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File: 49 KB, 216x347, BombBee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4216709 No.4216709 [Reply] [Original]

so, uhh, /sci/

I've been wondering for awhile

Would it be possible to make some realistic mannequins of say, black people, stuff them with pollen, and have like say, 5-6 generations of bees feed ONLY on them until they learn that black people are a food source, then release them into urban areas and view the chaos?

>> No.4216712

give this man a medal.

>> No.4216714


>> No.4216718


>> No.4216720

are you SURE?

bees are social creatures.
they hunt for food as much by social information sharing as instinct.

I'm pretty sure this would work, given enough generations of bees to ingrain this as a learned instinct.

>> No.4216729
File: 766 KB, 990x684, something like this, but blacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4216737

Try dogs instead of bees, might be easier to train and control. Other than that 5-star post.

>> No.4216739

It's not like beekeeping is some dark secret. Just do it, if you think so.


>> No.4216742



>Bees who are going to get the association get it quickly, after only a few exposures to vaporized explosives ingredients followed by the sugar water.

They can find black people by smell.

I just need to associate the smell of black people with food to get them to swarm niggers!

>> No.4216750

dogs can be killed by guns, and don't socially teach learned responses to the next generation.
You ever try killing a swarm of bees with a gun?
It just makes them angry.

I want to breed a "subspecies" of fast-reproducing bees that specifically seek out and harass black people.

>> No.4216760

nobel prize shit right here

>> No.4216759

I stand corrected. 6-star post.

>> No.4216758

How are they going to breed though if they think the smell of black people is food (which it isn't) they wont get nourishment they could never be released in the wild and they would be traceble back to you specifically you easily.

>> No.4216774
File: 130 KB, 640x427, man_throwing_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4216783


I guess they need to also remember that flowers are food too, I'd need to run a few test hives and a control, then monitor the bees to see if the ones feeding on the mannequin still remember to check for flowers when the black people don't produce pollen.

Alternatively, I could also create a Pavlovian response for aggression by associating the smell of Black People with the "Swarm" pheromone bees already use to signal attacks.

>> No.4216788

Black people have significantly varying scents whereas I assume the explosives used in the experiment were constant.

>> No.4216811

yes, but African Americans have pheromones/hormones unique to their genotype.

Bees are EXCEPTIONAL at picking up pheromones and hormone scents.

>> No.4216840

you could just hire a bunch of black guys to fuck their nest up every once in a while and they would develop a hate for black people.

>> No.4216845

>inject bees with chicken dna
>black people come looking for the bees

>> No.4216861

>*fried chicken dna

>> No.4216864
File: 60 KB, 420x443, 1309313973723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike OP I am a simple man who will never be able to understand the finer details of breeding and/or animal psychology, and yet I'd like to put a similar albeit more subversive plan into action. My question is, how do I distribute termites in a way that does the most damage to the most homes? Open to any and all input.

>> No.4216875 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 800x600, r b-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4216876

just put them near wooden houses and shit