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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4190818 No.4190818 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us about an experience, in school or out, that caused you to rethink or change your perspective. What impact has this had on you?

>> No.4190854

Tell us about an experience, in school or out, that caused you to rethink or change your perspective. What impact has this had on you? (maximum 200 words)

>> No.4190857

Witnessing a kid die back in 7th grade when i was on the bus.

there's more, but that's the only one i can think of right now.

>> No.4190858

Doing some last minute college essays, are we?

>> No.4190863

yeh :3
at least if i get this right, it will be the greatest new year present :3

>> No.4190867


Not going to go into detail unless you want me to OP

>> No.4190869

Not OP, but do go on.

>> No.4190871

i want to hear about this

>> No.4190872

I used to think muslims were misunderstood and demonised theoughout the world, and the koran taken out of context, with a thriving women's rights movement.

That was 2001-09-10.

>> No.4190876

Growing up in the inner city of Chicago, I was exposed to a high population of minority students, namely blacks and hispanics. They always seemed to have slightly uncivilized behavior that was slightly erratic, but it was taught and understood that this was politically correct because of societal and cultural differences. That changed when I moved to a posh suburb just north of Chicago that was predominantly populated by upper middle class whites. This allowed me put in perspective that blacks and hispanics should actually be referred to as niggers and spics, and that their behavior is uncivilized. This paradigm shift inspired me to want to be the next Hitler and to exterminate all inferior minorities.

>> No.4190884

that movie on that researcher who goes to a discotheque and he meets that disabled girl who will never understand his numbers but she feels the importance of his research and then he realizes that there is more than his work.

>> No.4190885

Instant acceptance to Harvard

>> No.4190896
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>> No.4190900
File: 1.29 MB, 1275x819, palmbeach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is greentext fine?

>On bus home from school, listening to pink floyd, turning on major road (Palm Beach Blvd)
>Kid that goes to my school is beginning to cross the road (at intersection), he's wearing a white shirt and a red hat
>Rented U-haul truck probably going 50 mph slams into him while slamming on his brakes
>white mass flies across the intersection a good 20 feet.
>By this time my bus has turned onto the road and we're parallel with it, i'm the only one on my bus seeing this, everyone else is just conversing
>Bus turns into neighborhood then turns out (dropping someone off) just in time for me to get another view of the accident
>See the guy out of the truck standing over the body, there's two women who looked like they were jogging checking his pulse
>she looks up at him with the notion on her face that there's no pulse and he's dead
>see the guy freak out and start crying and he loses control of himself
>women start crying

Bus drove down the street and that's all i saw.

The impact it had on me is that it helped promote my atheists views even more. I embrace life rather than live it now and i try to be fortunate for everything i have and i also try to be nice to everyone as much as i can.

The most interesting this was that just 20 meters away, unsuspecting civilians were just going about there day. 60 feet away is a guy crying over a kid he just ran over and his life is completely changed, but in the car of another man who isn't aware is a different world where he's ignorant to everything and only focused on his debate on the radio station.

It just seems that when things stop and go in reverse for some, others are still moving with ignorance.

pic related, it's where it happened

>> No.4190908

can i plagiarize this?

>> No.4190912


go ahead.

>> No.4190917


and what was the name of the song?

>> No.4190919


I think it was either A Pillow of Winds or Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast

>> No.4190920


Somebody procrastinated on Commonapp.

>> No.4190922



>> No.4190929

I've read about 6 of your posts on sci, and I'm 99% sure that new Harriet-like fag is in the making.

At least lose the trip unless it's needed for some reason (protip - there are two anons that should regularly use trip on sci, and neither is you)

>> No.4190934

I know MadScientist is one. Who's the other?

>> No.4190937


I'm a regular /fit/izen.

I don't post much on /sci/ but i visit and read, only posting cuz /fit/ is down.

>> No.4190942

So you need a daily dose of attention? Not saying your story wasn't good, but lose the trip.

>> No.4190951
File: 1.99 MB, 450x364, deal with it cumshot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha dude who cares. i'll be out of here once /fit/ gets back up

>> No.4190950


i'd assume Colnel

>> No.4190967

>tell me what you think about this
I witnessed a child die in the hospital. I was walking down the hall with patients, and i saw people running down the other hallway, with a child that was driven to the ER room. Our group turned onto the other hallway and we're parallel with the ER room, i was pretty sure i was the only one on my group seeing this, everyone else was just conversing. AS we walk by again a few minutes later, i see a guy and two nurses standing over the child's body, checking his pulse. One of the nurses looks up at him with the notion on her face that there's no pulse and he's dead. Next I see the guy freak out and start crying and he loses control of himself. Then our group walked away, and that's all i saw. The impact it had on me is that it helped me embrace life rather than live it now, and i try to be fortunate for everything i have and i also try to be nice to everyone as much as i can. The most interesting this was that just 20 meters away, unsuspecting patients were just going about their day. 60 feet away is a guy crying over a child, and his life is completely changed because of the incident, but in the patient room of another man who isn't aware, there is a different world where he's ignorant to everything and only focused on the debate on the TV. It just seems that when things stop and go in reverse for some, others are still moving with ignorance.

>> No.4190981

Are you sure fortunate is the right word?
Shouldn't you be thankful/appreciative of what you have? Being fortunate is the reason you have what you got.

>> No.4190980

ok guys, last one
>Explain how you responded to a significant challenge that you have encountered and what you learned in the process. (maximum 200 words)

>> No.4190988

ok changed it.
btw, is there anything you think i should remove? im over the word limit

>> No.4190995


reduce the distance. 20 meters may seem far for the reader when it comes to a hallway in the ICU.

just say like 10 meters lol

>> No.4191001


as for shortening the paragraph, i dunnod00dlol

>> No.4191012

can you help me with >>4190980?

>> No.4191014

I don't mean to be a twat but I can't fabricate things. Lack of imagination. Dare you to say that the application was the challenge.

>> No.4191025

Once upon a time I was browsing /co/ and there was a post linking a fanfiction. The piece was entitle The Shocker: Legit

I read through it and was very impressed. Along with others in the thread I praised the writing and suggested it was better than many professional super hero stories. A few months later I reread legit and realized there were many problems with it. Posting a thread about it, another anon suggested I also read Polarity, another Shocker based fanfiction.

Polarity seemed to do correctly many of the things Legit had done wrong, and I became enamored with fanfiction. One story had been a fluke, two stories made me realize fanfiction was not just selfinsertion wank fests, but could be legitimate art.

Then I was told to read Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. It is a story I recommend to everyone on /sci/ Harry Potter as a Scientist. This story made me rethink many things in my life. A lot of loose pieces started connecting in my brain, and I began to understand things. I understand the need to question everything, and how to discern a good source from a bad one. I understand how bad assumptions are made, and have been applying this revision to many of my previous held beliefs.

It has made me more socially liberal, and a bit more economically conservative. It gives great hope for the future. Humanity will be alright. We will prevail. We will prosper. We will be a shinning light in the universe.

>> No.4191030

The few chapters I read of that Harry Potter thing were hilarious.

>> No.4191048

imma let you finish but

>> No.4191083

Wow. Just... wow.

Of all the people (his persona oozes smug douchnozzelry) and stories (need I go there?)...

>> No.4191100

I was once hungry. And the only read to eat food I had was a can of chef boyardee ravioli.

Normally I like to add some cheese to my canned italian. The tomato is a bit strong by itself, but this day the only cheese I had was half a ball of goat cheese. I decided to be adventurous and added the cheese in.

Best idea ever. It went so well, it was delicious, I have added goat cheese to many tomato dishes.

>> No.4191130

guys please respond to this

>> No.4191249

>guys, check this out, is there naything i should add, improve, etc?

About 2 years ago, i had an existentialist crisis. I felt very apathetic at one time because I didn't have a purpose, and I didn't feel like I was going anywhere. I woke up one night, in cold sweat, with the thought that no matter what I do, I am still just one person in a world with a population of 7 billion. It was really depressing. That conflict was resolved by coming to the conclusion that we make our own goals and pursue them. What they our goals are doesn't really matter as long as they're challenging and engaging to pursue. I have learned that it's the pursuit of one's goals that matter in life; no one is content to rest on their honors. To quote Albert Camus, in his essay "Myth of Sisyphus": "The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart."

>> No.4191279

One day I stopped asking how and began asking why. From then on life has been a series of questions.

>> No.4191415

i was an atheist during middle school then my best friend told me Aquinas's cosmological proof that God exists

the implications can not be expressed in words
that simple proof allowed me to reject philosophy's such as solipsism and short term pleasure as the highest priority

during through most of my school life I had been an average kid who got 60's at best and didn't really care for anything

now i'm in freshman year of university working on 2 patents that i made with graduate studies professors and started a IT company that hopefully might get somewhere but tahts all in the hands of venture capital firms

>> No.4191504

Traveling around the world for 6 months. The impact would take a long time to discuss.

>> No.4191516

Applying to UBC I see