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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4159679 No.4159679 [Reply] [Original]

Alright scientits, here's the deal, I want money, LOTS of money, we're talking 500k to millions, so I need you nerds and your brains to tell me how to get that, and I better like the answers, or else it's your underwear on the flagpole at lunch break. And don't bother trying to tell on me, either.

>> No.4159682

Invent something useful, something that is going to be used for decades to come. Like Velcro or some shit

>> No.4159687

Rob a bank.

>> No.4159697

How do I mass produce and keep other dicks from stealing my invention and making it theirs/better?

>> No.4159716

Patents and shit

>> No.4159763

Wash dishes for very long.

>> No.4159790


>keep other dicks from making it better

Greedy fucks like you stand in the way of progress.

>> No.4159807

Start a business.

>> No.4159811


it doesn't have to be a new business, it can be like all the others. Just a bit cheaper or better or even just have a bigger ad in the yellow pages.

making a few million in business isn't all that difficult if you've got half a brain.

>> No.4159833
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Not OP here, but I'm wondering.

Starting a business is clearly the best financial idea. Would you rather be an employee, or an employer? For me, the answer has always been clear.

However, it seems prohibitively difficult to get into business. Any business where you're manufacturing something is going to need some capital, which means A) you waste several years of your life earning this money or B) investors rape you and steal your idea.

Service is feasible, but not something I'd like to get into. The only thing left seems to be the web- starting a website requires comparatively little money, and could be done by yourself (to start, at least).

But programming seems soul-crushingly dull. And fuck, I'd rather own some badass jet engine company than Facebook.

>> No.4159839

But I have no capital. Or credit to ask a bank for a loan. And I like my balls so I don't want to ask a Russian loan shark

>> No.4159845

service is the way to go.
yeah, you start off selling your own time at $125/hour, and you do stuff you don't want to do, but at that pay rate you can quickly hire others to do the work while you sit on 4chan and get paid.

all you need is a couple regular service contracts. The profit margin approaches 90% if you work, about 60% if you don't.

do good work and there's tons more waiting for you and your crew. I work in janitorial and industrial/environmental. I could start a new janitorial business in about a day, and have millions of dollars worth of work under contract in less than a month. There's a lot of demand in sectors nobody wants.

>> No.4159855

> I'd rather own some badass jet engine company than Facebook.

Whoa. No you don't. Nooo, you do not. I cannot even begin to imagine the financial possibilities to have access to all the personal information. And it only continues to grow. Not saying there's not billions in jet engines, but can you imagine the amount of labor and time needed?

>> No.4159856

>start a business


>> No.4159859

Forex day trader

>> No.4159875

get a government contract

>> No.4159893

Become an electrician. Continue a life long education to be big money and or become a contractor.

>> No.4159904
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Alright, not-OP here again.

My basic situation is that I'm nearing college application time. I've got really, really nice grades (shit-ton of APs, all A's, not a joke school), and I'll probably do pretty well on the SATs. Assuming that I can get into a decent school, what exactly do I want to be studying?

I don't doubt that there's tons of money to be made in service jobs that wouldn't even require a high school diploma, but given that I have the opportunity to acquire a good education, what should I be going into if I plan on starting my own business? I don't see how doing nuclear physics or some shit would help me unless I inherited a ridiculous bruce wayne fortune. engineering gets me right back into the problems of manufacturing.

should I just suck it up, go into business, and play the stock market or something to get on my feet?

>> No.4159924

ITT: businessfags

>> No.4159932

I'll tell you what I tell my son.

get the degree just in case, it never hurts to learn more.

if you need to you can make money in business, including trades and blue collar work.

personally I think anyone in any applied science should also get an MBA, but that's no substitute for experience.

>> No.4159952


But then where does that leave me? Either a scientist/engineer, employed by a business, or a successful business owner who isn't using any of the things he learned in college.

Not that learning for the sake of learning is a bad idea, but college is expensive.

Is there any way I can bring together starting a business, and a higher-level education?

>> No.4159966

Private practice medicine. And to go along with what >>4159932 said, most private practice doctors could use an MBA too.

>> No.4159973

many engineers and geologists start consulting and contracting firms. The more specialized your degree the less likely you'll be selling to a lot of people, but in many cases highly specialized workers sell to governments or other researchers.

almost any science can be sold to the public or to corporations or to governments. If there's employees doing some type of work there's also contractors doing it and getting paid more.

you're right though, in most cases once you make your millions you won't need to work in your field at all any more.

in that case you have a hobby, and science is a nice one.

the degree gets your foot in the door, a lot of technical work CAN'T be done by high school grads. It's also an excellent backup plan in case you suck at business, or when you inevitably fail because we all fail from time to time.

>> No.4159978


I've considered that, but the sheer time investment involved in become a practitioner of any kind is insane. I'd be 30 by the time I started making money.

And, beyond that, my goal isn't simply to get a lot of money and buy a mansion. I'd really like to start a business A) for the money, of course but also B) to have an engaging, competitive career. I'd really like something that could expand, and that I could continue to pursue throughout my life. I realize there's a minuscule chance of it becoming a multi-billionaire corporation, but I'd at least like to have the possibility.

In short- I'd rather be a captain of industry than a renowned neurosurgeon.

>> No.4159981

>I'd be 30 by the time I started making money.

this is going to happen no matter what course you pursue.

your 20's are for fucking up. Your 30's are for finally getting it right.

>> No.4159998

I do like this idea. What I'm afraid of, though, is being stuck in my science/engineering career for an extended period of time. I am well aware I'd start there, to get experience. But starting an independent research lab would still requires tons of money, and I see no reason why the government would give me a grant when there's probably a larger company with hundreds of employees and better equipment working on the same issue. We're beyond the era of "invent the lightbulb, become a millionaire". Any significant inventions are likely to be very complex and expensive. It seems impossible to get in at this stage on any kind of "tech" business, beyond software and website (even those are moving further out of reach every year).

>> No.4160025

How about getting a degree in something you actually like so you are emotionally happy instead of just financially satisfied. Then after a few years of experience start to set up a business that involves your field. I

>> No.4160034


The problem being, I could see most degrees I actually like being financially useless, or at least entirely incompatible with any entrepreneurial prospects

>> No.4160050

If you are going to start a business please make it something that benefits the world and not just your pockets. Seriously, /sci/. This world is in DESPERATE need of positive change and not another fucking janitorial janitorial service. Where is the glamour in things like that anyways? Benefit the world.

>> No.4160086
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Final thing, then I'm gone. Gotta sleep.

I have considered how I can better the world the most. We are truly nearing the time when people cease to die of old age voluntarily, so I can make long-term plans. I am not out to merely make money.

And, when it comes down to it, I feel like I can do a lot more for the world by running a successful business than I can be being yet another scientist in a lab.

I am not demeaning the contributions of these scientists in labs. They are responsible for almost all progress, and we owe them more than I could ever express. But the fact is, while I'm smart, there are plenty of people who are smarter. Not that that's a reason not to do something, but the fact is there's a legion of super-asians out there that could outperform me by in a research career.

What I think I do have is ambition, leadership skills, and a willingness to take risks that would lend itself well to entrepreneurship. And I feel like those strengths are ultimately rarer, and shouldn't be wasted.

I've considered politics, but I feel in our modern society the reach of a powerful businessman far exceeds that of a powerful politician.

This is why I'm so set on a "tech" business, and not merely a private practitioner or service business. If I were to be successful in creating such a business, I could use my wealth and influence to hire leagues of scientist, all of whom would likely be far more capable than I am. The net positive impact on the world would be magnitudes greater. This may be an overly-optimistic dream, but I'll be damned if I don't try.

I hope I've illuminated what my goals are in coming here, and that I hate the people who are only out to make money just as much as you do.

>> No.4160091

I have a venture that can help feed people and monetize generosity.

I need some startup funds though. Send me your bank account info

>> No.4160114
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>> No.4160126

a valid point, but I can benefit the world as a multimillionaire janitorial contractor far more than I can as a less-than-brilliant researcher.

though making my fortune cleaning offices has allowed me all the time and money I want to pursue my scientific interests, including research. I don't expect much to come of that.

as anon above pointed out, funds are needed to move things, and those of us with little talent and a lot of funds are useful as well.