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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4167513 No.4167513 [Reply] [Original]

I just heard that my old high school cancelled all math classes beyond algebra because of the poor budget, and to get its test scores up (apparently its a loophole in the NCLBA that allows that), and also heard similar stories from other people across the country, and want to know if this is true for some of you guys as well. USA btw.

>> No.4167519

>poor budget
Oh jeez, I guess the sports team will have to wear the same jerseys for a second year in a row now.

>> No.4167523

>not having fixed nationwide study plans all schools have to follow

That's pretty much the root of the problem.

>> No.4167533


>> No.4167551

Yeah, that always struck me as kind of odd when I was still in high school. "Why change the jerseys every damn year?" I still don't understand it.

>> No.4167559

Would you wear clothes some other disgusting jock filled with his own sweat?

This, by the way, is the reason I never played sports.

>> No.4167580

>Still implying that the U.S. doesnt spend money on education
>implying that we dont spend the second most in the world after Australia

Dont believe what the teachers union and democrats want you to.

>> No.4167588

They don't make you wear the same shirt someone else did (at least mine didn't), it's just why change the design for the clothes each year instead of using the same ones reoccuringly?

>> No.4167595

It's a statistical fact we spend more on military than science and education: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_federal_budget

>> No.4167599


>Implying a great deal of the military budget isnt to subsidize scientific research

>> No.4167604

Funding high school sport teams doesn't count.

>> No.4167613

>implying it is

>> No.4167617


>implying sport teams dont make money with ticket sales and booster clubs

>> No.4167628

>implying americunts don't care more about sports than education of anything

>> No.4167634


>implying you are not a neckbeard with no future

>> No.4167643

>implying I'm not intelligent and a science major, thus already guaranteed a future

>> No.4167649


>implying a science major is a guarantee
>implying you have any real connections
>implying its not about who you know

>> No.4167657

>implying it is about who you know and not what you know
>implying the "who you know and not what you know" rule applies to anyone but non-intelletuals

>> No.4167666

My school used the same uniforms every year I was there. My youngest brother is in tennis, and they have to pay for their own jerseys. The uniforms did get updated since I've been there but it wasn't every year.

>> No.4167671


>implying you are an intellectual
>implying you are not just an ostracized neckbeard

>> No.4167676

>implying if I wasn't an intellectual, I would be able to become a science major

>> No.4169624

>implying that isn't true