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File: 26 KB, 274x300, Nietzsche-274x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4197246 No.4197246 [Reply] [Original]

Why i would want to be moral?

>> No.4197249

So that society can exploit you, silly.

>> No.4197261
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It allows the continuation of the species. Silly.

>> No.4197268

Because if you aren't someone else might decide the same thing.

>> No.4197267
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>> No.4197274

No and no. It's sad that this is the kind of purpose science tries to teach us. Humans do not work towards continuation of the species. They work for their own lives. Lives to come are benefitted incidentally.

>> No.4197285

People are never moral. They simply live incrementally.

>> No.4197303
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>Humans do not work towards continuation of the species

Yes they do. In fact all living things work towards "continuation of their species", it is actually a definition for fucking life. Unless you are saying humans are not alive?

It doesn't matter if you believe it, if you are aware of it, or even think about it, ON SOME FUCKING LEVEL YOU WORK TOWARDS CONTINUATION OF THE SPECIES (99.999999% of humans do).

There is a very small % of humans born with a mental diseases that don't do this. Example: Psychopathys

You should go read a fucking book, or actually get out of your mothers basement and go see how shit really works kid.

>> No.4197307

Respect, discipline, introversion and collective spirit can make you more self confident, powerfull, calm and happy. So why not?

>> No.4197308
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same wrong fag

>> No.4197313
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Oh look! Another teenager that misinterpreted Nietzsche.

>> No.4197315
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>implying people are born with mental disorders

>> No.4197317

please, enlighten me

>> No.4197325


His goal was to have people create new morals rather than stick to contemporary morals.

>> No.4197326

People having sex and giving birth is not the same thing as living towards the continuation of the species.

And in any case, there are several people who just dont do any of that.

The fact that these things happen and you stating that we should live this way is simply trying to get ought from is. People do not live for the species. At most they live for their children and their family. that is not living for the species. Please read something beyond biology textbooks.


You're mad. there is no grand moral attitude in which to aim for. People live in a way that you see as 'moral' simply because they don't want to be shot or stabbed or raped or robbed or lied to or cheated on themselves. There are several times when the risk is deemed worth it.

>> No.4197330
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Like all human characteristics, morally arose because of necessity.

In order to fully understand morality you need to study a good amount of how human societies, tribes, cultures and families, function (or why the came to be). You need to ask yourself, why we have society? culture? peer-groups? governments? what was the purpose of that shit? (Basically Poly Sci 101). You need to understand the "social contract".

Morality is just a "ape construct". It rises about because we are "social creatures". Morality only exists as a "relational" issue, it has no meaning for a singular human.

>> No.4197333

>'moral' simply because they don't want to be shot or stabbed or raped or robbed
>some faggots actually believe this

>> No.4197334
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>People having sex and giving birth is not the same thing as living towards the continuation of the species

LMFAO. You are actually telling me that continuing the species, IS NOT CONTINUING THE SPECIES.


>> No.4197339

>implying I don't have gay sex exclusively

>> No.4197346
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>At most they live for their children and their family. that is not living for the species

Your comments suggest you are a fucking retarded 12 years old girl with down syndrome. Good job using the computer, but please don't try to talking about shit that you know nothing about.

>> No.4197348
File: 117 KB, 450x566, 1268794738979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you had a baby from gay sex

>> No.4197352

Having children is not living for the purpose of benefitting the species. It's simply having kids because you want to have kids. Do you actually know any couples? Maybe you should ask some why they want children. I guarantee they WILL NOT say it is 'to continue the species'. They do it because they want kids. People do not live for the species. Anything to do with the species is in direct because it has to do fundamentally with individuals and individual concerns =! species concerns.


Okay you think morality is a thing we're striving for then? How ignorant

>> No.4197353

For the own freaking sake of it. Seriously, there are no philosopher that will ever tell you "why you should be moral", it's supposed to be already in you, that it is your natural instinc.
If we have to give you a reason to be moral, other than that you will be punished, you are seriously a real danger for the society

>> No.4197354

If OP knew anything about morals, he wouln't annoy /sci/ with a philosophy thread.

>> No.4197356


>> No.4197357
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>'moral' simply because they don't want to be shot or stabbed or raped or robbed or lied to or cheated on themselves

It is a little more complicated then this. But, yes this is the basic premise of the "social contract", and the reason primates formed "societies".


>> No.4197362

>In fact all living things work towards "continuation of their species"
WRONG. Organisms compete for their genotype, not their species at large.

>You should go read a fucking book
No, you should go read a book. This shit is Biology 101.

>> No.4197359
File: 102 KB, 500x355, 1313682946971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much, sorry /sci/ but now lets go on

>> No.4197360


You must be religious. Morals should be questioned like everything else.

>> No.4197363

This thread is dumb and OP is a fag.

>> No.4197367
File: 281 KB, 1101x618, 1267492597726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's supposed to be already in you, that it is your natural instinct


>> No.4197376

Idiot. It's not in "you" it's the relationships *between* people

>> No.4197390
File: 220 KB, 517x369, 1270858503424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Organisms compete for their genotype, not their species at large

Are you really this stupid?
Even assuming your bullshit it true, it still HAS THE FUCKING SAME EFFECT "CONTINUATION OF THE FUCKING SPECIES".

Statistically, caring about your kid, your neigbor, your community, a stranger, etc... ALL HAVE THE SAME FUCKING EFFECT DUMBASS!

>> No.4197396
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>> No.4197399
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>> No.4197407
File: 26 KB, 624x352, 1276296792422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a winrar

>> No.4197408


morals aren't in you, the proclivity for being socialized is in you

>> No.4197411

continuation of the species is an indirect of effect. it's the not the purpose by which people live their lives, it is not the reason for them being moral. Less biology, more philosophy or else you'll continue to look stupid.

>> No.4197419
File: 14 KB, 447x301, spongebob_rape_face_by_swishygirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's seems not enough people here have read Dawkins...

>> No.4197422

The problem is too many people have read dawkins and not enough have read any moral philosophy.

>> No.4197427

Anyone could debate literally any standpoint within moral philosophy and be equally valid as anyone else. You can only address this problem through biology.

>> No.4197430

no. now go read some more

>> No.4197435
File: 7 KB, 251x189, 1272208425513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>continuation of the species is an indirect of effect

Nope. It is also the primary reason for that shit.. Stop thinking so small picture kid. You really think that life begetting life is just some side effect...LMFAO. You are just plain wrong and stupid.

>> No.4197452

You want to be moral because everyone else wants you to be moral. You ensure their safety, they ensure yours, and you can profit within the system. And you can't think of it like you are being held down and repressed (no teenage rebellion allowed) unless you really don't like anything society has ever given you.

>> No.4197458

Yes. Now go read some more.

>> No.4197481


Different moral standpoints can be equally valid, but they are not necessarily equally VALUABLE.


You're really just the victim of unfortunate phrasing. Nature does not act with purpose. Conscious beings act with purpose.

Morals arise out of people's will to life (or because Nietzsche is in the OP people's will to power) and they are preserved because they are beneficial to the survival of the species. Nature does not will morality, people will morality.

>> No.4197527

Having the same effect as continuing the species IS DIFFERENT from saying 'individuals compete for the survival of their species'. You could be spending time reading something famous everyone else had already read, like the Selfish Gene, but instead you're here, being wrong.

>Look at me I don't have any actual comebacks so I'll just shitpost

>> No.4197541

Doing morally virtuous acts causes feels pleasurable in the brain. This is one reason why you may want to do morally virtuous things.

This isn't culture specific either. Hell it works on monkeys.

>> No.4197544
File: 17 KB, 280x280, 1269698982647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads pop-science

LMFAO. Pick up some textbooks dipshit.
Pop-Bio is shit-teir.

>> No.4197555


Reported for acting like an Adhd hyperactive 12 year old.
And for posting inane garbage.

>> No.4197557


NOPE. Please kill yourself.

>> No.4197561
File: 47 KB, 350x392, 1274756127073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saged and reported for being an underage TRoll
with a mom who is only barely rapeable

>> No.4197562
File: 99 KB, 612x698, 1270615180694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you are not a homosexual

>> No.4197570

>implying we discriminate without good reason like you do and there's no good pop-sci
>implying Selfish Gene is not proper scientific literature, just accessible to a general educated audience, much like how the Origin of Species was
>implying you're not the one who should be reading an introductory textbook

>> No.4197579

There is no discernible purpose . Fucking hell, you've just replaced once faith with another.

>> No.4197684

ITT: moralfags being the reason why we dont have cool things

How about penguins instead?