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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 83 KB, 720x559, tenetsofatheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4223474 No.4223474 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we mock atheists and their retarded 'science.'

>> No.4223480

3 elephants on a turtle? seriously, /sci/? you're not even trying anymore.

atheists: -9001
christians: 1

>> No.4223484
File: 44 KB, 410x303, sage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4223487

it's scientifically proven, deal with it

>> No.4223490

Atheists are lucky God created science so they can be retarded and say that He doesn't exist.

Atheists: F on the test of life
Christians: A++

>> No.4223492

that picture was taken with the newest generation telescope, faggot

It's not our fault that your little mind can't grasp our scientific approach.

>> No.4223494

can't tell if trolling

>> No.4223500

There's nothing to believe in here, fag. We know it's that way because NASA's research has proved it.

>> No.4223506
File: 60 KB, 786x664, pinef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheists are getting their ass kicked as always, eh?

>> No.4223507

There are four elephants. This is the problem with Christians: they don't even understand the science they're rejecting.

>> No.4223512
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>> No.4223515

what also could happen? they have no arguments to back up their ridiculous claims

butthurt atheist detected

>> No.4223523

typical atheist is typical

having run out of arguments, he calls his opponent a troll

>> No.4223524

Everyone knows the universe was created when marduk killed tiamat.

>> No.4223529

So wait /sci/ believes in "God" or something?

What is this?

I'm agnostic...

>> No.4223541
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>> No.4223542
File: 278 KB, 1024x770, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My recaptcha thing is making me type "Convincing Allah" interesting, very interesting.

>> No.4223550

>makes a lot more sense than your elephants on a flying space turtle

>> No.4223557
File: 38 KB, 400x469, sagecatsayssage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4223561

What Christians (and any follower of a particular faith) don't realise is that they too are atheists. It's just that hard line atheists believe in 1 less God than you do.

>> No.4223564

Poor atheists, I will pray for you.

Praise the Lord!

>> No.4223582

Hey, at least we're trying to figure out the sex of our world turtle so that we can try to make appropriate preparations for "the big bang." You do realize what happens if our turtle is female, right?

>> No.4223608

Atheists believe in one God less than christians?
If that is the case, I don't want to be an atheist.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me."

Which tells us that rejecting God or worshipping other gods is an act of disobedience and idolatery.
It leads to moral decay (see babylon, who rejected God and went after their own pursue of gain).

What happened to Babylon will happen to atheists as well.

>> No.4223622

One self-righteous god setting itself ahead of others?

I can see you christians getting torn to pieces by the rest of the gods when they rip pieces of you to take to their own special hells for the sin of hubris.

>> No.4223628

If I am torn to pieces by the lesser gods, then you surely (as an atheist) will be torn to pieces too, for your lack of faith in the lesser gods.

>> No.4223629

Okay Dawkinsfag, perhaps you'd like to explain to me how someone who believes in deity (a Christian, for example) fits the criteria for atheism i.e. believes that there is no deity or doesn't believe that there is deity.

You're a fucking retard!

>> No.4223632

believe in one, disregard a thousand

you can argue semantics but that's just pointless

>> No.4223638

Who said I'm an atheist. I believe in all the gods.
Well, except for the christian one, that one's just too weird to believe in.

>> No.4223641

>implying what you posted wasn't exactly about semantics

A person cannot believe in some deity and no deity simultaneously. What you posted is a necessary logical contradiction.

>> No.4223645

So you worship/believe in the pagan gods, and not in the One Creator of the universe?

Why would you want to worship/believe in counterfeit gods when you have the real God, the creator of the universe?

>> No.4223658

if this world and the people and their suffering, are the examples of what this one creator can do.
then he/she/it, isn't deserving of any worship.

>> No.4223660



>> No.4223663

>pagan gods
Look who's talking. I believe that Wotan, Zeus, Isis, Ahura Mazda, the aborigine dreamers, The Twins, Ilmatar, Pangu, Hünab Ku and many others brought the world into being.

The christian stories are more akin to the writings of L. Ron Hubbard than a real religion.

>> No.4223667
File: 126 KB, 486x680, cheerleader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one god! He is the sun god! RA! RA! RA!

>> No.4223683


the suffering on earth is not his fault.
The history of man is full of rebellion towards God, starting with Adam and Eve who disobeyed God and chose to follow not God, but their own moral and judgment.
God promises man a life of righteousness if we go towards Him and do His will.
If God hated us, He would lead is to damnation and death. But He instead promises eternal life and salvation from death through Jesus. There is damnation for the one who chooses God as his creator.

Through adam and eve came sin into the world (rebellion and moral decay) but through Jesus Christ salvation and eternal life.

The atheist doctrine of a Godless world leads nowhere. It says that man is an animal, has no purpose and everything came into being by chance.

>> No.4223687

L. Ron Hubbard was a follower of Aleister Crowley and was anti christian.

>> No.4223688

>it's not god's fault!!
Self-flagellating christian detected.

>> No.4223694

Yes, just like christian storytellers were followers of real gods before they went heretic and used parts of real religions to concoct their own.

>> No.4223702

There were no real gods before God, they were deities worshipped by men and this act was condemned by God as idolatery

>> No.4223724

>condemned by heretics for not bowing to their made-up religion

No one had heard of the christian god before your ancient hubbards started spinning their tales.
>saying the most recently made up god is more ancient than the real gods
oh you christians

>> No.4223829

You don't know your real history.
The other 'gods' were deities and were only introduced by man after Adams fall from eden.
God created the universe and man chose in his ignorance to worship deity gods instead of the Creator.
God is 'older' than pagan gods, because he created everything in the universe. The pagan gods were just a substitute for the rebellious man, who didnt like Gods Will and instead accepted other doctrines.

So, in short, God is older than the pagan gods.

>> No.4223841

reported for trolling/not science

>> No.4223843

Actually, even the people that followed the real gods are older than your stories make out the earth to be. One of the smaller falsehoods christians perpetrated against the true gods. But the true gods are regaining their followers, while the misdeeds of the heretics are brought to the light of day.

>> No.4223857

>>makes a lot more sense than your elephants on a flying space turtle

You obviously don't know shit about science.

>> No.4223882

>Okay Dawkinsfag, perhaps you'd like to explain to me how someone who believes in deity (a Christian, for example) fits the criteria for atheism i.e. believes that there is no deity or doesn't believe that there is deity.

>You're a fucking retard!

Maybe you're the retard. You believe in one God and firmly disbelieve in the hundreds (thousands?) of other Gods that "exist" so please tell me how this isn't atheistic.

inb4 "but the God I believe in is the only true God, the rest are false"

It doesn't matter. You still firmly reject the belief of many many other Gods and therefore share the views of an atheist.

>> No.4223892

Looks like school finished early today.

>> No.4224711

bump for truth and justice!

>> No.4224717 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 587x399, wtsngo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont bump this, retard

>> No.4224729

Hello, EK. Would you please post a picture of yourself? Thank you for any consideration.

>> No.4224745 [DELETED] 

i already said no, dont ever ask again.

>> No.4224753

Hello, EK. Would you please post a picture of yourself? Thank you for any consideration.

>> No.4224759 [DELETED] 


>> No.4224764
File: 19 KB, 240x240, abbell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, EK. Would you please post a picture of yourself? Thank you for any consideration.

>> No.4224774
File: 77 KB, 600x899, 1310913938211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I second this.


>> No.4224780

Seeing her would most likely be disappointing.

>> No.4224782

how could such a bright light be emitted from ankh morpork anyway? Atheists suck.

>> No.4224789

Why does Abra have the head of Bellsprout?

Also fuck you for making me look up the names of the beasts.

>> No.4224790


If anyone has the Welcome to /mu/ variation of this, I would be delighted should they decide to post it.

>> No.4224795 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 189x152, butterape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just photoshop it, mine was originally 'welcome to /fit/..."

its a program that blends 2 pokemon together
<<< (butterape)

>> No.4224798

Why the hell not? Srsly. And why are you so bitter about it? People like you, and want a face to envision whilst pretending you're their girlfriend, god, what's the big deal? Why do you have to be so goddamn crass?

>> No.4224808 [DELETED] 


>> No.4224820


>> No.4224983

atheists? more like antireligious faggots. all you can do is say shit against religion but there is absolutely nothing you can say against the fact that this world/live is just too fucking complex to have just popped outta nowhere.


>not being a technoshaman

pic: an atheist, he has a lot of reasons to hate god

>> No.4225014


>> No.4225040


>> No.4225045

mad atheistfag

>> No.4225060



>> No.4225062

>he mad

>> No.4225072

Eh, Life is more fun lived by the bible. We get to massacre anyone we want in the name of god, And take any woman we damn well please to be our pleasure slave. Fuck Atheism.

>> No.4225073



>> No.4225081

Don't try to hide your butthurt.

Successful troll is successful.

>> No.4225088



>> No.4225095

Proving my point. I'm at least a 10/10 troll now.

>> No.4225223
File: 13 KB, 1024x907, sage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4225323

bump, mad atheistfags

>> No.4225429


>> No.4225790

they see me prayin'...

they hatin'...

>> No.4225901

It makes me smile to know that religious people don't have
any better use for themselves than to harass atheists.

Every time a religious person posts or bumps these
threads is further incentive not to be like them.

>> No.4225993

I will pray for you, my son.

>> No.4226011


> this is what atheists actually believe
> atheists actually believe
> actually believe
> believe

I liek turtles

>> No.4226016

me2 dey tastes liek chicken

>> No.4226025
File: 20 KB, 480x320, 1324882662711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feeling when you believe the world is only 5,000 years old.
>That feeling when you don't believe in dinosaurs cause they weren't mentioned in the bible.
>That feeling when God created the Earth but failed to mention the vast universe beyond it.

>> No.4226028


Atheists do the same thing.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.4226031
File: 47 KB, 720x313, 1320046004969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God exists brah.

>> No.4226034


>> No.4226060

Atheists respond, they just don't believe in sky wizards.

>> No.4226067

Actually the bible does mention Dinosaurs. Some christians even beleive that Noah took baby Dinosaurs on the Ark and that they eventally died out.

>> No.4226073

Why don't Christians just say "God has made everything seem as it does to test peoples faith" he loved that shit in the old testament after all.
Then atheists can reply "yeah maybe, probably not as it would be completely pointless" we don't really give a fuck, just leave us alone please.

>> No.4226075

[citation needed]

>> No.4226082



>> No.4226083
File: 116 KB, 500x749, dinosaurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4226087

I lol'd

>> No.4226090


>> No.4226091

>God creates everything
>God gives man free will
>God decides who can come live with him forever when they die
>Everyone good you've ever argued with who God decides can live in heaven is there when you die
>For all eternity!!1!
>You can be sent to hell if you're bad in heaven
>Who could comprehend or stick eternal life
>The concept of heaven????????????
A creator made sense 500 years ago, eternal life and heaven never made sense.
>Fuck you

>> No.4226102

John 10.15
And ye non believers, behold the might of thee T-rex as it smites the Sodomites and renders their flesh asunder.

John 10.16
The t-rex came onto Jesus and knew Jesus, Jesus could not walk for a week and God smite the dinos for they were evil.

>> No.4226130

This basically tells me that the bible is full of shit. >Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago after inhabiting Earth for 140 million years.
>Noah's Ark happened around 4,300 years ago.


Also, why does an all powerful being such as God need to "rest" on the seventh day? He's God. This makes no sense. Sigh.

>> No.4226133


>> No.4226142

inscrutable are the ways of the Lord

>> No.4226158
File: 17 KB, 262x313, successful_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4227940


>> No.4228038
File: 137 KB, 800x600, dark_tower___gunslinger_by_kevinwalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See the turtle of enormous girth,
on his shell he holds the earth.
His thought is slow, but always kind.
He holds us all within his mind.

On his back all vows are made;
He sees the truth but mayn't aid.
He loves the land and loves the sea,
And even loves a child like me.

the gunslinger series, steve king

>> No.4228048


didn't your god say to treat others as you wish to be treated?

didn't your god say not to call men fools lest you be one?

doesn't your god say something about pride, and keeping it in check?

and yet you hollow supposed followers of christ appear to be completely ignoring, no, FLAUNTING that you are ignoring, what your religion tells you.

interesting on a scientific level.

>> No.4228075


I'd report you but the statistical data shows this does not "do shit" at all.