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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4177541 No.4177541 [Reply] [Original]

I have a personal question /sci/.

I've never had a friend who I couldn't discuss with or at least explain to scientific news & musings. I've never become good friends with anyone who isn't the least bit interested in the such topics.

Does /sci/ have any experience with maintaining close relationships with people who have zero interest in science? Experience with significant others is preferable but just close friends is good too.

>> No.4177551

Sorry, my only experience with that sort of thing is from high school and quite irrelevant.

However, I do have some slightly familiar experience when it comes to my father. He's a severly lapsed liberal catholic who just so happens to have no interest at all in science. The dynamics of the relationship are different though because he'll always be my father and the people you are looking for are friends (who may not always be your friends).

>> No.4177557

You can have other interests besides science, you know. If you both happen to like babies, then talk about babies. If you both like alfalfa, then talk about alfalfa. I hope science isn't your only interest.

>> No.4177558

I'm pretty sure that's why sex exists; propagation of the species < a way to interact with adults who can't do fractions.

>> No.4177559

One of my best friends was a film major, and he knows jack shit about real math/science.
Sure, he knows how to program in java, and he can grasp concepts if I dumb them down for him.
But we have fun doing non-science things, and I have other friends to fill my other needs.
I'm friends with musicians, literary critics, grammarians, physicists, mathematicians, and computer science majors. It's not hard, just do things both of you enjoy.

Before you ask, he's literally my closest friend. Our girlfriends (when we have them) are usually jealous of us.

>> No.4177577


So, what your suggesting is that one could say, "Hey, fellow human! How bout' that alfalfa!? I mean, it's the only known source of phytoestrogens! Crazy shit, right?!"

But what if they don't know about phytoestrogen?

>> No.4177583

People having zero interest in science are retarded or uneducated. Just like people having zero interest in art, literature, etc.

>> No.4177587

>only known source of phytoestrogen

but yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. I have good friends that don't know much about science - we talk about other things, like running and hot girls and cars (one is a mechanic) and cool books that we've read.

>> No.4177588


I have absolutely zero interest in etc and I consider myself to be education.

>> No.4177594

>Does /sci/ have any experience with maintaining close relationships with people who have zero interest in science?
to the point that they are unable to even associate science as being legitimately empirical (eg - a religious nutjob)? no. you are insane if you attempt to rationalize with these people.

>> No.4177596
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>I consider myself to be education

>> No.4177603
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>You can have other interests besides science
The difference between CAN and DO is very important. When a person has some interest in science then I can smoothly talk for days with the individual because I always have something interesting to talk about. However, if the person just nods or doesn't say a word when I'm talking science then conversations are often marred by awkward silences where I'm racking my mind for something to talk about.

I only thought this predicament of mine was important enough to make thread because of the importance of acting smooth when trying to make a good impression with a girl.

inb4 "take it to /adv/ or /r9k/"

I respect /sci/'s perspective more.

>> No.4177605

The only friends that I really have are on the Internet and they don't give two shits about science AFAIK. Well, this one girl might...

>> No.4177613

Well, I suggest cultivating interests other than science. But in the event that you don't want to (which is totally okay and understandable), you'll need to find a sciency girl. They exist - my girlfriend and I talk about current events in CERN and genetics and geological extinction theories and all that stuff. If a girl doesn't share your interests, then either just keep your relationship strictly sexual or move on.

>> No.4177618

Look, man, if you're trying to find a decently lasting relationship and science is important to you (like, 90% of your interests, for example) then it sure as hell better be important to any girl you're looking for. If not, you're going to find yourself without a partner to talk to about 90% of the stuff you find interesting. Sure, you might share other interests, like video games or hello kitty or whatever, but if you're 90% into something, and she's not, you're going to feel frustrated with the relationship if she's not interested at all.

When looking for a partner in a long-term relationship, you want to be sure you guys share plenty of interests, and that your most important interests are shared.

If you're just looking to chat up women for casual hook-ups, that's another story, and it really doesn't matter, does it?

>> No.4177617

and if you're just trying to hook up, science may be a little too heavy for small talk. I can't help you there.

>> No.4177620

>sciency girl. They exist
I can vouch for this. There are a ton of them, and lots of them are hot.

>> No.4177624

They also tend to be more liberal about sex (aka down to fuck and awesome in bed).

>> No.4177640

I cannot vouch for this as I am a virgin.

>> No.4177653

Pick one.

>> No.4177675
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I suppose you are right valjean.

Sciency girls are of course the ideal, but I'm too picky when it comes to women for my own good and thus should probably find a ubiquitous interest for when my sights are set on a girl for her looks and not her mind (don't judge me).

>> No.4177689

no worries, I'm not judging you. I totally support hooking up with hot girls.
But don't worry about being too picky! you shouldn't change yourself to find a girl (unless you're super creepy or only want to date a small japanese schoolgirl or something like that). keep your interests and find a girl who likes them as much as you do. that's the key to a solid relationship.

that and rockin' sex.

>> No.4177757
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The following is me just letting it all out so feel free to jump ship whenever you like it.

>you shouldn't change yourself to find a girl
Something has got to change, because on top of my pickiness I also have problems with keeping myself motivated. I've had attractive and intelligent girls make it clear they were interested in me and yet I didn't do anything because I was either too busy with school or unwilling to commute for dates or because of some other excuse.

The motivation problem has ramifications beyond my personal life so I have of course been working on it, but I can only do so much. More drastic measures are needed across the board to better myself. Nobody loves me more than I do, but it's time to adapt or die.

>> No.4177773

I have a really hard time imagining someone who both

a) is at all interesting to talk to


b) doesn't have enough innate curiosity to be at least interested in science.

Note that this isn't the same as knowing anything about science, just having some curiousity for how things are/work/whatever.

I am also a perma-virgin well on my way to achieving wizardry, so keep that in mind.

>> No.4177783
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>If you both happen to like babies, then talk about babies.
Did somebody say BABIES?

>> No.4177786

You don't have to date, you know. And maybe you aren't motivated to date because you haven't met a girl who you've clicked with hard enough to put you in action. But if you've been declining dates that you actually do want because of some reason that's deeper than pickiness, then yeah, you should do some self-searching work to fix that.

#1 relationship rule: don't get into a relationship unless you're content with being single. paradoxical, but it'll save your butt.

>> No.4177789
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>Did somebody say BABIES?
Yes, someone mentioned babies, but talking about them would be nonetheless off-topic.

>> No.4177790

>that feel
the only person i met who showed intrest was emotionly unstable and i had to break my ties with him .............. i hate my current freinds

>> No.4177847

Simply put, my problem is that I'm TOO content with being single. Several independent friends of mine have been surprised at just how single I am given my personality and appearance.This endeavor to "change myself" is born of my goal of not being single for the remainder of my life, not of any fleeting feelings of inadequacy due to a lack of a girlfriend.