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File: 7 KB, 200x195, voice-recognition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4232477 No.4232477 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be able to tell my computer about the things I did today and have my computer compile them into a nice statistical pie chart that spans the course of the year so I can review my productivity levels.

I want to be able to tell my computer my thoughts so they can be recorded into a text file.

I want my computer to be able to communicate with me, if not in a deep manner, then at least in a manner where I can say a command and have it properly inputted depending on the "mode" (record to text file, add to pie chart, etc).

How far off are we, and where is the technology now?

>> No.4232483

I've got to fill out a form every day at work about how I spent my time. It compiles into all kinds of charts and graphs.
Its not fun.

>> No.4232488

Writing it out is much different than me sitting here on 4chan browsing dubs threads while half mindedly murmuring into my microphone the things I've done today and for how long.

Not only is it physically different, but your mental outlook on recapping the events of the day -every- day would change dramatically from one of dread and monotony to one of ease and autonomy.

>> No.4232489
File: 14 KB, 250x373, hrp-4c_female_robot_anime_real_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah we all dream about AI that is smarter than us and yet loyal to us that we can put in a female body and live happy

but we can't do it right now
so /thread

>> No.4232495

How tf said anything about AI smarter than us? Let's /stupid strawman arguments right now. Please.

I'm not asking for a computer to plan out my life, I'm asking about a simple input system capable of recording said input in various forms. And yes, I did say simple, if not overly tedious/time consuming to construct.

>> No.4232500

Who* even.

>> No.4232505

Female robot body with working genitalia and basic software is all I dream about. It doesn't have to be intelligent because females never are.

>> No.4232515

Because you're a prime specimen which exemplifies excellence in every waking moment of your existence, amirite?

>> No.4232524

Too much possible input/ambiguity.

It's WAAAAY easier to keep a written record and put your data into tables after the fact.

We will never be at the level where this happens without a rather specific manual and a number of arbitrary control signals and BUTTLOADS of speech recognition, translation, and guessing algorithms simply to get it to do something as simple as decide between "Record to text file/Add to pie chart" without actually understanding what it's doing.

>> No.4232559

I didn't iterate on this part enough. There could be modes you select where it will either go to record in a pie chart, or record each word as plan text. As well as that, there could be *certain* stipulations with each mode to reduce the amount of coding needed (not the perfect system I want, but functional).

For instance, in pie chart mode, the user would be required to "calibrate" the program to understand certain pieces of data being recorded, such as "time spent web surfing".

User types this out in the program, program then prompts the user to read out the words of the input data slowly so it can calibrate to the user's voice, and from there on out when the user wants to input the data, they enter pie chart mode, state the specific input "web surfing", and then state how many hours they spent surfing.

>> No.4232561

then why not settle for a stupid woman

>> No.4232641

Stop talking to yourself in my thread.

>> No.4232685


look at this op

>> No.4232715

OP, I know that feel, but not in the same fashion.

I want to increase my ability to gather, organize, percieve and control information. So, I want the same things you do, and then some more.

Afterall, there's a shit-ton of information out there, and it would be very advantageous to be able to do something with it.

>> No.4232742
File: 25 KB, 400x343, 1262211812896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you post a blank of this form? pleaaaase anon

>> No.4232791

This thread reminded me of how much I have to organize myself. Need a fast solution.

>> No.4232890

Hire people in the third world to transcribe it for you. Humans are cheap and expendable.

>> No.4233056
File: 871 KB, 2185x3000, bushop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brings up an interesting point, and that is how do you guys deal with your data?

Notice I said "deal" here and not "organize". I don't want to know that you put pictures from the year 2010 in c:\users\gary\documents\pictures\2010 folder.

What I'm asking is what are your rules for dealing with data? Say you have a bunch of bookmarks of cat vids that you watch from time to time or to sites that have comprehensive guides about topics. Do you get rid if you don't frequent them a certain amount, or are you wholly pragmatic and ingest data, utilize it, and then discard, perhaps cataloging useful guides to topics you deal with day to day?

>> No.4233223


>> No.4233334


>> No.4233364

You do know Windows 7 has a built in voice recognition software, right?

>> No.4233569

My god was that awesome... how tf have I not heard of this before, lol?

Anyways, thanks.

>> No.4233583

I have Dragon Naturally Speaking. I calibrated it to my voice, and it recognizes it perfectly. But here's the problem: I don't want to talk. I would much rather type.

By and large, it's a useless invention. The only use I can see is for the blind and for emailing while you're driving (something you shouldn't really be doing anyway).

Like all novelties, voice recognition will sell when it is initially ported to mobile phones (such as Siri in Apple or the rumored project by Android). But it will never be popular.

When you're trying to get something done, precision is more important than looking cool.

>> No.4233627

this. It's basically like visiophones.

>> No.4233737

I agree partially. It would be leaps and bounds more useful in a different format where you weren't sitting in front of a typical desktop with keyboard and mouse (think portable situations where you have a small device on you such as a phone).

The problem I believe is that we will be able to interface effectively with the brain before AI is up to snuff in accuracy or complexity for things such as voice recognition, and the simple fact of the matter being that interfacing directly on the thought level trumps everything.

>> No.4234168

Because you are retarded enough to write "how tf" more than once.