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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 115 KB, 500x375, scared1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4192024 No.4192024 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss your courses next semester:

-Electromechanical devices
-Controls(Z transform stuff)
-Circuits III (feedback systems)
-Controls labs (Lots of Matlab)
-EM 2 (waves).

Scared as fuck :(

>> No.4192036

all dat systems control

almost makes me wish I went to a school with a larger EE program, but then I remember that I hate the stuff

>> No.4192044

-Linear Algebra
-Electricity and Magnetism (the multivar one)
-Physics in Matlab (forget actual title)
-Astrophysics II - Galaxies and Cosmology (planets and stars was last semester)

>> No.4192047

>scared of four mindless courses and EM
Let me guess, you're also scared of hard work.

>> No.4192053
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sick rip.

>> No.4192056

Vector/Multivariable Calculus
Random Signals and Systems
Introduction to Semiconductor Devices
Electronics Laboratory A

Second-semester EE sophomore stuff I guess.

>> No.4192057


Discrete time and circuits 3 should complement themselves nicely for you.

Take some time to research modern control schemes beyond circuits. Look into chemical processes and large scale control systems eg PIDs, MPC, Fuzzy, Statistical. Also look into how those are implemented (DCS/PLC/CDACs) etc..

Stay interested the courses should be fairly straight forward..

>> No.4192058
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- Nuclear and Particle Physics
- Mathematics of General Relativity
- Statistical Mechanics
- independent study with my quantum prof from last term

fuck yes.

>> No.4192060

E&M (400 level)
Optics and Photonics
Solid State Physics
Stochastic Systems
Math Modeling

We'll see.

>> No.4192067

Further Complex Methods
Asymptotic Methods
Integrable Systems
General Relativity
Applications of Quantum Mechanics
Statistical Physics

Gonna be a fuck tonne of work (cambridgefag here) but gotta get dem grades

>> No.4192071

no course is mindless when you go to a good university.

circuits III is one of our hardest courses.

I'm a 4.0 student as well.

>> No.4192078

six classes?

btw, any of you have to work?

>> No.4192083

You have a failure mindset.
Some people go to school full time and want to complete their degree in 3-4 years.

>> No.4192087

snide yes, but how does he have a failure mindset?

>> No.4192094

"Scared as fuck :("

Why? You say you're a 4.0 student. If you think something is hard, it will be. Just do.

>> No.4192093

Cambridge, UK, the system is entirely different.

Look at an example exam paper:


We do 4 papers which determine our entire degree grade.

How the exams work: answer as many fucking questions as you can in three hours, but make sure they are high quality answers too. Thus taking more courses=more choices of questions

>> No.4192099

Also, for information, the first 10 questions are the 'easy' ones, the later ones are harder and worth more marks

>> No.4192126



>> No.4192135

>Linear algebra
>Mathematical methods
>freshman writing

>> No.4192136

>freshman writing

What the fuck do you do on that course? Not mad, just curious

>> No.4192139


Integrated Therapeutics IV
Genetics and Immunology of Infectious Diseases
Cancer Prevention
Emerging Trends in Drug Discovery
Advanced Pharmaceutical Care

>> No.4192141

> math
> more math
> some random shitty classes I'm taking for fun (linguistics)

>> No.4192145

lol what the fuck.

>> No.4192147

I have to write a total of 20 something pages about some shitty topic I had to choose.

>> No.4192150



>> No.4192157


This is a science board, son.

>> No.4192159

are those really the names of your classes?

>> No.4192161

Just checking. I chose mathematical methods over optics and quantum. Was this a wise choice.

>> No.4192165


>implying biology isn't a science
>implying those are biology classes


>> No.4192167
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>> No.4192170

I had no idea it was so different.

No graded homeworks? No quiz or anything for your grade? Just an exam such as the one you posted?

>> No.4192173

4 exams, all like the one pposted. Each exam has one question per course (more or less)

We have computer projects but these don't really provide any significant marks.

Also, the marking system is complicated too, each answer we give gets a raw mark, and a quality mark, which is then fed into a formula to produce our overall mark.

We have homework sheets to do, but these are just to help us learn, and don't count anything to our grade.

>> No.4192176

my prof taught classes in sweden and he said they have exams worth 100% over there; they're like 6 hours long or something

>> No.4192177

Programming Practices (Basically an introduction to C and everything that goes along with it) - Very applied, second year course, required for major. Should be an easy A.
Calculus 2 - Shouldn't be too bad. I didn't do that great in Calculus 1 (B+), but that was mainly due to my terrible midterm mark (C+) and I understand everything a lot better now. Taking as an elective.
Statistics 2 - Hated stats 1, but I think I still did pretty well in it (still don't have my grade for it). Hopefully this is a little bit more interesting. Taking as an elective.
Introduction to Psychology Part B (Second half of a full year course) - Awesome, another half year of memorizing names for things that everyone already knows about (hopefully the second half is more interesting). Only taking this because its a per-requisite for a course that's recommended to have before taking a series of courses that are required for a few specialties within my major.

This is my second term of my freshman year. My major is computer science.

>> No.4192178

Also this is just cambridge, most UK universities are more similar to the US system by having modules and such. Cambridge just likes to keep it's traditions.

>> No.4192189

>Satellite Positioning
>Geodetic/Geomatic Networks
>Land Tenure / Cadastral Surveys/Systems
>Remote Sensing

What the fuck kind of degree am I taking /sci/? Seriously I must hate myself.

>> No.4192199


>> No.4192200

One question... you have blown my mind.

Reading up on this method. Thank you.

>> No.4192201

no fucking idea

>> No.4192207

That's what the class is called bro. It's about signals in the nervous system though.

Good guess. You're 90% right.

>> No.4192227


geography? it certainly sounds boring

>> No.4192241

Not particularly boring. It's called Geomatics Engineering.

While it's not /sci/'s particular taste in degree (lolengineers), it manages to be pretty fun with some of the stuff we get to use/see. Ever seen a hundred thousand dollar terrestrial laser scanner? Ever played with one? That's where the real fun lies.

>> No.4192271


Doing an MPH?

-Organic Chem w/ bio organic lab
-Physics with lab
-Fantasy Literature

>> No.4192279


Not yet, but maybe later.

Third year of PharmD

>> No.4192284


O-Chem is easy peezy
And the physics the pre-meds take is awesome. It's like physics for retards

>> No.4192304

functional analysis
differential geometry
abstract algebra 2
algebraic topology

>> No.4192306


True dat. Got an A in both orgo I and lab, and A+ in algebra based physics w/ lab.

Loving life right now.

>> No.4192322


Can you explain why your schedule has like no actual pharmacology in it then (besides therapeutics?). It seems very liberal arts to me.

Did you already do most of the basic science first two years or something?

>> No.4192356


The first year is all basic science stuff, like pharmaceutics, rehashed biochem, fundamental pathophys, statistics, shit like that.

The second and third years are the meath of the stuff. The therapeutics course is a seven unit, four semester course that covers in-depth pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, and actual therapeutics. It used to be that those were all separate courses, but the trend now is to integrate them.

Classes like pharmacokinetics and shit like that are stand-alone classes. This semester is the last didactic semester, so it's a pretty light load.

>> No.4192360


Yeah. Same thing. I feel kinda bad not taking a harder physics class (cuz I really enjoy physics) but the temptation was just way too much.

>> No.4192441

I am adult, so I don't have "classes".

>> No.4192486


Feels bad, man. I'm avoiding reality forever.

>> No.4192532

Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Number Theory
Intro To Music
Conceptual isssues in Adolescent Education
Intro to Advanced Mathematics
Sp Topics in American Culture and Society

6 classes, 18 credits. It'll be a good course load, but I'm not too stressed out.

>> No.4192648

Damn you guys have some hard classes

Introduction to C programming for Engineers
Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers
Multivariable Calculus
Modern Mechanics Physics
Philosophy of Critical Thinking

>> No.4192790

Objective Med School
Current Academic standing Good-3.75 gpa (horrible first semester)
Calc 2
Organic chem
The New Testament
[Insert uninteresting GE]
Also taking tips on life

>> No.4192803



Stop reading the Bible
Remember that there's more to getting into med school than grades. Get out there and do other shit. Lots of it.
When you get distracted, remember to push on for just one more day. Then tell yourself that every day.

>> No.4192818

Introduction to Cognitive Science
Introduction to Psychology I
Introduction to Linguistics
Introduction to Computer Science I
Introduction to Issues in Anthropology

taking care of all my electives for my double honours math/physics program due to unfortunate circumstances. I would have much rather done more neuroscience as my electives but with all my electives in one semester, i have to take classes with no prerequisites.

>> No.4192823

a whole course on matlab?
sounds fucked up

>> No.4192828


I had Matlab in a couple courses for my neuroscience degree. Linear algebra (obvs) and Neural Network Models of Cognition are the two that spring to mind. I really like Matlab, but wouldn't want a whole fucking course on it.

All I ever ended up doing with it was making a program to help with probabilities in Risk.

>> No.4192829

Fundamentals of Micro and Nano Fabrication
Biological Aspects of Environmental Engineering

>> No.4192838

He doesn't take "classes". He takes "courses". He doesn't go to a "school" but to a "university". That's not a glass of wine in his hand, but a cupful of his glorious flatulence.

>> No.4192849

>Then tell yourself that every day.

so true.

>> No.4192855

diff eq and linear algebra as one unit in your school? makes sense, but i've never seen that before.

>> No.4192864

-Machine Design
-Heat Transfer
-Special topics in heat transfer (it's apparently another class)
-Vibration Analysis
-Speech. -.-

>> No.4192865

Calc I
Physics Lec
Physics Lab
Comp /Sci/
German 312

>> No.4192870
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trig and calc 1?

>> No.4192901

Linear Algebra
Mechanical Behavior and Design

>looking forward to this

>> No.4192918

linear algebra
physics 2
into to computer engineering with lab

>> No.4192922
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I wish I had gone back to freshman/ sophomore year and chosen EE...

>> No.4192933


>> No.4192935

>Biological Psychology
>Lifespan and Development
>Art Studies 2D 3

Hooray for easy gpa boosters

>> No.4192937

Human anat & phys
Experimental design

>> No.4192951

>Human anal & phys
is how I read that.

>> No.4192954


What's your major now?

>> No.4192955
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Calc 1
Chem 1
Econ 1
Intro to Engineering
Engineering Graphics

>> No.4193030

Electromagnetism II (waves/dynamics/special relativity)
Classical Mechanics II (More applications of Lagrange mechanics, Hamilton mechanics, SR)
Network-Centric programming (programming your own network driver, etc)
Intermediate Japanese (your humanities courses are worst)
History of Mathematics (or Experimental Physics)
Intro to Differential Geometry
Numerical Analysis and Computing (CS course == easy A)
Principles of Programming Languages (CS course == easy A)
Honors Abstract Algebra II (auditing due to limit)

1 more course than last semester but shouldn't be too bad

>> No.4193035

calc 2
physics 1 w/calc
german 1

pretty good classes. all useful. all fun. three with math.

rate out of 10?
id give it a 7/10. a little too elementary.

>> No.4193038

>Engineering Graphics


>> No.4193043

>Intermediate Japanese
Lol. Just lol.

>> No.4193050

Digital Systems
Differential Equations
OOP programming

>> No.4193067
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- Intro to Programming Using Java
- Discrete Math
- Calculus I
- Chinese 102

>> No.4193117

i have to take some math elective next semester. pretty much a tossup. anyone wanna tell me which to take?

analysis 2
abstract algebra 2
intro to topology

>> No.4193122

I think it's some sort of babby drafting class.

>> No.4193125

>Intro to Programming Using Java

don't do it, you'll be ruined for life if you start out with basic or java.

>> No.4193133

Why is that? The school I will transfer to starts their CS majors on java and I can knock out more prereqs at community college if I start on java.

>> No.4193135


You kind of have to now if you plan on majoring in CS or anything directly CS related.

I think it's pretty standard for Java to be the primary language taught with a little C++ thrown in down the road.

>> No.4193136

Senior in mechanical engineering here:

Advanced Heat Transfer
Control Systems
Thermal-Fluids Measurements Lab
Intermediate Thermodynamics

It's going to be hard but oh so awesome. Can't wait for grad school.

>> No.4193139
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>grad school

>> No.4193144

Organic Chemistry II
Genetics Lab
Spanish :D

>> No.4193188

Neurochemistry of Learning
Molecular Neurobiology
Neural Networks (forgot actual title)
20th Century American Literature, because I can.

>> No.4193202

Germanfag/ Grad student in materials simulation here:

- Simulation of bio-polymers
- Defects in materials
- Hierarchic simulation of solids
- Atomistic simulation
- Macroscopic simulation

>> No.4193212

Algebra 2
English 100
Ethics and Sociology of Technology (GE)
CS: Java 1

You jelly?

>> No.4193230
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modern history of foreign affairs
intermediate microeconomic theory
realist analysis of 20th century US foreign policy
colloquium on research methods used in international relations studies

...I'll just be going now

>> No.4193234
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None, motherfucker, just graduated!

>> No.4193238

Differential Equations
Software Engineering
Electronics I
RETAKING Automata theory since i bombed it last semester fml

>> No.4193242



>> No.4193254


Thanks - MS on it's way, should be done with formal school forever.

>> No.4193257



>> No.4193259
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Isn't it on "its" way, though?

>> No.4193262


That it certainly is, sir. Been drinking a bit, so I apologize for the grammar.

MS is in structural engineering.

>> No.4193266


Sweet gl in industry.

>> No.4193269

Reading and Research
Third Language II (Mandarin)
Information & Network Security
Web Technology
Advanced Netcentric
XML Programming

>> No.4193292
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Thanks! Actually surprised no one has >engineering'd me yet.

I start working consulting in January.

In order to fit in, last semester's courses:
Advanced concrete and aggregate
Behavior of reinforced concrete
Finite element analysis

>> No.4193307

Electrical and Computer Engineer here
Calc 3 (Multivariable)
Discrete Math (Boolean Algebra and some other weird shit, like induction)
Electronics I (Diodes, Transistors, etc.)
Digital Logic Design (Logic gates, K-maps, etc.)

Should be an ok semester? I'm teaching myself everything in advance, because I'm sick of having shitty professors. That'll be my 3rd year of a 5 year program.