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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4163207 No.4163207 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm meditating right, and this thought hit me. What if there is no "I". What if there is no soul? Are the buddists smarter than modern neuroscientists? I mean they've discovered that there is no soul/self for the last 2500 years, where as modern science hasn't even discovered this trick.

>> No.4163220

2/10 troll.

I already know souls don't exist.

>> No.4163222

But has science proven that it doesn't exist?

>> No.4163230

Have you proven that you don't have an invisible dick in your ass?

>> No.4163232

Souls do exist.
A dead person and an asleep person atomically have the same composition, but there is something else that is making a crucial difference between one of them being a living person, and the other being dead.
That is the soul.

>> No.4163235


A star and a man have the same composition. You would not say the star has a soul.

The variable is activity and base.

>> No.4163236

>this thought hit me
>what if there is no "I"
>this thought hit ME
>hit ME

babby's first enlightment

>> No.4163238

Quit being butthurt. OP asks a legitimate question. You resort to adhominen attacks. Typical /sci/ atheists

>> No.4163242


that would be the electric current going through your brain.

besides, drowned people can be brought back to life way after they've been, technically, pronounced dead and lost all signs of life

>> No.4163243

blame the semantics for being poor

>> No.4163244


>If there is a soul, you need proof. The burden of proof is on you.
>If there no soul, it is irrelevant.
>Are the buddhists smarter? Who knows.
>No soul for 2500 years. This could be used as religious dogma for unity.
> Modern science has not discovered. Modern science never postulated this in the first place.

Also. Mind / Body Problem.

>> No.4163249

so you're one of those supposedly "rationalist atheists". Funny you're so ignorant

>> No.4163254

A star is made primarily of hydrogen and helium.
A man is made primarily of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, with no helium.
A star is simple and uniform, a man is complex and has different molecular structure in different areas.

>> No.4163255


You've yet to achieve samadhi

>> No.4163258


>> No.4163260

After true brain death when the soul has departed, you do not return.
The soul is still bound when you are comatose or close to death.

>> No.4163262

Humans have layers of neurons, nuclei, cortexes, etc. all working together in the brain that spew out reactions based on memories and chemical reaction patterns stored in the Hippocampus and the rest of the limbic system.

These stored reactions, chemical interactions, and electrical patterns are the soul.

A comatose person has a problem preventing these processes to complete or even start, everything is still there.

A star is made of the same atoms, but arranged differently in an inorganic manner.

There's some biology for you.

>> No.4163265


You dont know shit about loss of self.

>> No.4163269

It is a higher level of meditation, similar to enlightenment.

>> No.4163271

but they're still both matter. the matter in a human is the same as the matter in the core of a star, it's just arranged differently.

Souls are invisible to hypothesis tests, so I don't see any point in this debate.

>> No.4163272


You best be trolling.

>> No.4163279


>Achieved enlightenment
>On 4chan

>> No.4163280

>implying you know what loss of self feels like
oh thanks

>> No.4163288

Yes, atoms are the same no matter where they are, but it is the structure and how they bind with thousands of other atoms which determine the physical structure of the solid form in which they reside.
The soul is not made of atoms, it is not physical.

>> No.4163291

So can I achieve enlightenment by experiencing loss of self?

>> No.4163294


Yea, no one does. That's the fucking point.

>> No.4163296


>A star is simple and uniform

What the fuck am I reading

A star is infinitely more complex than a planet and ANYTHING on that planet.
It is PERPETUAL NUCLEAR FUSION going on. Ultrahigh energy atoms crashing into each other trillions upon trillions of times a minute releasing ludicrous amounts of energy in all directions in a SUPERVIOLENT EXPLOSION OF RAW MATTER.

>> No.4163300


>Thousands of other atoms

Troll detected.

>> No.4163301


this true brain death of yours... how, in physical terms, would it be different from the usual kind of death, e.g losing all signs of life? if the only difference is the soul, then your reasoning is circular.

and tell me, does a computer have a soul? how about a bug? a bacteria? where do you draw the line? if you assume humans are the only beings to have souls, then your point of view is very narrow.

>> No.4163302


>Assuming I'm an atheist.

Get rid of the connotations.
"Atheist=one who believes in God"

Wanna know why I don't believe in a soul? Because its so fucking abstract and everyone explains it a different way? Is it just the expression of self-solipsism.

tl'dr: WTF is a soul.


No. Seriously. Enlighten me. Describe this soul.

Other animals must have it if they have human traits.
They feel pain. They see, hear, feel. They have culture and tribes.

Other animals evolved? Right?

>> No.4163305

but matter is still matter.

and if the soul is not matter or energy, then it is invisible to all of our current instruments and, in fact, our current laws of physics. If the soul is invisible to physics, then it effectively does not exist.

>> No.4163304

>no one does
you are truly enlightened

>> No.4163308

Asserting the existence of a soul, like asserting the existence of a god, is a non-falsifiable claim. Debating it is just worthless semantical bullshit and a waste of everyone's time.

>> No.4163310

I think the point is that there is less information needed to create a generic star than a generic person.

>> No.4163311

Soul is the immaterial thing that survives after death.

>> No.4163318

Oh really?
any evidence of that?
any potential mechanism for this?

>> No.4163324

If it's immaterial, then it's either virtual (i.e. exists within your brain) or does not exist at all.

>> No.4163325

Well we're alive aren't we? Thats the proof that there is a soul.

>> No.4163327


But there isn't.

Even the smallest star has more atomic data than all the atoms ever on earth. A supermassive star is where all atomic data heavier than iron of the entire solar system was fused within minutes. ALL OF IT!

>> No.4163328
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>> No.4163329



>> No.4163332
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>A star is infinitely more complex than a planet and ANYTHING on that planet.
Not so.
Learning the complex biology of thousands of different species would be very difficult. Learning about a star would be very easy, they are very similar to each other, they have only a few basic parts, such as the core and the photosphere.
They are not complex, just large.

>> No.4163338

Many many thousands.
Billions even.
Atoms are very small, therefore we are made up of a huge number of them.

>> No.4163339

>tl'dr: WTF is a soul.

I gave an answer

>> No.4163351
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You're learning the truth, OP.

>> No.4163352


I'm pretty sure you're wrong on that one. Atoms are HUUUUGE.

>> No.4163349

bacteria are alive - do they have souls?
how do you define life? how does living material differ from nonliving material?

>> No.4163358

life = anyone that speaks

>> No.4163362


Those are only fucking projections that ignore the little stuff, same as the core of the earth.

It is not four layers and the crust is BILLIONS of times more complex than that, so stop fucking simplifying!
It's the exact same for stars, that is an utter oversimplification of a massively complex and INHUMANLY LARGE process.

>> No.4163363

>This could be used as religious dogma for unity
actually this is untrue. Buddhist use few axioms and logic to deduce that there is no eternal soul that survives death.

>> No.4163370

The brain still being alive and housing your soul is what keeps you alive. Other failings of the body lead to death because they cause brain death. Your heart stopping causes blood to not be pumped to your brain, the brain will die without oxygen, forcing the soul to be severed.
Computers do not have souls. It may be possible in the future, the idea has been approached films such as I, Robot.
bugs and bacteria do not have souls either, simple organisms do not have complex enough brains capable of housing a soul, they operate like robots.
I do not know exactly where the line is drawn, but at some point certain animals evolved to be able to bind to souls, and this increased their survivability.

>> No.4163382

Until you can draw a logical line between soul-containing brains and non-soul-containing-brains, then your argument is useless here. We've already logically described where we think the line is.

>> No.4163383

It can be detected using neuroimaging techniques. Dead peoples brains do not look the same internally.

>> No.4163384

Is this satire? I can't tell anymore.

>> No.4163388

because there's no chemical or electromagnetic activity in them. Duh.
So electromagnetic energy and chemical activity are now the substituents of the soul? What characteristics of EM radiation indicate a soul? Because, obviously, light is EM radiation, but it is not a soul. What chemical reactions indicate the presence of a soul?

>> No.4163390
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>The brain still being alive and housing your soul is what keeps you alive

>being a dualist
>being a woman


>> No.4163394

>because there's no chemical or electromagnetic activity in them
maybe thats the soul?

>> No.4163400

The process may be complex, but after you understand it for a single reaction inside the sun, you understand it for all the trillions of times it happens.
It is the same thing happening over and over again in an unimaginably huge scale, but it is not complex, it is uniform throughout that particular layer of the sun.

>> No.4163402

Large? yes.
Complicated? No
How to make a star:
1. Make a big enough cloud of hydrogen (mostly pure)
2. Let it collapse under its own gravity and start fusion.

Tada! a star.
Lets see you make a person with such simple steps.

>> No.4163403
File: 14 KB, 145x145, cost1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow some people on /sci/ actually believe a "soul" exists?

Fucking retards

>> No.4163410

So what are you a monoist? or a nondualist?

>> No.4163416

So tell me how a vial of reacting acids and bases and a lightbulb emitting light and heat are not souls.

>> No.4163418

Lines are hard to draw in evolution, change is very gradual, and there are trillions of different organisms.
A line can not simply be drawn clear cut between what has a soul and what does not.
Similarly, a line can not be drawn clear cut between what is alive and what is not. There is a gradual change between self replicating molecules that we consider to not be alive, and the simplest of living organisms.
Viruses are a grey area here, one can not simply categorise so easily.

>> No.4163420

no one said anything about lightbulbs not having lightbulb souls

>> No.4163426
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Buddhist do believe in the existence of a soul.

>> No.4163428


>> No.4163429

The electromagnetic energy and chemical activity are side effects of a soul currently binded to a functional mind.

>> No.4163430

Only the females.

Harriet also believes in free will, by the way. I assume she was homeschooled.

>> No.4163436

Would one of you motherfuckers at least try to give a coherent fucking definition of what a soul is supposed to be? Because right now reading you all is like

>we derpaderpaherp is because electromagnetic radiation is derpdurhurr

/sci/, my fucking hairy, hemorrhoid infested ass.

You can't into making a shred of sense without definitions.

>> No.4163438

Prove it.

I mean, you can babble on about this as much as you want, but where's the evidence?

>> No.4163439

Go on...

>> No.4163441

you are weaseling out of defining your argument. You obviously have an opinion - you would not be defending it here if you didn't. So what is your opinion? Where is the line drawn between soul and nonsoul?
IMO, souls do not exist, and "life" is just a state of matter characterized by homeostasis and reproduction.

>> No.4163444

If you define what you mean by free will, I will say whether or not I believe in it.
I went to public school.

>> No.4163445

This is not about your opinion. Its about fact and the fact states that there is a soul

>> No.4163453

can you mechanistically describe how a soul creates electromagnetic radiation and causes chemicals to react?

nope, you can't.

>> No.4163455

What properties does your "soul" have?

>> No.4163456

Fine. I want to hear her hypothesis, not her opinion.

>> No.4163457


What? No, that's not true. That would mean the supernatural exists, which should be your first clue that you're wrong.

Souls don't exist, and neurobiology backs that up.

>> No.4163463

Neurobiology says nothing about souls.

>> No.4163468

it says nothing about them because they do not exist.

>> No.4163474

Neurobiology also states nothing about how the universe works either. That doesn't mean the universe doesn't exist

>> No.4163476


In the same way that evolutionary biology says nothing about creationism, yet still proves it wrong by way of contradiction.

>> No.4163479

The evidence is life, and also in the results or the neuroimaging.

The soul has (some) control over the physical world from the point where it is binded. It controls the complex neurological pathways in your brain, and by extension, allows you to control your entire body.
The body is very well set up for this, it is amazing.
Picture yourself at the wheel of your car, all you have is the wheel and the pedals and some buttons on the dashboard, but you can control the movements of the entire car, you can go forwards, backwards, use the windscreen wipers, indicate, and flash your headlights.
These are analogous to all outputs that you can operate with tour own human body, but the car is far simpler than the human body is, and the human body has many many more outputs.

>> No.4163480

>believing worshiping science is better than worshiping bible

>> No.4163488

By that logic, electrons don't exist because neurobiology doesn't explain them.

neurobiology describes how the stuff in our heads works based on overarching theories of chemistry, biology, and psychology. that's the only region of the universe that it's concerned with.

>> No.4163493

a) circular argument; please leave

b) describe HOW the soul does this. Theories are no good if they can't describe a mechanism.

>> No.4163494

neurobiology only states things about the observable states in our head. since soul is an immaterial thing, science cannot disprove it

>> No.4163499

>The evidence is life, and also in the results or the neuroimaging.

But those exact results discredit the concept of souls by proving that everything attributed to them is actually a natural process occurring in the brain.


I didn't say anything about worshiping science. Are you accusing me of that merely for disagreeing with you?

>> No.4163497

I do not know where the line is drawn, I am no expert on this, but I do know that souls exist.
Do not misunderstand me, this does not automatically mean God exists or anything like that, a soul existing only make the difference between consciousness and none-consciousness, this may be possible without gods.
If you presume this to be a religious argument, you will lose track of the point.

>> No.4163507

>The evidence is life
Oh please, be more ambiguous and vaguely poetic. That's what's missing from this coldly scientific thread.

>and also in the results or the neuroimaging.
No, I want you to tell me *how* any specific neuroscientific findings support your soul hypothesis. Don't just say "neuroimaging". That's not an answer to my question.

>> No.4163511


How do you know souls are immaterial? You have no basis to define them as such. They're a made up concept.

>> No.4163513

I'm not assuming this is a religious issue. I'm just asking you to tell me how you know a soul exists and in what circumstances it appears. If it exists, then there must be some mechanism that explains it.

>> No.4163515

so by your definition of soul,
soul := consciousness

This is different from what most people think of as the soul.

>> No.4163516

How is it a circular argument?

I have already said a soul is not itself made of physical matter, it does not have 'properties' in the physical world, but it makes consciousness possible.
They are the reason the universe has life, when a universe could very easily have just been empty space, stars, and rocks, and none of us would be here.

>> No.4163517

They are immaterial because science cannot study it. Its not seeable. Its only feltable. Think for a second, who is thinking this thought right now? Who is reading these words right now? Thats the soul we're talking about

>> No.4163523

I don't know if this helps, but...


>> No.4163525
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Threads like this just remind me that magic believers are stupid worthless people. How can you be a grown-ass man in 2011 and believe in fucking ghosts, or spirits, whatever you want to call them? And to claim science supports it? Something they would never say to the face of an actual neuroscientist. Or they'd throw a fit, accusing him of worshiping science.

Fucking retarded inferior garbage creatures.

>> No.4163527

That is a simple way of putting it, but basically yes.

>> No.4163533

Arguments that rely on nonphysical or anecdotal evidence are not rigorous enough to be classified as theories. Your opinions are not supportable by any known mechanisms, nor are your observations repeatable or quantifiable. Facts must be repeatable and quantifiable.

>> No.4163537

If you are equating a soul with 'magic' and 'ghosts' it is no wonder you do not understand them.
It seems you do not even want to understand.
Ironic seeing as you are conscious yet do not even believe in your own soul.
You are rude and arrogant, you are not worth talking to.

>> No.4163545 [DELETED] 

You just said that soul != consciousness.

>> No.4163546

so basically, you're saying... that humans have consciousness.

paging Stockholm.

>> No.4163550

So can we just wrap up and say that buddhists are right?

>> No.4163555


>> No.4163557

A lot of people have been posting, I apologise but I can not respond to them all

I would have thought it was obvious to most people.
You must at least believe in consciousness?
The soul is the mechanism for this, even if we do not yet fully understand it yet.

No, I said it was.

>> No.4163560

About what?

>> No.4163563

That there is no soul? That they're smarter than neuroscientists

>> No.4163571

Wtf has happened to /sci/, you guys?

A philosophy thread. Nay, an Eastern philosophy thread, and no one yet has proclaimed this shit to be full bullshit which has no place on this board? I'm shocked.

Anyway, topic has been discussed to death, those who stand by logic can clearly be pointed out by anyone, as can those who are standing by mindless dogma. Sage.

>> No.4163573
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>If you are equating a soul with 'magic' and 'ghosts' it is no wonder you do not understand them.

No, you're misusing the term.

>It seems you do not even want to understand.

There is nothing TO understand. You're wrong, and that's the end of it.

>Ironic seeing as you are conscious yet do not even believe in your own soul.

Soul is not another word for consciousness. It is the supernatural essence of a person including consciousness, personality, memories and emotion which can leave the brain and exist apart from it after death. No such thing exists or is possible. It would be like trying to remove the song from a vinyl record and have it continue to play in thin air with no phonograph.

>You are rude and arrogant, you are not worth talking to.

You're Harriet. I think I come out ahead on this one.

>> No.4163574

Consciousness is easily explainable as a virtual construction. If that's what you're saying, then fine.

>> No.4163575
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haz, wtf are u doin to my /sci/??

would you fuck off back to /x/ you fucking pontificating veggie-fag!

>> No.4163579

lol ignorant atheist. Sucks for you that the scientists are open to any and all ideas

>> No.4163581

Yes, make the little monkey dance.

>> No.4163582

>and no one yet has proclaimed this shit to be full bullshit which has no place on this board? I'm shocked.

Many people have. Read before you post.

>> No.4163589

>lol ignorant atheist. Sucks for you that the scientists are open to any and all ideas

They are, and have still found that you are wrong, hence why a majority of scientists are atheists.

>> No.4163590

/r/ing Harriet and EK lesbian grudge fucking

>> No.4163594

lol majority of scientists like Einstein? Newton? Who else? They're all agnostics

>> No.4163595

"There is nothing TO understand. You're wrong, and that's the end of it."
That is just your opinion. Prove me wrong.

"You're Harriet. I think I come out ahead on this one."
What is that supposed to mean? How does my name have any relevance?

>> No.4163601
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>> No.4163604

Actually a scientist that has closed their minds on the any possibility is not a scientist at all. Most scientists are therefore agnostics

>> No.4163610
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Closest thing I have.