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4177962 No.4177962 [Reply] [Original]

Are you happy?

Be honest, please.

>> No.4177965

Please explain why you're not happy.
Is it because of things out of your control?
Or did you cause your own unhappiness?

>> No.4177963


>> No.4177968

nope. depressed since the earliest time i can recall being sentient (2nd grade).

>> No.4177966

No, why would I be? I'm not sad, either.

>> No.4177969

Such a vague, meaningless question. Sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm not, that's the only rational or meaningful answer.

>> No.4177979 [DELETED] 

I'll be happy when I die.


>> No.4177980

inb4: that feel when no gf

>> No.4177984

It's not vague or meaningless.
Thinking about your life and how to improve it or make yourself more happy is important. It leads to a healthy mindset, which in turn leads to science getting done. Or something.

You'd be happy because you have friends, you're smart, you're successful, you enjoy your job, you have found love, you feel fulfilled in life.
One might feel sad because they are lacking those things, or they are under lots of pain or stress or loneliness.

I recall becoming sentient to some degree in 2nd too. I can't remember first grade or earlier, but 2nd grade I have memories.

>> No.4177993

Why not go on a camping adventure?
Get some supplies in a backpack, then drive out to the deepest forest you can find. Break your car and enter the woods. If you die inside, then you died doing something cool and adventurous, rather than something cowardly, and if you make it out the other side (3+ weeks of survival are necessary), then you will likely have learned some interesting things about life and your own mind.

>> No.4177997
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pic related

>> No.4178008 [DELETED] 

>implying that i haven't done that before but i was found and taken back before i had time to die

>> No.4178009


>> No.4178016

Then go back you damn coward. This time don't tell anyone. That's sorta the point. It's to die or find adventure.

>> No.4178017

No, I have a serotonin imbalance.

>> No.4178026

Do you even know what those words mean?
Do you honestly think your brain is like a jug of water? Just mix in some serotonin an- whoops, too much!
now depression!
it doesn't work that way.
You're lost and misguided in an unnatural world. We did not evolve to handle computers, toasters, microwaves and other conveniences of life. Most people can still function, but some are not quite there, and they experience depression and mood disorders because they are still a bit too primitive. They can speak and act like the rest of us, but inside they only feel depression due to their own weakness. I'm not a licensed psychologist, by the way.

>> No.4178032

>experience depression and mood disorders because they are still a bit too primitive

Reductionism FTW.

>> No.4178042 [DELETED] 

>implying I haven't gone back multiple times but just didn't have the follow-through
>implying that calling me a coward will make me feel any worse about myself than i already do

>> No.4178044


>> No.4178045

Not "too primitive"
That's vague, but their brain isn't able to cope either way.
It's quite clear that we evolved from hunter-gatherers.
And our society is much different than how it was a million, or even 100 years ago.

>> No.4178053

Why don't we team up and do it then? I'm a coward too, but if I had a friend to adventure with it'd be a lot more fun.
I'm in Minnesota, with lots of forest. If you wanna drive up here and pick me up, we can go on an adventure leading to dungeons, treasure, magic and death.

>> No.4178054
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right now? no. no i am not happy.
I am not happy doing what i do, and even making it further in life, should i become respected in a field , i fear, even then i shall not be happy.

what's wrong with me /sci/?
am i some sort of monster?

>> No.4178065

I meant that the evolutionary aspect is not the only explanation.
When talking about depression in an individual, the socio-economic conditions and personal traumata are more important.

>> No.4178078

Just not able to cope with the world. Their family wasn't, so they're poor and they could not cope with rape, abuse, bullies, or other, all caused by weakness. The true weakness is letting it get to you and make you unhappy when it's not your fault, but simply being a target for those sorts of things shows an inner weakness that others can exploit.

>> No.4178095

i am locked in a neutral position of emotion

>> No.4178097

Kind of, yeah.
What the fuck are all of you unhappy about

>> No.4178101

I'm not smart
I don't have friends
I can't drive even though I'm 20
I talk funny so people think I'm even dumber than I am
my future looks hopeless, my past was hopeless
everything that could have been good in my life has failed

>> No.4178107

>everything in my life has failed

yet your heart keeps beating

>> No.4178103

i'm high so that's a definite yes.

>> No.4178113
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oh well.

>> No.4178131


I have health problems (seems they may even be serious)
Girl I secretly love got a new boyfriend a week ago.
I would probably fail this semester (there is just too much).

>> No.4178140

I feel like shit now. There has to be a better world out there ;_;

>> No.4178143 [DELETED] 

gtfo teacup

>> No.4178144

I'm afraid not, my friend.

Just kidding.
You're not my friend.
I doubt you'd even like me.

>> No.4178149

I might be if I wasn't so busy all the time.
being depressed is for fags who have too much free time on their hands

>> No.4178160

>thinking I'm Teacunt
Don't do that

>> No.4178162
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>better world out there

>> No.4178185


>> No.4178193

Junior in CS, good grades, no health problems, great girlfriend, lots of free time, pretty much free room and board -- my future/path is likely easy and paved with gold and little trouble.
Yet I've been depressed as fuck for a few years.

I don't know if it's a chemical things or the fact that I just think too much.
I realize I'm lucky, but that doesn't change how I feel.

>> No.4178203
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Yeah. All in all, my days are more filled with happiness than unhappiness, and when the day is done, I feel very content when going to sleep.

Sure, I'm deep in debt and there's a lot of other reasons to be unhappy, but there's also a lot of things to be happy about. Like this little motherfucker that has stopped being afraid of me and my camera. Pic taken a couple of days ago.

>> No.4178205

define: happy

>> No.4178221

I want to be an engineer

I'm a junior biology major


>1st world problems

>> No.4178225

Do note that you still have about forty years remaining to suck hard cocks. I mean become an engineer.

>> No.4178237
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It depresses me how happy I am.

>> No.4178238

My friend was a Junior in Biology when he realized that pipetting wasn't what he wanted to do with his life (there was more to it than that, but I'm sure you know what I mean.)

He's now a senior in Computer Science.

>> No.4178242

I don't really like things and I achieve nothing, take a fucking guess

>> No.4178249


Not yet. Things are going to change though .. I hope for the better.

>> No.4178261

my brother with a similarly shitty life/brain chemistry

>> No.4178275

will you ever be happy?

or are you doomed to feel this way until you die?

>> No.4178276

I am very happy, almost euphoric at times. The more I learn the greater my imagination grows, and the more realities picture appears inside my mind. The more vivid my emotions and dreams are is equal to my knowledge gained.

I used to feel very depressed, and thought knowledge was the cause but it was simply my inability to formulate and apply it in a positive direction. I fell into the cliche of ignorance being bliss. All I needed was to turn my attention inside for awhile and fix my problems by my own willpower. To remove those limiters on my imagination, and tell my self it was okay to feel and have wild dreams. They are my way of coping with this world, and also my driving force to learn more.

Yep I'm very happy. Thanks for giving this chance to spread it.

>> No.4178278

I wish you were my friend
I bet you'd be an amazing person to talk to...

>> No.4178280

I am only happy when I kill a large group from some overplaying faggot on KGS. Greedy fuckers.

>> No.4178310

Everything seems slow and unreal. It's all just a blur.

>> No.4178317

Everything really is slow and blurry. So you're cool.

>> No.4178336


>> No.4178343
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>that feel when no replies.
why me?

>> No.4178348

No, you're most probably just ignoring the finer things in life that make others like me happy even when things are shitty.

Or you just need to pursue another activity if the current one REALLY isn't working out for you.

>> No.4178365

Never give in to your fears. Always keep putting your feet forward, reaching for those new horizons. Explore your mind, accept it all, and find those threads in your mind that need tending to and give them love. Loving yourself is very important and it takes work to put down the groundwork if all you been doing with your life is pouring acid on every potential good thing in the world and with you.

Use the sadness you feel as a tool to know more empathy for others sadness and understanding. Never use it as a tool of self-destruction and filter out all the good things in life. It is never wise to polarize your emotions by force, but embrace them as they come and treat them positively.

Respect is something gained through many means in life, and the greatest ones are social ability, kindness, visible health(trained body, mind, open to everything) and imagination as a highlight.

Use your imagination, it is limitless, your mind can create whole worlds inside. Use these worlds to test, create, play, and love yourself in. Don't like the world you created, turn it into pure energy and create a new world, a new revision, a new you.

>> No.4178384


>> No.4178393

Have a problem with giving others motivation and guidance Mr. Ahole?

>> No.4178399


>> No.4178434

I have no continuous mood, as far as I can tell. I just am.

I guess that means I'm either content or a sociopath.

>> No.4178441

Theres only one thing in this life that makes me happy, and thats a girl ive been talking to for quite some time, i´m going to meet her 2012

>> No.4178451

TBH, as a self-diagnosed misanthrope and loner, I'm happy as long as I'm left alone, or in social situations that I've chosen to attend on my own. My emotional range is also quite small, maybe because I just can't be bothered to give a fuck about 90% of things that people care about (really comes in handy in life). Almost never have any negative emotions about things (except for frequent annoyance at stupidity or occasional state of being fucking mad, but it's very rare).

Wouldn't change a thing about me tho. I feel pretty good, and my life is rather satisfying, compared to regular Joe.

>> No.4178463

I need to find away to get back with the girl of my dreams. Then I'll be happy.

Right now I'm as content as I'll ever be whilst knowing that my life is significantly worse off without her. ;_;

>> No.4178466

The opinion you hold is for fags who don't know what depression is

>> No.4178473




et cetera ad infinitum

>> No.4178478

what's any of that got to do with the brief discussion of depression we were having?

>> No.4178480

These are all opinions that go hand in hand with "depression is for fags".

>> No.4178482

Just came to /sci/ to get my daily dose of brain food (sorta).

Happy? Fuck who cares. Currently my brain is content; I drank too much port, took too much diazapam and oxycodone.

Happiness isn't really one state. It is a culmination of the totality of ones existence. I normally pride myself on clarity but fuck I am waffling. Do you gais get me?

>> No.4178483

No. I was until last year when I came to realize the horror and futility of human existence. I know a lot of people take comfort in religion and that's nice, but even if God and an afterlife turn out to exist, you wouldn't benefit from it until after you die, and in the meantime our current existence is still indescribably horrible.

>> No.4178484

If nothing matters, why are you sad?

I'm a nihilist, I don't understand why people think arbitrariness is bad.

>> No.4178488


why do you find that "afterlife" holds more value than this life?

Theres no such thing as a universal purpose, you create your own purpose. afterlife holds no real purpose just as this life holds no real purpose.

>> No.4178491


The heck are you on about? Everyone here is alive. The "gift" [read:accident] of any one of us being here is enough to be fucking happy.

Indeed there was no rhyme or reason to any one of us being here and it was going to happy (not in a "destined" sort of way, but more the unilateral nature of existence and reality). I don't know, happiness is something that comes as a by product of life.

>> No.4178492

tl;dr regardless of whether Christians or atheists turn out to be correct, it does jack-all to affect our existence as human beings now, only whatever happens when we die.

No matter what your religious views (or lack thereof) are, you're still going to have a miserable existence, you're still going to be forced to conform to arbitrary social codes/taboos, you'll still have to perform thankless and exhausting labor to feed yourself, and you're still going to get old and watch your body slowly fall apart.

>> No.4178495


youre that guy that drank to much port wine arent you?

>> No.4178500


>> No.4178503

You're a real sunshine, aren't you?

Don't worry - part of my happiness comes from the existence of such losers. Contrast, if you will.

>> No.4178506

You you you you you.

"In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true."

>> No.4178508

Exactly. Many social codes (as distinct from moral codes) are totally made from whole cloth and there's no particular reason for them except for their own sake.

>> No.4178515


>> No.4178521

I was on another 4chan board and a fellow stated that he's in his 40s and would like to go back to college for a MD. Some people told him it was a poor idea, he wouldn't fit in with the kids, he'd look creepy, he'd stick out like a sore thumb, etc.

Is there anything objectively wrong/harmful with a middle-aged dude hanging out with 20 year olds? No. We've decided purely on arbitrary grounds that it is. "Why shouldn't that guy do X?" "Because he's freakin' creepy." "How so?" "I dunno; it just is."

No real reason for it, just an artificial social wall we erect.

>> No.4178534

Most likely it's because people get on best with those close to their age and who have things in common.

>> No.4178538

...but that's only because they're already in distinct age groups. By the time you're at uni you should be able to socialise with grown ups.

>> No.4178542

If there's an afterlife and it's bad no matter what, so be it.

If there's an afterlife and it's good no matter what, so be it.

If there's an afterlife and it's associated with judgement, reward and punishment, then it's no different from life.

If there's an afterlife and it's not associated with judgement reward and punishment then it's associated with arbitrary accidental sequence of events with no distinguishing between good and bad.

Nothing matters means everything matters equally. That's why it feels like nothing matters because nothing is elevated in significance over anything else. Nothing matters and everything matters is the same state of affairs. Pick and choose from life's experiences like at one of these pick and mix candy stalls. It doesn't matter what you pick.

But question every attempt to elevate one proposed meaning of life above another, whether it's individual and subjective or a collective solidarity.

Generally, I'm not happy or sad. I shift. generally speaking I just am. Relatively, I'm fortunate and inauspicious. The diversity of my experiences may be the overriding plus.

>> No.4178549

If that were the case, unfortunately most 18-24 yos (ie college age) are not very mature yet and that period is often taken as the last phase of adolescence. Some argue adulthood doesn't begin until you're out of college and in the working world.

>> No.4178727

Digression into religious dogma, please. Aren't we tired of this negative crap already?

>> No.4178740

I'm bipolar.