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4172706 No.4172706 [Reply] [Original]

So what if we're the only life to have evolved in the entire universe? What if we are the only hope for sentience to survive? If we die, life dies with us.

>> No.4172715

>So what if we're the only life to have evolved in the entire universe?
We're not, all other lifeforms on earth have evolved too.

>> No.4172716

I mean life on Earth.

>> No.4172723

If we die, eventually, life will try again, somewhere else.

Perhaps in a galaxy far far away....

>> No.4172741
File: 18 KB, 170x229, fucking derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you referring to "intelligent" life? "Only life to have evolved in the entire universe" is a really fucking vague statement. Humans only differ from other species in that they are sentient.
All life forms at present evolved at some point; the ones that didn't adapt have since become extinct.

>> No.4172744

Yes, I meant sentient life. Life that can look out into the stars and realize that they too, are alone.

>> No.4172751
File: 14 KB, 460x276, Drake-006..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean sapient

and there is little evidence of life elsewhere in the universe. the Drake equation is just conjecture.

>> No.4172752

it is likely there is sentient life out there somewhere.

but it's probably so unbelievably far away that we will never know about or be able able to contact them.

>> No.4172789

There are so many planets that it's incredibly fucking unlikely.

>> No.4172794

You have a better chance of winning the lottery every time until you die, than us being the only life.

>> No.4172833

We might be. I mean you can talk all you want about how huge the universe is and how how improbably it is for us to be the only life, but anyone who says this and seriously thinks it is a knockdown argument is a dildo. Nobody knows how improbable it is for sapient life to evolve in any given solar system.

We might be the only ones. We might not be, but we might be.

This might be the only shot. Make it count okay.

>> No.4172871

What do you mean so what?

Its irrelevant.

Why does the non-existence of sapient beings other than the denizens of earth have any bearing on humanity other than the prospect of a non-hostile (well, at least when referring to militarization) universe.

Who cares if life dies with us, if it dies, it dies.

I'm certain there's life in the universe other than our own world. As to sapient life, I'm not so certain there is such life. There's no point in posing philosophical questions that have no relevance.

Do something better with your time.

>> No.4172914

you don't know the probability of life evolving on a planet so you can't say it has probably happened elsewhere

>> No.4173183

>Nobody knows how improbable it is for sapient life to evolve in any given solar system.
Computing the probability of other life (when you are that life computing it) is pretty much a shot in the dark with your own conventions.