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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 438x533, 130IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4221360 No.4221360 [Reply] [Original]

I have a sudden urge to retort this with "define 'practical degree.'"

>> No.4221367

OP, text on your picture suggests us that you are frustrated because of something, what is it ?

>> No.4221369

I get a woody.

>> No.4221371
File: 115 KB, 600x600, 1261464451596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never harasses other virgins on an imageboard
>mfw that's exactly what this picture is for

>> No.4221376

>IQ 130

>> No.4221377

practical degree to me is engineering.. or science.

>> No.4221379

His expression looks exactly the same as that faggot grinning dog.
Anyone got photoshop?

>> No.4221380

>intelligent is...

>be happy
>care about family
>be healthy

>get a practical degree?

>wtf am i reading?

>> No.4221381
File: 119 KB, 553x484, drunkuncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will perish while we are enroute to Mars :-p

>> No.4221384

They don't mean the same thing.

>> No.4221391
File: 23 KB, 250x251, Spider_costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I give a shit about IQ
>implying I don't exercise
>implying I'm not a /fit/izen
>implying I'm not living my life
>implying I'm not able to intuitively socialize
>implying I don't take care of my body
>implying I'm not going to be a maths/physics major
>implying I'm not genuinely caring
>implying I'm an idiot

>posting in troll threads

right back at ya op

>> No.4221399


We don't buy anecdotal evidence around here

>> No.4221441
File: 92 KB, 600x674, 1324451176491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I.Q. 130
Pick one.

>My face when someone has an IQ below 150 near me
>My face when normalfags think that they are anywhere close to the same level as me, intellectually
It's like we're different species. We don't feel or think the same and the only resemblance is a physical one.

>> No.4221444

pick one

>> No.4221448
File: 39 KB, 500x375, 1324070329252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw when IQ was a psychological measure that was not meant to measure intelligence and most of the people claiming IQ=Intelligence think psychology is pseudo science

>> No.4221456

I.Q. 170 here. Doesn't it feel good to be on the top of the pyramid?

>> No.4221457

>Quantifying intelligence
Psychology you so cray-zeh!

>> No.4221460

>someone has an IQ below 150 near me

What are you even trying to say here?

>> No.4221463 [DELETED] 

I know that feel. These fags with an IQ as low as 130 seem like animals to me.

>> No.4221474
File: 13 KB, 444x414, Dolan_original.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my IQ is 121

>> No.4221493

>Implying that intelligence itself isn't a predictor of dysfunction in interpersonal relationships.

No, I perfectly expect someone with a 130 IQ to be a reclusive neckbeard who programs and does math all day.

When you get into the 150-170 range, you're into some Kaczynski shit. Intelligence is literally only one quality with which to judge a person, and the constant butthurt and inferiority complexes are probably what drive the impulse to isolation and escapism. 130 isn't "smart", but it's so vastly above the average that over like a statistical 95% of people you'll meet will be lower on the scale. Someone who is intelligent also probably realizes this, and I'm sure the fact that things they may find stimulating are going to be hard to convey or share with a human who does not have the patience or interest to begin with.

>> No.4221515

Psychology and sociology is useful. I can't feel emotions the same way that humans are evidently supposed to. It is suspected by me and at least five other people that I am a sociopath. With that potentially being the case, psychology and sociology serves to give me insight into the minds of psychologically normative individuals which allows me to function better within society.

It is considerably less useful than the hard sciences, however, so much in fact that one might say that in terms of usefulness psychology is not even 1% as useful as, say, physics.

It feels either apathetic or a mix of disappointing and boring, man.

Being more intelligent doesn't actually make me any better. Less intelligent people usually won't realize that, of course, which enforces a sense of melancholy about them wherein they perpetuate a concept which breeds insecurity and general unhappiness. It doesn't make any sense for it to be that way, but then that's why I realize it and they don't.

I.Q. 187 here.
>I felt like the I.Q. test was a joke
>Subsequent I.Q. tests had similar results
>I lost all motivation to contribute to society when I realized what the average human was like
"So this is humanity", I thought. "Maybe I don't belong here after all".

With that said, I take the depressing reality in stride and reap great enjoyment out of poking fun at various senseless aspects of life as a human.

They operate on such a primitive level intellectually that they almost seem like a filler for the planet, like NPCs almost. They way they live their lives, their personalities, even the way they think could be easily recreated with similarly primitive AI templates.

I can't exactly say that I resent them for being so dull-minded but they do seem quite pointless, at least where my stance on reality is.

>> No.4221519

>intellectually blabla
>implying intellectuality = intelligence
there could be a caveman with 200 iq,what about that champ?

>> No.4221526

above average intelligence but no so much that I compare to actually intelligent people sort of this mid ground where I feel I'm too dumb to converse with the people who I'd want to learn from.
And I hate socializing with the majority of society, It's not that I hate them I just can't relate I don't seem to have the same interests or common ground.
Sucks to be an aspie.

>> No.4221533

>When you get into the 150-170 range, you're into some Kaczynski shit.
I myself have noticed a correlation between high I.Q. and strong deviation from what is psychologically normative for humans, with varying degrees of acceptableness within society.

A good example:
There is almost nothing that I find humorous. The key word here is "almost", however, as one thing I do find endlessly entertaining is self-generated futile humor. It's as though I find it absolutely delightful that I don't find anything funny, and by extension I am able to make potentially anything that adequately stimulates this realization of my lack of humor - such as a joke would serve as adequate stimulation - hilarious.

This is a strange quirk of mine but certainly not one that anyone would ever notice unless I explicitly explained it as I just have.

I do not want to have sex, ever. I find it disgusting. I live in an extremely clean environment and I wash my hands 25 times a day on average. This is something that people do notice and is generally not well received.

You didn't even read that post, did you?

>> No.4221536

>They way they live their lives, their personalities, even the way they think could be easily recreated with similarly primitive AI templates.

So how about you employ your obviously vast intellect to producing such an AI? If you need motivation, then know that creating a virtual human brain simulator would probably net you a few scientific awards and lots of money.

>> No.4221543

Moar like "neurotypical extravert vs. semi-aspie introvert"

>> No.4221544

>They operate on such a primitive level intellectually
how did you come up with this conclusion?
I didnt read your post because it is retarded.
You crave for attention,i will not reply to you again,please do not quote my post and do not reply to me.It was a mistake writing to you.

>> No.4221545
File: 99 KB, 160x160, bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses anecdotes as evidence when supporting an opinion or expressing a thought

>> No.4221546

>If you need motivation, then know that creating a virtual human brain simulator would probably net you a few scientific awards and lots of money.

I don't want awards or money - those are worthless to me. A minimum amount of money is required to continue living, of course, so money is not entirely without use, but I hardly need "lots". It would just lay around somewhere, unused.

If I had a reason to do something like that then I already would have done it. I get nothing from demonstrating my intelligence at this time.

Also, that AI has already been created, hence why I can refer to it as "primitive". The kinks with it is a lack of information gathering devices such as our five senses, which prevents it from dynamically emulating sapience. AI development is currently more of an economic issue rather than a technological one. The necessary hardware is expensive with no expected return.

>> No.4221551

>I wash my hands 25 times a day on average.


>> No.4221554

>IQ of 120
>Too smart to enjoy being around dumb people
>Too dumb to fit in with smart people
I hate myself so much

>> No.4221558

>A minimum amount of money is required to continue living, of course, so money is not entirely without use, but I hardly need "lots". It would just lay around somewhere, unused.

So what do you want from your life?

>that AI has already been created, hence why I can refer to it as "primitive"


>> No.4221559

>AI development is currently more of an economic issue rather than a technological one
this guy needs a brain implant ,seriously

>> No.4221560

If you're so smart then why do you complain so much about other people?

Surely you'd realise it's pointless and only serves to make you more depressed?

>> No.4221571
File: 8 KB, 645x773, dat feel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4221583

Do ho ho.

I have no apparent worth to society or humanity as a whole. In fact, I would hardly even call myself human which should be a pre-requisite for being a genius.

I have an exceptional level of intelligence. This means nothing, however. As far as you're concerned, I'm just a fag on the internet who could very well be more deceitful than intelligent.

Obsessive compulsive tendency.

If I touch something that I feel is unclean then I will be very uncomfortable until I wash my hands.

>So what do you want from your life?
Nothing. I'm only alive now because of my desire for survival.

I can't cite a source for knowledge reaped from a general to in-depth understanding of a field.

It's not important, though. I won't argue my position on that, so feel free to ignore it.

>> No.4221585

>Implying IQ means shit.
The only thing that matters is what you do with your life. Can't converse with "lesser beings"? That's because you're socially inept.

I may not be a genius, but I'm still an engineer major and I have this miraculous ability that allows me to converse with, and have, friends who can't understand calculus.

>> No.4221589


Why not smoke weed or take antidepressants or something?

You seem to be smart but hella irrational to not want to improve your situation

>> No.4221603


It seems pretty clear that he has severe aspergers. I don't say that in a trolling way either, I've taught a lot of aspies to read and he is showing some clear signs.

It's unfortunate that some of our most talented humans fail to harness there gift. It's like being the best basketball player in the world, but playing on a JV soccer team. It doesn't matter that you could beat anyone in basketball since you aren't using your talents.

Therefore it doesn't matter that he has a 187 IQ because he will never accomplish anything in his life.

I look forward to a day where we can successfully treat aspergers and related problems so we can put these neckbeards to work.

Nuclear Physicists sure could use some help with Fusion etc etc.

>> No.4221608

I used to live a depressingly empty life just like you, and then I took some drugs to the brain. I'm not kidding by the way.

>> No.4221612

>Why not smoke weed or take antidepressants or something?
I'm not depressed.

>You seem to be smart but hella irrational to not want to improve your situation
I have no problem with my situation.

Good for you.

>> No.4221618


>not depressed

>So what do you want from your life?
Nothing. I'm only alive now because of my desire for survival.


>> No.4221619

Are you sure though that by fixing whatever courses asperger's you wont lower their "intelligence" maybe it's the fact they see things in a different light that makes them unique, It could be a trade off between intelligence and something that determines social abilities or peoples skills, all of which aren't purely genetic or purely environmental but a varying spectrum of both.

>> No.4221625


I think that intelligence and socialization aren't directly correlated parts of the genome. I am not very knowledgeable of the topic whatsoever, but that seems pretty intuitive to me.

There are _plenty_ of people with very high IQs and excellent social skills

>> No.4221626

>maybe it's the fact they see things in a different light that makes them unique

Autism is not just "seeing something in a different life", it's a full-blown mental dysfunction. And I say this as someone with mild aspergers.

>> No.4221629

In a different life? Fucking hell my fingers autotype a load of crap sometimes.

>> No.4221634

>you're a virgin who harasses other virgins on the internet

I died of irony.

>> No.4221637

I did say that I do have a desire for survival.

I'm not opposed to the idea of living my life. I have no with problems living the way that I am, in fact. That doesn't mean that I have a reason for it, however - it's just chemistry.

I refuse to delude myself. Any goals I may have would only be pipe-dreams and as such, worthless, even counter-productive. On the other hand, achievable goals are so very mundane that I feel no reason to achieve them.

I have very nihilistic views, particularly where human life and existence is concerned.

>> No.4221652


>Any goals I may have would only be pipe-dreams and as such, worthless, even counter-productive.

That's a delusion itself, you know

>> No.4221654

It would be a waste of potential but you're perfectly within your rights to live your life as you wish, especially if you are aware of what you're doing.

Still I must ask: what DO you do with your life?

>> No.4221658

>187 IQ
>attention whoring on 4chan
>"I don't consider myself human."
>acts like a human

>> No.4221661

I should elaborate.
>I have very nihilistic views, particularly where human life and existence is concerned.
Although this is the rationalization, the real, "inhibiting" cause is my abnormal emotional system. I have no real symptoms of depressed aside from what is obvious, but those things are also not exclusive to depression.

If humanity was worth it, I might do something more worthwhile, but I don't care about humanity. Without empathy or the other slew of emotions that humans are reportedly supposed to feel to encourage me otherwise, I opt to live out my life as my biology permits with no other real rational goal in mind aside from eventual death.

Not a delusion, but I understand what you're saying. See above.

>I opt to live out my life as my biology permits with no other real rational goal in mind aside from eventual death.
I have various things that fascinate me and serve to entertain me, most of which are not exactly conventional, but those really are just to pass the time.

It might happen that I am forced somehow to put my "potential" to practical use, so don't despair - there is potential for potential, my own aspirations are irrelevant where net productivity is concerned. The future is uncertain. I'm not worried about it.

>> No.4221663

Funny because I have 144 IQ and all the qualities mentionned in the 2nd part of the image.

>> No.4221673

>I have various things that fascinate me and serve to entertain me, most of which are not exactly conventional
Well what are they?

>> No.4221762

"Most sciences" is a good answer to that question. I also focus on individual, seemingly arbitrary elements of those sciences and study that thing until satisfied. I have this same tendency for everything I do, actually - I might pause a movie that I'm watching because I noticed that birds in the background were moving in a pattern, and then completely ignore the fact that I was matching a movie in favor of investigating why those birds were flying in patterns, and why they flew in that specific one. Then, as quickly as it fascinated, I become bored with it once I solve the mystery or decide through logic that it's not worth solving it and move on.

I might do something such as play a video game for 15 minutes only to be set off on a kind of scavenger hunt, trying to learn about one specific thing that for some reason caught me eye, only returning to the game after many hours have passed and only to leave again once another thing catches my attention.

>> No.4221859

ITT: Kids with IQs of 100 claiming to have intelligence characteristic of 1 billionth of the population.

You're all aspies; more importantly, you're all faggots.

>> No.4221873

You'll love TVTropes.

>> No.4221888

I already do.

>> No.4221935

Wow what the fuck /sci/, how can you guys not realize that you're getting trolled?

>> No.4221944

>he doesn't realize that everyone is trolling everyone

reported enjoy your ban

>> No.4221952

>majoring in physics

How set for life / fucked am I? Is this a 'practical' degree?

I was sort of hoping to work at a research university, doing studies on the cosmic background radiation, or exoplanets or something. Maybe write some children's books about science, on the side.

>> No.4221954


When did you discover your IQ is so high? Did you do anything to raise it? Do you have any semblance of a social life?

>> No.4221961

­>>4221952 here

My lifelong goal is to one day become the host of a science program on public television, like Neil Degrasse Tyson is. Besides writing books for children and young adults about science, what else can I do to ensure this future for myself?

>> No.4222010

I agree with a lot of what is in OP's picture, but "programming useless shit" is an important part of learning to code.

>> No.4222082


doesnt sound to me like you have a high IQ, it actually sounds like you are just a verbose Gemini (though most geminis tend to have a large vocabulary to begin with)

>> No.4222101

Reported this engineering thread. Enjoy your bums.

>> No.4223017

>When did you discover your IQ is so high?
When I was 7 my mother decided that the reason why I wasn't doing well in school was because I was retarded and I was forced to take an IQ test to determine if this was the case. As you should be able to deduce, the result was not expected. I can't recall what that result actually was, but it was shockingly high, and I want to say 169. I was forced more at later dates to take more IQ tests, as though it would at some point come out that I was indeed retarded. It did not.
>Did you do anything to raise it?
Not intentionally.
>Do you have any semblance of a social life?
No. I do interact with people where necessary or objectively beneficial, but none of that is done out of genuine interest in social activity.

Interestingly I am a Gemini, although I believe that to purely coincidental.

>> No.4223038

IQ 131 here. Am I in the clear?

I'm also pretty sure that the people in this thread claiming to be >140 are totally full of shit.

>> No.4223046

>never take an IQ test

feel good man

>> No.4223056

Talking bout IQ.

I took mensa test about a year ago and got "135+" which is the highest possible score for entry test.

Does any1 know how can I get more accurate test, since "135+" is max in this entry test? Inside mensa?

>> No.4223058

>I do not want to have sex, ever. I find it disgusting. I live in an extremely clean environment and I wash my hands 25 times a day on average.

That sounds more like OCD to me.

>> No.4223065

Hey nerds, you can't test accurately above 130, good luck with your delusion!

>> No.4223072

>In fact, I would hardly even call myself human which should be a pre-requisite for being a genius.

Actually no it shouldn't. Your experiences are not the same as everyone elses. I've met some geniuses who do view theirselves as humans, including my older brother.

>> No.4223076

>If I touch something that I feel is unclean then I will be very uncomfortable until I wash my hands.
DAT feel bro, that feel.

My IQ is some lowly 120 something. I have however known an aspie with 147, helped him out with math, come at me bro.

>> No.4223078
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1325353808712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having an IQ of 130 is not THAT special

>> No.4223080
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1325368845967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4223085


2% of population has an IQ of 130

>> No.4223089

That's because it is - I have many OCD traits.

>I've met some geniuses who do view theirselves as humans, including my older brother.
That's nice and is also completely irrelevant.

My point was that I don't consider myself a genius and, more importantly, that I should not be considered a genius. Me having a high IQ is not the same as a psychologically normative person having a high IQ.

>> No.4223101

Well no it isn't as you said in a previous post that "In fact, I would hardly even call myself human which should be a pre-requisite for being a genius."

>Which should be a pre-requisite for being a genius

I was pointing out that no it shouldn't because as you said, your expereiences are not everyone elses.

>> No.4223116

I don't think that you understand what I said.

What I meant by the section you quoted was that for a person to be a genius, they should be human.

>> No.4223128

That's better than 98% of the population, which is pretty damn good as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4223129
File: 408 KB, 1250x1768, IQchart_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never, ever, announce an IQ number without accompanying it with the standard deviation and/or test used.

In practice, different IQ tests use three standard deviations: 15 (e.g., WAIS-IV, FRT), 16 (e.g., Stanford-Binet) and 24 (Cattell Culture Fair III).

>> No.4223140
File: 15 KB, 236x262, maxbarry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>WISC-III IQ of 147
>still lazy and worthless
>mfw when people talk about my "potential"

>> No.4223141

How the hell do so many of you know your IQ? Did you actually have the test administered? If you took a test online, well then you're just full of shit. Half of them fudge the result so that you'll be proud of yourself and buy the goddamned framed printout they're selling

>> No.4223144

Mensa had a national testing day in my country so I went and took the test.

Got the results in mail a month later.

>> No.4223146 [DELETED] 

Took an IQ test for the gifted program in my school in the 7th grade, made 131. I'm 15 now.

>> No.4223152

When I was a kid I took a professional IQ test.
Got 145.
Now that I'm older I take online ones and get 125...
Funny since back when I was a kid I was a lazy delinquent, and nowadays I'm not at all

>> No.4223154

>I'm 15 now.
GET OUT. waay underage

>> No.4223157


Your posts are irrelevant, see >>4223129

>> No.4223160

I don't understand why people feel the need to tell people there IQ, people even lie about it on an anonymous image board I mean like 9/10 people are several SD from the avrg FUCK who are you trying to impress :-/

>> No.4223164

>barely any punctuation
>mixing they're and there
>horrible english


>> No.4223172

dyslexic actually do you feel superior or something or were you just stroking your e-peen :-/ ?

>> No.4223175
File: 113 KB, 900x884, 23843848552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civil and environmental engineering major
>chemistry minor
>researching epidemiology
>plan on going to med school
>rock climber, can lead a 5.12
>weightlifter, can squat 315 easily
>good family life
>great group of friends
>dating the girl of my dreams
>mfw when this thread

>> No.4223178

So basically, only people with assburgers care about I.Q.?
Seems about right to me.

>> No.4223192
File: 41 KB, 400x533, make it stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw another anonymous intellectual dick measuring contest breaks out on /sci/. mfw many of them will not experience much meaningful in their lives b/c they're preoccupied with some unsubstantiated test they took once.

>> No.4223197


>> No.4223233
File: 14 KB, 300x218, ben_bernanke4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw all good things must come to an end

>> No.4223299

>my face when my i.q. is 196 and i am 17
>yeah i dont have any


>> No.4223302

same face when i am skinny and helthy

>> No.4223303

shit i would love some quads right now

>> No.4223306

>good and bad are only a meter of perception

>> No.4223307
File: 31 KB, 460x307, columbonice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reported for underage and b&

>> No.4223310

>What smart people really do:... genuinely care about their friends and family
stopped reading there

>> No.4223339

You make straight A's in school,
so you're smart right?

What smart people don't do: Have insecurities, take about boring stuff like football, perform thoughtless tasks like rudimentary calculation

What smart people really do: Build five rockets before they're twenty, become a billionaire by deriving algorithms to detect patterns in the stock market, become the leader of three different foreign countries.

Your "above-average grades" don't mean SHIT because you're a virgin who sits around the house, never exercises, and harasses other virgins on an imageboard. You aren't nearly as SMART as you think.


>> No.4223350

Sweetie, your insecurities are showing :)

>> No.4223351


>> No.4223354

>Have an I.Q. of over 160
>Not care about life and other people

Possibly.. Mediocre?

>> No.4223358

>someone has an IQ below 150 near me
>your average tripfag.jpg
I make it a point to filter tripfags and faggots posting anime reaction faces, you're just so pathetic and lame it's embarrassing to be browsing same website

>> No.4223361


You just confirmed you've never even taken a real IQ test. Just another college kid.

>> No.4223362

4chan has become a faggot hangout place lately. I hope we start setting fags afire again soon

>> No.4223374 [DELETED] 

i have social anxiety and i don't know why.

since i was a kid i were very shy (specially around females) but i could socialize very well.

then i got bullied almost a decade ago during 7th, 8th and 9th grades.

turned into a complete shut in and never let anyone get too intimate.

nowadays i don't go out because i'm too scared to socialize.

i know i could find people to hang out with such as old classmates and "friends" but i'm too scared to do so.

so my life is basically browsing the internet all day and going to the gym, i dropped out of university because i couldn't handle it anymore (impossible to get a degree with a terrible attendance and without lab partners) but i expect to return this semester.

i haven't "gone out" such as partying, movies and etc in so many years i can't even remember the last time.

has anyone gone through this?


>> No.4223385
File: 764 KB, 2000x1800, CourageWolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a gigantic pussy. Take this, you'll need it.

>> No.4223394

Having a high IQ doesn't mean anything other then you have a high IQ. It doesn't mean you will do any better then others with lower IQs or worse then people with higher IQs.

My older brother and my younger brother have IQs of 162 and 157 on the WAIS respectively. However I only have one which has been estimated around 140 (never wanted to really take one).

My older brother now lives on Disability Pension because he suffers from Schizophenia. He takes drugs and has two children to two different women. He seriously considers that the goverment is controlled by people who want to hide the truth about the human mind from the general public. (We are talking about that the human mind extends across multiple dimensions).

My younger brother suffers from either aspergers or some other disorder or may even be a sociopath. He has dropped out of year 9 and is currently studying year 9 and 10 via long distance so he can become a plumber.

I, however, am in my third year in university, studying Neuroscience, in the top 10th of my class and hold a part time job at a bakery.

Now, what I am trying to say, is that you cant judge a person solely on their IQ. It means little really. Having a tested IQ of 160+ does not change your life in any way other then you know what your IQ is. Nor does having an high IQ mean you will succeed in life in that you will get a PhD and high earning job.

>> No.4223407


I lold

>> No.4223415


>IQ doesn't mean jack shit other than that you're not a braindead vegetable

I think most of us have figured this out by now

>> No.4223429

an IQ of 120 is the worst. Too smart to be around the simple minded, too slow to belong to MITlers. We choose between being the first in Gallia or the second in Rome. With effort comes success but effort means sacrifice.

Brb putting effort in my magna cum laude in Chemistry.

>> No.4223443

> 207 Cattel's IQ
>29 cm dick

beat me now

>> No.4223453


I'm gonna print this out and stick it on my wall.

Thanks bro

>> No.4223454

Holy shit this struck a bone with you morons, I know it did for me, but you people posted over a hundred times. Don't even try to deny that you are this person if you weren't then you would've ignored it.

>> No.4223458
File: 49 KB, 449x383, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4223560
File: 189 KB, 500x515, 5948248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove your highly exaggerated claims by posting your results of the following 2 accurate and valid online IQ tests:



Especially you, Imrinfected !!KUFrbmxALEl (Yes, even though you do not consider yourself to be a genius, let alone human).

>> No.4223573

>the following 2 accurate and valid online IQ tests
>accurate and valid
>online IQ tests
>online tests

>> No.4223583

Not really, no. These 2 are the only online IQ tests I will accept as admissible evidence as the absolute majority of online IQ tests do not fall under that category, hence their reputation and hence my demand for the results of these tests only.

But go ahead, mock and belittle their prediction capability. Take one of them and see how you crash and burn with a low score.
I always use those to shut people up and it almost always works. Those who manage to beat those two have my full respect.

>> No.4223585

>implying anyone gives a fuck about what you will accept and what you demand

>> No.4223600

I hold no power nor weight upon those who allegedly give a fuck about my demand. Anyone who makes a claim on an anonymous image board with zero evidence to back it up, especially on a board dedicated to math and science is automatically rejected for lack of substantiation.

It's simple - you may or may not give a fuck about proving your supposed claims. But if you wish to back them up, and failing to produce a copy of an actual IQ test taken in the past with a compatible score, your next best chance of convincing anyone is via one of those.

This is my last post on this matter, I'm not replying to you but for the general background audience in a thread bound for 300 posts and at least 80 more posts in which people claim to have an above 130 IQ.

>> No.4223643

Go to law school and enjoy being average.

>> No.4223700

bitches u mad bout mah 141?

>> No.4223786

Both are really nice. I doubt anyone here will get more than 140 on them.

>> No.4223787

Jesus christ you are one pathetic and lonely assburger you know that?

>> No.4223795

OP doesn't know the difference between learning capacity, education, and productivity.

Protip OP: IQ measures learning capacity, not productivity or education level.

>> No.4223823

IQ 147 here, I study physics, I excercise, and I'm not even a virgin, but I'm definetly not happy, and I sit in front of the computer all day talking about shit, I have like 2 friends and I don't care about them, actually their suffering makes me happy, oh and I'm socially retarded.

The worst part is that I'm lazy as fuck so my grades suck too, I hate most of the people because I think they're stupid but the alcohol makes me like them, they say that the alcohol reveals your true self so maybe all the hate is just a childish barrier I put to protect me, but I guess it doesn't work if I analyze myself.

>> No.4223874


>> No.4223891

oh look, spatial/visual tests.
fuck you, these are boring. they measure mostly how willing you are to waste your time on things which are inane

>> No.4223900

Butthurt dumbfag detected :)

>> No.4223949


Welcome aboard!

Trolling Incorporated.

>> No.4224039
File: 29 KB, 722x429, boring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got bored in the middle so i rushed it (not randomly)

i am similar to this guy socially


>> No.4224192

>take one hour out of your day for exercise
>take 45 minutes to cook a healthy dinner EVERY DAY
>major in chem, go to grad school, get money and stfu

>> No.4224263
File: 15 KB, 250x250, future_george.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 2012
> Thinking smart people use preferably social networks
> Linking intelligence to skills in practical and not abstract work
> Not knowing how the internet was before 2008
> Obvious mobile internet fag

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.4224297

It's not as though I have something to prove.

Maybe if I have nothing to do later and the thread is still up.

I am not familiar with loneliness. I suspect that I have never felt it.

Your opinion of me is subjective. Of course I won't share the same view, so no, I don't "know that".

I also am not an ass burger.

>> No.4224342

Man, I've got an IQ of 209, and English isn't even my first language. You're all fucking boring.

>> No.4224368
File: 201 KB, 1662x968, iqtest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did both tests 1 year ago.
I still failed first semester in uni (engineering)

and yes I have a footfetish

>> No.4224379


Proof that IQ doesn't mean shit

>> No.4224382


oh never mind.

the other test is another

>> No.4224386

OP isn't saying 'smart people do x'
he's saying 'people who do x are smart'
his very definition of intelligence is someone with high social intelligence and is socially productive.

>> No.4224390

And yet you are nothing but a community college scrub without a single academic achivement in his worthless life.

Guess IQ really means nothing.

>> No.4224407

>alleged 209 iq guy attacks everyone itt for being boring
> does so whilst making the most boring fucking post i've ever seen
>test said i'm smart
>hurr durr
>just thought i'd take a few moments out of my day to say i hate everyone

>> No.4224470

I disagree with the OP's image. It basically states the difference between a lazy and introverted person and a hard working and extroverted person.

Also, 130 IQ could be considered smart, but it's definitely not up to the level of gifted or prodigy. Many of our favorite scientists haven't had an extremely high IQ anyways.

The only thing I agree with is the bit about getting a practical degree. Only an idiot would decide to pursue an entire college education consisting of something as stupid as philosophy or other related bullshit.

>> No.4224475

>10.000 IQ
>Being gay

Looks like gay people is smarter.

>> No.4224490
File: 41 KB, 351x359, 1323395742514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>10 most frightening torture technices
>jayna james fo
>138 IQ

I lol´d

>> No.4224506

Feeble humanoids. I have an IQ of 4.628x10^8.

I transcend your petty desire to interact or have emotion. I was easily able to learn everything ever and read every book in existence by the time I was only one. Soon, my plans for world domination will come full circle and I will have enslaved your pathetic planet. Bow down before your new God!

>> No.4224583

A couple of things I've noticed about OP's image.

1) A really smart person has a "practical" degree, yet doesn't mention income whatsoever, must be a low-tier business major, like accounting, or a philosophy major who thinks that "practical" is being able to view the world through an enlightened lens...while serving espresso at an independent coffee shop.

2) Of the two choices given, neither one looks satisfying. The latter looks appealing only until you really think about it. What does it mean to "live your life"? If it has anything to do with intuitive socializing, having a good body, getting a "practical" degree, and caring about friends in family, then it sounds like "living your life" involves doing the same retarded shit as everyone else until you're on your death bed and you realize that it was a complete waste. You did the worst fucking thing possible, you got an accounting degree, bought a house in the suburbs, married an "okay" girl, had a bunch of kids that lived in the same house as you for 18 fucking years, and when you finally retired you spent the rest of your life fishing...with grandkids. What the fuck have you done.

On the other hand though, the former doesn't sound too appealing either, unless all that lab work and programming is a means to a greater end.

Not that it matters, a smart person sees that whoever created OP's image isn't exactly smart at all, a dumb person's imitation of a smart person, and will simply reject both choices as a false means to go about life.

>> No.4224624


>> No.4224645

OP here: The fuck? This shit is still up?

>> No.4224679


>> No.4224705

You know something? I've never had an IQ test.

Not going to waste my money though.

>> No.4226801

Is this still up?

>> No.4227072

123 and 127 respectively. Do I get a cookie?

>> No.4227416
File: 172 KB, 1280x920, 2c2wL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4227443

Correct me if I'm wrong but IQ is just your potential or what your ability can be, doesn't actually mean you use it.

>> No.4227457

> 2012
> potential

>> No.4227466

So then in reality bragging about a high iq score and amounting to nothing is moot. I'm more impressed with a 120 that maxes his potential than a 140+ that doesn't. Not connecting with people doesn't make you smart, just socially inept.

>> No.4227484

That person seems awfully angry for no reason whatsoever.

>> No.4227612

> 2012
> potential

>> No.4227624 [DELETED] 

>jelly normalfag detected

You'll never reach my genius level.

>> No.4227669


nor will you ever reach mine. funny how life is like that.

>> No.4227680 [DELETED] 

Why would I want to be a retard like you?

>> No.4227697

> 2012
> potential

>> No.4227699


Aww, how sweet! Anger at being further down the totem pole. Angry because of inferior genetics. I see your intellect is doing you well.

Why don't you go out and accomplish something with it rather than lord it over the few souls who may have less?

Kind of puts you in the pathetic region.

>> No.4227702

Am more impressed that my friend has smashed about 80 girls and he is only 23 and he cums in like 2 mins and he can still get the same girl the next

he dont even care that he cums in like 2 mins,like he said its for my pleasure not hers

Oh and he doesnt have aids

>> No.4227704 [DELETED] 

lol u mad

>> No.4227766


not hardly.

>> No.4227824 [DELETED] 


Either could be a viable means towards a good life, so stop acting like a self-righteous faggot. It depends on someone's goals. I make any ambition or endeavor seem unworthy by using white trash language.

Also, IQ doesn't mean shit. Why not look at intelligence in terms of function, you fucking idiots? Instead of trying to quantify it by forming spurious categories, why not look at the individual contexts and define your goddamn terms first?

I agree with Isaac Asimov when it comes to intelligence. Intelligence is doing your job well:


You can be intelligent in certain crafts whereas stupid in others. However, you can improve yourself through practice and become more intelligent in a given context.

Intelligent about "life" would mean you understand the "greater purpose of it", which frankly - no fucking human being does.

>> No.4227826 [DELETED] 

your dick is not hardly

>> No.4227833


Either could be a viable means towards a good life, so stop acting like a self-righteous faggot. It depends on someone's goals. I could also make any ambition or endeavor seem unworthy by using white trash language.

Also, IQ doesn't mean shit. Why not look at intelligence in terms of function, you fucking idiots? Instead of trying to quantify it by forming spurious categories, why not look at the individual contexts and define your goddamn terms first?

I agree with Isaac Asimov when it comes to intelligence. Intelligence is doing your job well:


You can be intelligent in certain crafts whereas stupid in others. However, you can improve yourself through practice and become more intelligent in a given context.

Intelligent about "life" would mean you understand the "greater purpose of it", which frankly - no fucking human being does.

>> No.4227837


congratulations on obtaining "master troll" status. your mother must be proud.

>> No.4227845


"Intelligent about "life" would mean you understand the "greater purpose of it", which frankly - no fucking human being does."

Simply because you don't understand does not mean that I don't understand. You show a severe lack of intelligence when you limit creative intelligence to the inside of the box you inhabit...

my box is so much bigger.

>> No.4227846

Feynman had an IQ of 128. What have you 150+ ass hats actually done? That's what I thought... you're not a different species or unfathomably better than everyone else, you're just someone who has slightly better abilities at certain types of tasks; stop reading way too far into it.

>> No.4227852


thank you!

if you have something and don't use it, you really don't have it.

>> No.4227854 [DELETED] 

She is proud, indeed. Her name is EK.

>> No.4227860


Well, why don't you all tell us what's the purpose of life, asshole? You're a fucking arrogant cunt if you think you know.

I don't think there is a grand purpose, but who knows? This is stupid philosophical banter.

>> No.4227873

The volume and/or apparent reduced amount of confines of your box is irrelevant when both are completely opaque.
Quit using false analogies in order to revitalize an invalid argument if you wish to appear as remotely intelligent to anyone with a scientific mind.

>> No.4227879


the purpose of life is to continue life.

the purpose of intelligence is to develop a better purpose than existence.

>> No.4227883


"when both are completely opaque"

play calvin-ball much?

>> No.4227890


and by the way...

"The volume and/or apparent reduced amount of confines"

your huge and opaque box, and the intelligence it holds, must be precluding your massive intelligence from making any sense when you write shit down...

>> No.4227893


Yeah, you're right. Last example seemed irrelevant though, but I agree with everything else.

>> No.4227894

I feel like a failure. I apparently have an IQ of about 150, but I just fail at life. I dropped out of college for financial reasons, then I got stuck with a shitty retail job. Now I'm laid off and broke. It's more about being ambitious and industrious. fml

>> No.4227899

No matter how you interpret that post, it's still a gigantic failure.

>> No.4227901


>> No.4227903

THIS SHIT NEEDS TO 404 RIGHT QUICK. holy fuck you guys, really? It's the most obvious troll, and /sci/ can't tell

>> No.4227907


feeling like a failure is not good as it sets your refrences for you.

you're simply not doing what you know you should. there are ways to achieve your goals (regardless of how smart you think you are, or how smart you're supposed to be).

you have to glean your resources, see which best fits your set of circumstances, then proceed with the plan without deviation.

(that last bit is pretty hard!)

>> No.4227913

144 and exactly the same thing. Made As and Bs in the physics classes I often slept through/skipped entirely, but I had nearly completed a different major before deciding to do physics, and since I'd been going to school for like 8 years, I stopped getting financial aid. I guess I thought I could just drift forever and no one would notice... they noticed :(

>> No.4227930


so... you're NOT setting goals and then you're deviating from the goals you haven't set...

wow! that big old monkey brain is sure doing you some good...

>> No.4227947

How can I deviate from goals I haven"t set? Also, you seem a little mad.

>> No.4227972


your big old monkey brain confuses mad with sarcasm. kind of a huge mistake. is your life full of these mistakes? is there no way to recovfer from all that fail?

i'd like to think so.

so what YOU'RE going to have to do, is to pull your head out, quite being contrary for no apparent reason, and work on what you want to accomplish.

i could care less either way as it affects my sphere of influence with a force of less than zero.

>> No.4228027

As for "practical degree"

A lot of people I know (I come from a very professional; MBA, law school type family) view the research I do and the rants I go on about space policy and funding particle colliders and all as kind of pointless since it is all just groundwork for things that they think likely wouldn't benefit any of us in our lifetimes...

>> No.4228029

Bro, you mad as hell.

>> No.4228040

practical degree is a bachelor degree that has both a specific applied function which employers hire you for specifically and coincidentally there are a "decent" amount of jobs available at the same time.

For example, english, philosophy and anthropology are not practical degrees because there are literally no employers who will hire you to exercise "english, philosophy or anthro skills" no one wants you to analyze Shakespeare, Hegel or run a historical analysis of early man (excluding Phd level academia, they are too few and far between, and we're talking about Bachelors and industry jobs).

on the other hand there are plenty of employers willing to hire comp sci, engineering and math majors for EXACTLY the function of their degrees, and there are a "decent" amount of jobs available.

>> No.4228043


this ^

and anyone who is hired to write or edit can do it with any uni degree, all you need to do is show some writing acumen which isn't hard to acquire...plus those jobs are very few and far between and still don't qualify as practical.

But ya, no jobs are looking for "BA philosophy" or "BA sociology"...lmfao...if they are they are like 1 in 10000

>> No.4228078

So I have an IQ of 157 according to my not so recent assessment. Fact is I'm still working at a dept. store.
Where are my promised roses exactly? And who do I take this up to?
Yeah, you got it.

>> No.4228085


157 IQ
even if your measurement was legit and not some shitty internet test, it would only further support the fact that IQ is irrelevant and measures nothing remotely close to intelligence

>> No.4228088


"all you need to do is show some writing acumen which isn't hard to acquire"


you are the funny one, aren't you? like any other art unpractised, it remains the scribble of children.

>> No.4228094


jobs that require you to write aren't looking for the next Proust, they just want clear and concise language that is grammatically correct...anyone with a decent uni education should be able to pull it off.

>> No.4228101

No, it actually does measure intelligence to a highly accurate degree. I still throughout my life managed to outsmart pretty much everyone around me.
I learn so painfully quickly that it hurts. I perform mathematics on an incredible level. I can talk so fast without making any logical or grammatical errors and even then my mouth simply cannot keep up with my line of thought. I can recall events, figures and entire scenes in an instance and to a very accurate degree.
I simply master everything I do without any effort whatsoever. My only problem is my lack of dedication.
Had I set my mind to do anything I'd easily be able to accomplish it. But I'm far too lazy to actually do anything and I fail to see the benefit of doing so.
Superficiality and mediocrity surrounds me wherever I go and is an inescapable part of life, let alone the human fabric within which I'm imprisoned.

As for your claim of intelligence, you must separate the performance and capability segment of a person's arsenal and its willingness to use it "appropriately" (read as: how society expects you to use it).
Only those who confuse the two concepts manage to come up with such ridiculous claims.

>> No.4228102
File: 43 KB, 641x476, ___cant brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Where are my promised roses exactly"

who promised you roses for having a big monkey brain? i think the only hint of a promise came if you decide to use that big monkey brain to do something outside of sitting in the quandary you're in.

if you're so smart, why can't you take the gems of insight found here today, shut the fuck up, and go do something progressive with your mind?

You would rather argue how smart you are and that someone should give you... what-the-fuck-ever... because you are so smart.

wrong much?

>> No.4228104

However OP, a 'practical degree' implies that to be a normal person, like you say, you need to be very clever in a respectable subject. I love Science, however i plan to study Graphic Design to a degree level because this is my passion, and i want to set up my own graphics business. Being outsmarted by everyone, and ultimately failing a science degree, would lead to a miserable life and a poor, stupid decision.

Therefore your argument is basically invalid.

>> No.4228132

>I'm so dark, I'm so edgy. I have no empathy and I see nothing in the world. I am above everyone, but I have done nothing with my life.

Sounds like your typical 14 year old middle classes white kid. Don't worry, most of us went through the same stage.

>> No.4228228

You are kidding right?

I took two religious studies courses my freshman year, I have been using them as evidence of "Superior writing skills" on my CV for years. Science, in general, is not looking for the next Chaucer or Shakespeare. They are looking for concise and readable prose. It is something anyone with a high school degree should be able to manage with spell check and Google.

>> No.4228586

You lack the necessary breadth and depth to fully experience and explore said stage, so both outcomes cannot be said to be similar.

>> No.4228725


>breadth and depth

>experience and explore

>not concise/for all intents and purposes redundant

>180 IQ

>> No.4228768

I like OP :)

>> No.4231594

>Implying redundancy

>> No.4231668
File: 84 KB, 600x644, 5179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i'm still smarter then all of you together

>> No.4231699

Sometimes I think that I'm stupid, but sometimes I feel very smart. Mostly though, I think I have Asperger's.

At least it isn't too late for me yet. I get better and better at playing the game every day.

>implying astrology matters

>> No.4231802

>Reported IQ of 160
>Can't determine the difference between a raw intelligence test and an applied knowledge test
I just lost all respect for Asimov.

>> No.4231814

Every time there's a thread where IQ is mentioned there turns out to be multiple people with and IQ >170. Do you even realize how unlikely that is? You're all lying, and we know, so please, just stop.

>> No.4231838


>Intelligence is doing your job well

No. Doing your job well is "skill".

>> No.4231846

Butthurt pleb under 210 dected.

>> No.4231873


>> No.4231892


>> No.4231895
File: 131 KB, 576x476, 1251239415780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mad for being called out on lying

>> No.4233694

>mad for being a pleb

>> No.4233700

>mfw this thread is still alive

>> No.4233715

>that feel when the college dropout perpetually drunk fratboy cousin of mine has a much higher IQ than me

>> No.4233722

you should probably an hero

considering that you are more or less a worthless human being

>> No.4233900
File: 51 KB, 859x629, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ADD. I took caffeine prior to taking this test. I was literally drugged while taking it. Bask in my nigger score.

>> No.4234154
