, our solar system, our galaxy. When thinking about time travel, you need to think about the whole of the entire Universe. If anything out there, in any part of our Universe, has ever discovered time travel, it would have fucked with us. Or would it have?

>> No.4257396
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>> No.4257398

I guess that by "time-travel" you mean travelling backwards in time.

Whether this is possible all depends on the question: What is time? In an earlier post here, someone posted something along the lines "Time is an imaginary axiality introduced to describe change".

To its fullest extent this means, if it is correct, that time has no physical meaning. The physical phenomenon that does exist is change, and time is only a tool or a measurement device used to quantify it.

Further, this imply that time travel from t2 back to t1 would mean to reverse all change that has happened between those two points. All photons that has been radiated by distant stars must be brought back to their source, all elementary particles that has moved must be brought back to their original location, and all entropic change must be reversed. Basically, it would mean to rearrange the entire content of the univerwse back to an earlier stage.

One thing is certain: To achieve this would require immense amounts of energy. Also, that energy would have to be taken from a source outside our own universe (taking it from within our universe would work against the rearrangement we are trying to achieve).

Impossible? Probably. Unless, of course, this understanding of time is wrong.

>> No.4257417

But wouldn't the mere act of you showing your past self who had just travelled back in time that you had an ibm 5100 and then going back with him to the future put you into a timeline where you changed nothing and therefore put you back into your own timeline?
Or are you saying that you would have had to have met your future self from your relative past in order to meet your past self?

>> No.4257483
File: 18 KB, 301x300, no2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>John Titor

no. the real Titor left in 2001.

>> No.4257510






>> No.4257530

the ultimate proof that time travel is not possible is the fact that thre is no time traveler among us.

>> No.4257537

I always think that we haven't seen any time travelers because it hasn't happened yet.

We are only in 2012.

Like, in... 2131, time travel is invented, we go back and now that past is created. But until we reach that date then they don't exist.

If you get what I mean...

>> No.4257548

No because time travel implies that every time that will happen already has at a later time. So if we do invent time travel and come back here we should be experiencing it now.

You're talking about time as if it has to happen from our perspective for it to affect other times, or perspectives of time.

>> No.4257552

Fine. -Where- is the "time-particle", or "time-field" relative to gravity and electromagnetism, the nuclear strong and weak forces? Where is this manipulable function of the universe that, if it existed, -LIFE- would have taken advantage of?

HOW are they going to do it in the future, if there is nothing there to begin with?

>> No.4257559

They will be smarter, and have better science.

>> No.4257563




Why do these things happen?

It's like talking to a wall.

>> No.4257695

theory of relativity all up in this bitch

>> No.4257729

Not the same as real time-travel, correspondence with the same observer at an earlier time of observation.

YOU return the Higgs aether across the entire universe to it's earlier configuration. I wanna see this.