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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 46 KB, 582x329, 1312856220851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4231835 No.4231835 [Reply] [Original]

look at this unstable dying piece of shit

moot might as well run 4chan off of a p4

>> No.4231849
File: 32 KB, 340x300, 1318864677985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or not run 4chan at all and shut it down. think of how much more productive you'd be if 4ch was suddenly nuked

>> No.4231853

Go and bitch in /img/, off topic faggot/

>> No.4231884 [DELETED] 
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if thats what you think, then why the fuck are you even here??
piss off and go and 'be productive', faggot.

>> No.4231887
File: 52 KB, 685x517, 145_1324855342418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone got a shitty test score

Take your fucking pills, you psycho bitch

>> No.4231889

/img/ is a horrible place

>> No.4231894

take your pills

>> No.4231897 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 248x251, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat test score? the fuck are you even talking about you thick twat!?
and shut the fuck up about my pills, pair of tossers!

>> No.4231898


>> No.4231900

Perhaps if you toned down on the insane punctuation and aggressive language we wouldn't hate you, ugly bitch!! Take your fucking pills, faggot!

>> No.4231902 [DELETED] 
File: 245 KB, 387x436, umad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, so delisciously mad.
and fuck you, i wont do what you tell me.

>> No.4231903

better that cunt than if she posts pictures of her own fat ass.

>> No.4231906
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 145_1324853693855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If /sci/ held a vote, what proportion of users would have to vote you should leave for you to leave?

Obligatory: Faggot?? Shut up about my pills!

>> No.4231907 [DELETED] 

im not fat, retard.

dunno, dont care.

>> No.4231910

fuck off ek or i'll go in IRC and tell moot to ban you

>> No.4231912

yes, you are. that's not muscle hanging off the side of your hips and the front of your torso.

>> No.4231914

You're a fat insecure faggot in her/his mom's basement laughing like a little retards every time you type post thinking "haha, i so trolled them". Get out a little bit or just go to fucking /b/, you don't belong in /sci/, I rarely see you say anything relevant to science so fuck you and get the fuck out.
Also, it's obvious that you're fat now after you got all over protective over that post you bitch.

>> No.4231917 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 154x203, hawow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[sarcasm[ oh no! im fucking terrified! please dont do that, im really really sorry. oh shit! im in real trouble now! [/sarcasm]

>> No.4231920 [DELETED] 

oh i see, retarded 7/7/11-fag, that explains it...

i wasnt over protective, you're just wrong, prick.

>> No.4231922
File: 36 KB, 427x640, strongblackman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK confirmed for scottish neckbear.

>> No.4231923

Shut the fuck up Rose. Nobody likes you, you're just a schizoid depressed bitch who can't make friends.

>> No.4231924

don't be mad at me because you're fat.

use that energy to run a bit and burn some of that fat off.

>> No.4231927

Look at all of that MPD! It's just pouring out of the prefrontal cortices!

>> No.4231928

Over protective again there EK. Aw, don't be mad you little fat princess, there are a whole lot of fat bitches like you out there, you're not alone :). You're making too obvious though, try hiding it more. Also, just a friendly advice, you should go out some times from your mom's basement and maybe go to the gym, it won't do you any bad, people outside won't eat you little fat princess.

>> No.4231930 [DELETED] 

im not scottish

im also not rose

you're all thick as fuck, having different retarded fucking theories than each other, and all equally wrong.

>> No.4231933

Fuck off nigger! I bet you don't even know what it's like to have this!!

Funny, I have a screencap of Harriet saying the opposite.

>> No.4231935

>all equally wrong
nope, you're wrong.

you stupid fabricating cunt you can't even supply a fucking picture to prove that you aren't either yet you shit post and attention whore daily about "LOOK AT MEEEEE I'M A GURRRRRRRRLLLLLLLLLLLLL XD"

>> No.4231936 [DELETED] 

i do go to the gym, and im actually underweight for my size, im quite skinny.

not that its any of your business, you shallow dickhead.

>> No.4231932

haha I've never seen this tripfriend I dont think, just imitators and people complaining about em

but i usually browse at a diferent time

so what are the pills for? Something funny?

>> No.4231938
File: 77 KB, 604x503, 145_1324855355914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiple Personality Disorder and Manic Depression. Note she doesn't deny either of these.

>> No.4231939

>and im actually underweight for my size

That's because your size is whale, pudsy.

>> No.4231941

>go to the gym
nope you stay inside a scottish basement


lol nope

>> No.4231943 [DELETED] 

no, shush, it doesnt matter.

harriets a stupid lying bitch, and shes banned (and deserved it)
so if you listen to her, you're an idiot.

wat did she say? post screencap?

>> No.4231949 [DELETED] 

ive never fucking said that, you retarded shithead!

i deny both, you're a retard who has no fucking clue about my condition.
eat shit and die.

how the fuck would you know? you dont even know me, you're just trolling (badly, i might add)
fuck you.

>> No.4231950

Harriet is banned? Why?

>> No.4231951

>harriets a stupid lying bitch, and shes banned (and deserved it)
that means you are banned too you fucking retard you share the same ip and you are the same person

reported for ban evasion

>> No.4231954 [DELETED] 

not actually sure, i think its for abusing the report system, but i dont really care.

>> No.4231955

someone sure is angsty today.

go take your pills, you juicy bitch.

>> No.4231956

reported enjoy your ban

>> No.4231957 [DELETED] 

we arnt the same person, and i never saw a ban screen.

>> No.4231959

Stop responding to yourself EK.

>> No.4231960

Aww come on fat princess, don't get mad now, you will get all sweaty and get cardiac problems, you don't want that.. Go eat some candy to calm yourself and maybe kill yourself on the way there too :)

>> No.4231963
File: 16 KB, 619x69, aww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, shush, it doesnt matter.

Oh, it totally matters. People hate you because you're a hypocritical retard who can't have a conversation and still couldn't even if you wanted to.

>harriets a stupid lying bitch, and shes banned (and deserved it)
This is the only time she's lied and It's your fucking fault

>> No.4231966

>ive never fucking said that, you retarded shithead!
you do all the time! you brag about having fuck buddies and how much of a slut you are! you say that you are the queen of /sci/! fuck you fucking scottish cunt!

>i deny both
yeah because like you'd actually admit to it! go stick a shank up your ass and bleed to death

> you're just trolling
he isn't trolling! you can never post any fucking proof you just fuck around like a lying faggot that you are!

>> No.4231965

>manic depression
>multiple personality disorder
Wow those are the standard go-to's for women desperately seeking attention and here she is following that same pattern!

So why exactly do people talk about this sick person whose sole reason for being here is to be talked about?
You realize that if you just shut the fuck up about her she'd go seek validation somewhere else, yes?

Lets try that. I'll go first.

>> No.4231972

Fuck off white knight reported

>> No.4231975 [DELETED] 

no it fucking isnt, and how is that my fault?

>> No.4231978


You admitted it YESTERDAY you bipolar faggot. Get the fuck out. Reporting all of your posts from now on.

>> No.4231980

notice how she deletes all of her fucking posts

what a stupid pretentious cunt trying to avoid ban evasion

>> No.4231983

Holy shit you're a crazy. You deleted the post.

It's a shame 4chan x caches them.

>> No.4231992 [DELETED] 

that was 1 time, and that wasnt what we were talking about.
harriets ban has nothing to do with that, that 1 was ages ago.

>> No.4231994

you are such a fucking faggot it isn't even funny.

you delete your own god damn posts to avoid being banned.

i hope a mod eventually catches you and permanently bans your ass. you do this every day.

>> No.4231997 [DELETED] 

i didnt delete them to avoid being banned, i didnt even break any rules you fucking faggot.

>> No.4231998
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>> No.4232000
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1231611513595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>avoid ban evasion

Also, what the hell is happening in this thread?

>> No.4232001

>I never saw a ban screen
>I got banned
Multiple, retarded personalities.

>> No.4232002

>a ban
>ages ago
>not even 3 weeks ago
Wow you must get banned on a daily fucking basis you juicy bitch.

>> No.4232004

for a moment there I though EK got banned and his posts deleted

a man can dream...

>> No.4232005 [DELETED] 

we arnt multiple personalities, and i mean i never saw the ban screen from when harriet was banned, for all i know she could be lying and is just choosing not to post for some stupid reason.

>> No.4232008

yeah sure you didn't you fucking stupid retard cunt.

what was the only other reason you would delete the posts? teacup became active in your brain and spazzed out with the mouse?

>> No.4232012

You broke the rule of not being a faggot.

This is why everyone hates you

>well 4chan is kinda counterproductive, if it went down it would help us all



>> No.4232016


This is a signal that the EK personality is dying! Yes!

>> No.4232018

Just so you know EK, I'm screencapping everything anyway.
EK has already said he's leaving twice, we can't say much about it

where does the scottish man thing come from? I thought we decided he was that horrible looking cunt Elizabeth

>> No.4232022
File: 41 KB, 225x309, newtoncostanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard scotsman

>> No.4232023 [DELETED] 

im neither, im not elizabeth and im not scottish either.

>> No.4232024

>your pic
>a good shoop

choose exactly one

>> No.4232025

post caps pl0x

>> No.4232030

i could see this whole thread being an EK samefag

40 personalities in the same brain talking with each other


>> No.4232031

Me too.

Me too

>> No.4232033

Then prove it you fucking faggot. This is a science board. We base things off of empirical evidence, not hearsay bullshit.

>> No.4232034

Also, seriously you fucking retards, who doesn't fucking know that 4chan doesn't have bbcode.

>> No.4232036

The textboards have bbcode.

>> No.4232038
File: 63 KB, 654x560, 1325493124505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dog faggot
>arguing about costanza

>> No.4232040


don't tell him about the text boards, we don't need that.

>> No.4232042
File: 364 KB, 888x1024, 1229104317fDwMUtC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4232043

The fucking text boards, not the image boards. Are you that much of a newfag to 4chan?

>> No.4232044
File: 58 KB, 640x882, 800px-134452356876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, there sure is a lot of science going on in this thread.

>> No.4232045 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck is this??
prove i am!
you are the tards making up bullshit that has nothing to do with me, everything you fucking say about me is wrong, like, nearly all the fucking time

prove im scottish
prove im elisabeth
prove im fat
prove i have multiple personality disorder

because all of those are false, and the burden of proof is on you guys, i dont have to do anything, either YOU provide proof for all the FUCKING BLLSHIT you spout, or fuck off and stop talking about me!

pick one!

>> No.4232047

You've admitted you take pills and told harriet to delete posts she made saying you had MPD, fucking retard.

>> No.4232048


Take your meds, Liz.

>> No.4232049

Reported, enjoy your ban Rose

>> No.4232052 [DELETED] 

i told her to delete her posts, but she didnt actually say i had MPD.

so which is it, liz, or rose?
it isnt me, and you know it.

>> No.4232053

It's written on top, one has to be retarded or blind not to notice it. So shut the fuck up faggot.

>> No.4232061

Rose Elizabeth-Kelly, please stop shitting up this board. Go do something else please, and leave us alone to discuss Science and Math topics.

>> No.4232064
File: 100 KB, 640x360, 5535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are the tards making up bullshit that has nothing to do with me, everything you fucking say about me is wrong, like, nearly all the fucking time
no, you are the dumb bitch who refuses to provide experimental evidence that suggests otherwise!

>prove im scottish
blackman is a janitor and traced your geoip location to scotland

>prove im elisabeth
you can't, you fabricated that entire thread to make everyone BELIEVE you are elizabeth/whateverthefuckhername is

>prove im fat
second highest post count on /sci/ to fucking Anonymous, you clearly spend 23 hours of your life sitting in front of a computer and ingesting scottish cuisine. that leaves the other hour to sleep.

>prove i have multiple personality disorder
teacup/harriet/a few other tripfags that had come and gone SOUND EXACTLY LIKE YOU AND HAVE THE SAME FUCKING RAGEFESTS. you also never post at exactly the same time and when one of you gets banned the others disappear too


>> No.4232069

He wouldn't stay long there anyway. That's no place for people like him.

>> No.4232070
File: 23 KB, 695x289, fod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also reported.
All in favour of a community movement to report EK until her trip is banned, say aye

Look very closely at what is written in this screenshot. Look at the style.

>> No.4232077
File: 24 KB, 652x298, uno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another one

Same people, saying the same thing. Reacting in the same way. Whoring for the attention.

>> No.4232080
File: 188 KB, 2384x904, EK30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4232085 [DELETED] 

>blackman is a janitor and traced your geoip location to scotland
well thats a lie, seeing as im genuinely not from scotland.

>you can't, you fabricated that entire thread to make everyone BELIEVE you are elizabeth/whateverthefuckhername is
liar. ive actually always said that im NOT her.
i dont want any1 to believe im her, id prefer it if you morons got a brain and realised shes someone completely different.

>second highest post count on /sci/ to fucking Anonymous
true, but im not here all the time, i only post in the evenings, im busy during the day with lectures/studying.

>teacup/harriet/a few other tripfags...
they dont sound anything like me, harriet and i are totally different, and i dont even know teacup IRL.

harriet doesnt post reactionfaces, and if some of teacups are similar to mine, then so what? you really think hes me based just on that?

>when one of you gets banned the others disappear too
liar. teacup was banned and i was still here, and me and harriet live together and share an IP, so that actually makes sense.

>> No.4232087

fuck off and die ek

>> No.4232092

>liar. teacup was banned and i was still here, and me and harriet live together and share an IP, so that actually makes sense.
>harriets a stupid lying bitch, and shes banned (and deserved it)

So you're banned. Reported for ban evasion.

>> No.4232093 [DELETED] 

bipolar =/= MPD.

not real harriet, no tripcode.

>> No.4232097

>the dissociations of a Scottish neckbeard

>> No.4232098 [DELETED] 

harriet being banned =/= me being banned.

we may share an IP, but her ban has nothing to do with me, so i'll still post.

>> No.4232100

Goddamn EK, why do you have to ruin every thread you touch?

>> No.4232102

Harriet didn't use a trip on may 25th. Check the archive for yourself.

Also, I was in that thread and you talked with her as if she was Harriet. Nice backpedal though.

>> No.4232104 [DELETED] 

fine, i'll go. thread is filled with fucking retarded 7/7/11-fags anyway.

>> No.4232106

>well thats a lie, seeing as im genuinely not from scotland.
Blackman wouldn't lie.

>liar. ive actually always said that im NOT her.
No, you attention whore to get peoples' heads all fucked up to believe that you are her. It's so obvious it isn't even funny. Look at the thread.

>true, but im not here all the time, i only post in the evenings, im busy during the day with lectures/studying.
You are on here all the time. If you came on here for an hour a day you'd have to make a post every quarter of a second to get that high of a count.

>harriet doesnt post reactionfaces
different personality, different style

>and if some of teacups are similar to mine, then so what?
...it infers you are the same person.

>you really think hes me based just on that?
No, you write exactly the same. you post the same trolling bullshit every single day.

>liar. teacup was banned and i was still here
Teacup was never banned you idiot; unless you talk with your personalities through your head.

> and me and harriet live together and share an IP
...and harriet was permabanned? reported for ban evasion since you are clearly the same person.

>> No.4232107

if you share an ip which was banned, yet you're posting that means you evaded a ban.

enjoy your permaban.

>> No.4232110
File: 12 KB, 166x174, 1320340123821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blackman wouldn't lie.

>> No.4232111

No, IP bans are IP bans. Get the fuck out.

>sensible speculative post

"Why the fuck are you even here??"
"piss off"

You're fucking disgusting.

>> No.4232112

you have both you fucking lying attention-whoring cunt

>> No.4232115

EVERYONE report.
honestly these tripfags

>> No.4232118

Blackman is nothing special. Next time you see this faggot, report him for impersonating a mod.

>> No.4232122

he deleted threads and banned users

he is obviously a staff member

>> No.4232123

how do you know it was him?

>> No.4232124

>implying you can see who deleted a thread

>> No.4232125

He deleted threads he started? Wow!! I'm impressed.

>> No.4232129

2 people can share an IP and 1 can be banned while the other isn't

"note: if your IP is dynamic, or if your ISP uses a proxy-cache, you might be affected by a ban intended for somebody else. If you believe this to be the case, state so in your appeal"

>> No.4232133

Did EK just get banned?

>> No.4232144


>> No.4232148
File: 11 KB, 251x226, laughingwhores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he got trolled by Blackman

>> No.4232150

why is this an EK thread and no EK is here

>> No.4232151


Dude you are getting pretty close to EK regarding annoyance levels, please dont lower yourself to that

>> No.4232154

What? No he isn't.
You made a shitty claim and he treated it appropriately.

>> No.4232156

He made the shity claim actually.

Right, I'm better gonna go to bed.

>> No.4232157


Like I said, report the fucker for impersonating a mod.

>> No.4232167

>cloudfare has a cached version for /v/
>go to /sci/
>nope, nothing


>> No.4232174

/sci/ is good board
Everything is good :3c

>> No.4232199

Welcome back, EK, took long enough for your personality to switch.

>> No.4232252

the personality has come online

i knew it

i fucking knew it

>> No.4232497

bump for EK petition to ban since other thread was deleted by modfags

>> No.4232507
File: 168 KB, 1509x545, mylove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would kill myself if /sci/ was deleted

>> No.4232517

>Blackman knowing anything at all
>Blackman not being just as bad as EK
Choose both

>> No.4232520


>> No.4232523
File: 3 KB, 127x127, 1313992523697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I'm not /sci/'s m.v.p. (most valuable poster)

>> No.4232532

>implying you can troll on any of those

>> No.4232536

>implying you contribute anything more than retarded gibberish

>> No.4232538

None of them compare to here

I like the fact I can essentially post banal questions and actually get an answer, fast.

>> No.4232542
File: 90 KB, 318x235, mahnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
