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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4238942 No.4238942 [Reply] [Original]

If evolution is real then why:
1) are some people still ugly as fuck
2) humans break out in acne, one would think we would do away with this long ago
3) most humans are dumb
4) humans require food to make energy
5) humans smell
6) humans still can't grow wings and fly
7) humans have no long strong tail for extra help with holding stuff
and the list goes on

>> No.4238946

Because you don't understand evolution.

>> No.4238950

You believe science is basically magic. Which for /sci/ is probably true.

>> No.4238951


So much this, why are you shittying up this board with your complete lack of competence?

>> No.4238956

If evolution is real then why:
>1) are some people still ugly as fuck
Not enough selection pressure to significantly reduce reproduction rates of ugly people
>2) humans break out in acne, one would think we would do away with this long ago
Again, not enough selection pressure. Just because something is undesirable by humans doesn't mean nature will make an extra effort to get rid of it.
>3) most humans are dumb
See above.
>4) humans require food to make energy
What else would we use?
>5) humans smell
See above
>6) humans still can't grow wings and fly
Similar answer as the one above except replace 'undesirable' with 'desirable'
>7) humans have no long strong tail for extra help with holding stuff
Well we evolved out of a tail and there have been no selection pressures to grow it back.

Anything else?

>> No.4238959

How would one grow back the tail?

>> No.4238965

Genetic mutations causing one to have a tail in the first place, then that guy having tons of babbies, and those babbies having tons of babbies.

As an aside, I wanted to remark on the ugly people thing. I blame people with low standards. The people who post "2/10, wouldn't fuck" in an attempt to mock those with high standards are the reason there is no selection pressure to rid the Earth of ugly people.

>> No.4238972
File: 225 KB, 640x960, 6b6op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but >>4238965 -san, it's all about the love and feeling between the two, not the looks.

>> No.4238980

And you can take those love and feels to the bank, where the cashiers are ugly people, and is cleaned by ugly janitors who go home to their ugly wives and make sweet passionate love creating ugly little children, who are taught by ugly teachers, that are reprimanded by ugly principals that report to their ugly board members controlled by a government of ugly politicians who serve and ugly populace that is unaware of the fact that they are being manipulated by corporations with ugly CEOs.

>> No.4238987
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would you rather a world of beautiful retards?

>> No.4238993

If evolution is lies then how come <insert list of things humans CAN do and HAVE accomplished despite all the hardships we've faced as a species>

>> No.4238994

Beauty and intelligence are not mutually exclusive, in fact research suggest that they actually correlate quite strongly:




>> No.4238998
File: 130 KB, 396x381, 1319463344518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basing intelligence off IQ tests

>> No.4239002

I know this is a troll thread, but acne is actually pretty interesting, since it is likely a biproduct of recent evolution. As it turns out our superfluously oversized sebum glands, a legacy from a hairier past, just happen to be an ideal environment for the acne virus, which has since evolved along with us to make itself even more at home.

>> No.4239003

Hey you're cute, so your life is better.

>> No.4239004
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>> No.4239007

sub 120 retard with aggravated butthurt complex confirmed

>> No.4239010
File: 28 KB, 300x410, 110125NS-Nuno&#44;_Dylan1_t300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey look at me i got a 150 IQ but i'm still a dumb ass bar tender

>> No.4239009
File: 613 KB, 514x550, denial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love when people like you question the veracity of research based solely on it's presentation. It's so predictably human.

>> No.4239008

all those cites one paper
>by Satoshi Kanazawa

Haha, no.

>> No.4239012


guy is smarter than you, you Christan bastard child.

>> No.4239013


huh, really?


>> No.4239014

>A dumb ass bar tender who is happier with his life than you will ever be with yours.

>> No.4239016

Do you acne bacteria right?

>> No.4239018

do you mean acne bacteria right?

>> No.4239019


So as long as I'm happy I'm way more intelligent than those morons doing complex research on how the universe works.... right?

>> No.4239021


>In 2006, Kanazawa published a paper suggesting that the poor health of people in some nations is the result not of poverty, but of lower intelligence.

>In 2006, he published an article in the Journal of Theoretical Biology, claiming that attractive people are 26% less likely to have male offspring.

>In May 2011, he published an article in Psychology Today that explored why black women had been rated less attractive than those of other races in the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health and hypothesized that the rater's preference for physical markers of estrogen levels, which he asserted were lower in blacks, was the culprit.

>In 2003, in an article in the Journal of Research in Personality, he claimed to show that scientists generally made their biggest discoveries before their mid-30s, and compared this productivity curve to that of criminals.

>Reader in Management at the London School of Economics
>Evolutionary psychology

Just go away, you pop-sci atheist.
"Oh look! he said atheists are smarter, therefore he is my god"

>> No.4239020

Evolution does not have set goals. Ugly, smelly, stupid, and acne ridden people still reproduce. People have shit standards and doesn't care if they're turning the genepool into a cesspit with their shitgenes.

>> No.4239023

>still don't know the true secrets of acne


>> No.4239022

Based on this reply, I doubt you're neither happy nor intelligent.

>> No.4239025

>assuming having/not having these traits affect survival
>assuming two attractive people never have ugly children

>> No.4239026

I'm very happy. I work as a house cleaner for a very nice wealthy person who treats me with a lot of respect and even a room to live in his own very house.

My life is great.

>> No.4239030

>In 2003, in an article in the Journal of Research in Personality, he claimed to show that scientists generally made their biggest discoveries before their mid-30s, and compared this productivity curve to that of criminals.


>> No.4239035

>The lecturer has also been banned from publishing in non-peer-reviewed outlets for 12 months.

>> No.4239037

Here's the study itself, if you want to, y'know actually evaluate it on its merits or shortcomings rather than your expectation of one of the researchers.


>> No.4239052

>are some people still ugly as fuck
Because beauty has only recently become the concern of the majority, previously only the rich could afford it.
>humans break out in acne, one would think we would do away with this long ago
It doesn't harm our chances
>most humans are dumb
All is relative.
>humans require food to make energy
Conservation of energy.
>humans still can't grow wings and fly
Have you been to an airport recently? We grew them with our brains.
>humans have no long strong tail for extra help with holding stuff
We don't need them.