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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4220160 No.4220160 [Reply] [Original]


>mfw /x/ being retard as usual

Seriously, could somebody please slap their hurr bigfoot shit?

>> No.4220172

reported for browsing /x/

>> No.4220175

Your personal army, we are not.

Just let /x/ enjoy living in their little fantasy world. Compared to some of the shit I've seen on that board, this is pretty tame.

>> No.4220187

OP obviously either didn't read or didn't understand the thread he's referencing.

>> No.4220199

I'm understanding /x/ is being pants on head retard with their bigfoot bullshit and you don't want to do shit.

Shame on you, /sci/. Shame on you.

>> No.4220202

What makes you rage so hard?

>> No.4220209

get off /sci/ with this /x/ bullshit. reported

>> No.4220211

There a reasons why we have these different boards and it doesn't make any sense to take something from paranormal boards to science boards. Let them do what ever they find suitable for their board.

>> No.4220214

They only thing that makes me rage about this is that they're calling it a theory when really it's a hypothesis. And it seems like a plausible hypothesis to me.

>> No.4220217

>seems like a plausible hypothesis to me.

So... when are you going to your first bigfoot hunting?
Reported for idiocy.

>> No.4220216
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>> No.4220222

No one is talking about bigfoot hunting. They are discussing possible origins of the bigfoot myth and they do it in a more civilized and educated way than /sci/.
Now fuck off, retard.

>> No.4220223

I don't see anything particularly objectionable about that thread. OP seemed like a pretty reasonable person actually.

>> No.4220231
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Do you even read?

>> No.4220290

>Not being a naysayer

Seriously, doubt is the very basis of scientific mind. If you are willing to swallow such nonsenses without questioning, you are as braindead as they are.

Do you want to know why that whole thread is far more dangerous than the average hurr magic thread?
Because they try to adopt some air of respectability at the same time that spout bullshit such as "long preserved folk memories about bigfoot". If you are not willing to fight the evil when you see it, you are part of it.

>> No.4220306

Then go there and correct them in a civilized and scientific manner instead of spouting your negative emotions all over /sci/.

>> No.4220323

The thing is I admit I don't know how to. But somebody here must slap their shit so bad that they will never dare to leave their magic and aleeums threads.

Do you allow people to praise the creationism right before your eyes? well, this is the same.

>> No.4220336

Stop being such an arrogant and ignorant bitch. If you don't know how to discuss, then shut the fuck up. Especially when you don't even have an opinion on your own, but just HURRRRR I DON'T LIKE THAT, THEREFORE IT MUST BE WRONG.

Goddamnit, I hate these edgy teenagers.

>> No.4220352

ITT: OP treats science as a religion that needs to be evangelized and spread to the savages. No better than a fundie xtian.

>> No.4220369

Going to /x/ and bitching about science is fucking stupid.

I love /x/. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy the creepy.

Though one time someone posted a conspiracy about the Japan Earthquake changing pi and I just couldn't go back for awhile