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File: 80 KB, 3000x1200, date pyramids small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4234323 No.4234323 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans and Europeans so illogical?

>> No.4234326

The Japs and Euro are great logic. Either way is fine.

America is just fucking retarded. Blame the republicans.

>> No.4234339

Euro-logic is retarded and backwards (like all European cultures). YYYYMMDD is the only sensible order. I will accept hyphens as delimiters, but they are redundant.

>> No.4234345

hungarianfag here, we use yyyy-mm-dd as well
feels good man

>> No.4234346
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>> No.4234347

The hypens help with readability.
Euro logic still makes sense, you're just doing it wrong.

>> No.4234349

americans system makes sense in everyday conversations. like when you tell somebody when something is going to happen and you specify month first it kinda gives him bette reference frame than if you were to tell him year or day

>> No.4234350

For filenames: YYYYMMDD
For writing in documents: DD-MON-YYYY
For speech: MON-DD-YY(YY)


>> No.4234351

well, more precisely yyyy.mm.dd

>> No.4234352

Euro-logic has an order. That order is retardedlly backwards. It is not as good as American for conversation, and not as good as Japanese for computers. Its purpose is just to be different and European, which is retarded. (Which is European.)

>> No.4234353

picture is wrong, look at america.

MM/DD/YYYY so first is top, (MM) 2nd is day (DD in middle) YYYY is bottom and last.

however looking at the european one, DD is first and is at the bottom, not working first to last, top to bottom order. fuck tard. fix america and you'll see how damn retarded it is.

>> No.4234356

So it's wrong because you're America which is the only country in the world, right?

>> No.4234359

Fixing the picture will not make eurotrash look any better. Enjoy bailing everyone out, telling yourself that whatever else happens, your date order really does make a kind of sense, even though it only makes sense to retarded eurotrash in the first place.

>> No.4234360

Both japanese and european are logical. American is slightly illogical but nobody really cares and it's not that much of an annoyance to do something about it.

>> No.4234363

EU is represented accurately at all. why did you do japan backwards?

you put the number that changes most frequently first. since thats the distinction that matters most.

>> No.4234368

> can't even read the post you're responding to

>> No.4234370

Do you count backwards, too? Is onehundred 001? No, you don't. Eurotards gonna tard.

>> No.4234376

You're right, "twenty, five, one hundred," makes more sense

>> No.4234377
File: 7 KB, 216x274, chaitin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you mean "five and twenty and one hundred?"

>> No.4234382

correctly? system american the using i am

.tards fuck

the day is what is most important when it comes to using dates in DAY TO DAY world. so it goes out the front, making a point or topic sentence.

DUUUR AMERICAA WRITE BACKWERDS (as i did at the start is amerifag still couldnt figure it).

>> No.4234389

The day is the most important, yes. That is why, when we can assume the month and year, only the day is given. But if you cannot assume the month, then it makes sense to narrow the context by giving the month first, then day, just like positional notation used for all numbers. America's only problem is that it puts the year last instead of first, which is inconsistent with a good sort order, but consistent with how people actually talk.

>> No.4234390

using your logic, you would then write one hundred as 010.

>> No.4234392

> still doesn't realize I have said the YYYYMMDD is superior to all

>> No.4234395

Swefaggot here
yyyy-mm-dd is how we doit (birthdatenumber)

>> No.4234399

Is more logical the european. I live day by day, no year by year ._.

>> No.4234398

That picture makes no sense.

You are saying that Europeans start with the DAY then the MONTH then the YEAR... which is the image in the Japanese pyramid.

Look at it like this: written first for European logic = Day; bottom of pyramid = Day. So by this rule, the first one written symbolises the bottom of the pyramid.

But then look at the American one. The first one written is month, but the bottom of that pyramid denotes Year.

To sum up, this is a troll.

>> No.4234402

You just got trolled faggot.

>> No.4234475
File: 126 KB, 403x335, got_the_blues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be scandinavian
>use YYYYMMDD in everything
>come to /sci/
>I am japan

>> No.4234484

That's for single numbers. We're talking about dates which a a row of numbers.

>> No.4234490

Japan and scandinavian fags are retarded because:

you put the number that changes most frequently first. since thats the distinction that matters most.

objection: >>4234370 is stupid because:


I don't need to explain why USA is retarded.

Europeans win.


>> No.4234495

No, Japanese wins in our day and age because it's much easier to sort YYYY-MM-DD than DD-MM-YYYY on a computer system.

>> No.4234496

I put the year first for two reasons:
1. if the date is wrong by a year, it's worse than if the date is wrong by a day
2. when labeling files/folders with a date, this puts them automatically in chronological order

Other than that, shit thread is shit.

>> No.4234500

Are you a graphic designer? I both like and dislike your style.

>> No.4234503
File: 142 KB, 535x499, 1307084096869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using the federation's star date

>> No.4234523

Brtifag here, yyyy-mm-dd is the most logical imo

You're basically zooming in on the time, putting them in reverse order is okay but each bit only makes sense in light of the next bit

example: time is HH:MM, is it logical the other way round?

Also americans, illogical

>> No.4234531

>on a computer system.
No a computer system can sort any date format with ease.

Only a human finds these tasks hard...

>> No.4234533

Actually by your own logic, Americans are very logical.

Year changes so infrequently it can be removed from your mental context. Then what's next? MM:DD. The year is then added just as an afterthought if someone was curious.

Perfectly logical.

>> No.4234538

Ok, what I meant is that you just need to use the default sort function instead of writing a custom one.

>> No.4234540

/Day \
/ Year \
>Europeans DD-MM-YYYY
They climb down the stairs
>Americans MM-DD-YYYY
They start at the middle go up then run down
>Japanese YYYY-MM-DD
they take the hard path and run all the way up

europeans are the only ones that go with the flow. Japanese are hipsters that go against the current and Americans were once hipsters and then went full lazy and just let the flow take them back down

>> No.4234542

japan and europe are sane, US batshit retarded as per usual. what do you expect from a country where you have to be a christian to be elected to government.

>> No.4234569

For filenames, default sort is lexicographical. Whether some hip blogger could write some faddish python script to do things differently is totally irrelevant.

>> No.4234582
File: 303 KB, 3000x1200, calendarlogic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Europe is fine. Japanese is better though, I agree.

>> No.4234584

The only context in which "European" is fine is when you are a European and have already assumed everything done by Europeans has some excellent reasoning behind it.

In every other context, it is shit.

>> No.4234589

Japanese is only better if you are dealing with computers, write down the dates in the filename and sort files by name in order to sort them by date.

>> No.4234593

Which means, practically speaking, American is the best system, because Americans being the pragmatic bunch they are realize a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

>> No.4234606
File: 286 KB, 3000x1200, 1326128750249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's your god now?

>> No.4234625

The european system is clearly superior for day to day use of dates. If someone is unsure about the day's date, it's probably the day they are unsure about. people are very unlikely to not know what year it is, and knowing what month it is comes inbetween the two in terms of likelyhood.
You communicate the most relevant information first because this saves time.

Japanese system makes sense i guess if you're dealing with more long-term systems or talking about history or something, but for day to day use it is clearly the european system which is best.
American system is just straight up retarded.

>> No.4234626
File: 48 KB, 304x360, anijesuscrosslightning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging around somewhere.

>> No.4234632

nothing stupider than try to rationalise stupidity

>> No.4234633

British scum

>> No.4234637

> unsure about the day
> give them the day, month, and year
European "logic".

>> No.4234636

jelly detected

>> No.4234683

European and Japanese are both the correct way
You guys seem to forget that japanese people read everything backwards

>> No.4234693
File: 205 KB, 3000x1200, date_format.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234702
File: 6 KB, 756x152, ek-destroyed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234709

what the fuck? and that quote makes no sense out of context

(some anon asked what would happen if i was raped by a blue whale or something...)

>> No.4234713

Ad Hominem

>> No.4234715

Just to remind you that I regularly fantasize about you being destroyed by giant penises.

>> No.4234720
File: 10 KB, 631x141, EKcuntidiot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234727

thats not an ad hom, i wasnt insulted, and the quote doesnt even make me look bad, im just pointing out an obvious fact to the anon who asked about the whale thing.

>> No.4234732

have a point to make?
and the ban never actually appeared (i never saw it), haz just said she was banned.
she CAN post if she wants to, but i think she's waiting out the ban like the fucking moralfag she is.

>> No.4234734

I don't get it. I'm a Dutchfag and we always talk about dd/mm.
for example: "Het is vandaag 9 januari", translated to "today, it is januari the 9th".
So what the hell is wrong with dd/mm/yyyy? Pure logic in dutch if you ask me.

>> No.4234735

>the ban never appeared
you have the same IP

reported for ban evasion.

>> No.4234738

i didnt evade a ban, i just never saw it. all i have is haz's word that she was banned.
whether thats true or not, either way, i definitely didnt evade a ban.

>> No.4234740

Take your pills

>> No.4234743

you admitted that she was banned at that you have a common ip. you are both the same person.

>> No.4234744

shush, i have.

>> No.4234749

false dichotomy.
we arnt the same person, we just live together.
her being banned doesnt mean i am.

>> No.4234755

Take them again. Take twice the advised dosage.

>> No.4234752

you're still a bitch either way

>> No.4234754

You posted a picture about the date pyramids
He replied with a whale dick penetrating you
Was just kidding anyway

>> No.4234759

heeey! no im not, im actually really nice usually.

no, he just posted a screencap of my own post.

nah, im nice and calm, dosage was carefully worked out. no need for any more.

>> No.4234760


>Cannot into moderate consumption
>Is likely an addict

>> No.4234770

>doesn't know that EK is insane
>probably EK samefagging without trip

>> No.4234789


>Doesnt change the fact that you are an addict
>Implying you arent trying to "pass on" your "trade"

I have you all figured out, bitch.

>> No.4234795

im not insane, and i dont samefag, i always use my trip.

>> No.4234801

Hey EK what do you think about analsex? Ever tried it? How did it feel?

>> No.4234806

not done it, but nothing against those who do.

>> No.4234815

How much would you want, to be the star in an anal porn movie?
Everything very professional ofcourse.

>> No.4234821

i wouldnt ever do porn, and enough with the questions.

>> No.4234822


You can't share an IP without sharing a ban. Piss off you shit stirring fuck.

>> No.4234832

reported for white knight enjoy your ban

reporting for denying your mental instability and MPD enjoy your ban

reported for gay engineer enjoy your ban


reported for engineer


>> No.4234833

woah, no need to be so angry.
and actually, if i see a ban screen with haz's tripcode on it, then im entitled to appeal it and mention that im not her, so the ban is falsely placed.

as it is, i saw no ban, so there's nothing to appeal.

>> No.4234840

All I can think of now is EK guro. I can't even work, my mind is so preoccupied.

>> No.4234842
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234848

reported for gay perverted engineer enjoy your ban

reported for attention whoring enjoy your FUCKING BAN YOU FUCKING STUPID CUNT



>> No.4234851

oh em gee i am raging so hard xd

>> No.4234853
File: 37 KB, 370x300, hemad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234867

calm down, and i wasnt attention whoring.

>> No.4234875

>>4234833 if i see a ban screen with haz's tripcode on it, then im entitled to appeal it and mention that im not her, so the ban is falsely placed.

Whoops I accidentally dynamic IP isn't an excuse for ban evasion. It doesn't matter what tripfag was banned, the ban applies to that IP. So kindly gtfo

>> No.4234881

we dont have dynamic IP, it stays the same.
and that isnt how it works, you're allowed to appeal a ban not intended for you. (remember how here was that fuck-up and josef got a ban intended for blackman? yeh, by your logic, josef deserves the ban)


>> No.4234886

Actually Josef deserves a ban for his 0.999...= 1 trolling.

>> No.4234896

>>4234881 yeh, by your logic, josef deserves the ban)

Only if they were sharing an IP.