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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4210974 No.4210974 [Reply] [Original]

why do girls hate math and always fall into the stereotype of being "bad" at math...and by always I mean 99% of the time


>dat feel when your math teacher is a girl...what do they know about math lol

>> No.4210987

Cultural stigma.

>> No.4210991

Women have smaller brains.

>> No.4210994

>Women math teachers
>I took Calculus two and I know all about math now!

Every women math teacher ever.

>> No.4211011

My female calculus professor had a PhD in theoretical mathematics

>> No.4211042


>> No.4211048

My high school teacher was really good at math. She was a legit assberger or something though, as she was impossible to deal with. She expected you to know shit that we haven't covered, gave impossibly long projects, and if you asked her questions she would essentially derive what ever you were asking.

Put hair on my chest though.

Also, college math teachers are better in my opinion over males as they seem to explain the subject better.

>> No.4211049

>theoretical mathematics

>> No.4211053

lower rates of autism?

>> No.4211055


You are a total fucking brainwashed idiot if you actually believe that.

>> No.4211057

The root problem is that math is rigorously logical and arrives at irrefutable answers. Women are neither logical nor do they accept hard answers.

There's a reason why engineers and builders are almost always men. They use math and arrive at firm answers, which are then put into use. A bridge built by women would collapse in the middle of construction, since some stupid bitch would say "I did the math on the steel column, but I didn't like the answer so I changed it, tee hee".

>> No.4211065

everyone step the fuck back, i've got this

>women can only create problems, not solve them

>> No.4211066

This only counts if she's hot.

>> No.4211075

>implying men don't often warp facts to support a preconceived notion.

It's like you've never heard of religion.

>> No.4211078

>men tend to have more genetic variation
>men tend to have much better spatial awareness and math skills. This is GENETIC
>a woman may never win a fields medal and women will never ever be near men at top level university mathematics positions. This is not a "glass ceiling" it's genetic.

>> No.4211084

Typical woman logic, cover up their own shortcomings by highlighting the shortcomings of others. Just go have a period or something.

>> No.4211086
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The female brain excels at arithmetic, but is actually a poorer performer when it comes to creative mathematics.

So I guess the answer to your question is 'genetics'.

>> No.4211091

It is because women have become objects of men

>> No.4211118


wut are u talkin about niggreo?

>> No.4211119

[citation needed]

>implying women don't use their body to advance in academia

>> No.4211122

>have become
>implying they weren't always objects to begin with

>> No.4211124

Lolz. As far as i've noticed usually the teaching career in lower levels is more chosen by women than men. Men, when choose teaching, they aim for higher positions. At least, that's the explanation in my country. Teaching is not considered a manly occupation, it's a soft career, so that's why most primary school, secondary school and high-school teachers are women.

But from my experience, women math teachers are either "crazy types" or masculine types. I haven't seen many feminine females good at maths.

>> No.4211133


>> No.4211135


>inb4 uncontrollable rage and asspies

>> No.4211139


ops link seems feminine

>> No.4211140

ITT mad feminists

>> No.4211144


>> No.4211155
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Simeone de Beauvoir was a tough broad, pretty much like Marie Curie.

>> No.4211156

>A bridge built by women would collapse in the middle of construction, since some stupid bitch would say "I did the math on the steel column, but I didn't like the answer so I changed it, tee hee".

I highly doubt this would happen because the men would object.

>> No.4211168

Physically, yeah, but no offense, I'd like to see an analysis of her brain to see which are the factors which account for this talent.

>> No.4211170

OP I see you found my favourite video.


>> No.4211172


oh shit
dem eyes
dat pale skin

you are a gentleman and a scholar

>> No.4211177


dat nip slip at end

>> No.4211185
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>> No.4211599

> >implying men don't often warp facts to support a preconceived notion.
> Herp derp.

Men are nowhere near as delusional as women. Even when they are delusional, as with religious ideas, they are still able to reach logical conclusions based on facts for other areas of knowledge. Women, however, generally refuse to apply logic in ANY area of knowledge.

> I highly doubt this would happen because the men would object.

Learn to read. I said "A BRIDGE BUILT BY WOMEN". That means no fucking men are involved, assraptoring ballslurper.

>> No.4211611

>I said "A BRIDGE BUILT BY WOMEN". That means no fucking men are involved

>can't detect sarcasm/humor

ok good luck

>> No.4211632

Women don't become mathematicians because they would have to deal with people like those in this thread AKA Massive autism and sexual inferiority complexes.

>> No.4211650

God fucking damn it, this.

>> No.4211666

women don't hate math. they just find it impractical. my mentor is a female mathematician...

fuck you and your preconceived notions of reality.

>> No.4211687

Most women have no pure academic interests, they are hard wired to seek out the most attractive and successful males. The males that study mathematics are unlikely to be attractive or successful so they naturally gravitate to other fields of study like medicine or law where the likelihood of finding a good mate is much higher.

>> No.4211709

This fucking thread. You don't it again /sci/. 10/10, would read over and over again. Will show to my post-modern feminism class.

Keep up the quality work folks.

>since some stupid bitch would say "I did the math on the steel column, but I didn't like the answer so I changed it, tee hee".

Best quote ITT.

>> No.4213108
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>> No.4213120
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>> No.4213132

Is she naked anywhere?

>> No.4213133

nurture > nature

>> No.4213155

It is not a stereotype. It's like saying "Why is it a stereotype that women have breasts?" They just do have breasts.

>> No.4213170

My maths teacher is a female and she's good.
First class honours from Oxford though so she knows her shit

>> No.4213175

men have a larger brain mass then women in the ares to do math, women's brains are more situated toward identifying colors, smells, all that lovey-dovey peace on earth bullshit that ruined britain's education system.

>> No.4213227


Yes, and it wasn't always that way too. Before the 80s, boys did better than girls. Then feminists said it was unfair. So they changed the system so that girls would be favoured. Not equal to, but favoured.

I personally propose a system of same sex, segregated education and examination but this is an unpopular idea. That being said, males and females in same sex environments tend to perform better than those who are in mixed sex schools. Girls don't want to be perceived as "intellectual" in front of guys cos it's not sexy and guys want to show off in front of girls, to appear more sexy, so they tend towards things that are "cool" ie. not maths and more things like music or gym.

That being said, towards the middle of the sciences (chemistry, biology, biochem etc.) we see more girls, so it's not fair to say that there are no girls going into the pure sciences.

>> No.4213236

at uni my match 1 of my teachers is a woman (old woman) but she knows math pretty well

also one of the best teachers at uni is a woman
circuit theory

>> No.4213239

>women teaching
>yfw when shit tier uni

>> No.4213247
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>> No.4213250

boring shit, i expected some fancy mathmatic, this bitch does nothing at all

>> No.4213259

As usual, she performs the typical role of a woman: to look good. There's been plenty of women in the sciences, but most aren't hot.

>> No.4213264

I've never had a male math teacher.

>> No.4213266

>the typical role of a woman: to look good
Most women don't even achieve this goal. Another proof of how worthless they are.

>> No.4213270

This fucking guy took a jar up his fucking arse on 1guy1cup.com

Essentially we all stick jars up our arses you see.

>> No.4213273

I lol'd, but the unstated implication was "in media." Wasn't trying to women-bash specifically.

>> No.4213274


>> No.4213280
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>frustrated virgin detected

>> No.4213284

I prefer to stay virgin unless I manage to become gay. Due to the huge difference in intelligence, for me fucking a woman is like fucking an animal. No, I'm not that pervert.

>> No.4213290

There's a norwegian tv show called Hjernevask, or "Brain wash".
It has sociologist and comedian Harald Eia travelling around the world, punching holes in the gender equalities myths and such stuff.

He shows a bunch of studies about how in Norway, a country very far ahead in the equal rights development, a lot of women still pick jobs and careers that have to do with social interaction and with people, while men pick careers about systems, machines and objects.

Then he asks a bunch of scientists from US and EU about why this happens.

Episode 1
Password is "hjernevask"

>> No.4213293
File: 76 KB, 401x400, gtfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking high schooler

>> No.4213299


>wants to stay a virgin
>thinks hes better than women
>masturbates furiously to women and probably traps all day, every day

hows that denial working for you?

>> No.4213301

Why are you defending women? Are you brainwashed by the media into believing you need a gf? In that case you're only slightly more intelligent than women.

>> No.4213302
File: 262 KB, 1030x518, womanlogic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can admire the aspects of Islam which place women in their rightful positions.

>that feel when you'll never live in Saudi Arabia with multiple wives ready to do your bidding

>> No.4213308

Wait. Is this /v/? I thought I was on /sci/. Wait. Is this really /sci/? Wait. This has got to be /v/.

>> No.4213321
File: 29 KB, 225x295, 1290788803229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw misogynists on /sci/ base their opinions on their personal lack of success with women rather than verifiable evidence and peer-reviewed study

So much for being the best board on 4chan.

>> No.4213322
File: 72 KB, 200x299, seriously-GTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not defending women
you just need to grow up
1. not all women are the same
2. we don't care about whores
3. this thread has not place on this board

>> No.4213324


thanks, interesting shit

>> No.4213332


rape is mostly for power not sexual arousal

the women on the left would intimidate most rapists

the ones on the right would be easy targets, probably shy and submissive...etc

>> No.4213333

>we don't care about whores
Then you don't care about women. Because woman implies whore.

>> No.4213337

>implying science isn't always inductive reasoing based on observational evidence

>> No.4213350

High school math teacher was a woman, she told me that girls don't care about explanations behind anything in math.

Pretty cool woman.

>> No.4213363

afaik most girls in my school were always better at maths than the boys, or at least payed more attention in class. I wouldn't say they hate it but they would probably spend their time doing something more social like getting stabbed by rapists.

>> No.4213374

Its been observed that playing action videogames improves female spacial reasoning at a much faster rate than males until they are statistically indiscernible.

>> No.4213382


>its all genetic

[citation needed]

>> No.4213385

> girls playing action video games
> observed
yeah... right...

>> No.4213386

The worst is when you get these female math profs with a chip on their shoulder. Most of them have 0 depth or originality in their thinking and just memorize shit. A few are at least kind, though.

>> No.4213390

>hurr women inferior men superior

this isn't what the thread is about

>> No.4213394

Right. It would be boring to discuss a fact everyone agrees with.

>> No.4213396

Its not about cant but about dont wont

>> No.4213398

It IS about "can't". Women are anti-intellectual for a reason: Their lack of intelligence.

>> No.4213407

>implying neckbeard virgins who hate all women because they're too cowardly to approach a woman and think women exist to serve and please them have a reasoned, logical basis for hating women

>> No.4213419

>implying it's not the women's fault for scaring away the neckbeard virgins by showing off their slutty appearence and anti-intellectual contempt

>> No.4213422


/sci/ really is shit now. This thread proves it.

The only good thing about /sci/ now is the daily Putnam thread.

>> No.4213426

>implying men aren't equally anti-intellectual
>implying men aren't equally lacking in intelligence

You're not really saying that we currently live in the ideal world with the best possible political, economic, and educational systems that humans can potentially achieve, are you? Because if people aren't stupid en masse and women are inferior and all men are refined intellectuals, you're saying this is as good as it gets for humanity and we've already peaked.

>> No.4213435

>implying you're an unbiased and reasonable person if you view every single woman alive as an anti-intellectual of slutty appearance

>> No.4213436

Seriously, women are ridiculously anti-intellectual in general. It's very displeasing. That's why the few geek chicks out there are in astonishingly high demand.

I told a girl once, if you want your pick of men who will shower you with gifts and attention, learn chess and major in a mathematical subject. She was 12 then. She does know chess---not well I think, anymore---and is at MIT for engineering. Also, she is very hot.

I have done what I could, /sci/, I've done what I could.

>> No.4213447

A man that lacks intelligence is limited in his chances of what to achieve in life. A woman can still achieve anything by being a good looking slut. Don't you watch tv?

The evidence for my opinion is astounding. Show me one counter-example.

The "geek chicks" are sluts in disguise. Don't be deceived by their weak mask of education.

>> No.4213452

Oh I am sure she takes lots of cock.

>> No.4213455

>Don't you watch tv?


>> No.4213466


lmfao the norwegian sociologists were projecting so hardcore..."why are they so frenetic about biological differences"

when in fact the americans/british were looking at both and norwegians were only looking at cultural and no biology at all

>> No.4213477

>women not stupider than men

Then why do women do so shit at the international maths olympiad, the international maths competition for highschool students?

Since the IMO began 60 years ago, only 800 female students have been good enough to qualify for the competition

whereas there have been over 10000 students participating in total

In any given year, most countries will not be able to find a single girl good enough to get on their team of 6.

>only 4 girls in the top 100 contestants

Furthermore, teh fact that the IMO is an international competition with countries competing all over the world invalidates the excuse that female shittiness at maths is due to social attitudes, since we can see that even countries like Sweden and Norway, whose education systems dogmatically hold the belief that males and females are mentally equal in every way, such that they even discourage kindergarten teachers from using gendered pronouns, typically struggle to find to a single girl good enough to get on their team of 6, and rarely find more than one girl good enough, if that.

Females possess a lower mean ability for the logical, rational reasoning required for mathematics, as well as physical sciences and technology (both also fields that women are not as good at so work in less frequently than men

>> No.4213508

oh wow. you linked to ability in the extreme as if it means anything to the average person. Men are more extreme in their abilities/disabilities, this is because men are sexually rewarded for talent more than women who are mostly rewarded for looks.
As for why men are always over-represented at the bottom of the curve it's because if you're already shit at something there's no point wasting more time at it, you'll never impress a woman with your ability if it's below average, you're much better ditching that area and finding something you're good at so you can show off with that.

I'm a passing visitor. used to go on /sci/ daily for over a year, have been gone a while. This place really has turned to shit. But i have hope it will improve someday.
Anyway, good day.

>> No.4213526


>thinks the extreme outlier has any bearing on the nature of things lower down on the curve

>> No.4213531

This thread is 40% arguments from anecdote, 30% blind assertions, 30% people not understanding how statistics and group distributions work (true of both sides).

>> No.4213538

No difference is no difference. The outliers should show the same distribution as the rest.

> if you flip a coin thousands of times, of course the longest streaks will be heads hurr

>> No.4213566


>thinks that all distributions are gaussian

>> No.4213572


I don't think you're trolling, but I really wish you were. Jesus christ

>> No.4213585
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> implying that "men and women are equal" implies some other distribution
> mfw you choose some other distribution and just support what the misogynists are saying anyway

>> No.4213609
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And again, only in America. I'm studying mathematics here in Finland and there is almost equal number of female students as there is male students. And they are as good as male students. Please US could you possibly grow up already.

>> No.4213622

There was video posted here a while back with round faced female physicist talking about a giant laser or some shit. Anyway this girl reminded me of her but I can't find the vid. anyone know what im on about?

>> No.4213654


Neither of the guys you've talked to so far- do you know what the word "distribution" means?

>> No.4213694
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HAHAH OH WOW the social scientists in this get fucking OWNED.

>> No.4213699
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>> No.4213737


ya but they were owned by basically other social scientists...

either way the norwegians were silly as fuck

>> No.4213742

lmfao Borat's cousin owning norwegians

>> No.4213743
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IF males and females had the same distribution of mathematical ability then the chances of observing such a difference between the two genders in a sample size in the thousands is remote.

Accept that males and females have different distributions of mathematical ability or admit to being utterly ignorant in probability and statistics, and to holding onto a view dogmatically for biase political or personal reasons instead of looking at what hte data shows like a scientist is meant to.

>> No.4213772

either one or two social scientist (depending on whether you count the evo. psych. girl) and two medics.

the best part was seeing how both the Norwegian social scientist's reflex defense was an ad hominem along hte lines of "look how interested they are in trying to find bilogical differences". and then when that blond bitch was asked why she believed that men and women are mentally identical she said "I have a theoretical understanding that biology plays no part".
lol dumb bitch. I can't see her ever living that down.

>> No.4213809

we're not talking about men and women having the same distributions for anything. In fact men will generally have a more unequal distribution in just about anything you look at.
The topic at hand was whether or not women are genetically predisposed to being bad at mathematics, we're talking about average ability, not extreme ability.