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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 353x270, no strong feelings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4229583 No.4229583 [Reply] [Original]

Let's assume for a second that the universe is infinite.
If that would be the case, there must be infinite exact copies of the Earth, including you, sitting in front of your PC (or Mac...) reading and exact copy of this very comment...
Thoughts on this?

>> No.4229598

it is possible, but infinite universe doesn't automatically mean everything is copied an infinite number of times.
and people are going to get mad at your assumption.because sci cant into theoreticals.

>> No.4229602

>Let's assume
Let's not.

>> No.4229610


Multiverse (in theory, at least) suggests infinite number of universes. An infinite number of universes means, for all intents and purposes, an infinite number of outcomes.

>> No.4229619

The Multiverse Goes through every single possible and impossible different choice in each different universe, at one point in your life you may have had a choice between a dick in your anus or a dick in the mouth, in one, you take it in the mouth, in this one, you take it in the anus, in another you took 3,000,000 dicks in both holes.

>> No.4229624

That doesn't imply non-uniqueness. Consider the interval <span class="math"> {[0,1] \in \mathbb R} [/spoiler]. There are uncountably infinite real numbers in this interval, but they are also all unique. Extrapolate this idea to the multiverse.

>> No.4229625
File: 29 KB, 350x350, C0072909-Multiverse&#44;_artwork-SPL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick exactly one

the universe is a member of a multiverse, comprised of bubble universes. pic related.

the multiverse is a member of a portion of an infinite true vacuum that has yet to decay to ground state.

this true vacuum, supposedly, has an infinite number of multiverses in an 'omniverse'.

>> No.4229630
File: 29 KB, 560x400, 23413465345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if there are an infinite number of omniverses inside of a megaverse?

>> No.4229639

but the omniverse is the true vacuum. that isn't exactly feasible. if there was another level of complexity, we would be living inside of a pseudo-multiverse, which would be inside of an omniverse.

>> No.4229640

Not necessarily. 0.7 recurring is infinite, that doesn't mean it contains every possible sequence of numbers. 4.16 recurring is too, it doesn't contain every possible sequence. I can't think of more complex irrationals that are infinite without containing sequences twice, but they exist.

>> No.4229660
File: 22 KB, 320x256, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4229661

the multiverse isn't a mathematical set.

string theory predicts an exact duplicate copy of a person at an estimated distance of <span class="math">10^{29^{29^{29}}}[/spoiler] m away in some random direction from their current position.

>> No.4229668

[citation needed]
If you say "it's complicated" I will hunt you down and skullfuck you until you stop breathing

>> No.4229689

>string theory

0/10, come back with real science next time

>> No.4229707

Idiot. The real numbers are infinite yet do not contain infinite copies of me, or of any one of the numbers it contains... Think then type.

>> No.4229722
File: 26 KB, 356x450, bananna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>the multiverse isn't a mathematical set.

Please leave.

>> No.4229744

Just because something is infinite doesn't mean everything must happen. Two wheels with spokes can spin over each other and the spokes will never align in the same place twice forever, just make their spin rates two different primes. An infinite string of 1s never contains a 2 just because it is infinite.

Infinity is made-up bullshit, but it isn't *that* bullshit.

>> No.4229754

>There must be

No. Nothing dictates that there must.

For all you know there is an infinite amount of unique occurrences.

>> No.4229755

>Just make their spin rates two different primes

Erm, no. Multiply one by the other, and that's the number of spins until they sync.

>> No.4229766

>sitting in front of your PC (or Mac...)

A mac is a PC, anus.

>> No.4229782

doesnt this shit implies that there must be an infinite amount of super cosmic dudes that want to destroy us, and a infinite amount of other super cosmic dudes that defends us as dark nights, and at the same time other supercosmic guys that destroy the guys that protect us and that in an eternal circle? isnt that a paradox?

>> No.4229803


That's a wholly irrelevant point. Numerically, in terms of their symbolic "name," the number we assign them, they're unique entities. That doesn't mean the exact same thing can't be happening in two of those intervals; only that they're numerically separate entities. That math doesn't prove anything, and if you truly think it does, you should consider majoring in English.

>> No.4229804
File: 902 KB, 200x150, 1289974815465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there is no legitimate reason to believe in either an infinite universe or a multiverse and you're all just wanking yourselves off to popsci concepts with no real grounding in legitimate science

>> No.4229839


>yfw M-Theory posits interaction of "branes" to explain the big bang

>yfw there are an infinite number with a static number of dimensions constantly colliding

>hurrdurr popsci

>English major detected

>> No.4229851

> string theory
> science fiction
You must select both.

>> No.4229864
File: 55 KB, 800x543, 1313622880227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are fucking kidding me with this 'brane' crap. what the hell is with the estimates on the size of the universe? seriously, string theory is essentially kaku's lsd trip

>> No.4229865
File: 9 KB, 229x220, 234j23kj4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok heres the scene... theres a galaxy lets say 25 million light years from here right? essentially when looking at that particular galaxy your looking at what it looked like 25 million years ago right? prove to me its still there

>> No.4229870


>Unification of gravity and quantum mechanics

>Not string theory

Pick one.

>> No.4229880

>If that would be the case, there must be infinite exact copies of the Earth

False. The integers are infinite, are there an infinite number of exact copies of the number 1 in the set of integers?

>> No.4229882


You can't.

>> No.4229885
File: 38 KB, 640x452, 1318249828841.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying no LQG
>implying no BEC vacuum
>implying no QFT in curved space-time

>> No.4229890

This is also supported by the string theory, which states that there are an infinite number of universes in which there exists an infinite numbers of possibilites for everything.

So in another universe I'm reading this with a spiked dildo in my left nostril.

>> No.4229895

except, even if we consider the multiverse a set, there are duplicate copies of universes as quantum fluctuations can potentially occur in the same deterministic fashion and spark identical conditions of inflation, physical constants, etc, of ours. everything would be identical if we look at it from this fashion. no differences down to the planck length.

this falls under the same fate as the mind-body problem. if i were to destroy our universe, one exactly identical to ours has a probability of 1 of existence.

>> No.4229892
File: 10 KB, 200x252, 234j2b34hjb3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4229882 exactly. my point being-how do we kno we're not the last living things in the universe?

to many questions too mnay qutseoins to many quetsinos

>> No.4229894


>Criticizing string theory

>Not theoretical physicist

>> No.4229900

>physics major
close enough

even when i have my phd i will still criticize string theory, it's time independent.

>> No.4229902

>Let's assume for a second that the universe is infinite.

We have no compelling reason to do this.


If we can infer that it's in motion when we look at it, we can be pretty sure it is NOT still there now.

>> No.4229907


I yield to your triple dubs. Seriously though why don't you think it's viable? I've never gotten a different perspective.

>> No.4229926

(not the same guy, but...) no experimental predictions have come true. it is essentially a mathematical model that holds logic. it isn't exactly 'reality' until we see things experimentally. the only truly phenomenal discovery that has come out of string theory is gauge/gravity duality with CFT and anti de sitter space. this is absolutely mind boggling, but it most likely hints at a fundamentally different physical reality as opposed to string theory.

>> No.4229935


That's very interesting. What gives things like loop quantum gravity sway over string theory though? Has LQG made any novel predictions that we've found to be true?

>> No.4229947

You mean it isn't exactly "science" until we see things experimentally.Science doesn't show us reality, for all we know photons are just something that models reality.And experiments can only fail to disprove something, not prove it.

>> No.4229950


What are you talking about?

>> No.4229954

>implying that the universe hasn't already been proven to be finite.

It greatly disturbs me honestly. Imagining my self, or a copy of my self somewhere else doing something else, suffering the same as I did in the beginning years of my life... Ugh.

>> No.4229957

it's purely the rational perspective of the model once you go to such a theoretical basis of physics. for me, personally, 'strings' just do not sound viable- or even testable for that matter.

>You mean it isn't exactly "science" until we see things experimentally
no, anything conclusive under mathematical grounds and fundamental principles of logic can be trivially considered 'science'

>Science doesn't show us reality
this purely depends on your stance. when we reach the point of which an observable can only be identified on a statistical basis, it's up to you. but, when the statistics are so unbelievably accurate on their small and large scale predictions in response to experimental evidence, it's quite fascinating. thus, many consider the wave function and the wave-like nature of matter a physical reality.

> for all we know photons are just something that models reality
we see the particle-like properties of photons. einstein demonstrated this, and his results were experimentally reproducible. we also demonstrated the wave-like nature of light, showing that we might be able to unify these two under field excitations.

>and experiments can only fail to disprove something, not prove it.
this is a logical fallacy that haunts all of science. i'm not even bothering with an argument on the subject.

>> No.4229968 [DELETED] 

the universe is finite! we can see this with clear evidence of the big bang, with CMB, with the laws of entropy! get your facts straight on the definition of a 'bubble universe', 'universe', 'multiverse', 'omniverse', etc...

>> No.4230082

>no, anything conclusive under mathematical grounds and fundamental principles of logic can be trivially considered 'science'
I was led to believe that only things that have been proven experimentally in a repeatable manner are qualified as science.
>this is a logical fallacy that haunts all of science. i'm not even bothering with an argument on the subject.
Could you? your other arguments have given me much to think about and I would like to hear your thoughts on this subject.

>> No.4230898


>> No.4230904

Haven't there been many accurate theories that furthered science, but were eventually disregarded?

>> No.4230909

if there are an infinite number of natural numbers, there must be infinite natural numbers with the value 1. that's how retarded you sound, cockwrangler

>> No.4230915

why is that? Why coudln't it be that the universe is absolutely empty beyond what we can see?

>> No.4230950

Yes, that would be the implication.

>> No.4230965

This is one of the theories about alternative "dimensions." Type III or some such.

If the universe is infinite, then it stands to reason that all possible combinations of matter/energy exist.

>> No.4233250

and neither do i...

>> No.4233253

infinity is not a naturally occuring number

>> No.4233258

>naturally occurring number
This has no meaning.

>> No.4233264

it means nothing in nature is infinite dumbsshit

>> No.4233276

That is an empirical claim which lacks evidence. Try the following board instead:

>> No.4233279

>has no idea how basic mathematics work in regards to physics.

empirical. that's a big word for a highschool kid

>> No.4233283

Again, if you want to make empirical claims without evidence, then >>>/x/ is exactly what you're looking for. >>>/b/ if you want to name-call and troll.

>> No.4233286

>without evidence

lol, if you mean argument. then no. you have clearly demonstrated you have no concept of what 1+1 is. I'm not gonna talk about infinity to a child.

>> No.4233294

You persist with the name calling ("child"). >>>/b/

You try to shift the argument away from the original contention. The original contention was that nothing in nature is infinite. That is an empirical claim. Empirical claims require evidence. "1+1", and the theory of math in general, is a non-sequitir. Obviously you don't need evidence for claim of math. Again, trolling goes to >>>/b/.

>> No.4233301

oh wow, look at this one busting out all the big words.

bottomline is this. you have no argument. if you did you wouldve proven me wrong already. nothing would give you more satisfaction than that. so the only reason you don't do it is because you cant

its sad that you actually believe the crap that comes out of your mouth.

stay classy

>> No.4233303

But I did prove you wrong. I demonstrated that you made an empirical claim without backing evidence.

>> No.4233313

no. I made a claim. and you had a problem with that claim.

a problem I can't care less about.

it's very simple, what I say is right, what you say is wrong. there's nothing anyone can do to make it otherwise.

I feel no desire or have no need to "prove" to you anything. if you want to argue. go argue with yourself

>> No.4233319

This is the science board. Science is the art and practice of learning which demands evidence for empirical claims. As you have none for your empirical claim, you automatically lose.

>> No.4233320


The probability is minimal. The probability increases as time from x to y has elapsed increase.

>> No.4233332


has your balls dropped yet?

and I'll help myself >>b

>> No.4233340

Well, thank you for going to >>>/b/.