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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 273 KB, 1196x890, wtffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4202868 No.4202868 [Reply] [Original]


YES I GOT 130!!!

But... I don't get 36, 37, and 39. I just guessed. Does anyone understand them?

>> No.4202871

>online, unsupervised IQ tests
>meaning anything

post the questions here and I'll take a gander.

>> No.4202874

You know over the years I've taken these tests too and usually clock in around 130 too. I'm suspicious that maybe everyone gets this score. And surprise surprise, there's an ad on the last page that advertises something specifically geared to appeal to someone's temporarily elevated sense of self-worth.

Wonder if dubs...

>> No.4202879

>not using ad block plus

>> No.4202883

Just took it. Most of the questions seemed to be modular arithmetic questions posed using varying shapes. Whether testing that is sufficient to measure one's IQ I'm not sure but I suspect that those types of questions wouldn't cover verbal intelligence for example.

>> No.4202897

You'd be surprised.

>> No.4202899

winged it (finished it in 4 minutes) and scored 110.

half of my brain is smarter than most of the population. huzzah

>> No.4202939

126 =[

I don't get 37 and 39

but for 36 I'm pretty sure it had to be C D or F and the 3 long had to be black leaving F and D

>> No.4202946
File: 289 KB, 1050x820, wtfff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After you guys have done the test take a look at my answers. This picture was taken before

I also guessed "H" on 39

>> No.4202973


"F" is the only option where there aren't any instances of 3 of the same shape touching perpendicular to one another. Seemed like the only decent option then again I got a 122 so who knows.

>> No.4202998
File: 291 KB, 1670x943, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awh yeah

>> No.4203016

Completely helpless on this one.

>> No.4203028

The last time I took this test I got 129.
My professor in human ressources did a similar test with us, it inculded verbal intelligence. My results were pretty much high for the class.

>> No.4203031

Okay, I might have figured it out.
In each picture, sum of the strokes needed to draw the shapes is 18. Columns either consist of 8, 6 and 4 strokes or 7, 6 and 5 strokes (respectively). In each row of the squares, exactly two are 8, 6, 4 and one is 7, 6, 5. Therefore the answer should be B.

Although this seems a little too complicated so that's probably not it.

>> No.4203044


what are strokes?

wtf are u talking about

>> No.4203060

I did the test 3 times, 3 times completely the same answers except for the last question:
A: 130

>> No.4203062


From box 8 to 9 (missing):
Triangles become Xs
Xs become Circles
Circles become Triangles

Now move on square (in the box) to the right.

The same trend can be observed from box 2 & 5 to box 3 & 6 respectively.

Answer should be B


Sorry if not clear.

>> No.4203065

Taking the test once, fair enough. Taking the test three times, thats just sad.

>> No.4203069

I took it once

>> No.4203078

Well the first time I did it was days ago and I had 133.
I just took it another 3 times to try and see what the last answer was. I couldn't find it but
is on to something.

>> No.4203089

I still dont get it

OP here btw

>> No.4203119

ABsolutely right

square 1: All Triangles become X's en move them 1 small box to the right, do the same for X's--> circles and Circles-->Triangles. You will see you will get the situation in square 2. Repeat to square 3

Follow the same procedure for squares 7 8 and 9. Answer is B

>> No.4203126


see box 2 & 3

Change the shapes in box 2:
Triangles become Xs
Xs become Circles
Circles become Triangles

Once you do that, move the squares (in box 2) one to the right (the squares at the end of each row will fall into the first square on the row below; the square on the bottom right corner will become the square on the top left corner). You will end up with box 3.

Do the same with box 5 to get box 6 & box 8 to get box 9 (which is missing).

>> No.4203128

Forget about the strokes, just assign a different number to each shape and you should end up witht the same result.

>> No.4203132

Man I feel like a dimwit. Only got 108, which is normal apparently.

A life of ditchdigging beckons.

>> No.4203232

you are all jelly

>> No.4203269

ABsolutely right

square 1: All Triangles become X's en move them 1 small box to the right, do the same for X's--> circles and Circles-->Triangles. You will see you will get the situation in square 2. Repeat to square 3

Follow the same procedure for squares 7 8 and 9. Answer is B

>> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:20 No.4203126


see box 2 & 3

Change the shapes in box 2:
Triangles become Xs
Xs become Circles
Circles become Triangles

Once you do that, move the squares (in box 2) one to the right (the squares at the end of each row will fall into the first square on the row below; the square on the bottom right corner will become the square on the top left corner). You will end up with box 3.

Do the same with box 5 to get box 6 & box 8 to get box 9 (which is missing).

>> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:20 No.4203128

Forget about the strokes, just assign a different number to each shape and you should end up witht the same result.

>> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)09:22 No.4203132

Man I feel like a dimwit. Only got 108, which is normal apparently.

A life of ditchdigging beckons.

>> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)10:10 No.4203232

you are all jelly

>> No.4203300
File: 3 KB, 149x99, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That background pattern looks like dick'o'ass

>> No.4203380

don't get the last one

>> No.4203433
File: 120 KB, 889x613, iqteszt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels good mang
but to be honest I took this test about a year ago and it was 130. maybe I got higher this time because I had an idea what patterns to search.
also to be honest I had 2 beers already today.

>> No.4203662

funny. I am in Mensa and i ve got 125 on this one, yet scored maximum on Raven's Advanced and got an iq of 133 based on Mensa testing.

>> No.4203670

It's there to help you concentrate.
Over 89% of the people who take this test are engineers after all.

>> No.4203697

See now I know you're lying.

>> No.4203719

believe whatever you want. See how much i care

>> No.4203774

The problem with this test is that you can waste quite a bit of time before realising you have to only look horizontally for patterns.

Also few people will arrive at methods like mathematical induction through pure intuition rather than education ... yet the ability to think about patterns in that way is assumed, making it partly an education test rather than an IQ test. That's true for most of these tests though.

>> No.4203783

36 is pretty simple. Both pieces move 1 square to the right between every picture, and they change color when they go through a black square.

>> No.4203787 [DELETED] 


So many homosexuals today

>> No.4203786

Got 130. But the test is bad compared to others i've done, because many of the questions can have different answers (all correct) but from a different perspective and my guess the test allows only 1 to be correct. Also.. in Mensa.

>> No.4203797
File: 112 KB, 1280x808, 133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4203944

Wow fuck me, I had every single answer selected and when I went to click "send" I hit "home" isntead.

>> No.4204501
File: 64 KB, 632x519, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand #31, #34, #35, #37 or #38.


I must be edumacated. Share the secret!

>> No.4204514
File: 5 KB, 256x192, RDRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


D is the answer to your picture; the tool in the middle folds all four semi-circles in to get the figure in the top right corner.

>> No.4204517


top left corner I mean, oh my god.

>> No.4204537


#34 is the choice of the blank circle because outside circles cancel with inners

>> No.4204539

31 is D. The shape is "pinched" then pulled on opposite directions.

39 is B.

Bunch of dumbasses, all of you.

And no, the last questions aren't that bad, but the onslaught of 35 at the beginning really tires people out. The odds of there actually being this many geniuses in one post is ridiculous.

You're all failures.

>> No.4204562


It just looks like an intelligence test. it's actually a data-gathering site and every time you click on an 'answer', you're consenting to give access to personal information stored on your computer. nobody would play if the questions were meant to winnow out the true geniuses. they're just meant to make you feel good while giving away your info. the background means "you're all assholes, cheek by jowl"

>> No.4204916


Flash can't do that, don't be silly.

>> No.4204929
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, iqistotallyreliable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty test. took it last year

140+ master race

>> No.4206017

>Still thinking flash can't be used as a data mining platform