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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4212344 No.4212344 [Reply] [Original]

If locality is an illusion and solidity is an illusion and velocity is an illusion, is there anything real at all?

>> No.4212347

Sometimes I wonder if the shit that comes out of my ass isn't just an illusion...

So I leave it in the toilet for the next person to verify.

>> No.4212368

i fail to see how its just illusions

>> No.4212383

Illusions aren't real now?

>> No.4213032

A false idea or belief: "he had no illusions about her".
A deceptive appearance or impression: "the illusion of togetherness".

What don't you get about it?

>> No.4213035

illusions are real though,

>> No.4213036

Cum into your mouth.
Taste it then tell me how real it is.

>> No.4213041

really gay

>> No.4213077

Unreal is the new real and we've gone full circle.

>> No.4213083

It's not. It's an illusion. What you don't seem to get is that illusions DO feel real, even when they in fact aren't.

Is this board populated by 12 year olds or what.

>> No.4213084

If the self is an illusion, who is it fooling?

>> No.4213088 [DELETED] 

It's time to stop shitposting.

>> No.4213094

So stop posting.

>> No.4213100

but how is a fucking illusion? and just quoting the definition of illusion isnt an explanation.

>> No.4213102

unreal=real. fucktard

>> No.4213109

Science tells us so. The very idea that reality around you is exactly how you perceive it is fundamentally wrong.

>> No.4213842

>Science tells us
>The very idea
>reality around you
>exactly how
>fundamentally wrong

>> No.4213848
File: 13 KB, 142x157, toctoctoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about a real reply and not some candy-ass underage crap?

>> No.4213857
File: 33 KB, 500x568, morpheus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter whether or not reality as real. The harsh fact is that you can't get out of it.

>> No.4213864

Ofcourse you can suicide.

>> No.4213870

There are no verified accounts of what happens after suicide.

>> No.4213882

>hurr durr implying that someone may or may not be dead after suicide we just don't know

>> No.4213891

Body stops functioning it ends.
Sorry dualist faggot you're wrong.

Also there are no verified accounts of what happen after I anally rape you but I can tell you if you want.

>> No.4213897

What if we create our reality.

>> No.4213904

But not the whole body stops functioning. Parts of the body still hangs on desperately to life. There are accounts of nails still growing after the person's buried. Is the entirety of a person composed just composed of the brain?

>> No.4213906

He looks dead, but is he really

>> No.4213913

Snopes.com explains the truth behind the legend. The human body begins to dehydrate after a person dies. Because the skin is so dry, it "pulls away from nails and hair." This makes it appear as though the nails and hair are growing, but in fact, it's really the opposite. The body is shrinking.

So this is just an illusion. Snopes notes that the body's unfortunate tendency to dry out is the reason funeral homes are so liberal with the moisturizer. Without it, the newly departed would appear unrecognizable well before the casket is shut. Creepy.

You're wrong.
Also Yes you are just your body which is largely controlled by the brain.

>> No.4213921
File: 51 KB, 158x165, george.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are your body
So ideas are generated in my brain? You make no fucking sense.

>> No.4213928

Oh and I suppose a super natural cartesian theatre where Ideas dance for an audience to shitty music Is a lot more appealing and makes more sense?
If you answer yes to that get the fuck off sci because you're too retarded go to /b/ or /pol/

>> No.4213934

But what about taking some cells out of my brain and body and letting them thrive and reproduce on petri dishes? Are they still me after I die?

>> No.4213950

Well, statistically speaking there is a fair chance. The only reason your point of view is widely accepted is because it makes more sense to humans. Which has nothing to do with how the universe is put together, which regardless of what you may think, is still a great mystery.

>> No.4213960

Nope you're an idiot thanks for playing go fuck the laws of physics on some other board thanks.

>> No.4213979
File: 236 KB, 513x822, 1323938679485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I study hard science
>mfw I despise people like you for having such a naive way of thinking about the universe

>> No.4213993

Locality, solidity, and velocity are not illusory.

>> No.4213999

Well they appear to be something but when you understand them in detail, you see that they're really behaving in a counter-intuitive manner. How is that not illusory?

>> No.4214107

mfw I don't give a shit?
no face because I don't give a shit.

>> No.4214116

Fair enough. I still think you're a wacko though.

>> No.4214564

intreseting. tell me more

>> No.4214575
File: 107 KB, 314x373, Deirdre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bumping /phi/ thread after two hours
Drone, I am disappoint.

>> No.4214613

Actually, there could be some point to this. The term illusion was a bit poor chosen, but misperception would be a better one. I am very convinced that position and momentum are something created by the mind in order to be able to understand this enormously complex world. Yet all physics seems to hinge on those ideas. To truly understand the world around us, we should first think harder about what position actually is.

Wow. That was a lot for 2am.. Maybe I should just go to sleep.

>> No.4216111

You are absolutely correct.

>> No.4216114 [DELETED] 

How is it a /phi/ thread? Are you retarded?

>> No.4216123
File: 9 KB, 149x178, GloriousYang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel knowing i'm going to turn your precious little planet into raw material for the dyson sphere, bitch?

>> No.4216302
File: 120 KB, 851x401, ACen_transcend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I didn't just use all the immense amounts of minerals and energy I got from the fungus to fast-track my own transcendence project
Maybe your workers would have worked fast enough if you had cared for their suffering.

>> No.4216312

more info OP's image?

DAT feel

>> No.4216314

Locality, solidity, and velocity, are not the only things, so yes, things will still be real.

If you're implying that those three are illusions, modern science hasn't heard of that yet, so anyone that says they are is very probably wrong.

>> No.4216315

They are illusions ACCORDING TO modern science.

>> No.4216319

Wrong, all these things are illusions. Our brain creates the impression of solidity, the passage of time, movement, and a lot of other things some scietists take for granted.

>> No.4216336

Not an illusion. According to science.
Not an illusion. According to science.
Not an illusion. According to science.

Only by the strictest, most autistic interpretation of quantum mechanics do those resemble illusions, but no serious scientist is foolish enough to do so, only the worst science fans.

>> No.4216348

how is solidity an illusion made by the brain? solidity is real, something is solid when the atoms are close together enough to repel other solid objects. just because its not 100% like you amused it was doesn't mean its now an illusion. and i dont get how its the brain that does it.

>> No.4216356

and how the fuck is velocity an illusion? momentum is one of the most basic properties something can have.

>> No.4216372
File: 26 KB, 425x315, obama-straw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>autistic interpretation

>> No.4216384

100's of millions of neutrinos are currently passing through your body, without striking a single object in thier path.... yet you body is solid?


>> No.4216387

Velocity is an illusion because it's a concept wrapped around something moving with certain speed. But it's always in respect to something else. Take an isolated universe, for example, with the same rules as our own. Then put an object there. How do you tell it's velocity? You don't, because there are no reference points. So in this way, it's illusory.

>> No.4216388

Movement is an illusion, read book: "the end of time"

>> No.4216410
File: 36 KB, 160x160, slap7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know about reference frames
Everything you have ever said is now invalid.

>the end of time
Same goes to you motherfucker.

>> No.4216451
