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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4227800 No.4227800 [Reply] [Original]

since /b/ is full of fail and I'm trying to do science:

Hey /sci/. I'm a guy writing my final thesis about the art of trolling and I'm trying to come up with a definition for trolling since the existing ones pretty much suck.
How would you define it? My version would be:

Trolling: Disrupting or corrupting a person or system for the lulz.

>> No.4227804

Trolling: behaving like a 12 old just to get attention.

>> No.4227809


trolling defined - see OP

>> No.4227812

already better than /b/ but my thesis will be about love and respect for troll culture

>> No.4227818

OP, whether this is an actual subject for a thesis or not. Have you checked encyclopediadramatica? There's some more explanation about trolls.

>> No.4227832

i'm not trolling. i'll be finished with it in 3 weeks, then i'll upload it so you can see it's real.
It's difficult to write about that topic, because there is hardly any literature about it (in fact one of the only things written about this is an essay from judith donath in 1999). So it will maybe more read like an essay with footnotes when it's finished. ed is a great source sometimes, but i don't like their definitions

>> No.4227836

>writing my final thesis about the art of trolling

In case you're serious, I pity you for your immaturity.

>> No.4227849

This video might be helpful.


>> No.4227855

Your thesis is already full of fail. You need to be a bit more scientific than "hey /sci/ define trolling", for a thesis level topic you need to approach it as a study of trolling in search of a definition.

I dont know how you are going to achieve that, what are you doing your PhD in?

>> No.4227858
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i am serious.
according to cultural studies, there is no such thing as high and low culture. so it seems a legit topic.
and after all MIT is doing research on this too...
pic related. some of my literature

>> No.4227859

Wait for EK to come online. She's an expert on the topic.

>> No.4227868 [DELETED] 


^Better version

>> No.4227874

>doesn't know about 4chan extensions and embedded videos

reported for trolling. enjoy your ban

>> No.4227877


Your presumed respect for Internet culture sickens me.

>> No.4227880

>writing a thesis on arts
>ask a science board

>> No.4227882

It's not my PhD. Its a diploma. That is something like the german equivalent of a master and in my case it is in new media design. however our university has a focus on cultural theory and net culture. I don't really want to prove something other than that trolls are not always bored 12 year old nerds without friends (most of the time they are, but I'd like to write an essay founded on reasonable sources). Also I did a lot of research on the topic to come up with this definition and i didn't find a weak point in it yet. The problem is, that i'm not a native speaker and picking the right words is quite difficult for me.

>> No.4227897

Here's an anecdote: My brother trolls irl by pretending he doesn't know what you're talking about (e.g., "Hey man, you remember in Jurassic Park where that one weird dinosaur eats the guy who played Newman in Seinfeld?" "What's Jurassic Park? I don't think I've seen that" or "What is Seinfeld?" etc.) If you call him out on it, he'll insist he doesn't know, so then you start explaining everything to him, and he'll try to get you to make a very lengthy explanation, then when you're finally done, he'll admit that he knew all along. There have been a few times I wanted to punch him in the face because of this.

>> No.4227902

you're kinda right, but i really want to try my best to write it in a scientific correct manner. even if the topic is not hard science. i see myself more as a scientist than an artist from the mentality.

>> No.4227905

thats a nice story. maybe i can find a place for it somewhere in the thesis if you don't mind

>> No.4227906

who is EK?

>> No.4227918

Yeah, that's cool. I'm sure he'll be happy that his trolling is now approaching legendary status.

>> No.4227937


self trolling - how pathetic.

>> No.4227953

The Queen of /sci/.

A title well deserved, because only the worst shitposter of all can be the queen of the worst board on 4chan.

>> No.4227976

just read about ek in that question to rk-thread at chanarchive.
damn. harriet is doing averything that you shoudn't do when getting trolled, accourding to my thesis.

>> No.4227985
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Protip: use Wolfram Alpha


>> No.4227989

"noun | angling by drawing a baited line through the water"
that's a great definition. thanks wolfram alpha.

>> No.4228005

>Trolling is a method of fishing where one or more fishing lines, baited with lures or bait fish, are drawn through the water.

So this is a thesis on marine biology?

>> No.4228017

>marine biology


>> No.4228019

Fishing involves catching fish.
Marine biologists study fish.
Q.E.D. fishing is marine biology.

>> No.4228137

somehow still an interesting answer, since trolling originally derived from that fishing technique and not from the nordic creature. its first appearance was on alt.folklore.urban where it meant something like fishing for newbies. it was used to demask noobs, primarily in september

>> No.4228150
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troll-ism is defined as starting a thread asking what is troll?, then leaving the thread ofter one or two answers, never to return while all the motards of the internet post into the thread that this very thread indicates troll-anation.


>> No.4228162

op here. im still reading and writing. just don't like using tripcodes

>> No.4228181
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>> No.4228214


try that again...

>> No.4228216 [DELETED] 
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with graphics

>> No.4228220
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>> No.4228243

op here
oh and btw: i have to do an exhibition or some kind of practical work on trolling. don't have a clue what to do yet. do you have any idea? i mean it would be great to troll the visitors of the exhibition, but i still don't know how.

>> No.4228252
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persistence... the key to something...

>> No.4228296

I wouldn't call disrupting, since it seems to imply a specific target. Trolling seems to be mostly like fishing, and it's even named after a fishing technique. You've got a bait and too much time in your hands, so you just wait until someone or something bites it.

I'd say try looking after "cultural jamming". It's ideological driven trolling.

>> No.4228331

>I'm trying to come up with a definition for trolling since the existing ones pretty much suck.
>How would you define it?


>> No.4228349

that's exactly what i meant. Thank you! As I said, I'm not a native speaker, so I didn't know that disrupting could imply a specific target. At first i took "corrupting", but my prof had concerns with that. Is there maybe a better word for it?

>> No.4228358

oh and cultural jamming was also a topic, im my study. think we had that in third semester but i see it more as some kind of politically motivated street art. interesting thought however to see it as a form of trolling. after all, trolling is a art

>> No.4228517

btw: any ideas for a substitute term for "lulz"? maybe not a good idea to use it. What about enjoyment?

>> No.4229090

Personal amusement?

>> No.4229459

That'll be it.

>> No.4229483


So, is trolling a specific type of "joke" or are trolling and joking mutually exclusive?

Asking you questions to hopefully help you on your thesis. Also fuck you.

>> No.4229495

Read this whole thread >>4228409 and see a master of trolling doing his work.

>> No.4229563

>Trolling: Disrupting or corrupting a person or system for the lulz.

Too general a description, because it can also describe griefing. The difference is the troll's efforts can be thwarted simply by ignoring him, while a griefer acts on a captive audience. For instance, people in a science thread can ignore someone spouting Scientology propaganda and keep the thread going apace, thus making the guy a troll. However, in a team-based video game, if someone decides to start killing teammates, you can't just ignore that, making the guy a griefer. Micspam is less of a pain, but if the noise drowns out sounds of enemy action that would assist in playing, that hindrance is concrete and cannot be fully ignored, and thus also counts as griefing.

TL;DR If ignoring him neutralizes his efforts, then he's a troll. Otherwise, he's a griefer.

>> No.4229651

Thank You, kind Sir.

I really think, that griefing is a form of trolling.
There is an early essay about griefing, when the word "griefing" didn't exist. It is called "A rape in Cyberspace" by Julian Dibbell. In this story, a guy, (could be the prototype of a /b/tard from how he describes him) rapes other players in a Multi User Dungeon (some kind of roleplaying textadventure style second life chatroom). This text is often cited when people talk about trolls and its author, julian dibbell, is one of the mayor experts on trolls.

However, I came up with another definition by now (which still includes griefing as a form of trolling)

Trolling is the act of disrupting people for personal amusement or the amusement of many.

>> No.4229653

oh and trolling is a specific form of humor on expense of someone else. the important part is, that it is disrupting people.

>> No.4229685
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>42 replies
why /sci/? why?

>> No.4229775

I didn't know there were troll experts. What are they called, trollologists? Trololologists?

Regardless, I still view trolling and griefing as different enough to be categorized as different subsets of disruptions because of how they reflect on the perpetrator. When I think of trolling, I think of a guy fishing for reactions and ignored by most, but when someone takes the bait, they usually overreact to the point that an outside audience would look down more on the trollee for being a dumbass. With griefers, even if the scenarios they create are funny, you still recognize that the griefer is the asshole and that his targets are usually justified in their frustration.

TL;DR I define trolling to be more benign than griefing, justifying separate categorization. If you call both types "trolling," with the more hostile type being "griefing," then what would you call the more benign type?

>> No.4229801

Trolling: Socratic Irony, or actual stupidity depending on execution.

>> No.4230228

You'll have to see >>>/lit/
for that one