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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4206617 No.4206617 [Reply] [Original]

I know science is just starting and we are learning a lot and coming up with new theories all the time. What if the universe really is as simple as we think it is?

I've been thinking about the universe since I was a kid because nothing else on Earth has fascinated me more. I've finally come up with a fun idea. And I'm not high!! Go ahead, rebuke this for pothead-talk assumptions. I just want to be heard.

My idea is that there isn't such thing as a confined solar system, only that which we declare the threshold for acceptable orbiting distance. We are in a universe of solid bits of rock which may have coalesced from the elements emitted from the Big Bang. Of course we have a Kuiper Belt and Oort cloud! We probably have a Wow That's Far, It's So Far We Can't Detect It, And It Takes Absolutely Forever To Make One Whole Revolution Around The Sun cloud, and a Negligible cloud too. What you see, with regards to our Sun and every other star, is when a gravitational body grasps a hold of its surroundings, it acquires a hold of the game, wins it, and becomes a flaming hot ball sucking in everything smaller or less dense than itself, providing the rock bodies it made the necessities for life. This is no surprise why there are planets orbiting the Sun, and stars orbiting a black hole. And there's then perfect sense for a quasar. It's an entropic survival of the fittest for rocks, all of which compete for the most gravity, and eventually become stars at a gravitational threshold and black holes at a greater gravitational threshold. What the stars do is feed off smaller rocks with substantially weaker gravity. If a star gathers all of the rock from its surroundings, the outer rocks would be too far away to provide the star its required energy to maintain survival before the fuel is spent, releasing its materials.

>> No.4206620

Think about it, as a rock accumulation gets a certain size, increasing pressure at the center overcomes the intermolecular force threshold of atoms, triggering a molten core. And what's in our tiny little planet's center core? Obviously molten rock, although nowhere near as hot as the center of the Sun. The Sun is 1.3 million times larger than Earth!

So maybe the reason Mercury has a metallic core is because it's so close to the Sun that Mercury's molten interior reacted with the phenomenal heat of the Sun. Or perhaps the Sun's gravity provides a strong bodily tide effect on Mercury, which could act as a stirrer, warming the interior of Mercury.

If any of this is true, I bet you our planet is very slowly, but surely, inching towards the Sun with every revolution. Like a very lengthy, seemingly forever, inward spiral. It makes sense that gravity eventually gets everything. Mercury should, according to my logic, be next to feed the Sun however long it takes. If black holes feed off everything, why don't stars?

It then makes sense that a vast core collided (Big Bang) and sent out all rock fragments, or today, galaxies, in opposite directions. It just has to coalesce from galaxies into greater black holes, which will take a long time and occur way far out, unless the center of the galaxy runs out of fuel. There is no such thing as dark energy or dark matter. How could there be?

The universe is simply collecting the rock it spewed out at the Big Bang through the process of gravity. Gravity; the key force; the Hungry, should never fail an endless process.

I'm interested if anyone actually fathoms this. Tell me what you think. Again, I am not high.

>> No.4206645

Poetic, but unlikely.

captcha: theory aquials

>> No.4206649

You have some seriously flawed conceptions of what the Big Bang is. I suggest you do some reading.
Second, you better understand that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate and gravity can't do shit to stop it.

>> No.4206657 [DELETED] 

You have to remember, our theories are just theories, nothing more. We have no evidence of it.
All I do is read about science. I like to come up with theories of my own because scientists continue to disprove one another's theories. Who knows what's true!

The reason the universe may be "expanding" is because the galaxies are moving in away from the explosion of something at a core, the fragments of rock which it ejected.

You never know, we'll never know. That's the fun of it.

>> No.4206662

Humans like to think they have all the answers despite our limited technology. I wouldn't trust all of the theories circulating through our contemporary ethos. I bet you 99% of them will turn out false.

>> No.4206672

You have to remember, our theories are just theories, nothing more. We have no evidence of it.
All I do is read about science. I like to come up with theories of my own because scientists continue to disprove one another's theories. Who knows what's true!

The reason the universe may be "expanding" is because the galaxies are moving away from the collision of perhaps two vast cores, the fragments of rock which it ejected.

You'll never know, we'll never know. That's the fun of it.

>> No.4206674


>If black holes feed off everything, why don't stars?

if the sun was replaced by a black hole, the earth would continue to orbit as normal
remember gravity is a function of mass, and the suns mass isn't increasing, if anything its decreasing; the sun burns away thousands of tonnes of matter a second

interesting theory, but your understanding of gravity needs improving

>> No.4206676

How do we know for sure? Have we witnessed a black hole at the centre of our orbit or a body orbiting close enough so we can get virtually exact precision measurements?

>> No.4206681

Do you even have a basic understanding of physics and astronomy? It seems apparent to me you also have no idea how science works.
Theories are built off evidence. Physicists don't go derping around making up theories on the spot without using any jumping-off points or mathematics. Am I being trolled?

>> No.4206683

It's called physics, dickwad.

>> No.4206687

No, I'm not trolling. Don't get defensive. My mind underwent a creative bout and I felt like sharing it. Stop getting flustered over what's right and what isn't!

>> No.4206696

Actually, the earth is moving away from the sun.
Mercury has a solid core due to its small size.
Galaxies are racing apart from a center, the space in-between is expanding

>> No.4206708


>No, I'm not trolling.

Yes you are.

>Don't get defensive.

Why are you so imposive?
Are you a Narcissist?

>My mind underwent a creative bout and I felt like sharing it.

Why did you follow your "feel"?

>Stop getting flustered over what's right and what isn't!

Why would I?

>> No.4206709


we havn't observed exactly that, however we can observe other things, which prove gravity is a function of mass, for instance, the moon orbiting us, other moons orbiting other planets, and so on

a black hole has a finite mass, generally the mass of the star that collapsed to form it.

we can then use the equations;

F = (GMm)/(r^2)

to show that the black hole has the same attractive force as the star it used to be

cmon man, this is basic stuff, A2 level (i think thats high school in america)

>> No.4206721

>You have to remember, our theories are just theories, nothing more. We have no evidence of it.
Evidence of what? Do you even know what the words "scientific theory" mean?
Expansion of the universe is an observed phenomenon.

>> No.4206726

I love discussing this stuff! I'm going to question everything you say and see if you can give an answer on the spot!
>>Earth is moving away from the Sun.
Milankovitch cycle? Numerous other factors?
>>Mercury has a solid core due to its small size.
/just/ because of its small size? What about Titan? Does it have a metal core?

>> No.4206735

solid, not metal.
the densest part of a planet is its core, so it is usually metal, as that is the densest thing floating around.

Titan is far away, and hard to probe

>> No.4206737

>>Yes you are.
No, I'm not.

>>Why are you so imposive?
Are you a Narcissist?
You're assuming I'm imposing because I'm bringing up a new idea. I am not a narcissist, I am a free thinker.

>>Why did you follow your "feel"?
Because I was happy with what I came up with.

>>Why would I?
You seem a little disturbed, to say the least.

>> No.4206740


Both sides of this debate are bad

Challenging held beliefs about the world is great, but prevalence in human society does not prove or disprove something as a scientific theory. It's generally up to the person who makes the claims to posit the evidence regarding it (and by evidence, I mean more than theoretical, you gotta be willing to get out and do the measurements)

To (>>4206708) Damn son, relax, it's the fucking internet

>> No.4206742

Everybody's fucking arrogant and can't take no for an answer. This is the doom of humanity, and it can be witnessed right here, in this thread.

>> No.4206744

I'm not asserting any of it as true. I'm fascinated with what my mind can muster up before education narrows down my imaginative creativity.

>> No.4206745

>implying the doom of humanity isn't furries

>> No.4206758

People need to forget what they know and just start asking questions. One of the most fascinating things of the human mind is that it can piece stuff together before education strolls on in

>> No.4206759

>education narrows down my imaginative creativity

>> No.4206774

I'm truely amazed how many people got defensive over this....

>> No.4206779

Perhaps the earth is flat?
Perhaps we can turn lead into gold through chemical means?
Perhaps zeus gives us lightning?
Perhaps the sun is a ball of charcoal burning with aether that permeates space?

There's a reason this stuff has not become part of scientific theory.
Be humble: thousands of people have tested things, written papers that those books you read are based off of.

It is hard to get a theory accepted by people without any evidence.

Also, I can't help but smiling at the irony: You read pop science books and then come up with your "own theories" without collecting data analyzing available data. Then you come and say people are being stifled by education while putting blind faith in the books you read.

Your arrogance is both hilarious and appalling. Learn some damn humility

>> No.4206781


>offends people with his collosal stupidity
>wonders why are they offended
>but he cant ever end that wonder since his stupidity wont let him
>Foverer Dumblone

>> No.4206783

I'm truly amazed you're still amazed.

>> No.4206787

OP just made some shit up some of it blatantly wrong and when confronted on this he protested "We have no evidence of it". OP is retarded and has no idea how science works.

>> No.4206791

What harm does it do if I think for myself? Am I destroying the fabric of science?

>> No.4206792

Yes! It's probably wrong! I know from the start that it's wrong!

I can't believe you guys. This is ridiculous. I just wanted to share a fun idea.

>> No.4206795


The harm is when you say education stifles imagination.

>> No.4206797

How are you getting offended over this?

>> No.4206799


> you come and say people are being stifled by education while putting blind faith in the books you read.

irony indeed.

>> No.4206800

It does a lot of times. If you didn't know you were made of atoms, what would you think?

>> No.4206804

I was made of some indivisible "somethings"
maybe spheres or cubes.

>> No.4206809

Good, and you would go further to try to explain that, right?

>> No.4206810

>/sci/ - Fun and Math

>> No.4206811

you folks are sickening, sorry

>> No.4206812

yes, I would mathematically describe how those spheres and cubes interact, and what it "meant" to be an indivisible cube or sphere.

>> No.4206817

So instead of imagining endless creative ideas, you want to solve the mystery, the fun of it all, right away? Ok, you found your answer. Now what?

>> No.4206818


because the ,wasting time and reinventing the wheel, kind of imagination is really precious right guise?!

Get off your high horse of idiocy already, peasant.

>> No.4206821

Yep. And on that note, I'll call it a day. Hope I didn't offend you guys too much.

>> No.4206830

lol were already doomed, cant you see it? stubbornness is running rampant everywhere

>> No.4206835

test it.
find its wrong.
figure out something else.

There are wrong answers in science, and there is no way to tell if you have the "right" answer or even if there is a right answer. You can find corroborating evidence to a theory.

Science isn't going to stop needing creativity anytime soon.
But you need to test theories as well as think them up.

>> No.4206840

dude what HAPPENS when you find the answer tho? what do you do with yourself when its all saida nd done??

>> No.4206847

>What if the universe really is as simple as we think it is?

We don't think it's simple at all...

>> No.4206850

>lol mandelbrot set

>> No.4206852


We already know that there are physical limits on how much we can know, so that is utterly impossible.

>> No.4206857


Why do you believe that it has a conclusion?
Why do you believe that its conclusion doesnt have any application in different theories that arent concluded yet?

>> No.4206862

You can't know you have found the right answer.

>> No.4206865


You dont know that.

>> No.4206867

how far are you planning to go?

>> No.4206868
File: 100 KB, 600x700, 1323918001686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the cancer of this planet.

1) You don't know how to think properly, your reasoning skills are middle school level at best

2) Thinking bullshit, and preaching bullshit, FUCKING HURTS SOCIETY. YOU ARE THE CANCER OF THE WORLD.

>> No.4206875

if you know none of it is true, why do you let it bother you? there's obviously more to it

>> No.4206886

We're laughing at the stupidity of people like you

>> No.4206894
File: 126 KB, 450x373, 1269914528813_145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, your reasoning skills are much shittier then I thought.

>> No.4206895


>how far are you planning to go?

Which plans?

>> No.4206898

A good thread inevitably turned into a horrible thread.

>> No.4206903


Based on what?

>> No.4206904

your boundaries for knowledge. when d oyou say, "ok, that's enough, let our imagination do the rest?"

>> No.4206906
File: 106 KB, 489x400, 1293495531215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm impressed you can use a computer.

>> No.4206908

Because everyone in the world (except you of course) is scared to take a look outside our windows and think. We are shocked that someone in this day and age that someone would DARE question what has been bestowed upon us by our ancestors. You are the only one smart enough to question these beliefs (that are immutable of course). So we think you are a fool

>> No.4206911

i value the stuff I know..i also value the things i make up

>> No.4206912


All great ideas are eventually consumed by the power of stupidity. The question is (in this case), upon which side does the stupidity lie?

>> No.4206914


>your boundaries for knowledge

Why do you believe that it exsists?

>when d oyou say, "ok, that's enough

What is exactly enouqh?

>, let our imagination do the rest?"

The rest of what?

>> No.4206924

how did you learn the stuff you know?

>> No.4206927

if i even have to explain myself, we do not think the same at all. i think op did a good thing

>> No.4206931
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>We are shocked that someone in this day and age that someone would DARE question what has been bestowed upon us by our ancestors

Implying scientist don't exist? Implying philosophers don't exist? Implying NO ONE IN THE FUCKING WORLD THINKS ABOUT SHIT?

How fucking dumb are you? Jesus fucking christ!

>> No.4206933
File: 391 KB, 975x689, 314-lol-whats-going-on-in-this-thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4206937

So many lessons need to be learned from this. I hope they are as vivid and clear as they are to me.

>> No.4206941


The truth is that you cant explain it as it is too illoqical to defend/explain.

>> No.4206943

>Just starting

HOLY FUCKING SHIT ARE YOU RETARDED? Humanity has been making fucking steady progress since the dawn of time. What the fuck? Are you some kind of high-school student that has only just discovered physics or something?

What about Thales, Anaximander, Pythagoras, Anaxagoras, Hippocrates, Eudoxus, Democritus, Aristotle, Euclid and Archimedes? ARE THEY NOT FUCKING SCIENTISTS?!?!?!


>> No.4206944
File: 32 KB, 700x406, 1269598828255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confuses science with religion

>> No.4206945

no, to me it makes perfect sense. im not going to, figuratively, explain to a 4 year old child. they wont havea clue where im coming from

>> No.4206947


>So many lessons need to be learned from this

From what?
Which lessons?
Why is it a "need"?

>I hope they are as vivid and clear as they are to me.

For who/what do you hope that?

>> No.4206952

What are you trying to explain?
Op can't take pop sic and start creating dumb theories and treat them as equals to real theories

>> No.4206954
File: 86 KB, 528x600, 1303278143422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You bring retardation to a whole new level. Words like, "stupid", "dumbfuck", and "retard", don't even cover the kind of mental defect you have.

I bet there is some special word in german or latin, that can better describe your level or dumbassery.

>> No.4206957


>no, to me it makes perfect sense

Then why cant you explain it?

>im not going to, figuratively, explain to a 4 year old child.

Explain what?
Why wouldnt you?

>they wont havea clue where im coming from

If they dont know where you are cominq from, Then explain "Where" you are cominq from to them?
Whow exactly is that a problem to you if it is as you say ,sensical to you?

>> No.4206958

i'll say this briefly once, you pick up the pieces
>What are you trying to explain?
that our imaginations are limitless, and education closes doors of imaginations once were declare an educational tidbit as fact.

>Op can't take pop sic and start creating dumb theories and treat them as equals to real theories
not once did i see op say it was truth

>> No.4206967

All I see of science today is merely a competition of who is smarter, or for profit.

>> No.4206969
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>> No.4206972
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See, OP, the thing is, you seem to be comming from what is at times refered to as a 'Right Brain' stance... creative, imaginative, intuitive... that sort of thing... the part that is entertained by the 'what if?' Unconcerned with how close it is to the actual workings of reality.

The people here are predominately 'Left Brained' they don't really care some much about what 'could be' so much as what IS. Sure your... idea, is imaginative, but the majority of the evidence collected so far says 'nope... no chance.' After that sort of rejection the left culls off that idea as invalid and wasting time... it then focuses on reconciling and examining the finer details of the remaining valid theories.

In order for your idea to even be considered again, you need to throw a LOT of evidence against the current valid theories. Otherwise you are wasting it's valuable time.

People with think this logically HATE having their time wasted becasue they have already considered that it is at a premium limited by their lifespan... In short, in writing this I have wasted 5 min thinking and explain to someone who probably won't read it WHY I am frustrated with them wasting that time.

There comes a point when you realize that to advance to the higher levels, the bleeding edge of human understanding one has to take vast swaths of previous understanding on faith, because one doesn't have the time to examine each and every tine detail.

TL,DR: We can never learn to fly, if we must all first invent fire.

>> No.4206980

i agree with you. however, if it bothers you, don't enter. simple as that.

>> No.4206981
File: 66 KB, 768x576, 1295663680095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on liking science OP. It is great that you are interested in it. However, as of the moment, your thinking skills aren't good enough to be taken seriously.

Not to be insulting, but you are either very very underage, or just stupid. You need to have a good ability to "reason", use "logic" and have good "deductive" skills to be a scientist. You have none of these.

Maybe when you grow older (and your brain is more developed) you may do great things in science, but not now. Now you are just a little kid, making cute little hypothesis, THAT ARE SHIT.

Just like you need the proper skills and experience to be a medical doctor, lawyer, ect, you need certain skills to be a scientist. You don't have those skills yet. Good luck.

>> No.4206998

shame on you for calling someone stupid.

>> No.4207006

Reading that was more painful then reading Christopher Langan's theory of the universe. Glad you're enthustiatic but get a degree and then try to do something original.

>> No.4207010
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>> No.4207013


>Condescendingly lectures about maturity while insulting him in every conceivable way

The hilarious irony!

>> No.4207018

>In shock at what this has become

People can be so harsh...

>> No.4207029

To one man's brilliant idea is another man's hell, I suppose.

>> No.4207033
File: 30 KB, 555x644, 1298229612317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are stupid, then /sci/ will call you fucking stupid.

Welcome to /sci/

>> No.4207037

this thread has made me hate humanity that much more. i thought science was a step into the right direction of understanding.

>> No.4207046

What the OP was talking about wasn't science.

>> No.4207050

I see no science in this thread

>> No.4207051


>this thread has made me hate humanity that much more.

Why do you think that your sweeping generalisation is a step in the right direction of anything at all?

>i thought science was a step into the right direction of understanding.

Unfortunately for individuals that are illogical like you, it isnt.

>> No.4207058

sure op looks up above him and wonders, using the basics he knows. that's science and creativity together.

you obviously don't appreciate science because if you did, you should appreciate everyone around you. that's my story, anyway. i've come to accept everybody who doesn't do any harm to their own kind.

>> No.4207061


Actually her parents are German and Dutch, but nice try trying to claim her as your own you fucking filthy, ignorant American.

>> No.4207066
File: 127 KB, 300x427, 1268284375066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is about the truth, about the cold harshness of reality. Scientists are the most critical motherfuckers on the planet.

If you want to convince them of something YOU BETTER HAVE TONS OF EVIDENCE TO BACK UP YOUR SHIT.

If you don't have evidence to back up your shit, maybe you should try and make it into a religion (no evidence needed).

>> No.4207070

where did he say he was he trying to convince? nowhere. this is where everybody in this thread has gone wrong. your ego must be huge

>> No.4207073
File: 10 KB, 305x249, Elements.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not serving Satan

http://www.joyofsatan . org/
http://www.angelfire . com/empire/serpentis666/Outsiders.html BUT I IS AN ATHIEST!?!?!?
http://www.angelfire .com/empire/serpentis666/Tree.html SATAN CREATED HUMANITY THROUGH GENETIC ENGINEERING
http://www.angelfire . com/empire/serpentis666/Incubus.html HAVE SEX WITH DEMONS

Don't miss out on this shit nigga, you'll be mad if you do. ANCIENT ALIENS NIGGER.

>> No.4207074
File: 18 KB, 500x384, LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol OP wtf are you taking about?

Learn2gravity you n00b. You don't even need GR to see why your ideas are retarded

>> No.4207076

why is it retarded? explain on what levels of your imagination this is retarded.

>> No.4207081

Only thing that matters is the validity of OPs claims. People need to learn early what science is really about. Partially related words from Gerard Hooft: "They believe this, only because they understand totally nothing about the real way problems are solved in Modern Physics"

>> No.4207082



What is reality?

>Scientists are the most critical motherfuckers on the planet.

Physical reccords needed.

>If you want to convince them of something YOU BETTER HAVE TONS OF EVIDENCE TO BACK UP YOUR SHIT

Where is your exvidence for that proposition?

>If you don't have evidence to back up your shit, maybe you should try and make it into a religion

Then why didnt you do it?

>no evidence needed)

Prove it.

Damn you've asserted so much conerning the necessity of exvidence yet you havent proposed any exvidence for your assertions.
Whow hilariously ironic and hypocritical.

>> No.4207087


Guys, it was sarcasm. A joke. He's making fun of the guy he replied to. God, you people are stupid.

>> No.4207089

he recognizes how awesome and fascinating the universe is. that's all i care about

>> No.4207098

3000 years ago, a man asks, "what if there is no God?", and gets lynched for it. This is what this thread reminds me of.

>> No.4207102
File: 261 KB, 552x414, What a retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL OP you are a major retard.

Learn2physics and math

>> No.4207116
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>There is no such thing as dark energy or dark matter. How could there be?


>> No.4207119


>> No.4207238

OP don't listen to these people. I think your ideas are great. Go out there, write up a paper, and show it around.
Those stoopid scientists will have their MiNdS BLOWN

>> No.4207252

This. People here are just jelly cause they can't figure out their own original theories.

>> No.4207262

Oh shit wait. I understand now. The theory was just an illusion, all just a hoax.
The real point of the thread was to show how much of an aspie-infested crapper /sci/ was.
He admit he was wrong. What could have happened at this point is the thread could have died off peacefully or only a few people interested in the poetic potential of the theory continued posted.
What happened is the great shitstorm of our time. Posts by people who couldn't help posting over and over again that OP is a shitstain.

He... He just wanted to share a fun idea....

>> No.4207266

Stop samefagging this already shitty thread up and accept the fact that you're not doing any help to science with these threads

>> No.4207267

Yes, yes yes and yes.

and whilst OP is not yet doing a science to a higher level, i hope he/she does, as at least he/she will love it! :D

>> No.4207290

if i wanted to help science, would i be on 4chan? no, whilst i am in labs or at uni i am working with the aim to further science, right now i am bored and cannot sleep, and i saw in OP a bit of me from when i was a retard doing GCSE's. So i was nice. :P

>> No.4207297

An ignore 500 years of science. come up with your own

>> No.4207304

will never understand why people got mad at this.

>> No.4207326

And this is a group of unimportant 4channers. Think about the rest of the world.

>> No.4207328

OP isnt faggot


>> No.4207337

Many of us do. You apparently don't.
See >>4207116 and >>4206943

>> No.4207347

Retards can't sage. This proves just how intellectual /sci/ really is.

>> No.4207380

Well? Science is just starting, isn't it?

>> No.4207387

>What the fuck?
Did you not read his post?
How long is your attention span?

>> No.4207392

He got mad because OP made a claim that science is just starting, that of which neither you, him, nor I can justify.

I think it's safe to say that in a span of 4000 years of endless discovery, we've just scratched the surface.

>> No.4207429

I don't mind if people go full retard with philosophical or meta-physical things but if you start throwing all kinds of ignorant shit, you deserve all the hate we'll dare to give.

>> No.4207440

I think I will archive this thread for future references.

>> No.4207454

what evidence do we have of dark matter and dark energy besides the fact that galaxies are distancing from one another?

>> No.4207457

sorry and "holding" a galaxy together

>> No.4207462

isnt dark matter and dark energy metaphysical?

>> No.4207480

>And I'm not high

This should have been the signal to stop reading

>> No.4207488

lulz xD no kidding

>> No.4207501

The fact that stars at the very edge of galaxies orbit the centers of their respective galaxies at nearly the same velocity as stars close to the centers of those galaxies implies that galaxies contain much more mass than we can detect from visible light. Enter dark matter. As for dark energy, it's a consequence of the theory of relativity, but as of right now we have no solid proof or evidence of this force existing. There are experiments going on right now to detect dark matter particles, but this is difficult due to the fact that those particles do not interact with ordinary matter.

>> No.4207507

exactly, so what happens if they don't find it?

"if the theory doesnt fit the facts, change the theory"

>> No.4207541

Well yeah, if nothing turns up then it's back to the drawing board, though several particles which we know exist, such as neutrinos, could be candidates for dark matter.

>> No.4207558

> neutrinos
>could be candidates for dark matter neutrinos, >mfw

>> No.4207607

There is no fun in ignorance. Stop trying to promote ignorance as fun.

>> No.4207622

Haven't you heard? Ignorance is bliss. I can vouch for that.

>> No.4207656

Ignorance is dangerous and deadly.

>> No.4207683
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Fantasy is fun. But only as long as you have a clear grip on what is fantasy and what is real. OP's proposition falls in the category of fantasy.

If he had started this thread "I'm writing a story that happens in a universe that is such-and-such, can you help me make it more consistent", he'd have gotten a lot more positive response.

Granted that the people opening up on him could have done it in a more civil and polite way...