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4196997 No.4196997 [Reply] [Original]


So basically, all that time that I was just pouring water in my throat to stop my hiccups I was killing myself slowly? I'm no doctor, but is there any real studies on that? Anyone?

Fucking internet, making me aware I'm killing myself a little more everyday.

>> No.4197002

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4197004
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>> No.4197005
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>all of my what
I don't think reading comprehension is your strong suit, OP.

>> No.4197009
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Well English is not my first language, I might have misunderstood.

>> No.4197011

Yes, that is exactly what is happening. If your were to breath in water vapour now you could drown yourself.

>> No.4197025

Well, I'll explain then. "Dry drowning" occurs when you suffocate even when there is no water present. Examples include being shot in the lungs and having your lungs filled with Carbon Dioxide instead of the usual oxygen/nitrogen. No one is "killing themselves slowly" by holding their breath, and certainly not by... pouring water in your throat? I don't even know what that means, to be honest.


>> No.4197051

I stop breathing, lay on my back and pour water in my throat and drink it without swallowing to stop my hiccups.

>> No.4197066

You're fucked.

>> No.4197096

Ingesting large amounts of water would decrease sodium concentration and thus the osmolarity and allowing water into cells and particularly neurones. This being what causes the brain swelling and that could disrupt breathing centres in the brainstem.

However, you'd have to drink a colossal amount of water to do that, downing a litre of water for hiccoughs won't do shit yo your brain and the effect is not cumulative.

>> No.4197101


According to this article I can fart myself to death in a small, poorly ventilated room.

>> No.4197106

you can also die in a small, poorly ventilated room with a fan:
