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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 263 KB, 1024x768, University-Of-Illinois-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4173127 No.4173127 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /sci/ go?
High School fags GTFO.
Pic related
Physics Master Race reporting in.

>> No.4173130

I almost went to U of I for engineering but dat out of state tuition...

>> No.4173132
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>> No.4173133
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uw physics ftw

>> No.4173137
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biochem reporting

>> No.4173143
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OP here,
Sorry to hear that, I know a guy whose family moved in state from the east coast to get in state tuition.
I almost went there just for the location but out-of-state tuition is a bitch

>> No.4173145

If you don't go to Rutgers why are you even posting on /sci/?

>> No.4173150


I go to U of I too. Pure Math, reporting in.

What year are you?

>> No.4173157
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CS major here

>> No.4173162

U mad that calculus was invented for physics by a pysicist?

>> No.4173168

I did University of Illinois for computer engineering, which I recommend (they make it a good mix of circuits, programming, and computer theory).

If you're asking about physics specifically, I have to say that the intro physics classes (mechanics and E&M) at Illinois were some of the best-taught and best-run classes I've ever had. From what I've heard, they have auditions among the physics professors for who gets to teach the class. From talking to other engineers, intro physics at other good schools is not as well-taught. I know nothing about the more advanced physics though.

>> No.4173170

You mean an Alchemist?

>> No.4173174


But perfected using rigor by pure mathematicians. When you get into your 400-levels and start using functional analysis, you'll see ;)

>> No.4173176

>implying he didn't discover the laws of motion, constituents of white light, and the universal law of gravitation

>> No.4173178
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>> No.4173184

Good point but I'm the type of guy doesn't care about math unless it has some practical application. Nonetheless, you have me curious.

>> No.4173187

UCLA reject stuck at shitty UCSD. San Diego is full of rube/redneck/hick military losers, they are worse than the Wetbacks.

>> No.4173191

All math has practical applications. Some of the applications are relevant now; some of them will be relevant in the future.

>> No.4173198
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Currently CE, will probably change to MechE or AE.

>> No.4173201
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Just keep telling your self that.

>> No.4173202
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>> No.4173204


Fair point. I used to be like that too. But a lot of pure math results eventually get applied to physics. It actually makes your job a lot easier. You never have to worry about mathematical issues, but rather just physical issues (which is, of course, what you study). But imagine if all the mathematical tools you used were not well understood. That's why we study pure math, to develop tools that other people use.

A good example is Fourier Series. They are very well understood in a pure mathematics standpoint, so it can be applied carefully.

>> No.4173207



>> No.4173208
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Feels lonely, man.

>> No.4173212



You're only a freshman in physics. You don't get into the real math heavy stuff until Phys 325 anyway. Then everything turns to hell.

>> No.4173215


>> No.4173219

No way. (High school fag, shh) I applied there. I even visited, honestly the campus didn't seem really nice, but I just want warm weather.
How do you like it?

>> No.4173225


Enjoy U of I! I'm a junior and it's great here.

>> No.4173232

Community college master race reporting.

>> No.4173248
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inb4 Sandusky

I'm majoring in compsci and math concurrently at main campus. I'm in the honors college, which is actually a great education for the money. Couldn't have afforded CMU, to which I got accepted.

>> No.4173260

I wasn't telling it to myself; I was telling it to you. You come off as kind of an asshole. Often times math is discovered before it has an application.

Euler's proved the totient theorem in 1789 when prime number theory had no practical applications. In 1978 RSA was invented. The totient theorem is the basis for RSA which is used in almost every secure transfer of information in the modern world.

>> No.4173261

Honestly I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in Missouri (I live in-state). It's a pretty small town with not much to do besides drink, study, or do regular cool engineering shit, but that's not so bad from my point of view. We're also famous for our lack of women but I suppose that's to be expected with any engineering school.

You think Missouri is warm? Easily over half of the school year is wet, windy, and cold (<50 F, I'd say). The other half is nice.

Overall, yeah, I like it, but I'm the kind of asocial guy who stays in his room all day anyway.

>> No.4173289
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Working on masters in astrophysics

>> No.4173307

Well, it's that or Michigan/Indiana. I'm from Chicago, so MO winters seem mild in comparison. I want to do ROTC, so I'm limited to pretty much state schools.

>> No.4173314
File: 45 KB, 901x601, uic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the other u of i
>the one we don't like to speak of in public

>> No.4173318

aw shit, my nigga.

the UIC apparel is pretty funny, too. "university of illinois" in big ass letters, and then " at chicago" in a smaller font.

i sort of like it at UIC. i dislike chicago, but the atmosphere on campus is nice.

>> No.4173328

I agree. It's not the worst school to attend. Campus buildings are shit-ugly, but I can deal with that.

>> No.4173346

UW chosen people ftw

CES major

>> No.4173355


I'm a grad student in engineering at UIUC

>> No.4173358

Ah! Loomis lab, right? I don't do physics there, but I saw a guy get taken out in handcuffs a month ago. Any sauce on that OP?

>> No.4173369

UQ - Biomed

>> No.4173387

how is case western? i'm sort of considering graduate schools and I got a good vibe from there

>> No.4173401

Computer Engineering

>> No.4173410
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Yeah yeah IDGAF.

>> No.4173486

I didn't know that someone was arrested there.

>> No.4173535
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>> No.4173545
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We jelly your EZ mode classes.

>> No.4173563


straight As nigga. all said and done it's gonna be 60% of the cost, 80% of the work, and 120% of the GPA you non-transfers end up with.

>> No.4173590
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Penn State ... Child Psychology & Defilement.

>> No.4173641
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High school fags are OK if you've already been accepted to college, right?

>> No.4173640
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>> No.4173653


>> No.4173661


Nice, you going to Caltech for sure? I'm a senior here and I've always loved it, although a lot of people become disenchanted with it due to getting raped by the coursework. Good luck!

>> No.4173663

I'm maybe 75% sure right now, going to wait and see where I get in regular decision though before I make up my mind.

What's your major?

>> No.4173673


people actually believing what people say on here is great

>> No.4173680
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>> No.4173682


I'm Bioengineering, but they don't make you choose a major until near the end of your freshman year. Any idea what you might want to be? I came in thinking I'd be pure Bio but that just didn't have enough math to satisfy me. Honestly if I could go back I'd be an ACM major (Applied Computational Mathematics) since I've loved all my ACM classes, but oh well.

>> No.4173684


What exactly would lying accomplish? We're all anonymous dumbass.

>> No.4173687

Why would I even bother lying about getting into Caltech? Do you want proof or something?

I've been looking into Applied Physics but not sure if I'd rather do that over pure Physics yet.

>> No.4173690
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>> No.4173691
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>> No.4173692

Same, well I did, I finished in 2008

>> No.4173702
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econ / math. would not recommend.

>> No.4173716
File: 62 KB, 450x340, harvey-mudd-college..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvey Mudd engineering master race reporting in.

>> No.4173718
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>> No.4173728

>implying the master race is homosexual


>> No.4173730
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>Computer Science

>> No.4173731
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Econ/Quant Methods

>> No.4173734
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Computer Science

>> No.4173738

>Imlying homosexuals aren't > Heterofags
Have fun sleeping with stupid, irrational woman.

>> No.4173740
File: 18 KB, 540x442, berkeley spring 2012 schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one here from Berkeley?

>> No.4173741

that argument falls apart when you realize that you're shoving your dick up another man's anus.

>> No.4173752


>not knowing Harvey Mudd is god tier


>> No.4173759
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Electrical Engineering / Applied Math double major

>> No.4173762
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>thinking Harvey Butt is anything but homosex teir

You just went full engineer (homo)

>> No.4173763
File: 85 KB, 537x537, UofSlogo copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deo et Patriae!

studying EE, good university, the people make it the best.

>> No.4173764

physics, colorado state

I don't know why you guys are arguing about disciplines and who is better than whom. If anything we should be united, the fucking business and sociology faggots play ultimate frisbee all day and get a 4.0. Granted, we get jobs, but you know

>> No.4173789

Also the fact we know we went into worthwhile fields and not wasting our college on sociology or history.

>> No.4173797

forgive me if im thinking of the wron school, but if not, is kaasap a giant faggot? i hate his fucking book

>> No.4173883

Melbourne uni fag reporting in

>> No.4173893
File: 61 KB, 585x435, cms2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

University of Cambridge

>> No.4173918

Ausfag reporting.
Just finished up at Griffith.
Applying for ANU now.

>> No.4173922
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CPGE master race reporting in

>> No.4173925
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Software Engineering

Fucking love my school.

>> No.4173928 [DELETED] 

Went here as an undergrad, physics. PhySoc still make icecream out of LN2 for quad week?

>> No.4173935
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>> No.4173941

Btw, are you taking Math 1B with Aganagic? In any case, AVOID RATNER. Also, Bio 1B at 8 AM? That's harsh...although I believe there's a webcast for it

>> No.4173974
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>> No.4173986


Spring admit detected

>> No.4173991

implying i didn't just finish first semester

>> No.4174011
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Physics reporting in.

>> No.4174061
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>High School fags GTFO.

Well that's OK because I'm in middle school, kid. I'm gonna go to MIT and become a physicist and OWN people like you. So say that to my face kid, not online and see what happens to you, kid.

>> No.4174095
File: 13 KB, 189x266, warwick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Maths and philosophy with specialisation in logic and foundations.

>> No.4174143
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University of Vermont

Environmental engineering, pre-med

Go to class, do your homework, study, rock climb, get high, study some more

>> No.4174152

Nice, how well did you do on STEP?

>> No.4174167
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Neuroscience major

>> No.4174168

What did you do at Griffith? Nathan campus?

>> No.4174177

I did AEA and got a distinction.
Warwick asks for either one, and AEA is piss easy in comparison.

>> No.4177067

I'm rambling wreck from Golden Tech, a helluva engineer.

(for the rest of you, excerpt from school song)

>> No.4178428
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Anyone in the military? Does the GI Bill cover all the tuition and expenses like they advertise? It's amazing how everyone is going to all these famous state universities and only a few are going to community colleges. Which engineering field would you recommend for manufacturing? If you were interested in building and managing factories?