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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4213306 No.4213306 [Reply] [Original]

Another stupid "tiers thread"...
I hope someone agrees with me.

>> No.4213313

medicine and law are shit tier

>> No.4213319

law and biology are shit tier

>> No.4213323
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>chemistry in the same tier as biology

>medicine and law not shit tier

Are you even trying?

>> No.4213326

>mathematics not queen tier

>> No.4213329

How is "law" even a science?

>> No.4213328

history and foreign language are god tier

>> No.4213343

This is actually the best one I've seen yet. Though I do believe that Computer Science is just as meritorious as a Engineering. Furthermore I believe Mathematics deserves a higher distinction that CS/Engineering yet still lower, of course, than Physics. Finally, I do consider astronomy the junior to particle physics.

>> No.4213344

medicine is good to protect high tier scientists from illness
and yea if you really think about its, law isnt really needed...

>> No.4213345

Dividing sciences in tiers by usefulness is probably the most retarded idea /sci/ ever came up with.

>> No.4213347

Gotta ask what you do for a living. Please, be honest.

>> No.4213349

>Religion & Cosmetics

>> No.4213351

WTF am I reading?
>High Tier
>Sciences needed to find out the real question.
>(Who made the universe and why?)

According to this description you have to place philosophy, religion and theology in high tier.
Just sayin.

>> No.4213356

Why the hell do we need philosophy, religion and theology in high tier to find out the main question?

>> No.4213359

>Who made the universe
>and why

Physics and astronomy answer neither question, nor do they strive to.

>> No.4213361

Because science won't be able to answer the "main question".

>> No.4213364

you think that question is answerable?


>> No.4213365

>Math below physics
>Political Science considered a science
>Biology in same tier as chemistry
jesus christ what the fuck do you even study you retard

>> No.4213367

Ok so what's the point of being if we are not able to answer that?

>> No.4213370

To discover new things and understand how the universe works.

>> No.4213372

The category itself is nonsense. You can't use religion, or theology to actually answer those questions either.

>> No.4213375

That's the dumbest fucking tier list I've ever seen, and I've seen tier lists on /new/.

>> No.4213379

This is another philosophical question.

Of course they can't, but they claim to do so. I was just pointing out a semantic flaw in OP's picture.

>> No.4213377

Physics is Applied Mathematics, you idiot.


>in a list of sciences

Either you are a troll or you are monumentally stupid.

>> No.4213378

>Maths not top tier
>Stopped reading

>> No.4213387


Claim to do...

>> No.4213393

>what's the point of being

let me catch you up:

nietzsche, nihilism, existentialism, sartre, camus.

>> No.4213402

>the "real" question
>implying that makes those subjects the most valuable
>implying physics will ever be able to answer how/who/why?

>> No.4213418
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>> No.4213412

I think he wanted to say that those two "high tier" sciences are able to get really close to the answer which is still better than philosophing about shit or making up crazy gods?

I dont fully agree with OP but it has some good idea..

>> No.4213425


>> No.4213429


It helps the high tier "run smoothly". Biology kinda helps when developing space suits and such.

I agree with law, of course.
This thread is fucking dumb.

>> No.4213437

Where's mah statistics, bitch?!

>> No.4213443

Business, law, and medicine are fucking garbage, even lower than psychology and sociology. It's very sad that anyone could ever think otherwise.

>> No.4213448

no medicine = no people = no need of socilogy/psychology ?

>> No.4213457

>Biology kinda helps when developing space suits

implying we need new space suits

>> No.4213459

So where would Bio-chem stand in the "tier" list?

>> No.4213460

> this is what arrogant fucking doctors actually believe
God I hate medicine-fags. You know who's actually as useful as you think doctors are? Farmers.

>> No.4213474

I'm not a medicine fag but what would you do if some crazy alaah jihad would put a biological bomb in you garden?

>> No.4213475


This is bullsh*t.

The real question is "Who made the universe and why?" That's your only criteria?

Engineering is "needed as a support for High Tier [Physics, Astronomy]"? Engineering does not "support" Physics or Astronomy.

Education, sociology, political science and law should not be on the same tier as Chemistry, Medicine, Economics and CS.

>> No.4213479

Shits easy faagot, we, as a society, value a service based on money, ie, how much we pay the service provider therefore:
Business, sales: god tier
Everything else, shit tier.

Seriously though, who says "the question" has anything to do with the universe? Probably:
Psychology/biology/anthropology: god tier.
Everything else: shit tier.

We are, after all, the most complicated things in the universe, by far. Life violates the second law, after all.

>> No.4213485

High Tier: "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Shit Tier: Everything else.

>> No.4213495

> We are, after all, the most complicated things in the universe,

Well that was really anthropocentric.. How can you even think about someting like this with the almost none knowlege about universe?

>> No.4213496

When I was younger I used to rank the sciences by the criteria that if one of the top scientists or a group went rogue how quickly could they wipe out (only) humanity.

>> No.4213498


I don't know if you noticed, but our regulatory structures are here to stay for the most part and no matter WHAT you're doing you need someone with a solid background to guide you through it. That's why Kirk Sorensen hired a chief legal officer before anyone else when starting FLIBE.

>> No.4213501

39 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.4213502

My turn...

God Tier: Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics
High Tier: Engineering, Computer Science and Medicine
Mid Tier: Biology, Economics and Law
Low Tier: Business, Political Science and Psychology
Shit Tier: Not listed above

>> No.4213509
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>> No.4213514

We have more than enough information about the universe already to conclude that we are the most complicated things in it.

>> No.4213517

Why is biology always mid-tier?
I mean hell I need to know chemistry,physics and statistics.

>> No.4213518
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typical tier thread

>> No.4213521
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>should not be allowed to study.

>> No.4213523

no racism outside of /b/

>> No.4213524

>mathematics always listed as god-tier
>putnam thread filled with "durr i suk at math" and "i dont understaaaaand" posts
You fags always have a big circlejerk around math yet none of you are good at it.

>> No.4213527

You guys obviously don't know the definition of 'science'

>> No.4213528

The only useful metric for how good your degree is:

Mean starting salary.

http://www.cnbc (dot) com/id/44008484/Highest_Paid_Bachelor_Degrees_of_2011?slide=3

>> No.4213533

Maybe. We still understand that math is important and admire the genes of those who are good at it.

>> No.4213550

I think if any of you aspie retards bothered to step outside your boxes and look at the projects being undertaken in ANY discipline you can think of (except MAYBE women's studies but I'm sure there are even a few good papers published there) you'll find that there are definitely benefits to the field. That doesn't excuse a number of members of the field, just like I'm not going to excuse doctors who fall into corruption and push a particular pharmaceutical because they're being paid off. I also don't get why so many of you love economics, and I suspect it's only because it uses math. Just because an economist takes a wave function from QM and applies it to the market does NOT mean it works, or that it has any value greater than someone in a field you might view negatively.

>> No.4213561

Nope sociology and psychology is all bull shit made up by people who don't have a clue.
Fuck off soft sci

>> No.4213564

Social science too hard for you, aspie?

>> No.4213568


As someone who's good at math (major) I don't think you realize how many of my classmates are utterly retarded when it comes to any aspect of reasoning that deviates from theorem proving. Being good at mathematics does NOT mean you're more intelligent than someone in another field. The only thing I think that can be said of it is that there is a certain threshold that has to be reached, and so you'll be more likely to find someone in higher mathematics who's intelligent than in, say, anthropology. This doesn't mean there aren't very intelligent anthropologists, and it certainly doesn't mean there aren't stupid math majors (I reserve the term mathematician as so far as I know hiring is selective at that level, and I haven't had enough experience with real mathematicians to be sure).

>> No.4213569
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>> No.4213579
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>Why is biology always mid-tier?
>I mean hell I need to know chemistry,physics and statistics.

>> No.4213581



>> No.4213582
File: 11 KB, 242x208, ssdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OKAY. That was enough from you..

Now please shut the fuck up and continue studing your colleagues penis under microscope, thanks!

>> No.4213583
File: 425 KB, 1072x946, 1277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything in a tier can do anything else in that tier with some work and everything below it

>> No.4213588

Theology mid tier you're fucking stupid.

>> No.4213589

This thread:
>who made the universe and why?
>implying those are valid questions

>> No.4213590


CS Majors ARE math majors you fucking dimwitted cuntwipe

sure is misunderstanding of computer science in this bitch

>> No.4213592

>full retard

The math a CS major learns is already covered in highschool.

>> No.4213595


I should note that I'm a math major who's made contributions to mathematical sociology, hence my defense of it. There's a lot of bullshit in there, but I bet you couldn't tell me what Galois Theory is, let alone apply it to a social science.

>> No.4213596

>implying Theology isn't just a branch of philosophy

>> No.4213599

>implying math and physics aren't brunches of philosophy

>> No.4213611


>implying brunch isn't a meal

>> No.4213614

>implying philosophy isn't a meal

>> No.4213617

As an astronomer i take issue with the placement of biology. Yes most elements of biology are more engineering and medicie than science, but biology still has one of the big questions to answer: "how did we get here?". Physics too has large areas (solid state, medical physics, many areas of optics...) which are more engineering than fundamental science. The main difference is that biology suffers from problems of complexity where as physics is more problems of fundamental...ness?, astronomy on the other hand suffers from both.

>> No.4213618

>Implying theology isn't just making up bull shit and spinning your chosen religious text to fit with a modern world view.

>> No.4213620

That's like saying alchemy is a branch of chemistry...think that if you like.

>> No.4213625

>implying implying is not implying

>> No.4213636

I should note sociologists and psychologists don't even know how to begin learning about their respective fields nevermind the bull shit they make up.
They don't know how to know how a human works or a society or a family unit They have 0 laws.

>> No.4213637

yes I am...care enlighten on why it's in mid-tier?

>> No.4213639

More and more people are becoming like that.

>> No.4213649

As a CS major (from a top 3 department at that), I think that you are the fucking dimwitted cuntwipe who has no idea what he is talking about.

CS is one of those majors that requires the least math courses. How's your community college treating ya, by the way?

>> No.4213656
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>> No.4213670

bio and physics circles are not touching? seriously? wha the hell has chemisty in common with psychologyx?

>> No.4213673

As a Mathematics and CS majors, you're a fucking retard. Stop spending that lie. "Theoretical" CS contains a dusting of a few sections of mathematics and leaves out very major sub fields. Physics majors, on the other hand, are math majors that half ass their "proofs".

Truth (in a private HS that is)

>> No.4213687
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people's brains are made of elements

>> No.4213700

okay now scroll up and read my post again...

>> No.4213719

what is with 4chans autistic fucktards who do this tier shit

its done on every board and its fucking stupid

>> No.4213736
File: 248 KB, 641x273, 1320965124637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did his post not answer your question? cure y00r autism plox