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4176796 No.4176796 [Reply] [Original]


What Organic Chemistry textbook do you recommend buying/not buying?

Taking Orgo Chem next semester and no way am I going in unprepared after all of the horror stories I've heard.

Thank you.

>> No.4176811

I need this, man. I need a good entry-level Orgo Chem textbook, bros.

Anyone? Anyone at all?

>> No.4176839


>> No.4176850

I have an old Bruice Ochem book, 4th edition. It wasn't bad but its pretty old now since there are like 7 editions now. Should be able to get it for real cheap.

>> No.4176867

Thanks, bro.

Do you think Bruice explained concepts well?

>> No.4176873

Pretty much all orgo textbooks are the same - get the one the teacher recommends. For me, I used the textbook as a reference and looked it up online (wikipedia or just google) when I didn't understand stuff.

Just get what your professor recommends. The hard part of orgo is not getting a good book/reference, but just don't let yourself fall behind, even for a day.

>> No.4176882

The textbook we're using for our class is written by our professor.

I just want to get another one to use as a back-up or reference.

>> No.4176878

I used a torrented version of Brown 5th ed.
It got the job done. Practice problems were meh, though.

>> No.4176891

Will check this out.

But so far, from what I've searched on the internet, it seems like it's down to

Francis Carey
L.G. Wade

Any of you use either of these textbooks?

>> No.4176892

Don't try to pre-study for orgo, it's not worth your time and it won't help.

What you can do is go back to your gen chem books and make sure you understand pi and sigma bonding completely. The first few orgo chapters will be about VSEPR, sp2 sp3, hybridization, etc. Build a few models and understand what chirality is, and why you can't rotate around double bonds.

That's all you really need to do right now.

>> No.4176893

>thinking Ochem is hard

>> No.4176898

Organic Chemistry by Smith is a hidden gem.


2008 edition is going for $7 used

>> No.4176899

Also, McMurry. It's between those three.

Thanks for the advice, bro, but I'm still going to try to do the first few chapters of Orgo Chem so that I'm not completely lost.

Also, thanks. Writing all of this down. Will be checking out all of this. Thank you.

>> No.4176902

>2008 edition is going for $7 used

Whoa, what, where? Just checked under used and can't find it for 7 bucks.

I will suck your dick if you can link me, specifically.

>> No.4176904

things to review before orgo:
-chemical naming conventions
-electronegativity trends, bond polarities, electron orbitals, things like that
-chirality, if you've already learned it

that'll get you a little bit ahead.

>> No.4176915
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So about that offer...

>> No.4176916
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>> No.4176929

Buy the solutions manual too, while you're at it

Solutions to Smith's 2008 book:


>> No.4176934

Fucking awesome. Dude, thanks so much. Honestly.


Fucking yes. I love you, guys. Thank you so much. <3

>> No.4177092

I learned all this before I even took genchem.
Whats going on here? I thought Ochem was supposed to be hard.

>> No.4177096

You should buy the textbook that is going to be used in your organic chem class.