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4219103 No.4219103 [Reply] [Original]


>two children invent their own language which I would say is pretty damn impressive
>psychologists say they're retarded
>their parents don't bother to try to teach them anything because "they're retarded"
>instead of becoming linguists, one of them is a janitor and the other works in a factory

Fuck psychology, they ruin childrens' lives for a paycheck. Can you even name a sleazier profession?

>> No.4219114


>> No.4219116


>> No.4219120

>sleazier profession?
Lawyer, politician, religious leader, corporate lackey, corporate manager, homeopath, medium...

Want me to keep going?

>> No.4219121

Skimmed the article.

Not a psychologist/psychiatrist, but a surgeon.

And he told them the girls MIGHT end up retarded. Might. It's the parents who were dumbasses, nobody told them they WERE retarded.

>> No.4219133
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>confuses psychologists with psychiatris
>implying the whole stitauion was the fucking fault of the dumbass redneck parents

It is up to the parents to ultimately care for the children. The parents were piss poor excuses for human beings. The parents should have been arrested for the shit parenting job they did.

>> No.4219136

State-appointed defense attorneys don't give a shit about your case because they are paid bottom dollar by the criminal justice system, and the sooner they get through losing your case they can get back to fighting for profitable justice.

>> No.4219141
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This is why people hate christians.


>> No.4219142

Yeah because trying to get all the facts and determine a defendant's guilt is so shady, right? HANG 'EM HIGH, JUST KILL 'EM ALL AND LET GOD SORT 'EM OUT amirite?
In my experience, people who hate lawyers are just shitty in every way.


>religious leader
I think I see a pattern developing here.

Corporations kinda suck sometimes, but 90% of the time they're fucking awesome. Did some hippie basket weaver make your computer? No, corporations did.

>homeopath, medium
Aren't these basically just other words for psychologist?

>> No.4219157

inventing your own language isn't that impressive if you don't know any other kind of language. Whatever language they invented would not be nearly as advanced as English, and because they learned their own instead they would potentially develop at a lesser rate then average children because they would not be exposed to greater complexity. This reduced complexity of learning could develop them into retards if not treated early. the first five years are the most important to a child's development. If a child is neglecting a more advanced form of communication such as english then they will not develop as expected and will instead be considered retarded. This is what happened and so there should be no surprise.

>> No.4219170

You might have a point if it weren't for the fact that so many lawyers are well aware that their clients are rotten to the core and just use their knowledge of the law to find loopholes for them.

Same here, too many politicians today sacrifice everything just to get more power. Yes, there are good people there, but they get out-shouted by the powergrabbers.

>religious leader
Same line as for politician.

Corporations can be awesome, as long as the management doesn't take "profit is the only goal" seriously.

>other words for psychologist
I see a pattern emerging. Scientology is closed due to thetans.

>> No.4219200

>Their father later stated in interviews that he realized the girls had invented a language of their own, but since their use of English remained extremely rudimentary, he had decided that they were in fact mentally retarded and that it would do no good to send them to school.

>But both soon suffered apparent seizures, and their father claimed that a surgeon told him the girls might well experience mental retardation. Misunderstanding speculation for diagnosis, the girls' parents ceased to pay more attention to them than necessary

>Asked if they remembered their language, the girls confirmed that they did, but their father quickly stepped in to chide them for "lying". They were mainstreamed and placed in separate classes in elementary school. However, they were still affected by their family's emotional neglect.
psychologists never said once they had learning disabilities of any kind, this is entirely on the shoulders of their dumbfuck parents.

Also, they didn't "invent" their own language, they just lived in a household that spoke equal parts german and english, and mixed the two. They might be of normal intelligence, but they're hardly geniuses.

>> No.4219217


Are you seriously implying that the drugs researched in psychiatry have no affect on human mental states? Or that the hundreds of thousands of psychological papers published each year and millions of manhours put into research have produced no results? Furthermore, that they've somehow duped the entire academic community into thinking their peer reviewed and thoroughly demonstrable work has merit, while you are the lone man, freed of his shackles crusading against the charlatan profession?

>> No.4219576


>> No.4219580

>Some idiots are christians
>All christians are idiots

Way to logic

>> No.4219713


>> No.4219748

anyone know the link to the full documentary?

>> No.4219766

>were not sent to school
>allowing parents to choose not to send children to school

Oh, America...

>> No.4219773

not really op, a lot of people graduate with degrees and still end up factory workers. This shit just cuts to the chase.

>> No.4219793

>implying English is complex
Your language doesn't even have cases.

>> No.4219815

Aaaaaand you're wrong.

>> No.4219822


>> No.4219957

i LOL'd

>> No.4219969

> anime pic
> shit thread