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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4169989 No.4169989 [Reply] [Original]

You fellows tend to be the smartest people on this site, and I can't think of a better place to ask this question. This isn't entirely out of place on this board, if you consider business to be a sort of science.

I am in the market to sell an invention of mine to a large corporation, or significant company. This invention is a substance that will change the way wounds and gashes are treated, by eliminating the need for stitches entirely, and providing a more sterile, less painful, and cheaper alternative than anything currently on the market. It could change the way open wounds are healed around the world.

Here's my question: How do I turn this invention into a profit? It's a revolutionary idea, that could impact the medical world significantly, so I'm sure a lot of large companies would want to be the first ones to make it. I want to make them invest in this idea, and I want to gain at least $100,000 dollars for my invention.

What do I do /sci/?

>> No.4169994

I apply for a patent.

>> No.4169998
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>if you consider business to be a sort of science

>> No.4170000

What then? What am I exactly doing with that patent to make a profit?

>> No.4170014

Sell it.

>> No.4170023

Any clinical phase studies or any other things done? I'm not asking to tell your business secrets, but have you considered that the FDA or similar agency might fuck you with a rake?

>> No.4170039

No heavily documented or official studies of the sort, I'm afraid. I'll get on that.

Wouldn't I just be selling the invention though? Specifically, I just want to sell the formula to make this stuff. Wouldn't the company that purchases it be the ones dealing with the FDA when they try to manufacture it?

>> No.4170042

ITT: OP is a 17 year old that used a household product on his wound and thinks he found a way to speed up the healing process.

>> No.4170046

You invented superglue btw

>> No.4170054

GL neither believes nor disbelieves in business.

>> No.4170059


>> No.4170063

We already have something matching your description, your "invention" is probably nothing new.
Just in case:
DO NOT apply for a patent, patents are fucking expensive. Your best bet would be to try and sell your idea to relevant companies, what are credentials OP? Usually your chances of having an opportunity to present your idea, if you don't have an Engineering degree/ PhD, are very slim (companies don't like amateurs wasting their time).

IMPORTANT: Keep an "inventors" log book with details about your invention, if someone steals your idea in the meantime you can use it to apply for a patent within a year of your first public "publication"(includes presenting your idea to companies).

>> No.4170065

Haha, I assure you, my creation is far more effective than anything you've ever heard of; I can't speak any further about that, however.

>> No.4170082

>a substance that will change the way wounds and gashes are treated, by eliminating the need for stitches entirely, and providing a more sterile, less painful, and cheaper alternative than anything currently on the market
Its got a ocuple of different brand names usually involving the syllable "derm". Dermabond, dermadhere, etc. But its superglue. Unless your invention costs less than superglue you've failed.

For the sake of argument, lets pretend you have invented something that is better than superglue, (and how could you, super is right in the name) then all you need to do is find a lawyer and pay him 10,000 dollars.

>> No.4170081

>Haha, I assure you, my creation is far more effective than anything you've ever heard of; I can't speak any further about that, however.
Like I said in >>4170063
It probably isn't.
What country are you from? (intellectual property laws vary from country to country)
What are your credentials?
Are you aware that we have several products matching your description? (not being used because it's too expensive compared to traditional treatments)

>> No.4170097

1.Get a patent.
2.Walk into the front lobby of medical corp.'s HQ.
3.Announce that you've got a wonderful new treatment you're willing to sell them.
4.Wait for the execs to question whether their people are already working on a similar thing.
5.Watch them ass rape their R&D planning for the next five years.

>> No.4170103

Is it this?

>> No.4170110

The United States, and I have few credentials, beyond being a lifelong inventor.

Please, rest assured, it's better than anything on the market today. Far better; I've been working on it for years, and I can present a company with documented proof of its effectiveness.

>> No.4170115

Not at all.

>> No.4170140

If in the next couple months I see a news story "anon makes miracle wound treatment in basement" I will think back to this thread and give a silent "not bad" face.

you've earned it at that point.

>> No.4170151

Is it christ's blood? Wolverine's genes? Cure light wounds spell?

Give us a fucking clue.

Anyway, my take is this: give it for free to medics sans frontieres or emergency or some similiar association.

Get peace and medicine nobel prize.

>> No.4170160
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Op if this is true you better fucking call it "health potion."

>> No.4170181
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>> No.4170182

>United States
OK, so in the US it's usually the inventor, not the investor that files the patent. In the US, disclosure of an invention is OK if the patent application is filed within one year of invention (recording the invention date is extremely important!)
I'm against patents because:
Your patent will be published (whether you like it or not), which means any company with half a decent R&D division will have something better within a year.
China will not give a fuck and just copy paste your product.
It can take up to two years to process a patent, and it can be rejected with the smallest mistake in your patent.
It costs a fuckton.

My advice to you is to try and sell your product to a company with the year long gap you have. Use signed non-disclosure forms whenever you present your product to a company. With regards to actually getting a meeting with them in the first place, well it's never easy. Some companies have information for you on their website, most of the time you need to email (be as succinct as possible) or call one of the higher ups about your idea (without giving away any details). Professors usually have good ties to the industry if you're still in contact with any of them.
Good luck!

relevant sites:

>> No.4170187

I once read on 420chan about some guy trying to weld together scratches on his skin, was that you?

>> No.4170215

All I can say is that it's relatively cheap to produce, and is able to disinfect, clean, close, and rapidly heal any sort of wound I can think of.

Thanks for all the help, gentlemen. I'll be going now; maybe if this works, I'll give a few thousand to 4chan for your assistance.

>> No.4170222

>All I can say is that it's relatively cheap to produce, and is able to disinfect, clean, close, and rapidly heal any sort of wound I can think of.
But can it regrow skin within minutes? (Yes, something like that was invented this year...unless you were the one who made that...)

>I'll give a few thousand to 4chan for your assistance.
Like we give a fuck about this site.

>> No.4170296

google intellectual ventures