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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4236089 No.4236089 [Reply] [Original]

Help /sci/,a 15 year-old here.
Link to your favorite sites on which I can learn chemistry,physics,psychology,maths,astronomy etc. I don't care if it's on collage level,perfectly fine with that and high-school levels.
I'd be very grateful,
femanon :)

>> No.4236103

reported enjoy your ban
>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.4236105

reported for underage

>> No.4236125


Give me your skype I'll give you private lessons.

>> No.4236129


What does age have to do with this,seriously? This is not a +18 board,for fucks sake.

I am dissapoint.

>> No.4236148
File: 20 KB, 361x146, Screen shot 2012-01-09 at 3.08.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is male only. all boards are 18+. leave now please.



>> No.4236150
File: 122 KB, 800x600, 3dfx_Voodoo2_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not a +18 board,for fucks sake.

>> No.4236155

All of 4chan is 18+. Enjoy you're ban.

>> No.4236161
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>> No.4236188

I fit only 1, 4, and 5. I'm staying. Not OP

Seriously though, most of these are just stupid criteria.

>> No.4236201

I'm utterly disappointed,instead of you trying to help me learn something,you report me? I was asking links to sites where I can learn physics,trying to expand my knowledge by obviously asking people more educated and experienced. It's awful that I love science,yes. Excuse-moi. I'll be leaving now.

>> No.4236207


>> No.4236215


And if those are truly your criteria,I feel sorry for you.

>> No.4236217


No one gives a fuck what the gender you are.

Read the fucking sticky you goddamn whore.

>> No.4236228

You got problems? I feel bad for you, hun. I got 99 problems, but being an underage banned ain't 1.

>> No.4236230

fuck off. you're underage. read the goddamn rules. reported for being an idiot and not reading the sticky. reported for being a moron and not using google. reported for underage. reported for woman. enjoy your ban. come back in three years.

>> No.4236232


All B&, it's too bad, OP change your by unplugging your modem. If that doesn't work, command prompt ipconfig.release and then ipconfig.renew

Don't post your age, 4chan is 18+

Come back when there isn't a time constraint on how long we have to reply to you because of b&hammer

>> No.4236269

i like how EK is trying to fit in. Get out too.

>> No.4236293


i fit in perfectly,
reported for autism, enjoy your ban