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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 443x208, 1324490611864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4170906 No.4170906 [Reply] [Original]

Fall 11 grades came in. Feels good man. Pic related.

Let's see em, /sci/

>> No.4170920

>math of money
>dinosaur extinction
>food facts & fads

OP, what are you even studying?

>> No.4170930


>> No.4170998

>graduate from highschool
>go to college on student loans
>pick retard major
>four-year vacation

>> No.4172514

I think OP goes to a pretend college

>> No.4172521

Fucking community college courses

>> No.4172522

I give you 5/10 b/c I laughed
inb4 100+ angry replies

>> No.4172721
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>> No.4172724


>> No.4172731


To hell with Topology and it's portal technology

>> No.4172755


>> No.4172757

food facts and fads fuck yeah

theoretical nutrionist here

>> No.4172759


Haha, what are you going to do with said skills?

I'll hire you for 50k a year faggot.

(Btw I'm making over 30x the amount I pay your pleb ass does)

>> No.4172762
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8/10 OP

dem grades

>> No.4172767
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>PhD in economics
>any pleb I want
>30x their salary starting

>> No.4172772

Differential Equations: C+
Signals and Systems: C+
Digital Design: B
Circuit Analysis: B+
C++: B

I dropped the ball this semester. Barely went to any classes at all, didn't study, etc.

I'm honestly lucky I didn't fail anything. So I'm fairly relieved at these grades. I'll try harder in the spring.

>> No.4172775


Idaho State? lol, faggot

>> No.4172779


Have fun at Occupy.

>> No.4172785


fuckin lol'd

>> No.4172808


Mark Zuckerberg here. You plebs better stfu

>> No.4172812


What's with this timeline shit Mark?

>> No.4172856


You think this is an AMA? Seriously fag, get a job.
I'll hire you to lick the sand off of my dogs feet after he walks. 45k /year, how's that?

That's out of my own stack of cash btw.

>> No.4172911


Deal. When do I start?

>> No.4172940
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>That feel when you still have finals up to Christmas

>> No.4172946
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first term at college
not too shabby.

>> No.4172949

Try Harvard.

Christmas break is actually their study period. They take the exams when they return. Rough setup.

>> No.4172956
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>Quantum and Atomic Physics


>> No.4172965
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The special topics was intro to PDE's and the research is in algebraic geometry.

>> No.4172969
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OP goes to Penn State I think.

That feel when slept through Matrices final exam and got 30 points deducted automatically

>> No.4172975

I've only gotten my data structures (second year) grade (A+). I doubt I'll get the others until after the holidays. The only one I'm really worried about is linear algebra, as I don't think I did that well on the exam (although, going into the exam I had an A average in the course, with the final being worth 60%, so as long as I passed the exam I'll at least get a C+).

>> No.4172982
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>you will never take a course on food facts and fads


>> No.4172987
File: 22 KB, 1127x264, Grades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical engineering at Oregon State University. Worst term I've ever had in terms of grades. I don't feel too bad about it since my classes were insanely hard though.

>> No.4172989
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I would much prefer that kind of setup.

>> No.4172994

I'm not motivated enough to login to my undergrad degree marks and take a screenshot, but I literally had a single digit mark and a 98% in the same semester.

My marks for that degree were bimodally distributed for the first 2 years... funniest transcript ever.

>> No.4172995

I can't even begin to comprehend how someone can have a 4.0 or near 4.0 GPA.

>> No.4172997


Damn, that one B hit your GPA hard.

Fucking averages, I swear to god they're bullshit.

>> No.4173004

>Fucking averages, I swear to god they're bullshit.
They pretty much are.

>> No.4173010


Well I don't really have much of a social life, but I don't really study that much either. I kind of spend most of my time on 4chan to be honest. I do my homework hours before class no matter when it was assigned, and I don't start studying for an exam until the day of.

That I've been able to maintain a 3.9+ GPA is kind of a miracle.

>> No.4173027
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I study all the time and this is what I get... lol. I've just about given up on trying to understand why college is hard for me.

>> No.4173030
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We seem to have about the same gpa and major. Are you applying to PhD programs?

>> No.4173031

>I've just about given up on trying to understand why college is hard for me.

It's because you're stupid. Just look at the name of your image; duh.

>> No.4173034

>thinks marks are meaningful

I'm going to predict that you won't go beyond an undergrad and aren't in post-secondary school for educations, rather for a piece of paper and "credentials".

>> No.4173036

>at most 12 credits.
Hope you work full time too.

>> No.4173039
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2 A's
2 A-'s
1 B


>> No.4173043


>> No.4173045
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>that feel when the semester's been over 2 weeks and still no grades

>> No.4173054
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>> No.4173056

On another note, I'm so taking dinosaur extinction 3rd semester to fulfill my natural science gen ed

>> No.4173058

isu alum here, what's your major?

>> No.4173062
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first year, first semester, EE.
still have my pre-calc final tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect for any of this shit.

>> No.4173067



>> No.4173083
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that good feel when you're average at math but you have good social and writing skills so you have a better chance of getting a well-paying job

>> No.4173089
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>that feel when always good at math
>that feel when addicted to vidya in high school
>that feel when you didn't give a shit about anything
>that feel when you never studied, rarely did homework, and had very poor attendance
>that feel when you barely graduated with a 1.8 GPA and only made it to algebra II
>that feel when you go a year without school after graduating
>that feel when you finally apply at a community college and take placement tests
>that feel when placed into intermediate algebra

>> No.4173090

I think 90% of /sci/ consists of anti-social chinks that take the major their parents picked and seem to think their undergrad degree even matters.

Wait until they leave school and realize an undergrad is the same as a highschool diploma was 40 years ago. Not to mention no one, NO ONE, asks/looks at marks unless you are looking into grad school and want a better chance at a grant.

But they don't understand these things because they are kids in an undergrad degree and can't see past next exam time.

>> No.4173094


I'm in the exact same position.

I feel insulted, and the only person to blame is myself.

>> No.4173099

If that's the case, why the fuck would you want to be an electrical engineer? It's flooded with highly nerdy, intelligent, and introverted nerds and a strong math foundation is imperative in order to succeeded.

>> No.4173100

I started in elementary algebra. I think you can only go one level lower than that in terms of college math.

>> No.4173103

>Implying that intelligence and social aptitude are mutually exclusive
>Implying that anything above half-decent social skills will do anything for your job prospects as an Electrical Engineer

No bud, you're just academically inferior. No positives in your situation.

But... whatever will make you feel better about yourself, scrub.

>> No.4173107

I'm the one who posted the grades template, not the one who posted deal with it nerds.
I was pretty good at math in high school and always hung out with the blatant nerds/geeks/losers as well.
I chose EE because I'm fascinated by everything to do with the electrical hardware for electronics, cars, planes, buildings ect.

>> No.4173108
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Lots of math and computer science up in this bitch. Passes are general ed classes.

>> No.4173109

How's community college treating ya, buddy?

>> No.4173111

Compsci && math concurrent major here. It's good, but taking vector calculus first semester kinda boned me

>> No.4173114

UCSB's treating me just fine, thanks for asking.

>> No.4173117

Yep, community college indeed.

>> No.4173118

Data Mining: A+
Database Systems: A
Algorithms: A
System Programming: A
Machine Learning for Signal Processing (graduate): A

>> No.4173119
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Wow look at all this /sci/ asshurt. I'm not even that poster both of you were quoting either.

What I like best about this board is that you always pick the booksmart idiots out of the crowd. You really think being better at math than other engineers actually means anything? You're supposed to be GOOD at math, which means you get the same education as hundreds of thousands of other engineers. Where's any of that going to get you now, retard? Don't suppose knowing how to talk and write correctly won't help?

Stay asshurt. Moot should delete this board so you can get off 4chan and deal with your autism

>> No.4173120

Nah, it's not quite that bad. There's active research that goes on here.

>> No.4173125

>pre calc

HAHAHAHAHA more like lowest possible mongoloid skills at math.

>> No.4173134


Don't let the faggots get you down.

>>4172982 here. I started my college career in pre-calc just like you. Pic related, my grades from my first semester in school. The coaching classes were voluntary tutoring I signed up for because I was scared of failing. Didn't even need them. Data functions and graphs is precalc.

Everyone goes to college with a different background. I went to a shitty high school and never got a very good math education. But now I'm doing better in all my classes than the prep kids who took IB calculus at private schools and I'm ahead on my graduation requirements too. Started out on a five-year plan, now I'm gonna be able to do it in 4 -- with a minor in math of all things.

I won't lie, I had to work to catch up. But if you put your mind to it, it's possible. Don't let anyone tell you different.

>> No.4173138
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all that and I forgot the pic.

>> No.4173140

Eh relax bro, get your degree and get a job. Getting a 4.0 isn't the important part of college.

>> No.4173141

>>Math is imperative for electrical engineers

You do need math for the more theoretical electrical engineering classes, but you can definitely excel in most real EE jobs with only basic Calc II theory and an ability to use MATLAB/Mathematica intelligently. The math only comes in if you choose to do stuff with more complex physics like electromagnetic waves. Designing a circuit or writing code doesn't take anything beyond algebra and raw intelligence.

>> No.4173142 [DELETED] 

There's no way you're "good" at math if you're taking pre-calc at a fucking college. In fact, what kind of shit-tier school has pre-calc anyway?

Knowing how to talk and write does help. But everyone knows how to do that. Even the most closeted foreigners I've met know how to talk and write. Are they good at it? Not really. But they don't need to be. Why? Because they are fucking Electrical Engineers, you dipshit!

But anyway, keep telling yourself that being an academic failure somehow increases your social and writing skills, which will somehow help you land a better job. And that people who do work hard and achieve academically are somehow "autistic". Sure buddy!

>> No.4173146
File: 66 KB, 1018x128, fall 2011 grades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all the hating on precalc? It's not like you can jump straight into calculus without knowing trig, right?

>> No.4173147
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Meh, 1/10

>> No.4173155


See, this is the kind of faggot I'm talking about. The kind of guy who thinks that because he learned some trig identities a year before you did, he's better than you. Don't be a raging faggot like him. Keep your nose to the books and you'll do fine.

>> No.4173156
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let the cock sucking commence

>> No.4173160

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. You will never use trig.

>> No.4173161
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Well, it looks good so far.

>> No.4173163

thanks for the kind words. I think I might be off to not so great start, and I know things are only going to get harder. But I have a lot of pressure to do better, especially from myself since I feel like crap when I get a bad grade in something.

but you took way more stuff than I did, and I took the bare minimum I could, same with next semester. I have a fear of biting off more than I can chew.

>> No.4173164

guys, i failed calc. fuck don't wanna take this again

>> No.4173165


Calc I freshman detected

>> No.4173166
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>you will never use trig

>> No.4173171

Actually it's quite useful in the machining trade.

>> No.4173172


That courseload looks like more than it is. Two PE classes and three tutor classes. Take those out and you're left with only 4 lectures and a lab. Light load.

>> No.4173181
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>mfw that dude deleted his post because he couldn't handle the truckload of pure told delivered to his doorstep

>> No.4173188

No but seriously. It doesn't ever show up past single-variable calculus, at least not in math. I can't speak for physics or engineering, but trig is just not important for math.

>> No.4173190

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.4173199

How the fuck would trig be helpful for analysis? Group theory? Topology? Linear algebra? It just doesn't come up.

>> No.4173210

>It doesn't ever show up past single-variable calculus

>> No.4173213


>linear algebra

you are talking out of your ass. all of the important lin alg proofs have geometric foundations. and trig is a huge part of calc II and especially calc III.

>> No.4173234

> all of the important lin alg proofs have geometric foundations


No seriously, what? Virtually all of the interesting theorems for linear algebra generalize to infinite dimensional spaces over arbitrary fields. How exactly are you going to put a geometric interpretation on that?

> trig is a huge part of calc II and especially calc III

>> No.4173235

For day-to-day mechanical/civil engineering all you need is trig.

>> No.4173241

Kinda impressed that you guys can have grades back already. The last exams were today at my university. It usually takes a day or two to mark them, and then final grades have to be approved by the Department's Head (~1 week), and the Faculty's Associate Dean (~2 weeks), before the Registrar posts official grades (~1 week). All with Christmas breaks for staff. A week or two into January is pretty typical.

>> No.4173243

> trig is a huge part of calc II and especially calc III

You must be joking... Perhaps you missed the unit on trig substitution in Calc 2, as well as all of Calc 3.

>> No.4173245
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>> No.4173247
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Coming from this guy. >>4173089

I don't understand why calculus is shunned so. I have to admit, after hearing all of the horror stories from plebeians and sorority girls, I was slightly terrified when I first enrolled into the course, but it turned out be one of the easiest fucking classes I've taken next to propositional logic. It's certainly nothing that I couldn't have done when I was 15 and still in high school, had I put forth only a miniscule amount of effort into my studies back then. Studying for that class consisted of a brief look over the homework an hour or so before the exam and it was an easy A.

>hurr it's a community college course, no wonder you got an A derp
It's the same information taught all over the planet. The difficulty of the material depends on the individual and how the information is inferred. Sure, the difficulty may vary slightly depending on the professors teaching style but it's nothing significant and nothing that adequate study habits can overcome.

>> No.4173249

>3 course load
>all first year courses

Planning to stick around for awhile, huh?

>> No.4173251

Uh, my multivariable calculus class had a lot of epsilons and deltas and not very many sins and cosines. Did you seriously have a whole unit on substitutions? Because that sounds like the most boring thing ever. That's what Mathematica is for; you're never going to need to do that by hand.

>> No.4173262

Universities on the quarter system will have finished earlier, and most places don't require the Dean to personally approve all grades. I think most universities have grades by now.

>> No.4173263

My school is utter shit and has yet to post my grades.

Protip: Don't go to a nigger infested community college run by niggers even if you have no other choice.

>> No.4173265


cylindrical and spherical coordinates would like to have a word with you

they seem to think you're a dumb faggot

>> No.4173266

Genetics: A
Statistics: A
Human Geography: A
Organic Chemistry: A
Organic Chemistry Lab: A-

Fucking Lab..

>> No.4173270


>> No.4173272

Integration techniques are a main focus of Calc 2.

Did your calc 3 class not have vectors? Cosines and sines appear all the time with vectors.

>> No.4173273

Do you go to Phoenix College?

I say that because the background is familiar, and I can't think of any other gen chem class that is 151.

>> No.4173276

Not the poster of that joke 3 course schedule, but at least at my university, vector calc and linear algebra are 3rd semester courses. Incidentally I took both 1st semester since I did BC calc in high school.

>> No.4173279

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were an engineer. My condolences.

>implying cylindrical or spherical coordinates would ever come up in real mathematics

>> No.4173284

Mesa CC

>> No.4173288

0/10 shitty troll

On the offchance that you aren't trolling, do know that cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems are generally more useful than cartesian systems for most physical problems.

>> No.4173290


what the fuck are you talking about? you learn that shit in calc III whether you're an engineer or not. I'm starting to think you're some random NEET who gets all his facts from wikipedia or something

>> No.4173291
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>> No.4173294

Most places do require some administrative faculty (ie: department head, associate dean) approve all grades. Usually they're provided with a breakdown of a class; if it has a 5% fail rate and a 5% rate of A's, it's approved in whole, if it has a 60% failure rate, the professor is asked to re-grade the class. Its just usually not more than one. And he never said the Dean, of course.

>> No.4173296

Dunno if that's true for larger universities.

My calc III class had midterm averages of 62 and 55, and a final average of 52.

>> No.4173300

That might be true at community colleges, but not in real math programs. There's better things to spend your time on.

> physical problems
My point exactly. My multivariable calculus classes weren't for engineers, I suppose, but they never really went in to that sort of shit. It's just not all that useful for a pure mathematician.

>> No.4173301

my nigga. Just got outta the maricopa community college system to go to asu. Honestly I'd say I was pretty satisfied with my education at PC.

But god damn there was an impressive amount of weird people there.

>> No.4173304
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>> No.4173312

Not final exam grades; the professor is usually the only person who has to give those a green light. The final course grades - the letter grade at the end - is what administration will look at for acceptable quantities of exceptional and failing grades. That is to say, its perfectly acceptable for more than half of the class to get below 50% on an exam, but its not acceptable to give more than half the class an F for that.

I once received an A+ for a course in which I had a percentage-grade of 37%. The midterm average was 8 out of 50. See what I mean?

>> No.4173317

Accidentally omitted that there was no curve.

>> No.4173319


I can just imagine you writing this post in a silk robe while sitting in a plush leather recliner, sipping on fine french brandy, fantasizing about how great it would be if you could actually go to college

>> No.4173320

You can't convert a numeric grade to a letter grade without a curve of some sort. You mean there was no floating curve.

>> No.4173322

Yeah, I'm transferring to ASU next semester as well, shit's going to be nice. What's your major?

>> No.4173324

Was half the class asked to repeat the course?

>> No.4173330

At my university there are plenty of upper level courses with humungous fail rates. It's not at all uncommon for people to repeat physical chemistry, for instance. I think it has a 40% failure rate or something.

>> No.4173343

CSCI 161 Computer Science II 4.00 B
>Went to class maybe 8 times all semester.
MATH 420 Abstract Algebra I 3.00 A
>Supposedly the hardest undergrad class in the department
MATH 429 Linear Algebra 3.00 A
>Ended up being hard since I spent all my time studying/doing homework for Abstract Algebra and Graph Theory
MATH 430 Graph Theory 3.00 A
>Only thing I learned from this class is that I don't want to research Graph Theory
THEA 161 Acting I 3.00 A
>Hooray for easy yet fun gen eds

>> No.4173344
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Confirmed for weeaboo scum.

>> No.4173356

Shit is pretty cash, but I really wished I had applied for transfer scholarships though. God damn 5500 bucks a semester is killing me.

What am I studying?
>biological sciences
I guess I want to go to medical school, but as I've taken more upper division classes I kind of want to change my major to biomedical engineering or focus on molecular biology. How bout you breh?

>> No.4173363

The course by the way was "The Development of the Finite Element Method". I think its fair to say I learned more in that course than in any other I've taken. As a graduate class, there were only 9 people in the lecture, which was held for 3 hours once a week. Easily the most memorable class was when we first derived a 9-element solution of the Navier-Stokes equations, and then manually solved it across 9 human nodes. We had a pile of flash cards and a pile of working paper. We sat in a 3x3 grid, and each had our initial conditions. We found a solution for our node, and then at a set time (every 15 minutes if I recall?) we gave our neighbors our new nodal conditions on the flash cards, from which they would calculate the next iteration.

Being part of a CFD solution where each node is a human being is an interesting experience.

>> No.4173373


>> No.4173377 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4173381


Right, everyone, abandon thread.

>> No.4173383

Penn State student here. Noticed that hours ago.

Are you a PSU student too?

>> No.4173386
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>> No.4173388 [DELETED] 


>> No.4173392


>> No.4173393

don't get to see them until next monday

>> No.4173396

The ironic thing is that most people who would want to make a human-node FEM computation don't have enough friends to make it happen.

>> No.4173402
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Not exactly hard classes, but still... Feels good, man.

>> No.4173415

Respect. Why not try taking harder/more classes?

>> No.4173418
File: 43 KB, 732x498, grade inflation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing grades

>> No.4173420

Already taking more than I need, and working on research too. Also, don't want my school work to infringe on my fucking off on the internet time. Well that and my school doesn't offer much for my major...

>> No.4173431

One of the earliest attempts at a meaningful numerical solution of the Navier-Stokes equations (meaning the solution itself was interesting, rather than just an interesting demonstration) was actually done this way in New England in the early 20th century. Except it involved hundreds of students, and used a finite difference scheme. I think they were looking at boundary layer development (which at the time was in the rudimentary stages of theoretical progress with Prandtl)

>> No.4173435

Is it any surprise that the private school slope is higher?

>> No.4173463
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>mfw my alma mater has no grade inflation according to this graph

>> No.4173487
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>>dat feel

>> No.4173496
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>> No.4173512

You're at 160+ credits and still taking sophomore-level classes?

Did you change your major 5 times or something?

>> No.4173522
File: 25 KB, 299x289, 1322772114824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some people only have 3 classes

>> No.4173623

my shitty school doesn't even tell me my fucking grades

fine with me, i don't really want to know

>> No.4173625

what the fuck

>> No.4173646

probably got some bullshit liberal arts degree and then went back for an engineering degree. it's pretty common.

>> No.4173648

Communitycollegefag here who get's straight A's all day everyday. What does it mean to have an "A-" in terms of GPA?

>> No.4173655

A+ is a 4.33
A- is a 3.66
B+ is a 3.33
B- is a 2.66

and so on.

I only like this system when I am able to get a plus. I was mad as hell when I got an A- in one of my chem labs. Fucking nigger grading system

>> No.4173660

ithink that's typically a canadian scale? used to match up with the american grade inflation ro whatever.

>> No.4173662

A+ and A are often both 4.00

>> No.4173665

What do you mean by canadian scale? I go to ASU and most of my classes do the +/- shit. usually 93% or lower is A- and anything above ~96% is an A+. Same scale applies for other letter grades as well

>> No.4173668

the 4.33 stuff is what i'm talking about

>> No.4173671

depends on the course you take/school you go to. I'm almost certain my sister has said she recieved above a 4.0 for getting A+ in some classes. But then again she does tend to say stupid shit. I should ask around next time I'm on campus

>> No.4173672

So what is considered an "A"?
--92%, 90%, etc.

>> No.4173679

typically an A is 86-90; 90+ is A+

>> No.4173685

That depends often on the comparative difficulty of the course, and will likely be difficult for every course you take. Due to varying levels of grade inflation at different institutions, faculties, and departments, an A may represent anywhere from the 70th percentile of a class, right up to the 95th. In graduate school, an A often represents the 50th percentile of the class (as all students are assumed to already be in the 90th percentile of the total population). This doesn't correspond to a percent directly; >>4173312 for example talks about how he got a A+ for a 37%.

>> No.4173688
File: 44 KB, 799x416, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, okay. I'm guessing the leniency of the scale comes from the fact that they don't spoon-feed everything to their students.
I'm not upset with the strict 8-point scale (4,3,2, etc.) because I have had instructors almost literally tell the students what was going to be on the test. Somehow people still drop classes because they fear failing. I don't understand it.
They practically set you up to be dropped on your ass it seems. Oh well. Thanks for the info everyone.

Here's my semester. I'm studying chemistry even though you wouldn't be able to tell from the shit I have to take to finish my associates degree.

>> No.4173689

Electronics 1: A-
Computer Communication Networks: B+
Software Engineering: A
Computer Architecture: A



>> No.4173693

I think the 4.33 scale is better just because it allows a lot mroe flexibility. At the university I go to, I've seen a few students get into MIT with 88%+ averages. 93% in the states probably is easier.

>> No.4173699
File: 25 KB, 400x352, 77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take it the underwater basket weaving course was all full up?

I hope you at least got laid for the money your parents spent. No way that shit will get you a job.

>> No.4173700

different for every course you take*

typos suck

>> No.4173710

That makes sense. The 37% thing does not however. It seems a bit counter-intuitive that a course would be made so impossibly hard that apparently the students maintain less than 50% of it.

>> No.4173723

I swear to god if I see another A in calc.

God I can't believe I failed that easy piece of shit.

>> No.4174337

No future employer will ever look at your transcript for marks or to see what courses you took.

>> No.4174376
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I ask because you made the mistake of taking Chem 450 in the fall rather than in the spring. Dr. Noid is SUCH a better professor than Dr. M. And his TAs are the bomb.....just saying. :D

>> No.4174377

Yes, you moron. Yes, they will.

>> No.4174385

Wow, American universities look easy as shit.

>> No.4174398

Name an employer or field. I'm currently in my first year PhD., but last year I worked in a lab as a tech and another position as a student researcher and no one asked about my marks or even proof of a degree.

Most workplaces don't do this.

Besides, attaching my publications and listing my talks actually means something, especially at my age (25).

>> No.4174938


?! where's cornell?

>> No.4175214

Google asks for classes and grades. There's your counter-example.

>actually means something
>my age

Oh boy, what do we have here, a guy who is full of shit just from being enrolled at a PhD program.

You know what matters when you're PhD? The school. And it looks like you're at a shit-tier place, so enjoy your free diploma.

>> No.4175266

So /sci/, I was just wondering does GPA above a 3.0 actually matter much for grad school, or does GREs/MCAT/LSAT/whateverfuckingstandardizedtestthereis matter more?

>> No.4175423


GPA is up there with letters of Rec
next would be ur GRE/MCAT/LSAT

>> No.4175443
File: 19 KB, 1099x150, fuck core classes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mama is going to be so proud

>> No.4175465

>not going to any classes
>hardly studying
>still pass all classes and get better than average grades
Oh wow... your college/university must be horrible if your classes are that easy.

>> No.4175520

Semiconductors: A
MicroElectronics: A
Calc 2: A-
Analog Communications: A-
Solid State Vacuum Tubes : B+

>> No.4175526

i heard some schools don't really give a shit about the letters. i imagine that's mostly true for master's programs as there is many more candidates and people are lazy.

>> No.4175527

You need at least 3.5 to even be in the running.

>> No.4175535

Average grade for each category
General Engineering(physics,chem,etc..): 3.6
Math: 3.8
Electronics subjects: 3.6
Communications Engineering: 4.0

>> No.4175554


do you know if this includes CC gpa or just the last institution?

>> No.4175555

your CC grades should be transferred to your degree granting institution, and if they aren't then they'll request a transcript from the CC, too.

>> No.4175557


>> No.4175564
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>> No.4175590
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feels good man

>> No.4175612

WTF is all this "Quality Points" shit I am seeing?

Undergrad here, waiting for marks too.

>> No.4175619

It's the quantification of how good you are at sucking dick for As.

>> No.4175623

>A students
pick one

>> No.4175633

what the fuck is this shit?

why would physics be 5 hours and an ODE class be 4 credit hours? or is your university one of those where 4 credit hours is the standard?

>> No.4175644


I think it's a total of credit hours*grade. So, a 5 credit hour class with an A would net you 20 points. My college had something with that system; perhaps it's the same? haven't done the math on these cards to prove it, though.

>> No.4175646

Oh, awesome. I should be doing good then.

>> No.4176511

>You know what matters when you're PhD? The school. And it looks like you're at a shit-tier place, so enjoy your free diploma.

lol nope. Your supervisor and publications matter, not the school. Unless you are from China and blindly sending out form applications to random professors, you typically want a renowned supervisor first-and-foremost.

Grants and post-doc positions are going to open up to people with quality publications, not simply someone who went to a "top tier" school.

Dorks like you perpetuate the assembly line mentality of "higher education".

>> No.4176532

Not the guy you were arguing with, but wouldn't a top tier school typically provide better supes in a greater quantity?

I'm still an undergrad so I know fuckall about this shit.

>> No.4176556

Not necessarily. For example, the top American researchers in my field are from many different schools, not necessarily "top tier". The prof at Harvard is pretty young and not that well published, surprisingly.

Doing grad work isn't about the school, it is about the supervisor. Don't assume good school = good supervisor. You want someone who you can work with, will give you good guidance and freedom, has solid funding, cares enough to send you to conferences and branch out, encourages creativity, etc.

You should meet with a prospective supervisor, look into their research, etc. You don't just go blindly by where they teach.

>> No.4176613

Yep, shit-tier school that accepts anyone with pulse to their PhD program confirmed.

Faculty IS what makes the school's program. What, you think MIT is ranked at the top because it has a nice name to it? No, it's the faculty.

You go to a top school (for your major) because that's the place that will have top research and professors.

In your case, since you haven't shown capability to perform world-class research, you ended up at a shit-school with shit-faculty to do a shitty little paper that requires more time than it requires actual skill.

Again, enjoy your free diploma, lol @

>actually means something
>my age

At your age, people are doing bleeding-edge discoveries with world-renowned professors, you scrub. Compare that to what you are doing.

>> No.4176629

How do you know he isn't working on one?

>> No.4176743

Anyone take graduate cell bio? I want to next term but I will be busy with finishing undergrad thesis. I've been told it's easy, it's hard, that it's curved and most students are looking for labs to rotate in and are too busy to study, and that out of 100 students 4 got an A. Very conflicting interpretations.

I just want to know what level the material is at, since there is no textbook really, PI's come to talk about their field and their research pretty much.

>> No.4176754

>>4172975 here.

Ended up getting an A in Linear Algebra. Still haven't gotten my Stats and Calculus grades, but I won't now until after the holidays.

>> No.4176761

>people are doing bleeding-edge discoveries with world-renowned professors
Not the person you're responding to but, you have noooo idea what the graduate world is like. The naivety of your opinion stinks of undergrad.

>> No.4176774

hahah so fucking true.

>> No.4176778

>math of money

What the fuck man it is like basic multiplication and division

>> No.4176780


holy shit are you also a udel student?

>> No.4176787

>implying there are no 25 year olds doing bleeding-edge discoveries with world-renowned professors

not sure who stinks more of undergrad here

>> No.4176790
File: 28 KB, 1119x460, GPA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious ownage of easy classes

Can't wait till I start my EE classes and my GPA crashes down to the ground.

>> No.4176794

good start at least buddy. should help build some confidence going into your circuit analysis courses next year

>> No.4176807

>intro to careers in engineering
I can only imagine the kind of perverted, sexually deviant behavior that goes on in such a class.

>> No.4176820

What the hell do you think bleeding edge even means? You think you're going to walk into a lab and start discovering things and publish in top journals. Notice that last point is not a question, this is what all undergrads going on to grad school think, and then they meet their advisor for the first time. And then they realize lab work is not at all what they thought it was. And then you wish you got a job instead of doing slave labor. I was like you once, except I wasn't a foul mouthed little bitch and took the time to listen. Are you a premed too? Because that would be hilariously perfect.

>> No.4176831
File: 7 KB, 314x228, herpdppepde.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually had a 49.95 in algorithms phew. 79.9 in biz. lol

>> No.4176874

I go to a school where undergrads are publishing papers to peer-reviewed journals. Where, in order to get into a PhD program, you must already have done a considerable amount of research, so you have proven you can succeed and know what you're doing.

I'm talking about a top school PhD program here. Whatever you're describing relates to shit-tier scrubbage like yourself, so I have no say in it. But what you said does fit with what I have described previously -- a shitty school ready to accept anyone with pulse to its PhD program, so it accepts a student who still has no idea what research is, who then decides it's not for him. Yep, no surprises there.

Hence my congratulations to the first-year PhD guy here who will be getting his free diploma.

>> No.4176938 [DELETED] 

No sir, I work with a famous PI at a top research Uni. Anyone trying to get into a phd program has to have considerable independent undergrad research experience. You are not the special little butterfly you think you are. When you get into a grad program and you TA your first undergrad class you'll know what I mean. Just remember this conversation and imagine me saying "told you so".

>> No.4176960

No sir, I work with a famous PI at a top research Uni. Anyone trying to get into a phd program has to have considerable independent undergrad research experience. You are not the special little butterfly you think you are. When you get into a grad program and you TA your first undergrad class you'll know what I mean. Just remember this conversation and imagine me saying "told you so".

Words of wisdom: You may work with a famous PI, but someone will always steal your buffer. Also learn to love hating your life. Nothing will ever work right. Ever, when it does it's for the wrong reasons. And you should have had it done last year, why are you still here? Etc.

Oh, and undergrads publish in dickballs. That's right the amazing dickball journal. AS the 10th author after the janitor.

>> No.4177016

Yes, you're right, person whose first half of response is simply a restatement of my argument, and another half is some rant that has absolutely nothing to do with the point at hand.

You're also right about undergrads not making any papers to real journals, like IEEE Transactions on Computers.

Oh wait, that journal *does* have undergraduate authors in it! Man, I almost did listen to a guy who is TA'ing during his PhD studies, because he couldn't get a fucking fellowship.

Enjoy being a slave.

>> No.4177025

i thought all PhD students had some TA'ing duties?

>> No.4177026



fuck mechanics

>> No.4177146

Hey, maybe you're right I don't know shit about computer science. We only have one computer science guy working on our project but he just got a faculty position at MIT so he's leaving. You're still wrong about grad school. You still have the twinkle in you, wait until your advisor squashes it. I'm telling you, you'll be surprised.

>> No.4177158

Oh, and you're going to end up TAing whether you like it or not probably around 2nd year. Nothing to do with getting funded. You're also going to get screamed at for grading and not spending more time in the lab when you already practically sleep there.

>> No.4177176

Grades not released yet, but I'm sure I got As in everything except my sociology class. General education my ass, I'm a fucking mathematics major why do I have to take this shit.

>> No.4177200

Because those gen eds will come in handy when you can't find a fucking job after you graduate.

>> No.4177216

>You go to a top school (for your major) because that's the place that will have top research and professors.
I actually am at my school for my PhD because I received an offer from a researcher that I admire. He is a very prominent researcher that is an adjunct at two okay-ranking Canadian universities.

I didn't think twice about working with him, and the ranking of the school wasn't even part of the equation for me. Believe it or not, I'm not in academia for a piece of paper or credentials. It is about passion and the pursuit of knowledge for me.

I'm working in an incredible lab with a renowned researcher, have good funding, and share a wing with many great researchers. I'll only be taking 4 courses for my PhD - who gives a shit about the courses offered? It is a thesis-based degree.

Also, I have 4 first author peer-reviewed publications, 5 conference talks (2 international), etc. under my belt and I'm only 25. Believe me when I say this: worrying about your school ranking is for little kids that will never stand on the shoulders of giants.

Then again, you probably aspire towards $X/year, some recognition and envy, and a few toys and gadgets. You and I are pretty much on different wavelengths.

>> No.4177243 [DELETED] 
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>that feel when an undergrad @ 27

>> No.4177245

I commend you. The whole school ranking system is a joke, even for undergrads. Of course, a degree from Harvard will probably be more impressive than one from your local community college, but your mileage may vary. I find that I'm getting a lot from my large public state university.

>> No.4177255

If you want a job in academia, the rank of your school matters. For example, my current adviser tells me that to teach at a top 1-15 university, you need to attend a rank 1-15 university except in very special cases. Publications and adviser are also very important too of course.


Is this Craig?

>> No.4177261
File: 44 KB, 608x185, grades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 out of 6 back. The power systems class was a shitshow and I'm surprised I passed and the rest of the classes were okay I guess.

>> No.4177264
File: 132 KB, 1247x641, Anchorman__Channel_4_News_Team_by_JasonOrtiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe OP wants to be the best anchorman who ever lived

>> No.4177267

That can be a bit complicated. If you're an American, and you do your PhD in engineering at Harvard for example, it's not worth very much. If you're Chinese, for example and you go to Harvard for the same major even if Harvard is ranked #40, Harvard is better than a university ranked #3.

>> No.4177281

cornell bro?

>> No.4177289

No, worrying about school ranking is for people who worry about quality of their intuition, which is precisely made by its faculty. It is exactly for people who want to stand on the shoulders of giants.

What you're doing is just doing any research just to get that nice title and "some recognition and envy, and a few toys and gadgets". You're the type of guy who'd tell people "please, call me a doctor".

I aspire to learn as much as I can, from the best. You're right, we are pretty much on different wavelengths.

>> No.4177290

>Expository Writing and Reading
>Calc III
>Contemporary Physics I
>Introduction to Scientific Computing
>The [College] Experience

Curious to these grades, considering I know I failed the final for Calc and got B's and C's on the tests (there were no homeworks or fluff grades). And I was sure I failed English thanks to my horrid writing capabilities. To my and my teachers credit I did make sure I know the stuff from Calc III now.

>> No.4177306

Couldn't be further from the truth. Harvard engineering is strong as fuck, no matter those rankings might tell you.

An overall strong school is strong, no matter what. You think Harvard would let in scrubs (faculty or students) into its departments?

>> No.4177310



>> No.4177344

I don't believe that. Harvard is most well-known for its liberal arts. Few of the top students in engineering even apply to Harvard. Personally, I never thought to apply. When a review board looks at your resume, they see Harvard and think that you went for the name and nothing more.

>> No.4177359

graduated magna cum laude for EE in mit

>> No.4177372

MIT doesn't use latin honors, nice try

>> No.4177388

You're uninformed.

All EEs know The Art of Electronics. It was written by Horowitz, who teaches at Harvard. Even his undergrad electronics class, Physics 123, is stellar.

Harvard is wicked strong in Math, and many undergraduates finish at MIT and then go do their doctorate at Harvard.

>> No.4177391


You'll be well off with a degree from Harvard, it's just that if you can get into Harvard, you can probably get into MIT, which is slightly better in the sense that having sex with 50 virgins is better than having sex with 49 virgins.

>> No.4177416

I was informed by faculty at my last university, including someone who went to Harvard so I consider myself pretty well informed. EE might be an exception, especially since I don't know anyone in EE, but I have yet to meet a person or a faculty member who would recommend going to Harvard for engineering and I've asked for advice from quite a few people. I can't comment on Math or Physics.

>> No.4177419

Personally, I'd like to work in China where ranking means pretty much everything.

>> No.4177422
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The first one is Mid-Infrared Optoelectronics.

I'm teaching and doing research, so that's why I'm only doing two classes.

>> No.4177433

>8000 level class
My face is melting.

>> No.4177434

Let me guess, you also got an athletic scholarship too?

>> No.4177437

If only that were true

>> No.4177440

8000 is just the designation for a graduate course
7000 is a combination
1000-4000 is undergrad

>> No.4177449

Two classes is enough if you're doing research. If I took 3 courses I'd find it hard to do my research actually. I'm taking 3 next semester and plan on putting no more than 10 hours a week in lab.

>> No.4177452

I've only seen graduate courses offered in the 600s (or 6000s).

>7000 is a combination
A what?

>> No.4177456

Why not just go to their course pages and see for yourself?

For example, I'm a CS major and Harvard isn't ranked very well for it. And yet, their CS curriculum is as strong as any other school's.

Like it was said, Harvard is not a school that would have a scrub faculty OR scrub students. So why would it suck then? As far as math and physics goes, Harvard is always considered one of top 1 schools for it. Which again would beg the question -- how the fuck can their Engineering suck?

Think outside rankings for once.

>> No.4177458

Your school does not matter as much as your experience and your previous research.

Example being a friend of mine is doing research at university which doesnt even rank on ARWU and ranks between 350 - 400 in Times Univerisity Ranking. However he has already published multiple works and goes to about 5 conferences a year. He knows he is basically guaranteed a job when he graduates with his PhD. People are widely interested in his work despite him going to a "low-tier" university.

>> No.4177461

I'm assuming that he's talking about taking graduate level courses while you're still an undergrad. I had that option when I was still a Psych major (I know, I know laugh all you want) but when I switched to CompSci I lost it.

>> No.4177463

Yeah, I took 3 courses the last 2 semesters and didn't get much done either. Teaching a lab course takes up so much time especially with the grading. I plan on finishing up my classes next semester and dedicating the fall semester to write my thesis.

>> No.4177477


A 7000 course is basically a 4000 course where the graduate students have to do extra work, such as an extra project or paper.

>> No.4177480

Let's just say it depends on the faculty members reviewing you. In all of my personal experiences, the only thing I've been told by faculty members is that school rank determines the rank of school to which you will be able to apply competitively. However, I've also been told that how much you publish, where you publish, and what conferences you've been to are factored in as well.

You could also have the best stats imaginable, but be working in an area of research in which the other faculty members see no significant growth in the future and be turned down as a result.

>> No.4177486

oh, you're on your masters. I finished mine last year, and am now on my PhD. You need to cram classes to finish your masters and write your thesis in time. For PhD, you can take it more casually but don't fall into a trap where you'll be there for like 6 or more years.

>> No.4177487

Should I worry about trying to get into research as an upperclassman in undergrad? I have like nothing to my name in terms of research. I don't even know how I could even find the time for such a thing.

>> No.4177490

>not having a 4.0
Faggots. Faggots everywhere.

>> No.4177494

It takes you more then 6 years to do your PhD?

>> No.4177500

omg i am taking it in the spring =)

>> No.4177507

Yeah, I'm doing my masters. Its a little long at 2.5 years but its decent money and I'm waiting for the economy to recover (which is taking forever).

>> No.4177514

NO! haha, I sure hope not. I'm on my first year. I'm just saying, don't get lazy. With a master's, you should really do it in under 2 years (though I know one guy who's on his 4th year in a master's program, no external job). PhD tends to be more open ended and can last for a long time, although we all hope it won't take more than 5 years.

>> No.4177521

If you want a graduate degree and you think that theresearch time won't affect your grades, you should try to do undergraduate research. You could develop a thesis or dissertation from it and graduate quicker.

>> No.4177526

Different compared to my country. We have a maximum of 4 years to complete our PhD unless something happens which effects your ability to complete it (eg sickness, family matters).

>> No.4177528

>Chem 1212K
>Calc 1
>Eng1101: Feminism
>GT 1000

Feels good bro. CS 1371 was a bitch of a class but I'm considering minoring in computer science because it's hard to deny that it would be useful.

>> No.4177566

If I remember correctly engineering at Stanford takes about 7 years on average for a PhD. One girl was a legend for graduating in 6.

>> No.4177570

>ctrl+f 'calc'
>1 of 40

>> No.4177584

Wow that is hard. There are some good universities in Australia (not like Stanford/Harvard though) but all PhDs take 3-4 years. Can't say for other Doctorates.

>> No.4177813

which canadian university?
i go to uoit
how do you tell if your supervisor is renowned?

>> No.4177818 [DELETED] 


>calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc

>> No.4177824

>ctrl+f 'biology'
>1 of 2, same post
feels really good man

>> No.4177832

Ga Tech fag? I'll be going there next year, how is it?

>> No.4177838 [DELETED] 


>biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology

>> No.4177842 [DELETED] 

>biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology biology calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc calc

>> No.4177846
File: 38 KB, 640x400, numm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yahhhh

>> No.4177869

>Public speaking
>Intro to programming
C (fuck that was hard as shit)
>Calc I
not posted yet

>> No.4178046

Easy as long as you take all your classes seriously and study. Take advantage of the CULC and library study areas.

>> No.4178216

I swear every goddamn college uses the same layout for this shit. I've gotten excited at least 10 times thinking someone else on here goes to the #1 jew school with me

>> No.4178222
File: 36 KB, 515x248, uhgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most haven't been entered yet.

I'm pretty angry about Calc 2, the tests were complete bullshit. Movin' on up though

>> No.4178322
File: 37 KB, 1191x278, aaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical engineering
top 20% of university.
(TU Delft)

>> No.4178575

University of Ottawa.

I know the reputation of my supervisor because my field is rather small and when I was doing my Master's I did a lot of reading, talked to my supervisor, kept my ears open at conferences, etc. He has just over 200 publications (one in Nature, a bunch in PNAS, etc.) and is in his 50's, which is pretty crazy. More importantly, I had met him a few times and found our attitudes and philosophies towards research similiar, was interested in his research direction, etc.

You don't want to just pick a supervisor without meeting him, because he is at a "high-tier" school. Because 4-5 years with the supervisor from hell wouldn't be fun and you wouldn't get a valued education.

Reputation isn't just "what university are they at". Nor is it number of publications and grants. These things are indicators, but you can't get hung-up on them.

The way people think on /sci/ is: if you can't fuck the top 1,000 hottest girls than you are a loser and shouldn't have sex ever and can't have a good life, relationship, happiness, etc. It isn't all or nothing. There is cutting edge research outside of the top 10 schools in America.

Then again, we don't have this rampant school pride, I-only-amount-to-the-reputation-of-my-school, attitude in Canada. If you are raised to think this way it would be difficult to view education as, first and foremost, a tool to make you a better person, not just a better person on paper.

>> No.4179100


>> No.4179126
File: 25 KB, 542x441, Screenshot (2011-12-23 at 11.59.09).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanical Engineering STAND UP

>> No.4179138
File: 28 KB, 500x392, a7cc6952-8667-448c-80ad-64bca4795736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 hours
>good grades
Pick two.

>> No.4179145


my college only lets us take 18 hours per semester

i couldn't even imagine a 20 hour semester. i took 15 this time around and barely scraped by with my 4.0 intact. another class would have brought my house of cards crashing down.

>> No.4179156



My college does the same, if you wish to take more than 18 you have to petition to the dean and have a history of good grades (had a 3.4 going into this semester).

I probably could have gotten all A's but I do undergraduate research in a graduate laboratory on campus.

>> No.4179160

>20 hours
>good grades
Pick three. Fuck you already, nigger.

>> No.4179261

>mfw Americans post their grades as "numbers" which are curved due to the stupidity of their competition

Try going to a proper college where an A is 70% no exceptions and see how far you get.

>> No.4179274

>A is a 70%
I think you're going to a retard level school, bro.

>> No.4179275

>70% is A

Why I'd be a straight-A student!

>> No.4179304


>> No.4180525

B+ every single class...
Guess I deserved it; it was my first semester and I didn't do shit for the midterms, expecting it to be easy.

>> No.4180562

>I have never taken a hard class.

>> No.4180569

hard classes are easier to pass because of the low ass average. i never understood why people complain about classes with a low average. many times you can just scribble equations down without getting a single answer and it should get you an average grade.

>> No.4180571

You have no idea how college works, do you?

>> No.4180584

>>4180562 here, I'm not complaining about such classes. I like them because I typically get A's. However, the content of them is typically harder. There comes a point where one simply cannot organize a high-level class in such a way that A is only 90+%. Also, in my experience, professors who give classes with low percentage grades also tend to be hard-asses about partial credit (partially to combat the phenomenon you described). And again, I love classes where the average score is 50%, and the standard deviation is 10%. I take my 65% straight to the bank.

>> No.4180643


Attending a top 5 engineering school. I know what a truly hard class is, unlike you.

Again, if 70% was an A, I'd be a straight A student.

Although it's interesting to see that bad students measure the hardness of the class by how shitty the rest of their peers are doing. Sounds like community college to me.