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4246509 No.4246509 [Reply] [Original]

So when is the next big invention/technological breakthrough people will feel they can't live with out?

Last one seems to be the internet. It's been a long time since something new came around,Why?

Whats do you think the next candidate is?

>> No.4246517

wouldn't it be smartphones?

>> No.4246520

OP here

Thought about including it, but computers have always gotten smaller and mashing a phone, computer and wireless internet into a brick was just a natural process.

>> No.4246527 [DELETED] 

computers have always communicated with other, so making a large communication network for them was just a natural process

>> No.4246534

ALRIGHT FUCK... new invention after smartphones...

for what its worth call me when they aren't $600 dollars down + $100 a month.

>> No.4246536

Virtual reality.

I would say personal robots, but its more work to build the hardware and program an AI to function in the real world. Virtual Reality seems like the next logical step.

>> No.4246540

What about sex bots, how far are we from sex bots?

NO... no!

how far are we from material that ACTUALLY feels 100% like a pussy?

>> No.4246541 [DELETED] 

thank you.

>> No.4246544 [DELETED] 

Virtual reality has been sited as the next big thing for 150 years now.

>> No.4246553


>> No.4246554

There are so many MASSIVE problems facing virtual reality, its just futurist bullshit.

>> No.4246558

Well, they're making steps. Go back 20 years and no one will know what an mmorpg is.
Go forward 20 years and the internet will be free and EVERY device will access it.
They've already unveiled transparent screens. How long do you think before they're on the walls of middle class homes. baby steps bro.

>> No.4246562

lab-grown organs
self-driving cars

>> No.4246564

>Internet free

Yeah no, we're barreling towards a less free internet and shit all is being done to stop it.

>> No.4246568
File: 21 KB, 252x297, 1312088122992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-driving cars

>> No.4246573

Augmented Reality. Since everyone has smartphones now it's becoming much easier to do.

>> No.4246585

Biological immortality, literally...

>> No.4246593

>7 billion people on planet
>Neo-Malthusians and green zombies shitting their pants
>laundry list of diseases that are incurable.


>> No.4246600

tbh I don't think smartphones were all that big. Mobile phones already existed, they just made them into tiny laptops that had a telephone option.

Tablet PCs are a load of shite.

Did mobile phones come before the internet? If not, I would say mobile phones themselves were the big thing.

Perhaps MP3 players were big also.

>> No.4246601

Fuck that shit. I want to be able to drive myself not have a computer control my movements.

>> No.4246603

This worries me. Even if it does come into existence.

It is only going to be the rich that can afford it, so it's just going to make a permanent upper class of immortals. It will probably be a series of therapies.

>> No.4246607

Cold fusion, and we may already have it.


>> No.4246612

Which kind of sucks because they'd probably get more money if they made it available to the masses.

Rather than have 1000 people pay 1 million dollars you can have 1 million people pay 2000 dollars.

Just an example but, but in that scenario they'd make double the money.

>> No.4246614

>It is only going to be the rich that can afford it


>> No.4246617

You'd be long dead before it's affordable by the general public, even if it came out in the next 20 years.

>> No.4246620

Wireless electricity

>> No.4246625

They've already got that, they use microwaves. Probably too dangerous for widespread use though

>> No.4246628

Thats if the global economy continues a capitalistic system - which is already crashing.

>> No.4246629

If this is legitimate how we view the market and technology will be completely revolutionized.

Nearly everything will be dirt cheap.

>> No.4246630

>internet literally costs pennies for one person
>ISP's charge $40 bucks a month

just because something is cheap to produce doesn't mean it'll be sold as cheap

>> No.4246634


economic darwinism, fair free markets, etc

>> No.4246638

price fixing and government collusion won't go away. Are you a idealist utopian paulbot?

>> No.4246640

Youre right, but when everything becomes much cheaper to build, prices will drop .

Are goods on average cheaper now than before the industrial revolution?
Cold fusion would be on that scale.

>> No.4246646


Yes it will, those firms will just be undercut

>> No.4246650 [DELETED] 

I think institutionally created products are pretty much done for until we get a major shift in paradigm, like new source of energy or something like that. But for the foreseeable near future it's going to be consumer products that are the game-changers.

>> No.4246652
File: 151 KB, 387x386, glorious dawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with the idea of self-piloting cars.
Let me show you why:
>Downtown is filled with wireless 'master servers', cars in these areas are in constant communication with each other and are slaved to the 'master server', who uses the information from each car to triangluate all cars as points on the map, and coordinates them in unison to their destinations as all cars will come in with in-built pseudo-GPS in which you enter your intended destination.
It is glorious!

>> No.4246654

This seems to me to be actually the best answer so far. Wireless electricity is feasible and offers great benefits. However our entire infrastructure is build on cords, so it has the whole market to conquer, which takes time.

IMHO smartphones aren't a big deal. They're just mobile phones with extra functions, and if you have a computer also, _not_ something you can't live without.

>> No.4246658

>hmm that company is selling internet access for $40
>we'll sell it for $35
*months of competition later*
>Well, we can't drop the price any lower than $25 so lets contact the other company
*A pricing agreement is made*
*Prices rise back to $35-$40*

people love profit. Competition is long gone.
Bigger corporations will buy out businesses until they have a monopoly.

>> No.4246663

Cold fusion...already being distributed...independently verified...


Fucking shit.

>> No.4246664

If the internet really does cost pennies, why not start your own ISP, and undercut all others, and become rich?
I'll tell you why. Because the internet doesn't cost pennies. How much does it cost to dig a whole and put (expensive) copper or glassfiber in it? Not to mention administrative infrastructure, data infrastructure, etc.

>> No.4246665

Seems like Cold Fusion for small things, and LFTR for powering cities.

>> No.4246667

The infrastructure is already there. Your argument is null.
When ever a new ISP comes along, they simply rent the lines that are already there.
If they want to put in new lines, then the government makes a contract with them giving them rights to it for 10 years or more. Afterall, the government owns the land.

>> No.4246674 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 471x694, 1314763363210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Cold fusion device independently validated producing 800% more energy than input"
>producing 800% more energy than input
>800% more energy than input
>more energy then input


>> No.4246678

How much do you think the rent for the lines is?
In our country, rent for phonelines is separated from internet/phone access over the lines. The company that maintains the lines may not turn a profit. It costs about 20 euros per month. No ISP can undercut 20 euros per month.
Actual costs for ISP's isn't that much higher than that.

>> No.4246679


>> No.4246686

Seriously, if this is legit, it will revolutionize EVERYTHING


>> No.4246692

I'm in the US and I know they can provide internet access for much much cheaper. Japan does it for $3 per megabit.
It depends on the economy. If you're dealing with euros, then the prices will be much higher (because that currency is about to become worthless soon).
Anyway, the renting of lines is through a contract with the state government. Each contract is different, so I couldn't tell you the pricing.

>> No.4246695

Rossi and Focardi are reported to have been unable to find a peer-reviewed scientific journal that would publish their paper describing how they claim the Energy Catalyzer operates. Their paper appears only in Rossi's self-published blog, Journal of Nuclear Physics.

Well, there's your problem

>> No.4246705 [DELETED] 

Starting with the conservation of energy

>> No.4246707

Welcome back. Going to play nice, now?

>> No.4246713 [DELETED] 

Jesus Christ, when will you faggots learn.

>> No.4246726

3$ per megabit is retardedly more expensive than 30 bucks per month.
Your 'euro is about to be worthless' argument is bullshit, since the prices of internet are relatively stable for years.

>> No.4246736

>3$ per megabit
if you signed up for 1mbp, thats $3 a month. derp.

And its stable because its high and the cost of providing access is going down. Your argument is still null.

>> No.4246739

You are forgetting about cost. If it costs 1500 to do they make mote money selling to 1000 at 1000000 then to 1000000 at 2000.

If it costs 500000 then the pricing will never go down to 2000

>> No.4246740
File: 71 KB, 537x259, telepathic wealth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychic money making? Sounds legit magazine.

>> No.4246805


I see no reason to question the legitimacy of this either.

>> No.4246876

UrbanOS may be one of the next big things. Literally an AI that controls a city.

>> No.4246948

This is one form of losing control I really don't mind.
Provided that there is still a physical kill-switch. If I'm gonna lose my freedom, I'm gonna choose it myself, not have it done for me.

>> No.4246975

The internet isn't getting more free.

The internet will get more expensive, and much more regulated. We're in the middle of a golden age that will be unimaginable to future generations.

>Wait granddad, you mean you typed nigger into a website and no government officials came round your house to arrest you? There was no blacklist of words/thoughts that your computer would report you for using at all?

>Wait you mean you could go on a website without it being automatically posted to your (mandatory) Facebook profile? How did people ever find out about new sites or what each other was doing?

>> No.4246985

That's a nightmare in more ways than one.
It would be fucking Shadowrun, also in more ways than one.

>> No.4246991

How about something as simple as a real cure for cancer? Or something against cholera that would be cheap as shit and easy to administer?

>> No.4246993
File: 356 KB, 600x1431, curing cancer is impossible.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about something as simple as a real cure for cancer?
I direct your attention to this image.

>> No.4247002



Maybe i should have used realistic? Or is that something not applicable to this?

(Maybe even the "cure" for cancer alongside a "cure" for cardiovascular diseases what's keeping us from reaching the next large jump in average age of death?)

>> No.4247008

I view realistic cures for cancer to be medical proteins or nanobots that assist in preventing or delaying damage to the genetic code transcriptors, or simply finding ways to targeting cancerous cells for destruction with nanobots.

>> No.4247014

Yup. Prepare for people changing their genes anytime they want.

>> No.4247016

Sex Bots

Please be sex bots

>> No.4247019

jesus christ how hard is it to add another accepted html tag, why is it plural to begin with.

all my petulance.

>> No.4247048

ITT: Morons pretending the internet will be less free than it already isn't.
Newsflash, faggots, CP isn't allowed here.
The only other thing is piracy, and, well,
all I can say is you can't stop private torrents.

>> No.4247060

I suppose the main issue is that you cannot have a satisfactorily 'secure' internet without every data packet requiring a specific tag using a specific protocol in order to not be simply denied, and then each of those packets have to be scanned.
That would result in hyper-broadband being as slow as dial-up.

>> No.4247205

It's more profitable if ppl are chronically ill than if they are cured completely. So cure for cancer/aids/etc would be a business killer.

>> No.4247217

Hardly. Cancer is everpresent and cannot be 'killed' like Smallpox has. As long as there is cancer, this medication will always be used, and cancer will exist everywhere in varying amounts for as long as humanity lacks a full understanding of the human body.

>> No.4247244

that picture is complete bullshit, the milky way is like 1000000 light years in diameter, so 200 light years would be much bigger in scale than that tiny dot

>> No.4247252

200 out of 1 million is only 0.02% of the Milky Way.
Also the edges of that image easily add a few ten thousand more lightyears of square area because of how it's zoomed out enough to show the actual edges of the galaxy and then some.