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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4189358 No.4189358 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, can you help me with something?

Explain all this Hawking Radiation shit to me. Some questions firstly:

>So we "know" that these dual particles come into existence from nothing, and then destroy each other extremely fast. So fast, that they aren't even considered reality. How did we test this? How did we find out these existed and are coming from essentially nothing?

>What the fuck is Hawking Radiation? I keep hearing the term thrown around in relation to that subject. Are the particles that are created and destroyed almost instantly "Hawking Radiation" or what?

blah blah google or whatever, don't want to sift through shitty Wikipedia articles. Rather would hear it in laymans terms. Also, Quantum Physics general since we're at it.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.4189364

Empty space isn't empty, particle/antiparticle pairs are constantly spawning and annihilating. When they're next to the event horizon, sometimes one of the pair gets sucked in and the other speeds away.

>> No.4189379


So they aren't necessarily coming from "nothing" then?