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File: 28 KB, 439x465, Vulcan_captain,_first_contact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4206023 No.4206023 [Reply] [Original]

What will the most likely result of first contact be?

>> No.4206027
File: 38 KB, 512x445, stephen-hawking-aliens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,” he said.

If aliens in space ships did come to Earth, Hawking suggests, they may be more “V” than “E.T.”

“Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach,” he said, arguing that they may have taken to the stars because they depleted resources on their home world.

>> No.4206028

premature ejaculation

>> No.4206035
File: 28 KB, 501x341, willsmith-jeffgoldblum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Such advanced aliens would perhaps become nomads, looking to conquer and colonize whatever planets they can reach

It's okay. We got this.

>> No.4206050

The only reason any aliens would visit would be out of curiosity or to take our planet for themselves (and this would only be if every planet with the same ideal pressure/ temperature etc had something more threatening on it)

There is nothing else to come here for, 'rare' elements float around in space in city sized chunks. If they have the technology to get here, getting that would be easier

>> No.4206054

Enslavement and eradication, or most likely both.

>> No.4206068

A robotic probe detecting alien microbes.

>> No.4206092

we'll find them
if they find us we'll be ignored because we're less advanced

it's like if we find tribe men somewhere in the galaxy
is there a point of going there and talking to them?

we'll take a speciment clone it and do experiments to study them
they'll be archived and forgotten

>> No.4206245


And try to have sex with them. You forgot that part.

>> No.4206247


>> No.4206251

The have already come here, and they do not seem to be attacking anything so... i assume that they're watching us out of curiosity.

>> No.4206260

Secondly, I assume OP is referring to intelligent alien life, as otherwise it's not really contact is it, in which case many religions will die out, we will get new science and mathematics, and if millions die I won't be one of them because I'll have my trusty tin hat

>> No.4206266

if you are refering to 'life' in general. then a scout probe will deliver the news of microbe lifeforms.
i suspect you mean 'sentient' contact. in that case its the standard reaction
> fear
> curiosity
> acceptance

either way, religion is gonna be fucked, however if may mean them becoming more defensive and hostile than ever!

>> No.4206283

1 Probe finds planet, sends location to alien mothership, lands on moon and uses its ressources to make billions of copies of itself. Stays burrowed in the moon until mothership arrives.

>> No.4206363
File: 81 KB, 546x636, 143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW aliens have religion too, and their athiests were hoping discovering alien life would get rid of religion as well.
>MFW religion remains popular for both species because people finds excuses to ignore evidence placed against it.

>> No.4206380

>implying there's any evidence against religion

Please stop trying and focus on something else more productive.

>> No.4206459

much more accurate alien dildos for /v/

>> No.4206468

If i could be assed I'd take a screen of that parrallel universe Enterprise episode where the humans shotgun the shit out the poor first contact Vulcans

>> No.4206484

We discover the aliens (assuming they're sentient) are just another bunch of carbon based assholes that look roughly like some familiar earth creature. They won't be sentient gas, or thinking lumps of rock, or floating bags or any of that shit hard sci-fi writers use to spice up their dry, tedious works.

There will be a period of "holy fuck aliens" then we'll get used to the idea and it will seem perfectly normal, and it won't change life all that much.

>> No.4206488

They would mine our civilizations for knowledge to see if we have made any discoveries that they have not.

All genomes of earths species would be copied. DNA would be taken and preserved.

Then of course, they kill us all.

>> No.4206495


>> No.4206499

If they're intelligent, then we're fucked. We've only had several thousand years of experience as self-aware beings, it's much more likely that aliens have several million. We'd probably just be treated like the niggers of the universe and eaten like a snack or eradicated.

>> No.4206500

I'm assuming that they'd either be bigger and meaner than us and try to conquer us. Or they understand that we are creatures that are well adapted for three things: Sex, War and Greed. And history shows we are very good at those three things.

Why would they try and contact us for peaceful dialogue and trade when they know we are inevitably going to find a way to use what they give us to further one of our three purposes, two of which can be very harmful to them.

If they contact us, they're either really naive or they'll be doing it from the command center of a fleet of warships

>> No.4206633

I think we're all alone, adrift in the cosmos.