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File: 132 KB, 1134x1142, Battleshep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4178307 No.4178307 [Reply] [Original]

name my space ship.
also, insult my design

>> No.4178309

>in cm

>> No.4178319

USS Poor Design
IDK its harder than you would think to come up with a spaceship name that insults your design.

>> No.4178326

I propose we name it after some annoying tripfag, such as good old athens.

>> No.4178331
File: 114 KB, 810x702, chris_moore_on_the_ground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cargo cm
Did you mean cubic meters? Then it should be marked m³.

Also, did you note that 4 years of provisions for 100 people take an average of one metric tonne of provisions per day, water included, meaning 5000 people over 4 years would need about 73,000 tonnes of provisions.

And how is that ship supposed to defend it's rear. I don't see much weapons covering the six, meaning it's easy to cripple.

Also, the magazines for the torpedo launchers are at vulnerable points, meaning a magazine explosion seems likely. And the exposed magazines are right next to the main energy armaments, so a magazine hit is almost bound to take out the torpedoes and the turret next to them.

>> No.4178335

Holy shit, i've completely forgotten about him since hes been gone for how long?
He was one of my favorite trolls because he kept you on your toes, he would both alternately troll and be completely reasonable.

>> No.4178340

clever: SS She's One Of Ours
classical: SS Chesma
pompous: SS Fist of The Emperor
silly: SS EssEss

>> No.4178352

the GoodShip Bertha Prison Marooned Marie

>> No.4178357

u mena aether?

>> No.4178366


>> No.4178413
File: 406 KB, 314x400, 753061162_55144.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call it : S.S. XMS3

>> No.4178444

oops, I ment cubic meters, not centimeters

>> No.4178455


>> No.4178471
File: 751 KB, 1582x935, hurricaner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurricane is best spaceship

>> No.4178497


Hahahaha, oh wow.

>> No.4178525

Could be better, but you put some work in

You need shielding beyond what you have, preferably rotatable independent of the ship and modular.

>> No.4178530

Is that a vulcan?

>> No.4178533

so obviously set up I don't even

>> No.4178541

no gravity control - shit flies around, kills everyone onboard - failure.

>> No.4178548

If you mean the real-world nuclear bomber, then no. Though the resemblance isn't totally coincidental.

If you mean some other vulcan, then you need to tell me what you mean.

>> No.4178551

Where do you guys find the scheme of spaceships?

>> No.4178565

I mean the V bomber, yeah. I ask because my granddad riveted the tails onto them

>> No.4178582

You have a lot of forward thrust but minimal reverse thrust. Given (piratically) no friction in space you would take a very long time to slow down. Looks like for every 1min of acceleration you will need 4mins of breaking, possibly more.

>> No.4178615
File: 58 KB, 340x315, what the hellfuckshitcrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks of only using retro's to slow down a spaceship

>> No.4178634

hmmmmmm, im always getting angry when i see space-battles/ships that are so completely illogical like in star wars or even star trek.

what is the max. range of a high-end scifi laser? 1/2 or even 2 solar systems?
what exist in space mainly? ... space?

sooo, lets presume, humanity has to develop astro-warfare even at such a technological advance. battles in space would be similar to the WW2-submarine battles, where camouflage and sensors were most important.
in respect of the high range of future weapons, sensory has to be even more accurate and the hull of an future battleship has to be of a kind of blackness, that no one of us has ever seen before.
second, did i just see a hangar with small "fighters" in it? if yes, i hope they are unmanned ones. its such a stupid contradiction, to limit the two most biggest advantages of a small vessel - agility and quantity - by putting a human in there.
also, if there is no such thing like "hyperspace"-travelling and the ship as to accelerate traditionally to reach great distances, humans are also a limiting factor to this.
i think unmanned drones are very important in such a scenario, because they can act as torpedoes and/or decoy unit but have to appear in great numbers, so future battleships are like big carriers and electronic warfare would be very important too.

now go an burn your star wars books.

>> No.4178652

They have infinite focus, but you have to account for interstellar medium. I don't know the numbers, but if you're firing a beam that's one wavelength thick it's naturally going to end a lot faster than 20 beams through paths even a small distance apart.

In my opinion, dumb bombs or mass weaponry are going to be the dirty nukes of the next millenium. There's no defence against a kiloton of carbon moving at 20km/s, and there's no way of stopping it if you change your mind.

Controlled drones are the new shoulder mounted missile. You fire them, control them, and then detonate them. There's no drone to drone combat, these are kamikazi systems. The technological cost of adding controls is arbitrarily small anyway.

Lasers are the strategic equivalent of a supersonic bomber. They can be stopped, but at a cost. I'm not sure what strategic role they'll play, but if it ever comes to ship to ship combat, you can bet they'd be used.

>> No.4178654

There's one point to using several smaller ships instead of one big.

If a big ship is hit, it's dead. If a swarm of smaller ships is hit, the capability of the swarm is diminished, but it can still fight on.

>> No.4178656
File: 47 KB, 815x622, 1275142281991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys need to get laid, why dont you all meet up in one place and fuck eachother, then come back into reality where these spaceships will only ever be in the movies.
If OP was a billionare corporate tycoon/military official, then i would have scrolled passed this thread without a second thought.


>> No.4178676


USS Toyota

Accelerator sticks, engines burst into flames as it rams itself up Uranus.

>> No.4178678

>mfw Richard Branston would slap your shit

>> No.4178681

>There's no defence against a kiloton of carbon moving at 20km/s.
Even the dumbest fucking computerized radar could plot the trajectory of the carbon an hour before it hits you and tell you to move ten meters in a direction perpendicular to the trajectory.

> you have to account for interstellar medium
Look at a ordinary star a few lightyears away, check what wavelengths managed the distance the best. Design your laser based on that, you now have a weapon that can cross lightyears!(although you'd need a fuckhuge aperture for beam cohesion)

>There's no drone to drone combat
Why not?

How about this instead, a 200kg thermonuclear warhead, with equivalent kinetic energy to your 1000ton ball of carbon would be travelling at 1350km/s. Now that nuke could have some simple magnetometric sensors, radar, or gravitometric device that can sense the vicinity of larger spaceships within a few kilometers range, and upon doing so it would detonate. Fire thousands of them in a grid pattern towards the general vicinity of the enemy.

>> No.4178690

Looks like someone doesn't know how black bodies work. You can't plot the trajectory of a ball of carbon because you can't detect it, and by the time you can you're sustaining damage. If you're in a ship, sure, you're fine. On a planet, you're fucked.

Agreed on laser

Because it's inefficient. I think the whole spaceship battle idea is massively overblown.

The drones I mention would be like the warheads you mention. Instead of guided missiles, you have controllable explosive ships

>> No.4178692

I hereby name thee
Star Destroyer

>> No.4178697
File: 57 KB, 404x329, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just emailed this to NASA with my name on it.

>> No.4178698

Call them penetrator class optionally manned vessels, then name them after sol's other planets. This one is the Uranus penetrator

>> No.4178700
File: 21 KB, 300x225, brilliant-300x225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have controllable explosive ships

We'll call them GUIDED MISSILES

>> No.4178701

woe betide anyone who thinks this is actually useful

do you send them troll science as well?

>> No.4178702


The point is that they're fully autonomous, and in every way they operate like a ship. It's just that their method of attack is kamikaze.

>> No.4178703

So...what's the difference?

A missile with missiles attached? Do the missiles attached to the missile also have missiles attached to them which themselves have missiles attached? Does one have a machine gun?

>> No.4178705
File: 28 KB, 390x310, 1322760198959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4178706

A missile gets launched and then carries on until it hits its target. A kamikaze ship can stop, or turn back, or land, or do anything a regular ship can. It's essentially a more flexible alternative to strapping an explosive to a bottle of liquid hydrogen

>> No.4178708

But...it's still a guided missile, you can just bring it back if you want to. If it's got no ability to carry people or goods then it isn't a 'ship'. If it's only purpose is to kamikaze, to detonate, then it is a missile. It's just a smart missile that can be guided back home again (uh oh...I see the potential for accidents here).

>> No.4178712

It can carry goods, it's just that the goods are volatile. A plane is still a plane, even if it's used in kamikaze attacks. It's still a plane even if its sole purpose is to be used in kamkaze attacks and it can't carry cargo or weapons.

>> No.4178720

>The goods are volatile
Explosives, right?

> It's still a plane even if its sole purpose is to be used in kamkaze attacks and it can't carry cargo or weapons.

Anyway we're arguing semantics. The point is, the ship is armed with guided missiles/drones that can be fired at an enemy ship or installation to cause damage.

>> No.4178724


>Ship 1 fires "attack drone."
>Ship 2 fires "Keep away drone."
>Ship 2's drone writes "Return to sender" on attack drone.
>Ship 1's face when.

>> No.4178725

>A black body is an idealized physical body
Idealized physics doesn't exist. Your carbon ball would show up on various sensors. Also, at 20km/s there's ample time for it to heat up due to solar radiation, and black bodies also happen to be very good at radiating energy so passive means would detect it long before it got close to doing any damage.

And even assuming it would be an actual black body you could still detect it via a number of methods, occlusions, gravitometrics, interaction with solar wind and probably a dozen other methods even more efficient methods. We could for example combine a high power nanosecond pulse laser that we sweep through open space with a passive sensor and look for the brief echo of hitting anything(black bodies reradiate based on their temperature, a high intensity pulse would result in a very particular re-radiation signature). Could be done with a solar powered platform for no particularly large cost and deployed in hundreds of thousands or millions.

Also, at 20km/s we'd still have five hours to slag it if we detect it around moon orbit. At only 1000ton a properly pimped laser could probably vaporize enough of it in short time to deflect the remnants.

>> No.4178731

>Our missile is heading for US?
>It's OK, it's not a missile, it's a drone!
>But if it was a drone wouldn't we be able to stop it blowing US up?
>No, because it's an autonomous drone
>So it's a guided missile?
>NO! Look at it. It has wings and a pretend cockpit and stuff. It's clearly a drone plane.

>> No.4178732

Your ship's name is the Tipdrill Ramthruster Deluxe 9000

>> No.4178742

>Max Speed: Attack

>> No.4178760

Lasers would work well, until someone adds a layer of aluminum (or anything reflective, really) to the outside of the ship. At that point the laser system would melt down before doing much more than scratch the paint.

Guided missiles are A) expensive since they can't exactly be reused and B) can be shot down. This isn't to say they're useless. A XEL mounted on a missile is one of the scariest things to defend against since as soon as you can shoot it down, it's already too late.

>> No.4178911

>Lasers would work well, until someone adds a layer of aluminum
You aluminium foil would explode off the ship in the first brief nanosecond pulse. We're not talking about a laser pointer of ~1mW, we're talking something in the range of several hundred MW at least, even if you have a coating of 99.9% reflectivity you'll be soaking up far over 100 kW into the reflective coating, which being a thin layer will burn(react with surrounding materials) or simply vaporize very rapidly.

And lasers aren't found in a single wavelenght either, red, blue infrared or ultraviolet or xray and gamma ray lasers will all have different absorption spectras.

>Guided missiles are...
Haven't stopped anyone using them in ground warfare.

what the fuck is a XEL?

>> No.4178921 [DELETED] 

Shit like this makes me wish I had a PhD in aerospace engineering and 20 years in the navy.

>> No.4178952


>> No.4179144


Ditto. ;_;

>> No.4179150

USS Dorito 3D

>> No.4179154 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck I lol'd so hard I almost choked.

>> No.4179466

Ah, but even the latest gen lasers can only fire at kilowatt levels and even those are chemical lasers which expend themselves after use.

Furthermore, lasers are inherently inefficient. Nobody has made a laser more than 50 percent efficient. Even free electron lasers top out at 65 percent IN THEORY, never mind in practice. The wasted energy turns into heat. Thus, shooting the enemy with a laser is doing more damage to yourself than to the enemy. To add insult to injury, adding anything reflective, and it doesn't have to be aluminum, cuts the efficiency down even more, increasing the power demands to blast through to impractical levels.

As for the XEL...

You take a bit of fissionable matter, uranium or plutonium for example. You then compress it enough that you trigger a nuclear reaction, but not one big enough for a nuclear detonation. While the mass doesn't explode, it creates a fuckton of radiation. Then, you use a parabolic mirror to focus this radiation forwards in a coherent beam.

>> No.4179585

Looks like someone is too butthurt for the truth.

>> No.4180293

tststs ...
my fellow n00ps, im a hobby scifi author and deeply in this shit and again, you have forgotten a very important aspect.

a future military space vessel could be able to bend every intended wavelength around its body ... maybe not at 100% of the surface but still comparable to a stealth bomber (i know, a stealth bomber works different, stfu).
so, first, it has to be a phaser (some sort of particle beam), not laser and second, a commander has to decide to weather be cloaked and vulnerable or kind of protected and detectable.

another thing, that felt to short here is artificial intelligence - military manoeuvres - command and control frequencies - multifunctional drones. (and no, they wont be expensive, they grow in asteroids).
you cannot protect yourself against something you cant detect, so its of major importance to have something like a detection grid ... drones!
if some kinetic attack heads towards or near you and you dont want to reveal your position with a reaction ... drones.
you cannot check if all of the sensor-stimuli (remember vast space) are legit targets or if you are heading into a mine-drone-field by yourself ... drones.
the only way (ok, thats actually not true, but youll never know why :) ) to set up a fake signature without reveal at least a trace of yourself ... drones.
and at last, to strike without revealing your position ... ofc previous deployed drones.

keep in mind an auto-replication feature and electronic warfare.

thanks for the answers, e.g. i hadnt in mind the efficiency of lasers, that a nice additional anecdote somewhere.

>> No.4180351

This is a great design.

You are under the age of 10, right?

>> No.4180474

The hyperpotent 60M. Or, The Cosmicpossesser. I don't know.

>> No.4180606

Here's a good name for the thing: "Nevah Bilt"

After all, there will NEVER FUCKING EVER be a manned military spacecraft, since there won't be Humans in space AT ALL by 30 years from now, due to Petroleum Starvation, the Resource Wars, and the approaching Last War.