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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4231601 No.4231601 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/,

9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)
Solve for i

Come with us to the prom,
love /g/

>> No.4231606

Will you be the female?

>> No.4231609

I would rather eat shit and die.

>> No.4231612

reported for homework.

>> No.4231610

You and I both know that that's impossible.

>> No.4231611
File: 239 KB, 1024x768, 1325141192767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scientific battlestation thread?

>> No.4231616

If we must.

>> No.4231622

I'll be the female for you, /sci/~

>> No.4231618

Fine but we wont shave or shower

>> No.4231619
File: 42 KB, 453x385, Everyday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He, /sci/, whaddup?



Sincerely, /g/

>> No.4231628

I have not yet joined the collective hivemind of /g/'s botnet.

Regardless, /g/ wants to be the little girl.

>> No.4231624

It's decided then! Homework and tech support together at last!

>> No.4231623

I thought only /a/ and /jp/ wanted to be the little girl.

>> No.4231629

come on /sci/, please!
who else would you go out with? /b/? come on...

we're the best you've got

>> No.4231631

we aren't going faggot

>> No.4231633
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>this thread

>> No.4231634

Ok, it's settled. Fuck /lit/, she's a filthy whore.

<3 /sci/-tan and /g/-chan <3

>> No.4231635

Guys, I think we've been rejected.

>> No.4231636

Actually /sci/, I think it's best if we go with /u/. Hope to see you there anyway though!

>> No.4231637

what about if we fix your computer if it ever breaks?

>> No.4231640

/diy/ke here.

/g/ is ours, bitches. Go ask /toy/ or some faggy board like that...

>> No.4231641

we can fix it ourselves

>> No.4231648

bool gee<3sci = true;

printf("We <3 you sci \n");

>> No.4231651

we can do it better and faster

>> No.4231683

and we'll put LED's in it to make it fun faster

>> No.4231691
File: 33 KB, 500x500, thinking web pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow /sci/entist (yeah we wish we were)
let's think about it logically
how do we avoid being with unsuitable partner

i say let's vote
for this vote i'll need your cooperation
everyone must nominate 3 boards you like, respectively with 1,2 and 3 points
we make a list and choose the candidate

so to be a real gentlemen we should do something special for this board so that we at least sway some hearts
then only 1 chosen member (for obvious reasons) starts a thread on their board

are you in for it /sci/?

an alternative approach may be to start a thread on every board, that will most likely assure that we won't go alone
or this will just give us time to accomplish our first plan
and make the board wonder which one to choose

the negative side is that this is spam and may turn against us
that was the optimization alternative
i personally think that optimizing the chances is a bad idea

and finally if everything fails we could choose to go with whoever stayed behind
i mean let's be realists we may not be the most desirable partner but we're not the bottom either
it's very unlikely that we won't have a partner

>> No.4231695
File: 73 KB, 751x579, 1325910528643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late, /sci/.

We're going with /u/~

Have fun going out with /v/!

>> No.4231705

we aren't going with anyone. we stay home and study or do science.

>> No.4231709
File: 18 KB, 379x214, im-ok-with-this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4231711

oh YEAH?
well then we'll hack your shit up

fuck you


>> No.4231736

>implying /g/ does anything other than argue AMD vs nvidia

>> No.4231737

We... We are alone, aren't we..

>> No.4231743

not true
we discuss mac vs. pc too

>> No.4231748

All we have to do is find three obscure pieces of internet porn and /r/ will go with us!

>> No.4231753


Well, i guess you are right.. What are the odds of everyone's whore and rejected woman refuse to go with us..

>> No.4231778


>> No.4231787

Fuck, you guys are acting like total nerds and embarrassing yourselves infront of /sci/

Look /sci/, I just can't see us going with anyone else... I mean... oh god never mind we never should have asked, I'm sorry

>> No.4231816


please /g/, take EK with you

>> No.4231824
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>> No.4232046
File: 162 KB, 525x295, 06MacrossFrontierTsundereAlto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/g/ is tsundere?
how cute
but not cute enough for the cold calculating machine that /sci/ is