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File: 99 KB, 640x640, radio_broadcasts_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4144078 No.4144078 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is this picture right?

Hasn't radio only been around 118 years, been woefully underpowered?

Forget that ... isn't it just unintelligible static in the background of space now considering terrestrial transmitters are still garbage and omnidirectional?

I remember watching a SETI online lecture (yes I realize anyone who has standards just closed this thread) and I was under the impression it would take observers huge planet sized telescopes to even discern a terrestrial broadcast from background noise.

>> No.4144105

>garbage and omnidirectional
Well its not like we're trying to design them to send signals into deep space.

>> No.4144113

Oh I dunno, I imagine Lurr of Omicron Persei 8 watching Single Female Lawyer on his couch while beating his wife in 1000 years to be real.

>> No.4144117

It's possible some aliens are very interested in radio astronomy (for reasons of survival or curiosity) and have seeded their whole system with an array of networked receivers.

Besides, that pic doesn't say
"Extent of Intelligible Human Radio Broadcasts". It doesn't mention anything about the information content.

>> No.4144138

Its only safe to say our radio signals have gone as far as say since Arecibo was around (or any high energy transmitter designed for deep space broadcast).

Unless aliens had a receiver the size of a small sun, they aren't going to pick up any radio signals (such as those first sent out in the 1940's) because of the huge distance and decay of intensity.

>> No.4144155

hey retard. radio waves traveled 118 years in one direction, and also 118 years in the exact opposite direction. what does that add up to?

>> No.4144201

I know what a sphere is the math is off by decades.

>> No.4144232


118 + 118 = 236

You're right it's almost 4 decades underestimating.

>> No.4144257

Teh aliens can not hear your desperate cries for attention, Earthlings. And they don't want to buy Chesterfield cigarretes.