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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4225702 No.4225702[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just wondering, what made you believe in evolution, besides years of indoctrination at the public schools of our current education system?

>> No.4225715

there are evidence for evolution and the theory seems logical and realistic

abiogenesis on another hand...

>> No.4225714

The alternative was: "lol a wizard did it."

>> No.4225721

Just wondering, what made you troll?

>> No.4225722

you have to get a new flu vaccine every year

the flu bacteria are evolving

please stop trolling /sci/ and return to >>>/b/ where you belong


>> No.4225724
File: 250 KB, 600x600, feelpainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when brainwashed into atheism/evolutionism

>> No.4225739
File: 18 KB, 500x333, teehee128643165721235724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when OP is trying to save his troll

>> No.4225765

>implying bacteria flu resistance is evolution

>> No.4225773

A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group


>> No.4225778


>> No.4225791

Ignoring all the stupid in your post you have yet to show signs that indicate macroevolution. Adaptation=/=evolution

>> No.4225811

It was the skeletons of animals that convinced me.

As a kid, I noticed that different species of animal appeared to have the same skeleton, but with different bones stretched or squashed. When I later read about evolution, it was kind of satisfying. It was an elegant explanation for the similarity.

>> No.4225818

Learned about it when I was five. From books, after I'd learned to read. Knowing so much about stuff before going to school, the semi-mandatory religious studies-classes were fun when I contradicted the teacher all the time.

>> No.4225820

>implying similarity is proof of evolution

>> No.4225824

so your indoctrination to evolution started as early as 5 years old, interesting.

>> No.4225828


>implying your intellectual betters give a shit what you think

>> No.4225830

>how do i into domestication

>> No.4225838

keep it polite.

>> No.4225837

How can a five year old understand evolution?

>> No.4225834

The indisputable amount of evidence that I can go look at and test to conclude creatures adapt to their environments over billions of years.

>> No.4225836

I didn't say proof.

I said it was an elegant explanation for observations I had made as a kid.

>> No.4225842

Why not? It doesn't require any education.

>> No.4225850

If that is a serious question, you should interact with more 5 year olds. They'll surprise you. Plus, evolution isn't that difficult a concept to grasp.

>> No.4225852

Even biologists can understand it. Are you insulting 5 year olds?

>> No.4225855


that there are experiments simulating the enviroment during the period of abiogenisis and abiogenisis does indeed happen, from there on in there is empirical evidence for every single part of evoloution

>> No.4225860


You are using this word and I don't think you know what it means.

>> No.4225862

I know. I'm not questioning whether they have the background but whether they can understand the concept.

Yeah maybe I underestimate them.

>> No.4225865

Predictive power mainly. According to the theory of evolution, putting non-citric acid-consuming bacteria on a citric acid rich diet would lead to them using citric acid. And what do you know, that's exactly what happens:

Are there other explanations possible? Of course, but so far only variants of "Some external force caused it" have been explored, and that doesn't hold any predictive value.

Wait, macroevolution is the formation of species, no?

>> No.4225868

I find them both wildly perceptive and frustratingly blind all at once. Imo they need to be old enough for an intelligent conversation before I spend much time with them.

>> No.4225870



A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group


>> No.4225869


Are you telling me there is not empirical evidence for both long and short term evolution ?

>> No.4225867

>implying the Miller–Urey experiment was evidence for origin of life

>> No.4225873

>implying natural selection is proof for evolution.

>> No.4225874

reported for trolling

>> No.4225877

> Implying that children wouldnt understand
not noticing that children shows have hints of evolution theory in them ( pokemon, digimon, etc) plus it has more to do with how the parents are.

>> No.4225880

No, we just had a few meters of shelfspace given to different encyclopedias and I was a voracious reader from the get-go, but I was already more interested in facts than stories. Reading about how the solar system was formed was way more interesting than any books in the bible.

Easily, as it happened.

>> No.4225885

Blue anon and I disagreed yesterday, today I feel I must support him.
Flu is a virus which evolves quickly.
All flora and fauna evolve slowly but in the vast time frame of life on earth it is completely logical and PROVABLE.
Science doesn't try to disprove anything, just search for answers on why things are as they are.
What made you believe 1+1=2
>besides years of indoctrination at the public schools of our current education system?
Fuck off and wise up!

>> No.4225886

Meh, the definition of life is a problem on itself:

And so is the definition of a species by the way:

>> No.4225896

>>Implying that you can ask for harder evidence than fucking speciation occurring under our noses.