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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4143964 No.4143964 [Reply] [Original]

why can americans take basic algebra classes at uni? that shit should be taught in middle school

Here the lowest math class you can often take is advanced calculus.

>> No.4143966
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>> No.4143968

Because we're too busy taking business admin classes and being rich, sorry :\

>> No.4143970
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>> No.4143971

>We teach real analysis right when you get into college here in Tealand, fucking burgerfags.

No, you really really don't.

>> No.4143977

Because some people (who probably didn't do so well in high school) need to take lower level math classes so they can eventually reach higher ones. Why would you deprive them of that?

>> No.4143978

I go to a community college and am taking a calculus class and we're allowed to use our textbooks, the internet, whatever during tests. So fucking cool

>> No.4143980
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i majored in pottery, man.

>> No.4143981

Might have to do with the way their unis don't give students proper direction, probably in the name of freedom or some shit. You know, how they first enroll and THEN pick a major, essentially wasting a year doing worthless shit..Due to this I bet people with improper background for say physics need to be able to take these basic classes to get up to speed.

>> No.4143984
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oh boy here we go

>> No.4143986

The hilarious thing about America is that kids like >>4143978
still get the same credit as someone taking calculus at MIT.

>> No.4143991

Because our school system is incredibly variable. Depending on where you live and what school you went to can completely change the set of classes you took in school.
I tested into calculus 2 in uni but I went to a public school that prided itself on college prep.
Some people go to (usually poorer) schools and barely make it through basic arithmetic because of inadequate funding and a lack of emphasis on college preparation. It's really dumb to look down upon them simply for not having the tools that other students don't.
But there are also lazy dumb people, but not ALL OF THEM ARE like /sci/ likes to believe.

>> No.4143994

*other students do

>> No.4144008

It's because they're from amurrica

>> No.4144010

I had a bunch of bs go on in high school and barely graduated. Started out at community college doing algebra and am now two terms from a math degree. Circumstances bro, circumstances.

>> No.4144015

nope, i don't think you're smart enough

>> No.4144019

They wouldn't call it advanced calculus if it was the starter class now would they? They'd call it college calculus or something.

>> No.4144020

>Finishes Algebra in middle school
Okay, nothing that special but actually pretty good.
>Still needs Calculus in college.
Wait, what?

>> No.4144025
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> PHD in Mathematics from community college
> Any drugs I want
> -200K ending

>> No.4144034

Huh, didn't you understand what the OP was saying?

They already know calculus before they enter college. This is the case in most western european countries

>> No.4144046

When I was in High School, I was beat up daily by bullies, so I couldn't focus. It didn't help that the teacher for math was so boring, and talked about retarded stuff like his trip to the grand canyon and tried to relate it to math. And it didn't help that when I told the teachers, the dean of students, and my parents that I got my ass handed to me every day, they did nothing. They said "just ask them to stop" So I did, and my ass was handed to me even harder. So I took a knife to school, got found out, got suspended... and dropped out of high school.

my point being: Public school is shit in the USA (at least it was when I was a teen) it was like 14 years ago.

when I went to college to get my GED my teacher was energetic, happy, exciting, the math was easy to learn, the students were nice and helpful. I was popular in College.

I obtained my GED, and to this day, I've forgotten all of my maths except adding and subtracting hahaha.

>> No.4144387

cool story bro

>> No.4144414

I was taught Calculus in high school, and again in college. Because high school credits don't transfer to college.

>> No.4144459

In Australia if you do Basic Maths classes in HS you don't do Calculus I don't think (Anyone knows different just say) but if you do the more advance Maths courses you learn Calculus.

Entry requirements to a lot of BS is Advanced Maths and either Chem or Physics and the easiest classes at my university that they teach in Maths is Calculus and Linear Algebra 1 and Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations. That said, you can do bridging courses at the university if you haven't done it but I don't think it counts towards your degree.

>> No.4144494

In Maryland, algebra is taught in middle school, as well as geometry if you get that far (unfortunately many don't.) Then you get algebra 2, trig, precal and calculus in high school.

>> No.4144505

>I obtained my GED, and to this day, I've forgotten all of my maths except adding and subtracting hahaha.

I know this feel.

>> No.4144526


Because in America you get a lot of different reasons why people go to college. General LibArts schools are closer to community enrichment centers, because in general, Liberal Arts colleges have one or two specialized programs (Reed College has their undergrad-run nuclear reactor, Hunter College has an in-depth biochem program as well as the most competitive nursing program in the country) and the rest of it is kinda built around supporting those programs.

>> No.4144674
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>mfw private catholic school
>mfw in math I learn up to integral calculus
>mfw in physics I learn up to termodinamics and the basics of electromagnetism
>mfw in time, when I went to college my high school knowledge get me trough phys 1 and calc 1 effortless.