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4188305 No.4188305 [Reply] [Original]

Sometimes I think about how close human behavior is to animal behavior.

On the small scale, I look at how males and females interact, form relationships and breed. It is evident that the way these things happen are very similar to the way they take place in the animal world, our way is just a little more complex.

On the large scale, we have countries fighting wars just like groups of animals have fights over turf and resources. Again, just a more complex model - we elect politicians to lead us into war, while the alpha male of a tribe just asserts his position and tells the others he's leading.

In the words of Sagan

> Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and in triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot.

For a being so apparently intelligent, why can't humans into rationality?

>> No.4188311

I don't know but black people commit the majority of crime which is why they should be deported.

>> No.4188321

Then after we do that the whites will be doing the majority of the crime, what do we do then?

>> No.4188325

Because you are self-reproducing chemical reactions which selects heavily for self sustainment. "Rationally" life is essentially pointless but any of your ancestors who did happen to figure that out went off to be hermits in caves while the people convinced of their own import went on fucking like rabbits.

How is this hard to figure out? Maybe YOU can't into rationality.

>> No.4188326

It will still be lower than what was committed by black people, mission accomplished.

>> No.4188328


Imprison those Whites, there won't be nearly as many of them as there are Blacks now committing crimes.

>> No.4188334


>any of your ancestors who did happen to figure that out went off to be hermits in caves while the people convinced of their own import went on fucking like rabbits.

Nobody said we should stop reproducing. Not everyone who becomes rational becomes a hermit either.

This isn't about reproduction it's about not behaving like animals and killing each other.

>> No.4188339

Bro-science 101.

>I'm a lazy failure because I'm rational
definitely no bias in this.

>> No.4188341

Have you stopped to think, even for a second, that prison might actually be the reason more blacks commit crimes.
It's not hard to notice the cyclic nature of crime and "punishment". Sending people to jail tends to make them more criminal.
This should not come as a surprise either since it is generally intuitive that treating people like animals results in people acting more like animals.

I think Norway has the better approach and we shall see in a couple of decades whether caging the beast or rehabilitating the man is truly a better approach.
If Norway is correct then we can stop this useless racist blather about blacks and crime.

>> No.4188348

The best evidence suggests that the smarter and more civilized a population group becomes, the less the choose to reproduce.

Fortunately for ideas, the survival of the population is not tied to the propagation of the meme.

>> No.4188349


Blacks are more likely to commit crimes because of their DNA, it's all genetics, environmental causes have barely anything to do with it.


Even now that all this is backed by science and we have proven that Blacks are genetically different to Whites the liberals will still find excuses for their bullshit.

>> No.4188352


Can Asperger's be responsible for this?

>> No.4188354
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not this person but adding on.

>> No.4188359
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No, you are responsible for this.

>> No.4188364

You can try and push this all day but you're not going to find a justification for racism here.

Everything in behavioral psychology has both a genetic and environmental component, downplaying either is just personal bias in play.

It is trivial to understand that prison makes people sent there more violent and more criminal.
Until this issue is resolved, we cannot accurately discern the effects of prison from the genetic component.

I'll add to that that deporting an entire population group will not even approximate a solution even if it became clear that genetics is the only significant factor.
You will then have merely shifted the issue from small groups/individuals that hurt other people to large groups of people out to hurt other people and given them a half way illegitimate target in the process.

>> No.4188370


>The best evidence suggests that the smarter and more civilized a population group becomes, the less the choose to reproduce.

Was this the case with the Neanderthals?

The Neanderthals were also known to not be a very social group, maybe they all had autism, acquired rationality and realized there was no point in life and stopped breeding.

>> No.4188371

Lol I'm the guy you quoted not the retard asking about asperger's. What makes you think I'm a loser? I'm just as caught up in the existential futility of life as the rest of you.

And are you seriously trying to imply that we don't still retain many of our "baser" biological instincts towards violence, dominance, and greed due to thousands of years of natural selection?

Cause I don't even know what to say to that. Yes the mechanism was undoubtedly more complex, but that is the gist of it regardless if you wanna cry "bro" or not.

>> No.4188377
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>you will never be able to convert a liberal to racism no matter how much evidence you show him because he somehow thinks that it's immoral to hold such beliefs

>> No.4188380

OH LAWD, this guy is pushing the environmental side of the argument with ONE single point.

-prison makes blacks commit more crime.
What a one-sided under-developed world you live in.

High testosterone levels are known in criminology as a causal factor for crime. No surprise then, that Africans have higher average levels of testosterone, meaning the ratio of Africans with what is considered high levels of testosterone is much higher.


>> No.4188382


You seem upset and angry, you surely are one of those that retains the traits of violence, dominance, and greed.

>> No.4188395


I remember when I first noticed that, too. We're not just "like animals." We ARE animals. We are apes and we act like apes. Big surprise!

Honestly, though, I don't see that as putting us down. We can't ever not be apes, but that doesn't mean that's all we are or all we can be. Being an ape is what all humans have in common and many humans are not much more than that. But most of us are, and that results in the vast sum of all human achievement and experience.

>> No.4188399

>thread about society as a whole
>instantly derailed by race wars in the first post

Weird, nobody has started complaining about Jews yet.

>> No.4188406

This is a science board, I don't like jewish culture or judaism and I would prefer if it wasn't here but all the genetic arguments I have seen for Jews being more prone to cunning and immorality have been ridiculous.

>> No.4188407

"Liberal" I guess you could say here. I don't take issue with the fact that different races are different. This is pretty readily apparent.

What I would like to point out is that there are clearly all sorts of factors that could contribute to such a broad concept as "criminal activity". We have poor and incomplete understanding of basically all of these factors. Why then do we presume we can make any kind of educated move that will "fix" the problem? Why do you presume the error in your theories isn't going to compound exponentially as you continue to try and fix arising issues?

Besides the fact that there are clearly "outliers" (there are plenty of very intelligent black people), the idea is not to treat everyone equally because they're all equal. Humans individuality makes that fullretard. The idea is to treat everyone equally so you don't introduce new variables into the already insane complexities of human interaction (variables introduced by the differences in societal treatment/reaction to an individual.

It's like trying to do perturbations of a chaotic system. It's just gonna give you bullshit not the results you want.

That was a little rambly and nonsensical but I'm at work and still hungover so I don't really feel like articulating.

>> No.4188411


Jews have been compared to parasitic organisms.

There are similarities between these two physically very different species.

Parasites infiltrate a host and feeds off it while reproducing, Jews do the same to societies.

For this reason Jews have been persecuted from every host they have tried to leech off, but they keep coming back with new and exciting ways to keep feeding and destroying the host.

Right now they're doing a very good job in America and seem like they will have a stable host for the next few years, until the US finally crumbles.

>> No.4188410

Did you read the thread at all? Or are you just that dense.
I have three points.
1. That the method of punishment and culture of prison is a significant factor in increased crime rates among people who have been imprisoned regardless of race.
This must be resolved whether or not you want to deport everyone except whites.

2. That downplaying either the environmental or the genetic factors in any analysis of human behavior (really any animal behavior at all) handicaps your analysis.

3.That collecting up a large number of violent individuals and small groups into one large group and sending them elsewhere to be unsupervised, no longer tempered by a developed society, and pissed off at you to boot is not a good solution to the problem of violence in a population group even if the source were completely genetic.

Next time think apply some critical analysis on the implications of my arguments before making an ass of yourself.

To the rest who actually think before replying: I apologize for the wall of text.

>> No.4188414

/pol/, congrats
you shat up the thread on the very first post
enjoy your psuedoscience

>> No.4188418

What about this
-Don't let Africans into the country (unintended consequences being seen all over the world right now)

-Deport black criminals (to reduce criminality causing genes in society)

>> No.4188419

Agreed, and I would add that being in denial about the species origin or the fact that we are animals with instinctive animal like behaviors hinders progress on the whole. We cannot advance as a species if we refuse to look at the starting point we are dealing with.

>> No.4188425


>hinders progress on the whole

if everyone stopped to think like you and I have, if the people that rule us have had these same thoughts, I don't think we'd be wasting so much time in wars, but more on actually advancing science and knowledge and everything else...

>> No.4188444
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>this thread

>> No.4188448

Certainly. Unfortunately in this respect, that is down to who the people vote for. Which means the public understanding of science is essential for that progress.
As long as people are still electing charlatans merely because the candidate says the right thing in the right place with no intention at all of keeping any promises and furthermore; as long as the people get pissed when things go badly and punish politicians that actually did what the people wanted, we will be in a situation where society refuses progress regardless of how many good ideas are out there.

>> No.4188462

Where I think scientists in general have dropped the ball is on educating the public.
tl;dr - I encourage science nerds to find covert ways to turn their friends to science nerds without said friends seeing it coming.

The journals are great for scientists and those interested enough to go after the information but for the average joe, we need many more Carl Sagans and unfortunately we are going to need many more soundbite form pieces at this point in the social atmosphere.

I'm trying different approaches with my local social groups. I find that presentation matters a lot for those who sit in front to the TV for long periods of time: for those I call on YouTube. For those who like to read: conversation works okay but you will need to be a good conversationalist to keep their attention, use embellishment and a lot of personalized analogies.
For internet denizens you can of course link the journals now due to Google scholar but for newcomers you will have to break the subject matter down to analogies at first and make extensive use of Wikipedia.

I'm working on an approach where I plant the seeds of an idea on a given person or group at an increasing rate when the opportunity presents and hitch a book or article suggestion onto those ideas from time to time. My hope is that this will bear fruit later by generating organic interest in scientific pursuits.
This is necessary for those, like my wife, who hear something that sounds science related and respond by waiting for you to stop talking.
Unfortunately this is what those blank stares you probably get sometimes are about.
At least in the US, the public education system does such a terrible job that some people are even adverse to learning by the time they leave high school.

>> No.4188475


I have tried speaking to people, I even bought one guy a copy of Demon Haunted World, but it all seemed so futile.

>> No.4188502

Yea, like I said: a good number of people actually think of learning in a negative light.
This is how bad our public education system is.

Your first goal, then, is to generate interest in learning or even just interest in the one subject.
This is the only way people really retain information anyway (one would think the school system would note this and change; but, c'est la vie).
You will have to think on why you decided you wanted to know more about the given subject and what got you excited about it.

The desire to learn may be a cumulative effect of excitement about an increasing number of subjects.
I've made a lot of progress with my wife even though she refused to learn anything new after college she has retained a surprising amount through this planting the seed approach and I can now find her seeking out new material on psychology while she tries to determine what her next career move will be.
She started out not knowing what to do since she hates her job and she was going to take the first mundane opening. Now she is trying to work out what makes people happy and specifically what her own motivations are. I consider this fantastic progress for something as subtle as dropping hints.

>> No.4188515

how did this turn into a black people thing?

>> No.4188531

As one might notice by reading to the end, it is no longer a black people thing.

Posting inane questions will not help situation.
Read the whole thread, then post on the actual topic or drop it.

>> No.4188551

I really want to see a porno with that white girl and all those niggers in it.

>> No.4188565
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Um, you guys are fucking idiots.. We ARE animals! How could we possibly not act like them?

>> No.4188577

>hurr durr me and my cat are both living breathing creatures and so we must both be "animals" and any analyzing of our similarities would be pointless

>> No.4188580


Because one would expect once you reach a certain level of intelligence you could separate yourself from your animal ancestors by behaving more rationally. That was the whole point of the thread.

>> No.4188582
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You've got THAT right.

>> No.4188591

Yes, humans are animals. When I go to parties and shit I notice all the subtle animalistic behaviors each human does and ponder the evolutionary advantages and disadvantages of this behavior, and how or why this behavior comes about.

>> No.4188599


or you could just say "fuck it, why be rational when its more fun to indulge on our animal instincts"

>> No.4188604

Because >reptilian brain, evolutionary origins etc.

>> No.4188613
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so that's what you're doing in the corner looking awkward

>> No.4188612

I wonder how much pondering one really needs to do on such a subject.. We want to fuck. That is all. We have social rules, and these are loosened at parties and clubs. This "odd" behaviour is simply us - wanting to fuck.

It's funny to me though how some academically minded people (please note that I'm not calling you intelligent) simply can't into basic human interaction.

>> No.4188623


>I wonder how much pondering one really needs to do on such a subject.. We want to fuck.

I'm not that guy but the social interaction does seem to be interesting, there are very subtle things that go on, there's a whole "art" of seducing people.

You completely misunderstood his post by the way, I don't even know what the fuck it has to do with anything he said.

>> No.4188655

>I'm not that guy but...
Sure you're not.

As to the rest you said, you're completely contradicting yourself. Tell you what, you don't seem like the brightest fella, so I'm going to go through this step by step.
>1. We want to fuck
>2. We exibit what you consider odd behaviour because we hope it will allow us to fuck (see 1)
>3. We (not you) fuck
>4. We wait 10 minutes then go back to 1.

>> No.4188659


I'm seriously not that guy and I'm not gonna bother with you because it seems you are unable to read

> We exibit what you consider odd behaviour

Nobody said it was odd you dumb fuck, they just said it was interesting to observe.

>> No.4188672
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> start thread discussing behavioral science
> thread turns into "we hate niggers" in 2 posts
> mfw

Thank Darwin I'm on the rational oasis known as /sci/.

>> No.4188681

Yeah well I don't buy your shitty excuses.

>> No.4188685

lol u mad

>> No.4188692

I think it's u who are mad

>> No.4188703

You are, it's just that currently most /sci/entists are having a good time with their families and the stormhomo /new/fags are congregating here.

>> No.4188737

we inherited /new/fags after moot destroyed /new/. some never went back to /pol/ sadly

>> No.4188746

Whole thread is negros,

Also when the theologian faggots drop their "morals"
only then can Science Thrive.

>> No.4188822

Rationality is not evolutions "preferred" way of dealing with things. Humans are freaks of nature, but even we didnt beat all the odds....

>> No.4189077


Is this for real? Has their been some sound refute?

>> No.4189078


>> No.4189089


Ah damn it...