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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 85 KB, 450x600, street-art-carl-sagan-is-an-asshole[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4159791 No.4159791 [Reply] [Original]

So, what's /sci/'s opinion on Carl Sagan?

>> No.4159792

Some men just want to watch the world learn.

>> No.4159793

Don't know him.

>> No.4159796

I smiled.

>> No.4159799


>> No.4159808
File: 9 KB, 254x198, manlytears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to watch this without tearing up at some point, especially the end, I dare you. I double-dog dare you, motherfucker.


>> No.4159815

i came tears out of my dick hole ? is this a problem

>> No.4159817

>asking opinion of a scientist
>not /sci/


>> No.4159813

Is this thread reportable?

>> No.4159814

Overrated as shit. He's just one of those assholes that popularize and dumb it down to retards so they think they can understand science. And what we got were so many idiots getting into science that it ruined it for the rest of us, giving us faggots that don't know what they're doing, and overall ruining the intellectual values science once had. I'm glad he's dead, he's a traitor to science for letting the general public into it.

>> No.4159825


Why so harsh?

He exposed more people to science and he seems like a great man.

Now, the Carl Sagan fandom we've seen is ridiculous - 420 CARL SAGAN SYMPHONY OF SCIENCE FUCK YEA MAN SCIENCE SMOKE WEED ERRYDAY.

Who am I to judge though?

>> No.4159827

Idealistic pop scientist faggot who claimed he was above religious people (even though he believed in aliens, for which there is absolutely no proof).

>> No.4159832

Mainstreaming science usually just ruins it for the rest of us that can understand and work in it, and usually how poorly it does certainly doesn't help. And as I said, when you have so many idiots working in a field, it lowers it in value and lets more idiots in, which means more retards you have to deal with on a day-to-day basis, and even more embarrassing competition when applying for a job. There's no greater betrayal than selling out to the retard general public, and we have to pay for it.

>> No.4159838

>Mainstreaming science usually just ruins it for the rest of us that can understand and work in it
That's just being a hipster.

There's nothing wrong with shining a different light on how non-scientists view science. Anyone who claims they "understand" science just because they watched Cosmos obviously didn't understand its message.

>> No.4159842

how hipster can you be when you think that you can mainstream science
it's not even a fucking trend. it wasn't even fucking something secret

>> No.4159843

0/10 He simply stated that he did not believe in a god because there is no reason to. There is life all around us on this average sized terrestrial planet, why would the natural processes that formed us not occur on other woulds of the same variables? There is reason to believe there are aliens atleast somewhere in the universe. He never claimed we would ever meet them or that they were anywhere near or even able to communicate.

>> No.4159850

No, it's being rational. We should only mainstream ourselves so we can get more intellectuals on board in the field to greatly enhance it altogether, that's how it should work. But no, it in-turn only gets us more dumbfucks that just devalue science more and more lets other non-sciences use the title on themselves like social "sciences" or political "sciences." There's a reason why the general public is retarded, and a reason why they shouldn't be allowed in intellectual fields. People like Sagan and Kaku ruins that for us and should've been left to burn.

>> No.4159852

The correct term is "contrarianism" and/or "counterculturism," Mr. Hipster.

>> No.4159854

So according to you, he believed in aliens only because it was "possible," not that there was actual empirical proof?

Why do atheists quickly change their modus operandi to suit their contradictory beliefs?

>> No.4159857

He certainly looks more high in that picture than in person.

>> No.4159862
File: 58 KB, 413x412, 87465100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you best be trollin. It's not like people just got off their couches after watching Cosmos and entered the astrophysicist market. If anyone aspired to a scientific career after watching or reading Sagan, he or she had to go through school and be just as qualified as any hipster nerd (such as you, apparently) who liked science before it was cool. Your argument makes no sense and you should stop embarrassing yourself pretending to be one of the elite.

>> No.4159863
File: 18 KB, 300x199, sagan_retro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a giant mancrush on carl, he is a beautiful beautiful man.


>> No.4159866

You're incredibly naive if you think Sagan and Kaku have anything to do with the general public being retarded. If you think people's only exposure to science should be half-assed high school teachers spewing shit from a textbook to make you pass standardized tests, there's not much hope for science in the long run.

Also, what >>4159862 said.

>> No.4159870

Science is for the intelligent, thus the intelligent should be the only ones allowed in. And if you constantly dumb down science, like Sagan did, then yes you will get idiots that can easily go to school to get into science. It's a death to science as an academia.

>> No.4159881

obvious troll now 1/10
I refuse to believe that anyone can be this stupid.

>> No.4159883

>If anyone aspired to a scientific career after watching or reading Sagan, he or she had to go through school and be just as qualified as any hipster nerd (such as you, apparently) who liked science before it was cool.
>implying you need schooling to become a scientist

Anyone who is smart enough can be a scientist without going to university, though a university certainly makes it a lot easier to get into it.

>> No.4159887

and you're the one claiming he's naive?

>> No.4159895

>Science is for the intelligent, thus the intelligent should be the only ones allowed in.
You sound like a philosophyfag, as well as your typical /lit/ denizen.

>> No.4159898

What you fail to see is that the retards wont make it very far after they experience anything hard or are just too stupid to make it through a class. No matter how inspiring Sagan was to you, if you're not smart enough, you're not going to make it.

>> No.4159900

This. We don't need any more scientists. Intelligent people will discover science on their own; we don't need retards trying to squeeze in.

>> No.4159913

ITT: Elitists hipsters vs everyone

>> No.4159916

If only that were true, but thanks to Kaku and Sagan dumbing down science, almost any retard can get a degree in science now, even Einstein dumbed down his work (the fucking traitor) so people can get in; so now we have idiots being to work in it. It's a total devaluation science altogether, and we also have psychfag claim that their shitty field is "science" too. Sagan ruined science, and you retards are too blind and stupid to see it. They're one of the many reasons why laymen terms are a threat to high-end disciplinaries.

>> No.4159919

Some of the elitist assholes in this thread, provided they're not trolling, amaze me. You honestly think keeping the public in the dark about science is the best policy? You'd rather there be no popular representations of science so that what little scientific literacy the public has goes further down the shitter? Unbelievable.

>> No.4159922

These are fairly typical posts for /sci/, especially when the board first arrived. Sad part is that I copypasta'd them to /r9k/ before, this was before it got deleted and returned to us, and they actually agreed with the posts. Betas are going to beta, I guess.

>> No.4159927

>Einstein dumbed down his work (the fucking traitor)

confirmed troll 0/10

>> No.4159939

I sort of agree with them, though not as extremely. If you're smart enough, you don't need popsci like Sagan or Kaku to learn it. People who do are pathetic fucks that just embarrass themselves, and should be avoided.

Well he's sort of right on that, Einstein did at least try to make his works easy to understand, especially when he was the one explaining them. Feynman did the same when teaching, his explanation for the Challenger disaster being one of the most famous when he used that wrench (or was it a vice) in a cup of water demonstration.

>> No.4159945

>>4159939 here
It was an O-ring, sorry.

>> No.4160022

The nerds want themselves to remain on the pedestal. They're modern day Luddites.

>> No.4160030

>People who do are pathetic fucks that just embarrass themselves, and should be avoided.
Not everyone's going to be a scientist or is even competent at scientific thinking. But if even those who know little about science can take some important facts and, if lucky, a completely different view of the world from the works of Carl Sagan, then isn't it worth it?

>> No.4160109

It is not. They shouldn't even be allowed to breathe.

>> No.4160261


so dark and edgy XD

>> No.4160271


so underage and faggot

>> No.4160278
File: 94 KB, 572x572, 1324198247502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk more

>> No.4160281

Why the fuck is /sci/ being hipster about science?

Carl inspired thousands of people to enter fields of science and opened up a whole new breed of television. No real scientist would be against more public knowledge about science. NONE. It is good for countless reasons. The main being that you aren't going to get any funding without the public caring about your work. The second being that more scientists IS GOOD. UNDENIABLY.

If they are worthless dumbass plebs then they will fail or get bad marks and not get jobs.

I have no respect for anyone in any STEM field that is against public education on science. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4160288

Sagan fucked up science

Feynman did popular science right

>> No.4160496

Sagan and Kaku make science so even plebs can do it, so that even they can understand it. It's going to bring the entire fields down because of this, I've even dealt with this idiot just straight from a grad school who was not only a fan of Kaku and Sagan, but also didn't know how state of matters transition to one another, or couldn't explained photons very; yet he got a higher position than those of us who were working our way up, fucking 'ell. And we also have idiots in the institute than never got more than a bachelors, but are making more money. This shit does not fly.

>> No.4160501
File: 6 KB, 251x188, 45645645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem jelly tbh

>> No.4160509

There are two kinds of scientists.
Those who do science because they can and love it.

And then there's those who do it because others can't and they love how unique that makes them feel.

>> No.4160513


Some scientist you are for believing correlation=causation.

So some dumbass likes Kaku and Sagan. That doesn't mean you get to blame them.

You can list a couple moron grad students who happen to like Sagan. I can list many top notch scientists who love Sagan and drew inspiration from him as well. Even geniuses need inspiration. Sagan is great no matter what your level of intelligence is. Maybe not so much if you have a degree in hard science, but hey, most of the world doesn't! Everyone has the right to hear cool things about the universe we live in, regardless of there intelligence level. And it's a good thing!

I didn't people other than religious nuts still believed ignorance is a good thing. Especially not scientists! Can you imagine what the world would be like if people still thought the sun orbited the earth? There is enough scary ignorance around these days. I

>> No.4160517
File: 55 KB, 288x432, 1321733199857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaku - currently holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York

ITT - Whining hipsters populating a supposed science board, full of fail.
Why are you not out there winning peace prizes rather than hanging out in your momma's basement?

>> No.4160520

>Even geniuses need inspiration.
If they were real geniuses, they would've found inspirations without popscifaggotry.

>Sagan is great no matter what your level of intelligence is.
But only the intelligent deserve to be scientists, and Sagan's bullshit sells out to the non-intelligents and letting them fuck up science for the rest of us. Popsci is a threat to intelligence, only more are going to pop up.

>> No.4160522


Come on man you're wrong about so much shit. Stop being so arrogant.

>> No.4160540


Would a genius trapped in a dark room for his whole life find inspiration towards science? No.

You can't develop an interest in something without having some sort of exposure to it. This is fairly basic and I feel like I am really wasting my time arguing about with this new breed of "/sci/-hipsters".

And NO, your typical K12 science class is NOT inspirational.

>> No.4160556

> fuck up science
if someone can get and hold a research position the have to have contributed positively to a field. People can't "fuck up" science, to get a research position you must publish, to publish it must be good research. poor research is not published so their is no degradation.

You're on the wrong side. Outreach in science is required to ensure continued funding and uptake of science. You claim that this degrades the quality of scientists but you have only anecdotal evidence. And when confronted with the idea that very important people in science were inspired by popular science, you changed the definition of genius as if that makes a difference. The only measure of a scintillation is in the merit of their research, to say anything else is stupid.

>> No.4160597

>Would a genius trapped in a dark room for his whole life find inspiration towards science? No.
If they're intelligent they would be interest in science.

>You can't develop an interest in something without having some sort of exposure to it.
A simple wikipedia article and the realization of "oh yeah I can do this" is enough to be interested in science.

>And NO, your typical K12 science class is NOT inspirational.
But it should interest them enough to take a career in it if they're intellectuals. They would be wasting their intelligence otherwise.

>> No.4160601

But we don't need people of simple intellect to be plaguing up our field, a field that we EARNED and DESERVED. And layman terms and popsci just makes it more and more possible for idiots and simpletons to get into science without comprehending the complex nature of it, dumb down knowledge to allow even them a career in it, ruining it for us all. Science will be lost an intellectuals field of study.

>> No.4160611

I already explained how people can't fuck up science. You on the other hand have no evidence of it occurring.

>> No.4160612
File: 10 KB, 200x160, Elephant Seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you obviously need is a flock of simpletons to instead turn to religion and new-age 'science' so they can spread their influence and cause YOUR FUNDING TO BE CUT.

Because, you know, the simpletons are in the majority, so unless SOMEONE can assure them that science is a good thing and that they really do need it, the money currently spent on you WILL, at some point, be diverted into researching the healing power of someone who sings to crystals.

>> No.4160619

When you have simpletons populating science, it loses its value; simple economics.

We can just elect someone who has experience as a scientist to watch over which projects get funding or not. We don't need retards affecting anything we do, and we don't need popsci even existing.

>> No.4160625

>When you have simpletons populating science, it loses its value; simple economics.

someone cannot publish research without that research being correct. If the research is good it doesn't matter if you think they're stupid or not. Research is the only measure of a scientist.

>> No.4160627

>We can just elect someone who has experience as a scientist to watch over which projects get funding or not.

but this isn't how government works, what do you do then?

>> No.4160632

If they're stupid, they shouldn't be doing research at all, they don't deserve to be in science if they used popsci and laymen terms to get in. But they do, and they need to be expunged.

Then science is fucked forever, once again, but the retarded general public. Yet it's still not worth selling out to them.

>> No.4160633


>If they're intelligent they would be interest in science.

No? You don't just magically know about science. You are taught. Why do you think it has taken thousands of years to get where we are?

>A simple wikipedia article and the realization of "oh yeah I can do this" is enough to be interested in science.

I can read a wikipedia article on a huge amount of topics and realize "oh yeah I can do this". Does that mean I want to? No.

>But it should interest them enough to take a career in it if they're intellectuals. They would be wasting their intelligence otherwise.

A physics major and an art history major could both be equally intelligent. Yet they have different interests so they chose different fields to study.

I get the feeling that I'm arguing with an Aspergers patient so I am going to stop. You don't seem to have the ability to be able to understand anything but your own reasoning, which in itself is atypical and wrong. I'm done with you.

>> No.4160634
File: 76 KB, 380x265, happy_smithers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can just elect
With a minority?

>We don't need retards
No, but that's what you have as the voting majority.

>we don't need popsci even existing
Yeah, you never miss simple things like air, until it's gone and you're already fucked.

>> No.4160644
File: 90 KB, 374x370, Jodie Foster- Contact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still not worth selling out
"Let the world burn as long as I don't have to give up my ideals"
Ah, I see where the problem is, you're not actually being rational here, you're just a douche.

>> No.4160649

>If they're stupid, they shouldn't be doing research at all, they don't deserve to be in science

I think you have confused science with some sort of elitist club. Science is about research, if you can do that then you are a scientist. You're grasping at straws now, you can't show that science is degraded so you claim they don't "deserve" to be part of science. Science is a method and a goal, it doesn't matter who does it.

>> No.4160656

>No? You don't just magically know about science.
We all find out about it one way or another. We don't need inspiration, just simple interest.

>Why do you think it has taken thousands of years to get where we are?
Because researches of any kind are the most time consuming projects the human race is capable of.

>I can read a wikipedia article on a huge amount of topics and realize "oh yeah I can do this". Does that mean I want to? No.
Then that's just you, but there are others that want to.

>A physics major and an art history major could both be equally intelligent.
Art is for retards who think they are creative, but it's the lowest of the low, and does not deserve to be academic. And they'll never be intelligent enough to be comparable with physics or engineering, ever. They just get by because women think it's attractive and neat, the dumb bitches.

>Science is about research, if you can do that then you are a scientist
Science is also for the intelligent, no retards allowed. And not everyone should be allowed to do science, or even in it, it'll just devalue it. Feynman and Einstein weren't just people, they were above everyone in their field, and to suggest that anyone can do it is an insult to both science, them, and everyone worthy who has worked for it. Science will just end up being used up and devalued to mere silliness like philosophy.

>> No.4160657

Ad hominem.

>> No.4160673

>not that guy

>We all find out about it one way or another. We don't need inspiration, just simple interest.
>Then that's just you, but there are others that want to.
You are basing this all on you, your evidence is anecdotal and thus your conclusions worthless.

>Science is also for the intelligent, no retards allowed.
baseless statement.
> to suggest that anyone can do it is an insult to both science...
Another baseless statement. Science can't be insulted it isn't a thing.

>> No.4160674

It's not ad hom if it's true.

>> No.4160678

This guy is correct. The:
>"Let the world burn as long as I don't have to give up my ideals"
bit entirely sums up your position.

>> No.4160682

Anecdotal evidence is hearsay, which can only come from others, not one's self. There's no such thing as self-hearsay. Also, ad hominem.

>Science can't be insulted it isn't a thing.
Science can still be insulted, and when it is insulted, it means that all scientists are insulted.

It's still an ad hominem, ergo invalid and irrelevant.

>> No.4160692

I fucking cried at the end.

>> No.4160695

i didnt think i could cry, i only teared throughout. But the end was killer..

>> No.4160699

"confirmation bias" would work so much better here than "anecdotal."

>> No.4160705


>Science can still be insulted

Demonstrate it.

>and when it is insulted, it means that all scientists are insulted.

Demonstrate it.

>It's still an ad hominem, ergo invalid and irrelevant.

It explicitly explains that you are biased and that you sweepingly generalize like an idiot to keep yourself rooted in your unrealistic beliefs and your intellectual inflexibility.

If you could ever prove that Science can be insulted, its greatest insult would be you, scum.

>> No.4160717
File: 37 KB, 675x372, macuser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invalid and irrelevant
>disregarding a conclusion based on feelings
How unscientific.
Like I said, it's not ad hom if it's true.

You yourself claimed that as long as you don't have to surrender in the face of reality, science can go and get fucked.

>> No.4160730

Again ad hominem, ergo incorrect and irrelevant. And an insult to a field would not be like a physical experiment, so it cannot be demonstrated like one per simple etiquette. And I'm an intelligent person that manage to do just find getting a position in an institute, I don't need to prove anything here, just want to pop retards away from this place and science altogether.

Ad hominems are personal attacks and/or attacks on credibility, they can be true, but it doesn't make them relevant. "Carl Sagan is a stoner" is an easy ad hominem against his work, it doesn't mean it's not true. HE just ruins science.

>> No.4160766

"We accepted the products of science; we rejected its methods."

When I red this, I shed a fucking tear.
The stupid people holding us back deserve to fucking die.

>> No.4160788

Dude, he has inspired thousands of people to become scientists...
How the fuck is "..letting the general public into it (science)" something bad? It is the greatest fucking thing a man can do, bringing our species forward.

>> No.4160805

It would be if were just letting the intelligent be inspired to science. But it allows idiots into it instead, ruining it for the rest of us. It should be one way, but sadly it's the other way.

>> No.4160812

and it's because of threads like this, that I retain the belief that /sci/ is the most betamale board on 4chan

funny too that before /r9k/ became what it's reputed to be now, you would constantly see such science elitism posts like itt before it slowly transitioned into constant whine fests about not getting laid. in fact, I dare say those whine fests started in regards to whining to not getting laid and misogyny. makes you wonder...

>> No.4160815

Idiots would never last through one of his books or videos.
That is what defines an idiot, intolerance for learning which results in endless stupidity.

>> No.4160816

>But it allows idiots into it instead
Prove it.

>> No.4160818

That is simply because in the future, betamales will be the new alphamales.
Why? Very simple.

90% of alphamales discard science in its whole and only look at what we have, not what we want to get.

>> No.4160820

Sadly that is not true. Because of laymen terms, popsci, and Sagan/Kaku faggotry, even idiots somehow manage to get into science far enough to work in it. Even my institute has hired such people who never got more than a bachelors, or got a masters and still can't explain what photons or how vibration speeds relate to states of matter. It's worse than you think, and we must be take care of it soon.

>> No.4160821

>Prove it.

>> No.4160824

Wrongly put.
If betamales = scientist, THEN they will become the new alphamales.
Why haven't this already happened?
Politics, religion, stupidity, greed, it has all cursed us.

>> No.4160828

I'd like to hear a valid explanation of this aswell.
If poster does not have one, GTFO of /sci/ and return to the depths of /b/ you faggot.

I am samefag as:

>> No.4160832

/sci/ is not academia. /sci/ does not publish. /sci/ is not peer reviewed and has no application process.
You haven't proved popsci lets idiots into science.

>> No.4160835

I hate working and studying in science because people like >>4159814, >>4159832, >>4159850, >>4159870, >>4159916, >>4160597, >>4160633, and >>4160656 are fairly common in it. Can't walk down a damn hall without at least seeing one person like this, makes you feel bad for even choosing to go into this field. It also makes the "academia is all about egos" saying all the more true. Just hoping to be able to work with more humble people in the end, but each chance I get just brings me to the same shits like this that I often wonder if they even exist, or I'm just unlucky. :(

>> No.4160836

"Even my institute has hired such people who never got more than a bachelors, or got a masters and still can't explain what photons or how vibration speeds relate to states of matter."

How does that matter if your institute relates to something entirely different?
And it sound like those people are the ones doing the slave work, making the real scientists more effective.

But if this isn't true, I'm concerned aswell.

>> No.4160838

You wanted someone to prove that idiots get into science, not popsci, and /sci/ is certainly proof that retards like the guy you keep arguing with (if what he says is true) got into it. The whole "does not publish, does not research" is just bulking up a no true scotsman.

>> No.4160841
File: 74 KB, 395x405, 4chan mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this thread is mad

>> No.4160843

They're not doing any more slave work than the higher ups here, and they also managed to get hire positions than those of us that have been working our asses to get where we are, which makes it even more concerning and more a threat and more aggravating.

>> No.4160844

What is everyones problem about scientists that has actually inspired people and made themselves famous for leading our species forward?

I'm confused by your failing logic /sci/...

>> No.4160848

>/sci/ is not academia.
What!? That's all this board is. College this and college that. That's our general population: 16 - 24-year-olds doing or studying science and engineering.

>> No.4160850

Ok, I really understand your concern then.

Shit, I didn't think things would be so shitty...

>> No.4160852

so you're buttmad about someone you consider to be stupid actually being a better researcher than you?

>> No.4160853

Mainstreaming it to people that'll destroy science and humanities attempt to progress even further basically.

>> No.4160856

No, just being allowed into it and cheating by using social connections instead of hard work, experience, and most importantly: intelligence.

>> No.4160857

undergrads are not publishing academics.

>> No.4160859

Thanks for including me in the agegroup <3
(I'm 17)

Don't worry, I won't ruin /sci/ and get into debates I don't know anything about. I know that is what you fear.

Most 16-19 yr olds on here are probably just lurking though...

>> No.4160860

I guess it's just reaching out to people that might not be the ones you want doing research... I think...

>> No.4160861

So you are mad at the management of your institution. that has nothing to do with the break down of science.

>> No.4160862

They're still in the field. And are there undergrad programs that don't make them publish works to get ahead in their field? Seriously? They're allowed to do that? That's fucked up.

>> No.4160869

It is a science institute, and not the only institute doing this, so everything it does is science related. It's bad enough to even let retards choose science as a university major, worse that they allow to get anywhere in it, worse that they give them degrees, worse that they're allowed to work in it without any intelligence whatsoever. It's a devaluation of an entire field. We should not let what happened to philosophy happen to science. Otherwise we will be fucked over as a species.

>> No.4160870
File: 154 KB, 213x117, 4chan and real world.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elitist asshole
More ad hom that is also true.
But I disagree on it being irrelevant.
Especially since your questionable personality seems to be the only thing attesting to the shittiness of science popularizers.

Pic related. Your relationship with the real world.

>> No.4160871

Its the same everywhere, undergrads are not expected to publish, even if they do its subject to peer review. so /sci/ has no relevance on the quality of publishing scientists.

>> No.4160872

By that logic, this board shouldn't even exist then.

>> No.4160874

>Its the same everywhere
Prove it (Eurofag colleges don't count).

>> No.4160876

I do not think this is true.

I just think some people get on the science train far too late, they probably wasted their years from 13 to 19 by drinking excessively and being put into schools that are fucking worthless from the very start.

I have 40% attendance, but I don't waste any time.
Almost every awake hour I devote to science or other activity stimulating my intellect (such as programming).
I can't imagine doing something else when our society has failed so fucking hard.

And no, I'm not a stupid programmer because it instantly becomes boring to me when I don't learn something new.
I think programming holds great potential in science, therefore my interest.

>> No.4160888

Thanks for promoting philosophy as something that actually holds potential, at least when it comes to develop society and common sense among idiots.

Alot of /sci/fags would need a large dose of it...

>> No.4160895

Can't really prove that something is not true everywhere can i now. The only evidence i have is from talking to people who did degree's elsewhere but i can't exactly quote that. if you care to give an example of somewhere undergrads are expected to publish fine.

Even if they are expected to publish its subject to peer review so bad research cannot be published.

>> No.4160896

>undergrads are not expected to publish
I was barred from getting my fucking ASSOCIATES if I didn't publish at least one paper, and this was community college. I was expected to do more for my bachelors, a lot more for my masters and PhD. 'Least I made a little gift buying money with said papers.

>> No.4160898

sure is /sci/ in here thinking science should be a secret club

>> No.4160901

Can we at least fucking report this thread already?

>> No.4160913

Indeed, this thread should put to an end for promoting science to become a closed institution.

>> No.4160927
File: 657 KB, 1020x1370, Logical Fallacies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Art is for retards who think they are creative, but it's the lowest of the low, and does not deserve to be academic. And they'll never be intelligent enough to be comparable with physics or engineering, ever. They just get by because women think it's attractive and neat, the dumb bitches.

From this statement, I can infer that you are a butthurt betamale. Furthermore, you are likely a virgin, or at least trapped in the depths of the "friend zone." A cuckold, if you will.

It was through fields like art & music that led to revolutions in medicine, physics, engineering, electronics, etc.

Leonardo DaVinci, as a painter (you know, one of those lowly art major fags) chopped up, dissected, and made detailed drawings of how the human body is built. This was all done so he could paint more realistic portraits. In the end, he pioneered the field of Anatomy. All so he could be a better faggoty artist, who in turn got laid more than you as a result.

Similar worthless artsy-type subhumans also gave us acoustics - the physics of sound, recording technology, film, technical drawings, architecture, and so on.

>> No.4160936

I have a framed photo of him above my computer. That's my opinion.

>> No.4160944

I hate who misuse this word, a cuckold is someone who fetishizes on the idea that they're partner is fucking someone else. Nothing about them that is pathetic, just odd. Someone who just gets cheated on constantly is simply a pathetic douche, and probably a terrible boyfriend/girlfriend.

>> No.4160971


In more traditional definitions, just someone whose partner is cheating, while they in turn aren't getting any; or just someone who can't get any in the first place. No sexually gratifying fetish attached.

Seemed more appropriate than "basement dwelling neckbeard," as this one sees enough daylight whilst traveling to & from university.

>> No.4160989

You're all gullible retards. None of these faggots are scientists. Real scientists are actually struggling to get people interested in what they're doing. You don't know how it feels when people expect you to be a magical wizard that can solve anything "if provided enough funding", because they didn't have a proper scientific education. Most scientists worth their names wish to raise society's general science awareness. I haven't met anyone willing to turn science into an elitist "sekret klub".

>> No.4160990

Looks like you have a nice shitstorm going on there, GTF back to /b/.

Most of your claims are entirely correct.
What you've missed is that we do not need artists to push science forward anymore, they've done their thing, now they are just useless for anything else than stupefying entertainment.

>> No.4161002

you must not work as a scientist because I come across such elitists in both academia and professionally. luckily they're not as outspoken until you gauge it out of them, nor are they that high up or significant people, mostly just do their work and get out. and mostly are undergrads.

funny thing is though they sometimes look like neckbeard aspies, and sometimes attractive and fit but come from a spoiled rich family. i guess this shit is conditioned into them one way or another

>> No.4161012

Of course they are fucking struggling.

Why? It is fucking simple.
You can't expect someone who barely took physics in high-school to be interested in your, compared to them, advanced science.
Their interest have to start somewhere.

Carl Sagan was a real scientist, but he was also a great inspirator, these are two seperate things.

I admire Carl Sagan for inspiring people to actually try to get into science. Those who fail and only become mediocre scientists are still far better than the average human for the development of our species.

His videos were not created for science, they were made to inspire people and get them into science. If every scientist attempted this, we wouldn't have a bitchy /sci/ complaining about endless human stupidity because humanity would agree with us and most people would know it, even if the case would be that no living human was left behind we would still criticize ourselves for being so fucking retarded.

I do not admire Carl Sagan much for his actual scientific work, but what he has done to inspire and open up peoples eyes is fucking amazing.

Can you all STFU now?

>> No.4161043

>I come across such elitists in both academia and professionally
Well, you rolled a natural 1. Sorry for you.

>> No.4161045

It's a shame that he never turned Super Sagan.

>> No.4161049

Yet it is those very same artists in all those varying fields that are still advancing the technology. While its primary purpose may be to churn out entertainment & operate the media industrial complex, that very same technology is still advancing the associated sciences.

For example, in the last few years, a musical microphone company (It was either Neumann or Sennheiser) developed a new stereo microphone designed to accurately mimic the way humans naturally hear (it actually looks like a mannequin head). Though it was primarily used for musical recordings, it was also applied to acoustics & noise safety studies, leading to newer breakthroughs in ear protection, etc. High-Def slow-motion cameras designed to capture really cool slow-motion movie action sequences have in turn led to better studies of fast moving objects, etc.

Though the end-product of movies like Avatar will do fuck-all to advance our science, the film/music/art geeks that build & apply the technology that drives that entertainment will continue to be a boon to science.

>> No.4161086

Good point, I was however referring to the "artists" that have never heard of the free market and competition. Not those who actually use the latest technology to create astonishing works. However, I find paintings and similar an extreme waste of time if not for the purpose of self-learning human anatomy to be applied in a more advanced field, such as 3D-modeling or animation.

I am somewhat of an 3D "artist" myself, if that would make sense to you. But I don't like using the word artist, because of the entirely justified stereotypes. I'm more of an 3D geek than an artist and my interest lies within the software, not within the results obtained by an artist that has simply learned extremely advanced ways of using this software that would be alot easier so achieve with some knowledge in how to actually use the software properly with it's latest time-saving features.

Now, I'm not rock-solid in my approach to what I've written above, so feel free criticize.

>> No.4161096

Why have I never heard this joke before

>> No.4161133

KAKU! What does the Scouter say about his power level!?


>> No.4161143
File: 342 KB, 1735x872, Bowman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A still more glorious dawn awaits.
Not a sunrise, but a galaxy-rise.
A morning filled with four hundred billion suns.
The rising of the Milky Way.

>> No.4161149

aw man whyd you have to make me feel

>> No.4161167

Because people here need to remember that humans have feelings and that we are at our most efficient when we work at something that we are passionate about.

>> No.4161174

"I can find in my undergraduate classes, bright students who do not know that the stars rise and set at night, or even that the Sun is a star." - Carl Sagan

I don't think he was an asshole, I think he was just disappointed.

>> No.4161175
File: 47 KB, 720x450, 197438_10150441827510447_672750446_17639706_3558731_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4161186

Fuck him for making me believe that humans would be able to travel faster than the speed of light some day.

Explore the universe my ass. Fuck you for getting my 12 year old hopes up carl.

>> No.4161192

Fantasize, it's your exaggerated reality. It's fun.
Traveling at the speed of light, it would seem like you're getting nowhere, so I prefer to use my imagination over the actual thing anytime.

>> No.4161196



>> No.4161213

he enjoyed nepotism

>> No.4161242

Lightspeed is plenty. Around the galaxy in under four hundred thousand years. To Andromeda in two million years.

Just two hundred million years to reach the Coma Wall.

>> No.4161277

be honest with me his is book worth a read ?
I am not a scientist but I am interested i this shit.

>> No.4161285

>> No.4161298


I highly recommend "The Demon-Haunted World". I just finished it, and I think it explains the scientific method rather, well. It has, by no means, made me an expert but it has introduced to me the idea of keeping an open mind, while remaining skeptical, and the advantages of critical thinking.

>> No.4161303

>>Art is for retards who think they are creative, but it's the lowest of the low, and does not deserve to be academic. And they'll never be intelligent enough to be comparable with physics or engineering, ever. They just get by because women think it's attractive and neat, the dumb bitches.

you get laid because your not a social retard you dont need to be intelligent,you don't need money and you don't need to be /fit/

>> No.4161377

Science is the rational process of understanding the world around you. The word "science" doesn't mean university tenure, or Nobel prize. When you do ANYTHING AT ALL that causes you to learn something new based on doing something you already know differently and observing the results, YOU ARE DOING SCIENCE. The most retarded of retards do science all the time. Science all up in this bitch.

BRB making breakfast, monitoring adjustments variables such as chemical composition (ingredients), heat, and time. Approximating the caloric intake and nutritional value of the finished experiment. HOSHIT SCIENCE OVERLOAD

>> No.4161439

ITT: hipsters.

>> No.4161451

He's my inspiration. much love.

>> No.4161472

He was great on Full House.

>> No.4161479

I don't get it, /sci/. This man was one of the greater astronomers of his time. Most of you who haven't read his books are ignorant and only know of his 4chan-reputation. Pathetic

Neil deGrasse Tyson is basically a modern Carl Sagan. If you like that "scientific" nigger, you are contradicting yourself not liking Sagan.

By the way, Sagan's gathering of support for a space telescope in the 80's is the whole reason Hubble is up there. Faggots.

>> No.4161483
File: 28 KB, 306x296, 1319693680607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what, so anti-intellectualism is cool now?

>> No.4161491
File: 25 KB, 480x270, Sumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti-intellectualism was better before these posers got in on it.

>> No.4161662

the only decent things on this thread are the "He never turned Super Sagan" and "KAKU! What does the Scouter say about his power level!?


>> No.4161675


>> No.4161682

Greentexting was better before posers like you got into it.

>> No.4161691

I don't really know him, never watched his show.
All I heard is that he smoked weed and this makes me dislike him.

>> No.4161696

To add more fuel to the fire: He also believed in evolution.

>> No.4161738

I think Cosmos is a pretty cool guy, eh disbeleives in religions and doesnt afraid of anything.

>> No.4161742

I heard he was a pedophile.

No, wait, that was Mr. Rogers.

>> No.4161752

He was indeed an asshole.

>> No.4161765

I remember when I first got into university. I asked my physics prof who his favourite scientist was, and he mentioned some obscure dude I had never heard of before. When he asked me the same question, I replied with 'Sagan'.

My prof said in response: "Sagan? Well he wasn't really a scientist. He was more of a science enthusiast"

>> No.4161770

Thereby killing all your enthusiasm for science.

>> No.4161861

>a hot chick at my U got into physics because of Sagan and Hawking.
>nailed her
>thanks Sagan and Hawking

>> No.4161868
File: 5 KB, 126x121, 1323232954337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a scientist
>nigga don't know bout my planetary science

>> No.4161893
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>> No.4161898


No? Oh wait it just feels like it because it's trollish as fuck

>> No.4161899

feynman didn't even attempt to populise it. i'd never heard of him before i browsed /sci/

>> No.4161904

>never heard of Feynman before browsing /sci/

Yeah, it's not like he has a ton of stuff named after him, no sir.

Looks like you are a science fan.

>> No.4161907

>"We accepted the products of science; we rejected its methods."

Wait whats the context of this line? because its a fucking awful idea. if anything it should be the other way round

>> No.4161915
File: 40 KB, 640x360, feynting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagan = lightweight, smoke-wise. Fucker would trip for hours off a few hits and not do it again for weeks. Now this guy, on the other hand...

>> No.4161927
File: 39 KB, 848x480, 1294886449011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go.

>> No.4161931


>> No.4161938

"Here we go"? That was a million fucking posts ago, and no one gave a shit. Here we go my ass.

>> No.4161949

The fact that /sci/ worships Carl Sagan above any other hilariously shows exactly how retarded it is.

He was a science populariser. Naturally /sci/'s only exposure to science is through TV, so their little brains get confused and they end up idolising the TV presenter.

And he was an asshole. Read about the time when he tried to sue Apple, it is hilarious asshole standard.

>> No.4161963

>The fact that /sci/ worships Carl Sagan above any other
So, you haven't actually read this thread?

>> No.4161970
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 1308775263414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo wazzup whiteys!

My name be Jerome. Im a real ghetto nigga straight up from bronx. IQ's be at 71 and my bitch be pregnant with her (kid ain't mine yo) number 5 child. One day I was watching the MTV's when the channels switched to some dude talkn' bout stars and shit and I was all: "nigga, shit's big". Anywayz after watching the cracker go on about stars i was hired at some school or something called "caltech". Bitches there ain't many, but yo I got myself so much bling this month I bought three shacks.

tl;dr what zealous hipsters actually believe

>> No.4161977
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1314050366837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> He thinks pop science is useless
Pop science needs science as much as science needs pop science.

>> No.4161994

There were the apple lawsuits.

There was the time he railed against Beavis and Butthead for corrupting the youth.

There was the time he thought his own scientific accomplishments were so good, he compared himself to Democritus.

He was definitely an asshole, despite the good work he did.

>> No.4161997

>he compared himself to Democritus

Who wasn't a scientist at all, so it pretty much fits.

>> No.4162002

There was that time when he raped and murdered a girl in 1990.

>> No.4162026

Sagan died in 1985, faggot. 0/10 troll.

>> No.4162035

> replies to obviously absurd comment
> aspie gets trolled hard
> '0/10 troll'

>> No.4162038

>implying his evil ghost isn't still haunting

>> No.4162079
File: 44 KB, 900x459, v30r7gbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replies to an obvious troll reply
>who's the one that really got trolled?

>> No.4162099

Sure you trolled him hard.

>> No.4162156


My bad, /sci/ usually falls for that shit. I am pleasantly surprised.