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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 9 KB, 536x241, minke-whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4230691 No.4230691 [Reply] [Original]

dolphins and whales being classified as "mammals" is a blight on science. That's like for example if when taxonomy was new we considered a bird to be "something that flies" and poof, we have suddenly termed all insects birds.

It's a mistake based on poor taxonomy.

>> No.4230692

Creationist sighted. Fire at will; I repeat fire at will.

>> No.4230694

Taxonomy isn't perfect. It's humans trying to superimpose structure on a non-structured system.

It mostly works. Doesn't always, though. Nature does not conform to our ideas.

>> No.4230696

>Biology is without structure.
It's not working. Open up with the big guns.

>> No.4230699
File: 14 KB, 400x396, 1307139415006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fish like dolphins
> fish like whales
i want to live in a world where people are allowed to say this without some idiot going hurf durf dey isn't fish dey is mammals lawl

>> No.4230700

i see you are calling samefag and being wrong. good luck with that.

this, this right here.
> fish such as dolphins and bass..
> and other fish like whales..

>> No.4230703

Naw, I wasn't calling samefag. I was just calling idiot. You are an idiot. Please stop posting bullshit on /sci/ until you bother to do a cursory overview of what you're posting about.

>> No.4230704

Dolphins and whales are mammals because they are descended from mammals. Cladistics are based on common descent not on shared traits.

>> No.4230708

Yeah, and I want to live in a world where I can say "humans only use 10% of their brain" without some fag ass egghead going "hurr durr herp derp derp that's not true hurf durf murf lurf gurf".

I mean, I have a right to my own facts.

>> No.4230710

> before taxonomy
Fish something exclusively non-land that swims.
Classification status: just fucking obvious.

> after taxonomy
now if you want to broadswing you have to say "non-land sea dwellers"

>> No.4230711

>I have a right to my own facts.
If you mean you have a right to spout bullshit and not be called on it, in fact you do not.

>> No.4230713
File: 93 KB, 374x250, Dolphin-4870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: a fish

>> No.4230715

yeah whales and dolphins are obviously fish. It's based on their birthing and milking.

taxonomy isn't perfect yet

>> No.4230717


>> No.4230719


>> No.4230720

Not sure if sarcastic...

>> No.4230722

I think we should classify humans as fish, because there's always a bit of water in the air surrounding us, so technically, we're water-dwelling creatures too. I hope no one ever corrects me on this, because that would be rude and autistic.

>> No.4230724

well i'm sure that you're a faggot.

you're the kind of shithead that impedes science, holding to your already conceived ideas whether they are right or wrong

>> No.4230723

Dolphins are descended from land mammals, and are thus classified as mammals. They specifically did not evolve from fishes (without going through mammals).

>> No.4230726

> Dolphins are descended from land mammals

> They specifically did not evolve from fishes

>> No.4230729

Come back after having learned a thing or two.

>> No.4230734

> Come back after having learned a theory or two.
fixed that for you.

>> No.4230735

No, it is you who are wrong, you dumb cunt.

>> No.4230737

I hope almost everybody in this thread is being ironic.

>> No.4230738

>deliberatly post unintelligent decleration on /sci/

>Admire ensueing chaos

I'm not op, but jesus christ /sci/.

You are so fucking easy to Troll it's laughable. You're like those Girls in the anime who, like, fucking beat up men whenever they walk into them doing something embarassing.

Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.4230739

Yes, and? Sorry, I won't play the "just a theory" game.

>> No.4230741


Unless we're Secretly Trolling the people who get mad at this sort of shit and everyone but the natives to /sci/ are already in on it.

In which case, holy shit.

>> No.4230746
File: 14 KB, 300x330, duty_calls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, guys. Much simpler explanation. Pic related.

>> No.4230749

everything that is alive is a descended from bacteria that formed in the "sea soup"

everything is bacteria

>> No.4230753
File: 25 KB, 400x400, fail, what the fuck am i reading(q).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4230755
File: 213 KB, 999x665, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're forgetting all those creatures that were dropped off by the aliens.

>> No.4230761

I'd think it was a given that the science board would be filled with autists.

>> No.4230771


>descended from bacteria

You better mean generic prokaryotes

>> No.4230780
File: 319 KB, 1600x1200, Breaching Humpback Whale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whales have mammary glands, and that is why they are mammals.


more fish

>> No.4230795


Fish with Tits.

Titty Fish.

>> No.4230889


Let's see....
Live birth... Check
Milk production... Check
Hair... Check
Three inner ear bones... Check

Sure seem like mammals to me