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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4174863 No.4174863 [Reply] [Original]

SAT scores are out today.

High School Seniors, what did you get?
People who already graduated highschool, what was your highest SAT/ACT score?

I got a 2010.
700 Critical Reading
710 Math
600 Writing(lol)

>> No.4174874

I got a 1450, which is a pity. Had I broken 2000, my parents had promised to buy me a Tickle Me Elmo.

>> No.4174888

SAT dont matter if you go to CC and then transfer to a 4 year.

>> No.4174897


grammar doesn't matter if you work at walmart

>> No.4174915

Just received my scores -

2180 Composite
720 CR
680 M
780 W

1 full year of SAT tutor delivers.

The score doesnt even matter considering I Got into my ED school

>> No.4174934

1280. But that was old sat system

>> No.4176987

2130, old SAT system

>> No.4177014

>go to cc
>breeze through classes without any effort
>transfer to a 4 year
>get raped by courseload since all your bs classes are out of the way
>mfw this happens to every transfer kid in my class and i'm loling at all of them

>> No.4177030

Second year in EE here

I got a 30 on ACT, 1960 SAT -- I really suck at those tests.

I did, however, get 11s on writing in both tests. That, if anything, shows my distaste for multiple choice questions.

>> No.4177083
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Got 2160 the first time around with an 800 on math, didn't study except for maybe 30 minutes the night before. 35 on ACT first try, didn't study at all. My face when I now go to school on some huge scholarships and yet smoke weed errday.

>> No.4177375

I think I got an 1810, but am currently one of the best at Physics at my Private Uni. I got bored on the SATs halfway through and kinda half assed it. I don't give a rats ass though, grades and SAT scores only matter to those cocky pricks who spout their score every day, but always ask me for math and physics help.

>> No.4177384

I have a 2190: 770 Reading 740 math 680 Writing

Took SAT2 Math 1 in December, only got 710 :/
Took SAT2s in Physics and US History, with 740 and 730

>> No.4177389

34 ACT

>> No.4177393

2200, mothafucka (770 writing 690 math 740 reading) . 34 composite ACT.
back in 2007 or 2008 or whenever I took it.

>> No.4177394

1600 on the SAT, wouldn't say I didn't try, but I could've done way better. Still got into a state college with my tuition paid for without having to take out loans.


>> No.4177397

got a 1360 in 7th grade lul (old system obvs) feel bad dumbfags

>> No.4177401


>bad score

>> No.4177411

1900 SAT
34 ACT.
lolol. Don't fret kids. Take both and work on the better score.

>> No.4177414


fucking long test and i didnt eat breakfast... I was in a horrible state of mind where i felt like leaving, eating, and then sleeping. All of those things sounded so good. I still remember the day like it was yesterday... fuck, why didn't i eat breakfast?

>> No.4177418

Bro, I took the October SAT2s on a Jewish fast day and I scored two 700s

>> No.4177420



>> No.4177421

oh and uh, 760 math
560 writing
380 reading

>> No.4177424

I was an idiot in high school and went to my SAT's hungover and on no sleep.
Still managed to get 700 critical reading and 720 math. Totally fucking bombed the writing portion like you did OP, I also got a 600.

I've thought about retaking it but whats the point. It's not like it really matter

>> No.4177427

im jelly.

>> No.4177431

770 Math
730 Reading
680 Writing

>> No.4177432

>implying that's not horrible

You guys do realize that the SAT2 has a different scale than the SAT' right? The mean for SAT2's is about 120+ points higher than the SAT and the standard deviations are considerably larger as well. A 700 is pathetic. That's not even 70th percentile for most subjects.

>> No.4177435

Never did SAT tutoring or any of that shit.
Only took the SAT once.

Got 2240 on SATs:
780 math
800 writing
660 critical reading lolol

Got nearly the same score on the PSATs and was a national merit finalist.

Got rejected from most the schools I wanted to go to. Couldn't afford Carnegie Mellon. Attending honors program at my state college.

GPA in high school was mediocre though I scored 5s on all the AP exams I took: BC Calculus, Physics C, Statistics, English Lit, English Comp, American Government, US History, and European History.


>> No.4177439

Word nigga. I was upset with my 790 math II score. I assumed I'd have extra time so I did each problem and checked it meticulously with the calculator. Ran out of time.

>> No.4177454

Yep. That's about the 92nd percentile. People on this board seem to think an SAT subject test score is comparable to a score on a section on the SAT; this couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.4177462


National merit finalist

36 credits worth of APs

slacked off hard in college because of the two free semesters worth of credits


>> No.4177484

got a 700 math II SAT 2 and a 720 chem SAT 2
feels kinda bad, applying to MIT reg decision. Those are rather low to apply there

>> No.4177491

Those are low to apply anywhere. As I've pointed out in this thread those are about the 75th percentile. To put that in perspective a 75th percentile on the actual SAT is a low 1700.

>> No.4177499

When looking at the percentiles, keep in mind that only top students take SAT 2s so that they can apply to top schools. There aren't as many tards to pull the average down, and the colleges/unis know it

>> No.4177502

Good luck. I got rejected with the 2240, 790 on math II and 800 on physics and US history. Best from got deferred early decision and rejected regular with a 2360, all 800s, and highest GPA in class

>> No.4177505

I do keep that in mind but it isn't enough to make up for the discrepancy in the scores. A ~700 score on an SAT II is still much much worse than a similar score on a section of the actual SAT.

>> No.4177516

Did you have any research or work experience in the major you wanted to go into? I'm looking at ChemE and I have a job at a local chem plant in the control room doing related shit, I've been wondering if that might help me out

>> No.4177530

Yep. Worked a 9-5 legit compsci job the entire summer from junior to senior year at a contractor for Fortune 500 companies. Aside from weekends and holidays where I couldn't work, I worked every day aside from the day after summer break and the day before it ended. Also worked as an audio engineer for a couple months, did a computer science independent study project, and made $2000 one summer doing freelance web shit.

>> No.4177536

Very impressive, where did you end up going?

>> No.4177544

But then again computer science and math (my intended concurrent majors) were flooded with smart people.

Median SAT for CMU math was 780, which is what I got. My writing was well above the 3rd quartile but my reading was equal to the 1st quartile score. Somehow I got in there but it's so fucking expensive.

It's pretty much a crapshot for the prestigious schools, I got rejected from UPenn but most my friends got accepted, even those with 1900 ish SAT scores. (inb4 impossible, it's easier to get into if you're in the city limits)

>> No.4177562

Schreyer Honors College at Penn State. It's kinda mediocre compared to MIT but overall it's a good deal. It was my safety.

Apply there if you're in PA, or to your state school's honors program if you're not.

>> No.4177568

Mah Broski

Come to Georgia Tech.

>> No.4177572

I got accepted to Georgia Tech EA so it will be my back up. It is ranked fairly high for engineering so my hope is top got to a more prestigious school for masters if I don't get in for undergrad.

>> No.4177599

Is 1370 CR+ M decent?

>> No.4177609


>> No.4177664

Depends on what decent means to you. It's well above average, but still not good enough to get you into "top-tier" schools

>> No.4177674
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>high school thread
>+ 39 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.

you are joking. you have got to be kidding me. /sci/ has this much underage b&?

>> No.4177680

I'm in college, helping out the young nubs. This isn't /b/ anyhow, so you don't need to be 18 to view.

>> No.4177685

>Implying everyone posting is in high school.
>Implying you are in high school.

>> No.4177688

If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.

just a forewarning.

>> No.4177696

Why are only certain sections labeled 18+ on the homepage then?

>> No.4177697
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>mfw you don't realize that you can be 18 and in high school

>> No.4177700

>american education system

>> No.4177703

moot intended those boards to be nsfw, therefore posting a content warning? regardless, it's a global rule.

>> No.4177707

I see. To reiterate, I'm 19 anyhow

>> No.4177762

ITT: High school kiddies bragging about numbers