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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4152021 No.4152021 [Reply] [Original]

It is July 14, 2013

You wake up to a startling newsreel playing on your television set.

A news reporter, mid-50's, is uttering the words "casualties have reached biblical levels."

Your eyes struggle at first to comprehend the words being presented on the headline, but then the blurriness subsides and you read:


What will the reaction on your face the very moment you realize what just happened?

>> No.4152028

My reaction will be the same as every time I browse /pol/. Scroll to the bottom of the page and go to /sci/. Oh look, it seems you've done the same!

>> No.4152030


>> No.4152035

There goes Iran.

>> No.4152040

Good thing winds are predominantly eastwardly.
Dammit, that's what I was going to say.

>> No.4152042
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'And nothing of value was lost'

Though I'd be surprised that they shipped it all the way over here instead of just driving it over to Israel.

Seems logistically illogical.

>> No.4152057

One nuclear bomb couldn't annihilate New York City.

>> No.4152081

Be glad that I live in Arkansas and watch some city-folk and sand niggers burn.

>> No.4152090

I'll be dead like everyone else important.

>> No.4152120

I see America has attacked its own citizens again..

>> No.4152131

fake! world ends in 2012

>> No.4152134
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my reaction?


>> No.4152137



Try targeting NYC with a B53.

>> No.4152138

"Sweet! Eight million less people who think you make a number plural by using an apostrophe!"

It would be my happiest hour.

>> No.4152147

> mfw all the news will be saying is IRAN IRAN IRAN since their Jewmasters will tell them to say it

America's foreign policy and actions have LONG merited a retaliatory nuclear strike. We deserve it. You'd have to be a fool to live in NYC or London, the top Jewcapitals of the world, which is where the strikes MUST occur.

>> No.4152148 [DELETED] 

They won't detonate it. They know we will hit them with everything we have.

They won't hit Israel, too. It's holy land to Muslims as well.

>> No.4152152

Imma be laughing when your precious chicago goes flat first.

>> No.4152156 [DELETED] 

>a lot of Jews


>> No.4152155

If ANYONE fires a nuke, the whole world is in deep shit.

>> No.4152162

I would personally prefer Los Angeles over New York.

Los Angeles is completely degenerate.

>> No.4152173

If we're going to put it to a vote I'd say Alabama.

pretty much any part of it.

>> No.4152182

> Imma be laughing when your precious chicago goes flat first.

Go ahead. I don't associate with any major city center. Chicago is just another place that needs to be nuked, as far as I'm concerned. DO IT.

> If ANYONE fires a nuke, the whole world is in deep shit.

Yeah, but the world is ALREADY in deep shit from the imperial warmongers in Washington DC, Jew York City, and London.

> nope

Oh, yes it does. London is a financial capital and as such it MUST have scads of filthy Jews hiding out inside it, just like rats, which is all that Jewbankers really are: VERMIN.

>> No.4152187

Look, a crazy person.

>> No.4152189

You're one racist son-of-a-bitch, aren't you?
This is a complete guess, but do you happen to be American? From the south perhaps, say... Texas?

>> No.4152197
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>mfw op's scenario happens

>> No.4152199

>And nothing of value was lost
Except one of the the capitals of the modern world, right?

>> No.4152203

trade the lives of 19million New Yorkers for 75million Iranians?

I guess, if they really want to.

>> No.4152214


thank fuck

>> No.4152216

> You're one racist son-of-a-bitch, aren't you?

No, just observant.

> This is a complete guess, but do you happen to be American? From the south perhaps, say... Texas?

Except for military training, I've never been to the south of the United States. Quite the northerner, here. I'm sure you now have some way of backpedaling out of your TOTAL FUCKING OWNAGE.

>> No.4152218

Oh look, another angsty teenager on /sci/.

>> No.4152220

Your views on Jewish people are ignorant and completely irrational.

>> No.4152234

Feel bad for the people that died

change channels

>video footage of iran being completely leveled by our nukes, no iranians survive

not too bad i guess

>> No.4152255

I would take my family to disney world
we went after the twin towers and there were about 10-12 people in the entire park

>> No.4152256

>scads of filthy jews

Nah, that's pretty anti-Semitic.

>Except for military training, I've never been to the south of the United States. Quite the northerner, here.

I was half-right, then. Good enough for me.

>> No.4152262
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mfw no new yourk

>> No.4152266

I bet you that you've never even been to Alabama.

>> No.4152270

I'd be dead.

in any final thought I have as the reality of the situation hits me, I would curse myself for not voting Paul, and wonder why the terrorists didn't do the world a favor and detonate L.A instead. Seriously, the whole city feels like a fucking home depot parking lot.

>> No.4152273

I vote LA. shit hole.

>> No.4152324

>capital of the modern world
It isn't even the capital of its own state

>> No.4152342


you guys think it would stop there? how long has iran been allied with russia/china? not to mention israel would be attacked soon thereafter and retaliate as well

for those suggesting los angeles, that's going down in the earthquake, unless nuke war doesn't get it first. sodom and gomorrah. check out the fault like maps of san francisco and LA. like the hand of god stretches out underneath each city

i suspect new york won't be first tho to be nuked.

i'm thinking paris <shrug>

>> No.4152344


*fault line

>> No.4152376 [DELETED] 

I'll be quite satisfied since the kike hordes in JY will be dead. Fuck yes, thank you God for answering my prayers.


>> No.4152446

implying that the PoS missles from the 70's and 80's that iran has can compare to a US 60minute man or can best america's top of the line missle shields.

You don't just fucking launch a missle lol... shit would get shot down unless it was top of the range. USA still dominates militarily. Anything launched at the USA would be a suicide mission for the aggressor.. maybe Iran but not russia and certainly not china unless the US attacked first.

>> No.4152447

strong trolls today

>> No.4152453


it wouldn't be a missile; it would be more likely suitcase

as for china/russia; MAD doesn't allow for much circumspection; a suitcase bomb doesn't leave a country's signature, for example...new york, or whatever goes up in smoke, there will be retaliation, automatic or not; and it won't be long

i'd say at that point you have a week; to get to antarctica or wherever the fuck

RAND strategist Herman Kahn, collaborating with risk analyst Ian Harold Brown, proposed a "Doomsday Machine" in the 1950s that would consist of a computer linked to a stockpile of hydrogen bombs,
programmed to detonate them all and bathe the planet in nuclear fallout at the signal of an impending nuclear attack from another nation. The key aspect of the doomsday device's deterrent factor is
that it would go off automatically without human aid and despite human intervention, providing a highly credible threat that would dissuade attackers and avoid the dangerous game of brinkmanship that
brought the United States and the Soviet Union closer to nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis. With a doomsday device on the planet, neither side would suspect the other of launching a sneak
attack in attempt to destroy the opposing country's infrastructure before they could retaliate...

Widely read on both sides of the Iron curtain


>> No.4152468
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"Kahn's stated purpose in writing the book was 'avoiding disaster and buying time, without specifying the use of this time.' The title of the book is inspired by the classic volume On War, by Carl von Clausewitz."

>> No.4152481

I see even /sci/ is full of

>> No.4152490


I think it's only one or two guys...

most of /sci/ is reasonable enough

>> No.4152495

/sci/ is full of howler monkeys pretending to be baboons.

>> No.4152509

>The movies about this are going to be AWESOME

>> No.4152539


I would play this and dance to the end of the human race.

>> No.4152550


>implying I don't have pokerface 24/7

>> No.4152552

You already posted this on several boards.

>> No.4152559

"Finally, a reason to nuke all of those sand niggers into the stone age where they belong."

>> No.4152568

>It is July 14, 2012


>> No.4152575


>60minute man

You mean our hour man missiles?

>> No.4152633

Where in Arkansas? Texarkana fag here.

>> No.4152663

won't have a face. I leave there.

>> No.4152983

Hour man missiles kick ass.

>> No.4152991
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>> No.4152993

Well since I'm an Iranian I'll be invading by the time this gets on the news.

>> No.4152995

I'd have mixed feelings. Impossible to know what would happen in the next 2 weeks - it may give humanity the push that it needs, but that push could very well break it's back.

>> No.4153017

>shit would get shot down
Newsflash: the US antimissile systems have usually proven around 40-80% reliable. In tests, where the controllers knew they would need to shoot shit down.

In a real situation, the reliability could be less.

>> No.4153022

7/14 will be an inside job

>> No.4153034
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>> No.4153058

Iran is a rather cool guy. Capturing drones and making nukes, despite massive assassination and what-not campaigns against them and everything. If Islam can do science so well it's clearly the superior, more orderly system.