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4151248 No.4151248 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate psychology?
I mean they do experiments and use statistics to valdiate their hypotheses, doesnt that make them a "real science"?

>> No.4151280

Its a baby science at the moment, but even when it fully develops it's study more artsy than other science. They less pure the more retarded.

>> No.4151298

Because it's mostly subjective trash, and rarely helps anybody any more than talking about your problems does.

For example: If I was molested as a child, and end up with some completely messed up sexuality because of it, what can a psychologist do to help me?

What can a psychologist do to get the voices out of a schizophrenics head? To change the mind of a rapist or a serial killer?

What can they do to fix common things like depression?

Why not just differ their useless job to a doctor, pharmacist, and prostitute instead of picking and choosing all the worst attributes of those jobs and making it a career?

They make wild guesses instead of a doctors well honed experience, they know an extremely limited amount about drugs, unlike a pharmacist, and they won't even fuck you, unlike a hooker. Terrible line of work.

>> No.4151304

Wow you sound like the retards who say whats the point of cern. It has no practical purpose.

>> No.4151305

I'm a senior psych major. The reason why psychology will never enjoy the ranks of hard sciences is because the nature of the experiments that psychologists perform. The problem with psychology is that you can't control for extraneous variables. There's almost always some sort of confound in the experiments and psychologists like to make shit up and use bullshit stats to get paid because being a psychologist pays shit money unless you are a psychiatrist. So not only is psychology doomed to be a soft science, it's also tainted by frauds. So why am I majoring in psychology? Psychiatry.

>> No.4151319


What I just read was embarrassing. It's embarrassing because it is so dreadfully inaccurate. You really need to learn more about psychology before you spread anymore misinformation. You didn't even answer the actual crux of OP's question.

>> No.4151326

But isn't the issue that psychology is still new and so the issue with extraneous variables is still new and methods of tackling this (along with better statistcal methods) will fix it. Just like with medical research there's so many issues you just need a big enough sample set and enough biology/chemistry for a decent base.

I'm a math student btw.

>> No.4151327
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were you scorned by a psychologist?

>> No.4151331


Cern has a practical purpose. Knowing about the structure of existence allows manipulation of those structures, providing a foothold for materials science.

Psycology is all guesswork and useless venting that puts marks on your medical and personal records for admitting your problems and seeking help. It's worse than doing nothing.

I'll be glad when neuroscience puts them out of business.

>> No.4151335

Most psychologists don't write papers in journals, they publish books. This should be all you need to know to understand that psychology isn't a real science.

>> No.4151337



Going to a psychologist for depression makes you a liability for getting health insurance.

>> No.4151338

>implying there is anything objective in this world

>> No.4151339


>> No.4151342

>Neuroscience puts them out of business.
This is like saying physicists will put chemists out of business.

I think you don't even understand what psychology is. Its the study of human behaviour. Not actually talking to someone. Psychologists study things like nature vs nurture.
And yes but again this is because its a new science.

>> No.4151356

>has never had to study psychology

>> No.4151359
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ITT: People who think Psychology is just clinical psychology and Freudian psychodynamics.
While I will admit that the better end of Psychology is mixed with another discipline (Neuroscience) other divisions such as IO Psychology have real world applications.

>> No.4151368

That's not true. if a new field suddenly sprang up in the physical or proper biological sciences then a journal or several would be made for it and researchers would utilise that journal to publish papers on their research and findings. They wouldn't shy away from journals and try to self publish their results in books to generate pop-science revenue.

>> No.4151380

No but just because you can predict the underlying behaviour (neuroscience) doesn't mean that you can properly apply it to larger situations. At least not without impossibly powerful computers and perfect models.

>> No.4151383


Psychiatry (MD)


>> No.4151384

>Citation or you are proving to be what you are claiming psychology to be.

>> No.4151386


Ah, maybe I was blinded by my hate for psychiatry.

psychology isn't that bad. Psychiatrists can burn in a fire.

>> No.4151391

Surprisingly enough, no there has not been a study conducted on the numbers of papers in journals submitted by prominent psychologists relative to the number of books published by them which I can cite for you. I am telling you that if you ever have to study psychology that you will find this to be the case.

>> No.4151398

Which means you are using an argument for which you can provide nothing but anecdotal evidence. You shouldn't be here giving the hard science speech. Go away.

>> No.4151394

i get the feeling that most people who really hate psychology have psychological issues and don't want to deal with them, their poor attitude to psychology is like a defense mechanism. i guess i could be wrong, but if i was i'd have trouble understanding what their actual problem is.

>> No.4151418

An argument that is relatively easily verifiable by yourself, should you ever decide that you might want to actually study psychology a bit before you take on the task of judging whether or not it is a hard science.

>> No.4151460

hey man. i know it's important to you to keep on replying but it's clear that you are a fag and that you got told. so just do what the guy said and fuck off.

>> No.4151533

[citation needed]

>> No.4151542

Thank you. I just stopped bothering. Glad someone saw a bro getting attacked by plebrage and helped out.

>> No.4151552

because the dsm reads like an astrological sign chart.

because their diagnoses, while sometimes accurate, are often times not. when they are right, they have no neurological basis for it being right. for instance, is a person with depression 'cured' by weak amphetamine salts (adderal) or are they not depressed because they have an extra dose of dopamine in their brains?

the fact is, since we don't have the answer to what makes us conscious, or the answer to what causes most if not all mental illnesses, everything that claims to know is met with heavy scepticism. however, psychologists act like they are a part of a science which has transcended very primitive and often non-conclusive studies, which it has clearly not, and will not for a long time (until neuroscientists get their shit in gear).