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File: 351 KB, 1673x1276, major-genetically-modified-crop-production-countries-2006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4197501 No.4197501 [Reply] [Original]


Peru has banned GM production for 10 years. Do you think it's a good decision or not? Seriously, are there any REAL disadvantages of using gm crops?

>> No.4197510

inb4 there's no proof they are harmful

There's no proof they are not harmful, either. What kind of idiot takes risks?

>> No.4197509

Only disadvantage is paying the outrageous monsanto fees. But Peru is basically being idelogical and cheap instead of paying to feed their people. Typical commies.

>> No.4197518


what can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence

null hypothesis is that they're harmless, so we go with that since there's nothing to show any different

>> No.4197521

Pretty much every crop we grow is GM, selective breeding is genetic modification.

That said the only major problems with GM crops is corporate corruption and IP laws. If you're a farmer and your neighbor happens to grow GM crops one year your field is likely contaminated. What I mean is that some of your next crop will be GM product and if you're caught growing it you'll be sued massive amounts of money for not having a license for it even though you did not intentionally plant seeds.

In the same token your neighbor has to buy new seeds every year he can't just save some of his crop to use a seed crop.

>> No.4197524

The idiot who wants to feed the population.

>> No.4197525

Null hypothesis is that they are harmful, you moron. Hey, let's just release all the drugs we are testing right now! There's no proof they would have any harmful effects!

>> No.4197532




null hypothesis is that "nothing happens". a drug does nothing until proven otherwise.

we don't release drugs into the environment because _that would be pointless_

>> No.4197533

Null hypothesis is that they are harmless because they're only a handful of genes off from normal crops. Drugs on the other hand have a track record of being dangerous thus null to being as such.

>> No.4197536

>this food may or may not be poisoned
>I'm going to assume it's not and eat it

>> No.4197542


are people really this dumb

>> No.4197558

If you assume all your food is poisoned you may just have schizophrenia.

>> No.4197573

GM crops can be good or bad.

Eg. crops that give a larger yield all by themselves or are more resistant to weather events like draught or floods can be a good thing.

On the other hand, crops that have been genetically modified to be more resistant to a herbicide or pesticide (eg. roundup resistant crops) could be a very bad thing, since roundup was never meant to be sprayed on a field more than once a year.

Now you have farms where roundup is not only used several times a year, it is the only herbicide used. This creates a very easy natural selection "filter" for roundup resistant weeds to take a hold, which will make even normal responsible use of roundup useless...

>> No.4197580

Peru is the same 3rd world nation that stopped chlorination of their water supply for a while because derp-derp carcinogens.

>> No.4197582

That's the point you dense fucks

>> No.4197586

>not sure if american
>or just trolling
>or both

>> No.4197587

I didn't know Argentina produced GM foods. Good to know, I guess.

>> No.4197673

I don't care where your null hypothesis is, it's a very simple concept.

Eating GM food MAY kill you. Despite there being no evidence whatsoever for this, it could indeed be true.

Starvation WILL kill you. There is a lot of evidence here, and you can even go and test it yourself, pretty cheaply.

I don't care what your odds are, eating GM food is better than starving to death. Which is what happens when you don't have enough food to go around because you refuse to use the type of crop that provides enough food to go around.

Anything is better than a 100% chance of death.

>> No.4197688


Actually I'd rather pick certain death over living in doubt.

>> No.4197705


well you're a fucking idiot

>> No.4197708

100% philosophical idiot (likely psychologist)

This would be correct if GM food were the best way to go. As it stands, the terminator seeds, herbicide resistance, speculation and price control industries make GM food arguably less efficient than ordinary food. It's like nuclear power, it's a good thing once you've dealt with human stupidity, until then it's a disaster.

>> No.4197709

You are the idiot if you'd rather put your faith in something instead of just giving up and accepting an outcome you don't want.

>> No.4197714
File: 4 KB, 190x190, 1314295170655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't even respond to this.

>> No.4197718

What is the purpose of these terminator seeds?
Why have plants that grow themselves only once?

>> No.4197722


That's a silly question. A better one would be, why, if you have complete creative control, create something that people only need to buy from you once, when you can create something people need to buy from you every year, forever.

Planned obsolescence.

>> No.4197724


because you make more money if you have a guarenteed market for your bug-proof crops year after year.

>> No.4197727

Confirmed for Christfag.

>> No.4197732


confirmed for maximum trolling

>> No.4197739

>they found out I'm a Christfag
>better claim they're trolling so they'll just go away

>> No.4197740


It is entirely possible that everything you do in life, up to and including breathing the air, drinking the water, and eating the food, causes cancer and will kill you.

As such, I advise you to stop putting your faith in the fact that breathing, and more importantly, staring at a computer screen will NOT inevitably kill you, and instead surrender to the inevitable and suffocate and/or starve.

Go ahead, I'll wait.

See, it's ok, because people with this belief will necessarily remove themselves from the gene-pool.

This is nihilism on a grand scale. His argument is that anything that isn't 100% safe is 0% safe. Even monkeys aren't that bad at probability.