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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 4 KB, 300x57, atmaphwouldnt..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4187541 No.4187541 [Reply] [Original]

yo /sci/
how to make lsd?
atmaph wouldn't

>> No.4187567

It is illegal to make, and is unsafe to do anyway.
Do not attempt it.

>> No.4187573

someone needs to read up

>> No.4187575

>>4187567 Unsafe

Fuck sake Harriet. You don't know the first thing about the synthesis of LSD and are in no place to comment about the level of safety in comparison to other chemical processes. Yes it may carry its own hazards but YOU are not qualified to spread uninformed bullshit about it.

OP - Go mix brick cleaner, bleach and ammonia in a bucket, boil it in an enclosed space then snort the crystals. Retard.

>> No.4187582

Do not do that, OP.

>> No.4187584
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>> No.4187587


Frivolous reports are grounds for banning.

>> No.4187590

It is unsafe actually.
Without going into much detail, I can at least tell you that one of the ingredients used in the formation of LSD is sometimes sold with a toxic coating to discourage people consuming it.

>> No.4187592

People have nearly died over that image. I do not think I have ever seen a post more deserving of a ban.

>> No.4187594
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>> No.4187595

OP again,
oh you mean the seeds?
gtfo off my thread
no one loves a tripfag

>> No.4187598

yea I can read erowid too, faggot

>> No.4187604

>buying your chemical reagents with toxic coatings


Where did you get your information sweetie?

>> No.4187606

>> comments on /sci/ are that lsd is safe
>> the only one to say its not safe is a tripfag
wtf is this
>> durr hurr smoking was safe in the 1800's when there was no science DURR DARN SCIENCE

>> No.4187608

>Butthurt because his crystals didn't work

>> No.4187609

Yes, the seeds.
This thread should not be here, you are attempting to gather information for future illegal activities.

I do not know what erowid is.

>> No.4187613

Do a google search, you can easily brew up a batch of Ayahuasca or San Pedro tea (the plants themselves are legal to buy/own.

Careful with Ayahuasca though, it isn't to be taken lightly.

>> No.4187617

fuck off,
you have no idea who or where I am
I could be on a private island for all you know
you are spamming this thread and should be reported for making up bullshit

>> No.4187620

I was not spamming the thread, clearly you do not know the definition of spam.
My posts were not 'bullshit'.
I was intentionally vague because I do not want to help you, but it is a fact that making LSD is definitely dangerous.

>> No.4187626

>implying you are actually capable of helping him
>implying you know anything about the health and safety of LSD production
>implying you know anything at all

>> No.4187628

>>4187609 illegal information

Information is not illegal

OP has not gave the indication he is or has broken any laws

These are not grounds for censorship

>> No.4187629
File: 13 KB, 200x199, bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My posts were not 'bullshit'
>is unsafe to do anyway.
>is unsafe to do anyway.
>is unsafe to do anyway.
>is unsafe to do anyway.

>> No.4187631

I do actually know the recipe, I just choose to not post it.

>> No.4187634

>enters thread with no intention of helping
sounds like trolling/spamming to me

>> No.4187635

Oh really? So then you would have no problem with the information on how to make an IED being posted on the internet?

>> No.4187639

The thread should not even be here.

>> No.4187642

Here, I took care of it for you.

>> No.4187645

>OP posts "how do I make this"
intention to do it
>OP posts "how do they make this"
no intention to do it
OP did neither, you are spamming
I have reported every single one of your posts
enjoy your ban
>enters thread multiple times with no intention of helping

>> No.4187647

Do not post illegal information.

>> No.4187648

>>4187631 Recipe

Get out.

Absolutely none. Guess what, the information is already out there and it doesn't take a fucking genius to blow something up if they want to.

>> No.4187649


Stop being a useless bitch that is anti education.

>> No.4187652

Who is this harriet person? Today is the second time I've seen her post. And in those two thread, she is easily the worst trip i have ever seen on 4chan or the greatest troll. I'm not sure which one yet.

Also, morning glory seeds are not used to make LSD you ignorant fuck.

OP, ffs you can easily find any of that information on the interweb - don't sit here and ask, go find it. It is easy.

>> No.4187653

>"Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced."

I do not care if I am reported, I have done nothing wrong.
You are breaking the first rule of the website, the moderators will side with me on this issue.

>> No.4187656


Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.4187657

Last time I checked it isn't.

Heres how to make a nuclear bomb too, on case you were curious.

>> No.4187677
File: 3 KB, 126x126, I'm outta here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a chemist I don't think LSD is more dangerous to make compared to other compounds. However it use can lead to serious mental disorders. You know the violent flashbacks, scizofrenia, ...As such any attempt to synthesize LSD is to be considered illegal and I will therefore not take part in the following discussion. I suggest Harriet does the same.

Brewing a decent beer is more rewarding anyway, OP.

>> No.4187678
File: 93 KB, 496x602, start-believing-in-troll-threads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>violates US law
see pic

>> No.4187688

Why hello there person who is totally not Harriet

>> No.4187691

lol depends if you make it from ergot fungus.

herp derp he is talking about morning glory seeds.

I am actually going to attempt this next year culturing my own fungus and then synthesizing lsd from that. but yeah if you ask on 4chan you probably cant do it.

>> No.4187699

herp derp cant make lsd from lsa.

you can make it either way.

starting with morning glory seeds is safer because you dont need to start with ergot alkaloid fungus but ergot alkaloid is easier and requires fewer restricted chemicals