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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 800x550, buying-a-computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4168657 No.4168657 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone interested in a /bu/siness and finances board?

>> No.4168671


>> No.4168673

I like that comic.

>> No.4168698

I like /sci/

>> No.4168714

>implying anyone on 4chan has money

>> No.4168715

thanks for the comic page

>> No.4168751

Although I would be interested in a business and finance board, 4chan is not the proper place to have such discussions.

>> No.4168771

Feeling is not mutual.

to >>>/pol/ you go, with your own kind.

>> No.4168778

Economics is to science and math as cucumbers are to eggs

>> No.4168780

that shoulda been bacon and eggs.

>> No.4169532


Fuck /pol/

>> No.4169665

I doubt there are more than 10 people on 4chan who are sufficiently knowledged to discuss on a finance board.
So we better keep it to /sci/, as long as it doesn't become spam.

>> No.4169692

econ board would be an endless 300k/y starting joke

fuck no

fuck you

>> No.4169726

Yes absolutely.

>> No.4169741


If economics was
>RON PAUL 2012
then /pol/ would be a good place to discuss it. But it isn't, its complex math and modeling.

>> No.4169758
File: 477 KB, 490x367, homygosh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Computer power is measured in goats.
>Vehicle power is measured in horses.

The world we live in can be so fucking charming sometimes.

>> No.4169763

I really don't understand economics.

Quantum physics, fine, whatever, experimentally true, kay, sort of know what's going on.

Economics, durr what the fuck is this clusterfuck of a mess, shares, price index, ftse, points, dodgy supercomputed sales, no one can actually keep track of it. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?

>> No.4169822

>what the fuck is this clusterfuck of a mess
We are working on it.

Also you are not looking at it from the right perspective. The economy is not a cable news channel. (and most of the people on channels like bloomberg are just glorified statisticians anyway)